        public void FujiUserRepo_UserWhoHasntEatenAnyApplesReturnsCountOf_0()
            // Arrange
            IFujiUserRepository fujiUserRepo = new FujiUserRepository(_mockContext.Object);

            // Act
            Apple[] apples = new Apple[] {
                new Apple {
                    Id = 1, VarietyName = "MacBook", ScientificName = "Galus Indictus"
                new Apple {
                    Id = 2, VarietyName = "iPhone", ScientificName = "Poculum Relego"
                new Apple {
                    Id = 3, VarietyName = "iWatch", ScientificName = "Inflo Fugitivus"
            Dictionary <Apple, int> result = fujiUserRepo.GetCountOfSpecificApplesEaten(apples, new FujiUser {
                Id = 1

            // Assert
            Assert.That(result[apples[0]], Is.EqualTo(0));
            Assert.That(result[apples[1]], Is.EqualTo(0));
            Assert.That(result[apples[2]], Is.EqualTo(0));
        public void FujiUserRepo_AskingForWhichApplesEatenWhenSupplyingOnlySpecificApplesCorrectlyFiltersList()
            // Arrange
            // (not good to have logic in the arrange here, i.e. the _users.Where to select which user we're setting it up for
            // Could have hard-coded it in as element #2 of the list but that is fragile since we might edit that stub data
            // in the future and it could break the test for no good reason.

            IFujiUserRepository fujiUserRepo = new FujiUserRepository(_mockContext.Object);

            // Act
            Apple[] apples = new Apple[] {
                new Apple {
                    Id = 1, VarietyName = "MacBook", ScientificName = "Galus Indictus"
                //new Apple {Id = 2, VarietyName = "iPhone", ScientificName = "Poculum Relego" },
                new Apple {
                    Id = 3, VarietyName = "iWatch", ScientificName = "Inflo Fugitivus"
            Dictionary <Apple, int> result = fujiUserRepo.GetCountOfSpecificApplesEaten(apples, new FujiUser {
                Id = 2

            // Assert
            Assert.That(result.Count == 2);
            Assert.That(result[apples[0]], Is.EqualTo(1));
            Assert.That(result[apples[1]], Is.EqualTo(1));