public static void DoCreateMdFiles(ILog log, FsPath workdir) { log.Info("Creating"); ResourceHandler.ExtractKnownFile(KnownFile.IndexMd, workdir.ToString(), log); log.Info("Creating"); ResourceHandler.ExtractKnownFile(KnownFile.SummaryMd, workdir.ToString(), log); }
private void InlineImage(FsPath file, RuntimeSettings settings, SKData data, string?extensionOverride) { string base64 = Convert.ToBase64String(data.ToArray()); string mime = Framework.Server.MimeTypes.GetMimeForExtension(file.Extension); string fnmame = file.ToString(); if (extensionOverride != null) { mime = Framework.Server.MimeTypes.GetMimeForExtension(extensionOverride); fnmame = Path.ChangeExtension(file.ToString(), extensionOverride); } string key = fnmame.Replace(settings.SourceDirectory.ToString(), settings.OutputDirectory.ToString()); settings.InlineImgCache.TryAdd(key, $"data:{mime};base64,{base64}"); }
public static SKData EncodeSvg(FsPath svgFile, int maxWidht, int maxHeight, SKEncodedImageFormat format = SKEncodedImageFormat.Png) { var svg = new SKSvg(); svg.Load(svgFile.ToString()); if (svg.Picture == null) { return(SKData.Empty); } SKRect svgSize = svg.Picture.CullRect; (int renderWidth, int renderHeight, float scale)sizeData = CalcNewSize(svgSize, maxWidht, maxHeight); var matrix = SKMatrix.CreateScale(sizeData.scale, sizeData.scale); using (SKBitmap bitmap = new SKBitmap(sizeData.renderWidth, sizeData.renderHeight)) { using (SKCanvas canvas = new SKCanvas(bitmap)) { canvas.DrawPicture(svg.Picture, ref matrix); canvas.Flush(); } using (SKImage image = SKImage.FromBitmap(bitmap)) { return(image.Encode(format, 100)); } } }
public void Upload(FsLocalPath src_path, FsPath dest_path, FileUploadParameters parameters) { this.RestClients.FileSystemClient.FileSystem.UploadFile( this.Account.Name, src_path.ToString(), dest_path.ToString(), parameters.NumThreads, parameters.Resume, parameters.Overwrite, parameters.UploadAsBinary); }
public void SetFileExpiryAbsolute(StoreAccount account, FsPath path, System.DateTimeOffset expiretime) { var ut = new FsUnixTime(expiretime); var unix_time = ut.MillisecondsSinceEpoch; this.RestClient.FileSystem.SetFileExpiry(account.Name, path.ToString(), ExpiryOptionType.Absolute, unix_time); }
public void RunStep(RuntimeSettings settings, ILog log) { log.Info("Creating epub file from contents..."); FsPath output = settings.OutputDirectory.Combine("book.epub"); FsPath input = settings.OutputDirectory.Combine("epubtemp"); output.WriteFile(log, ""); string[] files = input.GetAllFiles().Select(f => f.ToString()).ToArray(); int removeLength = input.ToString().Length + 1; using (var fs = File.Create(output.ToString())) { using (var zip = new ZipArchive(fs, ZipArchiveMode.Create)) { //note: 1st entry is mimetype. It must not be compressed for correct epub export zip.CreateEntryFromFile(files[0], GetEntryName(files[0], removeLength), CompressionLevel.NoCompression); for (int i = 1; i < files.Length; i++) { zip.CreateEntryFromFile(files[i], GetEntryName(files[i], removeLength), CompressionLevel.Optimal); } } } }
public FsAcl GetAclStatus(StoreAccount store, FsPath path) { var acl_result = this.RestClient.FileSystem.GetAclStatus(store.Name, path.ToString()); var acl_status = acl_result.AclStatus; var fs_acl = new FsAcl(acl_status); return(fs_acl); }
public static FsPath Combine(FsPath left, FsPath right) { if (right.IsRooted) { throw new System.ArgumentException(nameof(right)); } if (left.EndsWithSeparator) { var p = new FsPath(left.ToString() + right.ToString()); return(p); } else { var p = new FsPath(left.ToString() + "/" + right.ToString()); return(p); } }
