private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AttackDetails _Atk_details = new AttackDetails(); _Atk_details.LoadFromSettings(); _Atk_details.Owner = "Reflector"; _Atk_details.Payload = GetPayload(); Notify(""); Thread.Sleep(100); // allow user to customize Attack if (checkBox_Adv.Checked) { FrmAttackPrefix a = new FrmAttackPrefix(_Atk_details); if (a.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { _Atk_details = a.Curent_atack_Dtals; } else { return; } } _Atk_details.URL = TxbxUrl.Text; if (Rb_Multi.Checked) { if (_Atk_details.UseAdvInjection == false || _Atk_details.Payload == "") { _Atk_details.Payload = Payloads.GetPayload(Payload_.string_); } __HTTTPAttack_ at = new __HTTTPAttack_(); at.Payload = _Atk_details.Payload; at._Url = _Atk_details.URL; at.SetTargetedHeaders(this.multi_headers); at.owner = _Atk_details.Owner; lbl_all_statue.Text = at.Attack_All_Headers()?("Vulnerable" + Payloads.Percent(at.Payload)):"Not vulnerable"; if (at.HasError) { lbl_all_statue.Text = "Error " + at.Message; } lbl_all_code.Text = at.statueCode; lbl_hint_all.Text = at.Message; lbl_hint_all.Visible = true; AddAttackToList(at); __MultidAttack = __HTTTPAttack_.Copy(at); this.Notify(at.Summary(), 3000); } else if (RB_X_Forwarded_For.Checked) { if (_Atk_details.UseAdvInjection == false || _Atk_details.Payload == "") { _Atk_details.Payload = Payloads.GetPayload(Payload_.ip); } _Atk_details.Target = "X-Forwarded-For"; _____ATTACK___(_Atk_details, ref lbl_XforwardedFor_statue, ref lbl_Xforwarded_Code, ref _lnklbl_XForwardedFor_Details, ref lbl_hint_xf, "xf"); // // } else if (RB_Referer.Checked) { if (_Atk_details.UseAdvInjection == false || _Atk_details.Payload == "") { _Atk_details.Payload = Payloads.GetPayload(Payload_.url); } _Atk_details.Target = "Referer"; _____ATTACK___(_Atk_details, ref lbl_Referer_Statue, ref lbl_Referer_code, ref _lnklbl_Referer_Details, ref lbl_hint_referer, "ref"); // // } else if (RBCookie.Checked) { if (_Atk_details.UseAdvInjection == false || _Atk_details.Payload == "") { _Atk_details.Payload = Payloads.GetPayload(Payload_.cookie); } _Atk_details.Target = "cookie"; _____ATTACK___(_Atk_details, ref lbl_Cookie_statue, ref lbl_Cookie_code, ref _lnklbl_Cookie_Details, ref lbl_hint_cookie, "c*k"); // // } else if (rbUserAgent.Checked) // user agent { if (_Atk_details.UseAdvInjection == false || _Atk_details.Payload == "") { _Atk_details.Payload = Payloads.GetPayload(Payload_.string_); } _Atk_details.Target = "User-Agent"; _____ATTACK___(_Atk_details, ref lbl_useragent_statue, ref lbl_useragent_code, ref _lnklbl_useragent_Details, ref lbl_hint_agent, "ua"); // // } else if (rbCust.Checked) // cutome header { _Atk_details.Target = rbCust.Text; if (_Atk_details.UseAdvInjection == false || _Atk_details.Payload == "") { _Atk_details.Payload = Payloads.GuessPayload(_Atk_details.Target); } _____ATTACK___(_Atk_details, ref lbl_cust_statue, ref lbl_cust_code, ref _lnklbl_custom_Details, ref lbl_hint_Cust, "cus"); // // } Thread.Sleep(1000); CheckAttacksDetails(); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //MessageBox.Show("You havve downloaded the up to dated version :( it is under developing"); AttackDetails _Atk_details = new AttackDetails(); _Atk_details.LoadFromSettings(); // cookie ___user-agent ___auth foreach (Control cint in GPXResult.Controls) { if (cint is RadioButton) { if ((cint as RadioButton).Checked && Rb_Multi.Checked == false) { _Atk_details.Payload = Payloads.GuessPayload((cint as RadioButton).Text); } } } // editing attack details before launching if (checkBox_Adv.Checked) { FrmAttackPrefix a = new FrmAttackPrefix(_Atk_details); if (a.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { _Atk_details = a.Curent_atack_Dtals; } } _Atk_details.URL = TxbxUrl.Text; Thread.Sleep(100); if (Rb_Multi.Checked) { if (_Atk_details.UseAdvInjection == false || _Atk_details.Payload == "") { _Atk_details.Payload = Payloads.GetPayload(Payload_.string_); } __HTTTPAttack_ at = new __HTTTPAttack_(); at.Payload = _Atk_details.Payload; at._Url = _Atk_details.URL; at.SetTargetedHeaders(this.multi_headers); lbl_all_statue.Text = at.Attack_All_Headers()?("Vulnerable="):"Not vulnerable"; lbl_all_code.Text = at.statueCode; lbl_hint_all.Text = at.Message; lbl_hint_all.Visible = true; _AtacksList_.Add(lnklbl_all_Details.Name + this._AtacksList_.Count.ToString(), at); __MultidAttack = __HTTTPAttack_.Copy(at); } else if (RB_X_Forwarded_For.Checked) { if (_Atk_details.UseAdvInjection == false || _Atk_details.Payload == "") { _Atk_details.Payload = Payloads.GetPayload(Payload_.ip); } _Atk_details.Target = "X-Forwarded-For"; _____ATTACK___(_Atk_details, ref lbl_XforwardedFor_statue, ref lbl_Xforwarded_Code, ref lnklbl_XForwardedFor_Details, ref lbl_hint_xf, "xf"); // // } else if (RB_Referer.Checked) { if (_Atk_details.UseAdvInjection == false || _Atk_details.Payload == "") { _Atk_details.Payload = Payloads.GetPayload(Payload_.url); } _Atk_details.Target = "Referer"; _____ATTACK___(_Atk_details, ref lbl_Referer_Statue, ref lbl_Referer_code, ref lnklblReferer_Details, ref lbl_hint_referer, "ref"); // // } else if (RBCookie.Checked) { if (_Atk_details.UseAdvInjection == false || _Atk_details.Payload == "") { _Atk_details.Payload = Payloads.GetPayload(Payload_.cookie); } _Atk_details.Target = "cookie"; _____ATTACK___(_Atk_details, ref lbl_Cookie_statue, ref lbl_Cookie_code, ref lnklblCookie_Details, ref lbl_hint_cookie, "c*k"); // // } else if (rbUserAgent.Checked) // user agent { if (_Atk_details.UseAdvInjection == false || _Atk_details.Payload == "") { _Atk_details.Payload = Payloads.GetPayload(Payload_.string_); } _Atk_details.Target = "User-Agent"; _____ATTACK___(_Atk_details, ref lbl_useragent_statue, ref lbl_useragent_code, ref lnklbluseragent_Details, ref lbl_hint_agent, "ua"); // // } else if (rbCust.Checked) // cutome header { _Atk_details.Target = rbCust.Text; if (_Atk_details.UseAdvInjection == false || _Atk_details.Payload == "") { _Atk_details.Payload = Payloads.GuessPayload(_Atk_details.Target); } _____ATTACK___(_Atk_details, ref lbl_cust_statue, ref lbl_cust_code, ref lnklbl_custom_Details, ref lbl_hint_Ref, "cus"); // // } Thread.Sleep(1000); Notify("Ready", notflbl.ForeColor); }