public static Gen <Operation <ITcpServerSocketModel, ITcpServerSocketModel> > Generator()
                Func <int, IEventLoopGroup, Operation <ITcpServerSocketModel, ITcpServerSocketModel> > producer =
                    (s, e) => new ClientConnect(s, e) as Operation <ITcpServerSocketModel, ITcpServerSocketModel>;
                var fsFunc = FsharpDelegateHelper.Create(producer);

                return(Gen.Map2(fsFunc, Gen.Choose(1, 10), GenClientEventLoops().Generator));
            public static Gen <Operation <MembershipState, MembershipModel> > Generator(IEnumerable <Address> addresses)
                var statusGen = ClusterGenerators.MemberStatusGenerator().Generator;
                Func <Address, MemberStatus, Operation <MembershipState, MembershipModel> > generator =
                    (address, status) => new ChangeMemberStatus(address, status);

                var producer = FsharpDelegateHelper.Create(generator);

                return(Gen.Map2(producer, Gen.Elements(addresses), statusGen));
        public static Arbitrary <UniqueAddress> UniqueAddressGenerator()
            var gen1 = Arb.Default.Int32().Generator;
            var gen2 = AddressGenerator();

            // randomize both addresses and ports
            Func <int, Address, UniqueAddress> combiner = (uid, addr) => new UniqueAddress(addr, uid);
            var producer = FsharpDelegateHelper.Create(combiner);

            return(Arb.From(Gen.Map2(producer, gen1, gen2.Generator)));
        public static Arbitrary <Address> AddressGenerator()
             * In order to help guarantee collisions and duplicates in random tests, we hold all parts
             * of the address other than the port number constant.
            Func <IPAddress, int, Address> combiner = (address, i) => new Address("akka.tcp", "cluster", address.ToString(), i);
            var producer = FsharpDelegateHelper.Create(combiner);

            return(Arb.From(Gen.Map2(producer, Arb.Default.IPAddress().Generator, Gen.Choose(1, 65535))));