public string Generate(IArguments arguments) { var file = new FsPath(arguments.GetArgumentOrThrow <string>("file")); _log.Info("Trying to execute {0}", file); var nodeProgram = ProcessInterop.AppendExecutableExtension(processName); string?programPath = ProcessInterop.ResolveProgramFullPath(nodeProgram); if (programPath == null) { _log.Warning("{0} was not found on path.", processName); return($"{processName} was not found on path"); } StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder(16 * 1024); script.AppendLine(SerializeHostInfo()); script.AppendLine(file.ReadFile(_log)); var temp = new FsPath(Path.GetTempFileName()); temp.WriteFile(_log, script.ToString()); var(exitcode, output) = ProcessInterop.RunProcess("node", temp.ToString(), ScriptTimeOut); if (temp.IsExisting) { File.Delete(temp.ToString()); } if (exitcode != 0) { _log.Warning("Script run failed. Exit code: {0}", exitcode); _log.Detail("Script output: {0}", output); return($"Script run failed: {temp}"); } else { return(output); } }
public void Document(FsPath assembly, FsPath xmlFile, FsPath outputDir) { IEnumerable <Type> documentableTypes = GetDocumentableTypes(assembly); XElement documentation = XElement.Load(xmlFile.ToString()); foreach (var type in documentableTypes) { _log.Info("Documenting type: {0}", type.FullName); DocumentType(type, documentation, outputDir); } }
public void FSPath_Constructor_Root() { var p0 = new FsPath("/"); Assert.AreEqual("/", p0.ToString()); var p1 = FsPath.Root; Assert.AreEqual("/", p1.ToString()); Assert.AreEqual(p1.ToString(), p1.ToString()); }
public void FSPath_Constructor_Combine_Unrooted() { var p0 = new FsPath("test"); var p1 = p0.Append("foo"); var p2 = p0.Append("foo/bar"); Assert.AreEqual("test", p0.ToString()); Assert.AreEqual("test/foo", p1.ToString()); Assert.AreEqual("test/foo/bar", p2.ToString()); Assert.IsFalse(p0.IsRooted); Assert.IsFalse(p1.IsRooted); Assert.IsFalse(p2.IsRooted); }
public static void DoCreateConfig(ILog log, FsPath ConfigFile, bool createdmdFiles, bool extractedTemplate, bool createdScript) { Config configuration = Config.CreateDefault(Program.CurrentState.ConfigVersion); if (createdmdFiles) { configuration.Index = ""; configuration.TOCFile = ""; } if (createdScript) { configuration.ScriptsDirectory = "Scripts"; } if (extractedTemplate) { configuration.TargetEpub.TemplateFile = EpubTemplateLocation; configuration.TargetPrint.TemplateFile = PrintTemplateLocation; configuration.TargetWeb.TemplateFile = WebTemplate; configuration.TargetWeb.TemplateAssets = new List <Asset> { new Asset { Source = "Templates\\Assets\\prism.css", Target = "Assets\\prism.css" }, new Asset { Source = "Templates\\Assets\\prism.js", Target = "Assets\\prism.js" } }; } log.Info("Creating config file: {0}", ConfigFile.ToString()); ConfigFile.SerializeJson(configuration, log); }
private List <string> ReadStopWords(FsPath stopwordsFile) { string? line = null; List <string> results = new List <string>(100); using (var textreader = System.IO.File.OpenText(stopwordsFile.ToString())) { do { line = textreader.ReadLine(); if (line != null && !line.StartsWith("#")) { results.Add(line); } }while (line != null); } return(results); }
public static void CleanDirectory(FsPath outputDirectory, ILog log) { DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(outputDirectory.ToString()); if (!di.Exists) { log.Warning("Directory doesn't exist: {0}", outputDirectory); return; } foreach (var file in di.GetFiles()) { log.Detail("Deleting: {0}", file); file.Delete(); } foreach (var dir in di.GetDirectories()) { log.Detail("Deleting: {0}", dir); dir.Delete(true); } }
public IEnumerable <FsFileStatusPage> ListFilesPaged(AdlClient.Models.StoreAccountRef account, FsPath path, FileListingParameters parameters) { string after = null; while (true) { var result = RestClient.FileSystem.ListFileStatus(account.Name, path.ToString(), parameters.PageSize, after); if (result.FileStatuses.FileStatus.Count > 0) { var page = new FsFileStatusPage(); page.Path = path; page.FileItems = result.FileStatuses.FileStatus.Select(i => new FsFileStatus(i)).ToList(); yield return(page); after = result.FileStatuses.FileStatus[result.FileStatuses.FileStatus.Count - 1].PathSuffix; } else { break; } } }
public IEnumerable <FsFileStatusPage> ListFilesPaged(StoreAccount store, FsPath path, ListFilesOptions options) { string after = null; while (true) { var result = RestClient.FileSystem.ListFileStatus(store.Name, path.ToString(), options.PageSize, after); if (result.FileStatuses.FileStatus.Count > 0) { var page = new FsFileStatusPage(); page.Path = path; page.FileItems = result.FileStatuses.FileStatus.Select(i => new FsFileStatus(i)).ToList(); yield return(page); after = result.FileStatuses.FileStatus[result.FileStatuses.FileStatus.Count - 1].PathSuffix; } else { break; } } }
public void SetAcl(StoreAccount store, FsPath path, IEnumerable <FsAclEntry> entries) { var s = FsAclEntry.EntriesToString(entries); this.RestClient.FileSystem.SetAcl(store.Name, path.ToString(), s); }
public void RemoveDefaultAcl(StoreAccount store, FsPath path) { this.RestClient.FileSystem.RemoveDefaultAcl(store.Name, path.ToString()); }
public ContentSummary GetContentSummary(StoreAccount store, FsPath path) { var summary = this.RestClient.FileSystem.GetContentSummary(store.Name, path.ToString()); return(summary.ContentSummary); }
public void ModifyAclEntries(StoreAccount store, FsPath path, FsAclEntry entry) { this.RestClient.FileSystem.ModifyAclEntries(store.Name, path.ToString(), entry.ToString()); }
public FsFileStatus GetFileStatus(StoreAccount store, FsPath path) { var info = RestClient.FileSystem.GetFileStatus(store.Name, path.ToString()); return(new FsFileStatus(info.FileStatus)); }
public void Create(StoreAccount store, FsPath path, System.IO.Stream streamContents, CreateFileOptions options) { RestClient.FileSystem.Create(store.Name, path.ToString(), streamContents, options.Overwrite); }
public void Move(StoreAccount store, FsPath src_path, FsPath dest_path) { this.RestClient.FileSystem.Rename(store.Name, src_path.ToString(), dest_path.ToString()); }
public void Concat(StoreAccount store, IEnumerable <FsPath> src_paths, FsPath dest_path) { var src_file_strings = src_paths.Select(i => i.ToString()).ToList(); this.RestClient.FileSystem.Concat(store.Name, dest_path.ToString(), src_file_strings); }
public System.IO.Stream Open(StoreAccount store, FsPath path) { return(this.RestClient.FileSystem.Open(store.Name, path.ToString())); }
public System.IO.Stream Open(StoreAccount store, FsPath path, long offset, long bytesToRead) { return(this.RestClient.FileSystem.Open(store.Name, path.ToString(), bytesToRead, offset)); }
public void Mkdirs(StoreAccount store, FsPath path) { var result = RestClient.FileSystem.Mkdirs(store.Name, path.ToString()); }
public void SetOwner(StoreAccount store, FsPath path, string owner, string group) { this.RestClient.FileSystem.SetOwner(store.Name, path.ToString(), owner, group); }
public void Delete(StoreAccount store, FsPath path, bool recursive) { var result = RestClient.FileSystem.Delete(store.Name, path.ToString(), recursive); }