public void StartSpawning() { if (mSpawnTimer != null) { mSpawnTimer.Start(this.SpawnFrequency); } }
private async void btnAddPodcast_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Validator.TryParseComboBoxValue(cmbFreq, out string message)) { if (Validator.CheckIfFeedExists(txtURL.Text, _FeedGroup.GetAll())) { if (Validator.AllFieldsFilled(txtURL.Text, cmbCat)) { Category category = (Category)cmbCat.SelectedItem; var time = int.Parse(cmbFreq.SelectedItem.ToString()); Feed feed = null; Task taskA = Task.Run(() => feed = FeedManager.CreateFeed(txtURL.Text, category, new UpdateFrequency(time))); await taskA; if (Validator.IsNotNull(feed)) { _FeedGroup.Add(feed); ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(new[] { feed.NumberOfEpisodes.ToString(), feed.Name, feed.Frequency.Minutes.ToString(), feed.Category.Name }) { Tag = feed }; lvPodcasts.Items.Add(item); FrequencyTimer.Start(feed); txtURL.Clear(); UpdateFeedListView(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Ogiltig URL"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Fyll i alla fälten korrekt"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Feeden finns redan"); } } else { MessageBox.Show(message); } }
private void LoadAllFeeds() { var feeds = FeedManager.LoadFeeds(); if (Validator.IsNotNull(feeds)) { _FeedGroup.AddRange(feeds); UpdateFeedListView(); foreach (Feed feed in feeds) { FrequencyTimer.Start(feed); } } }
/// <summary> /// Begins the emitting process /// </summary> public void Begin() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ParticleName)) { throw new ArgumentException("Particle name cannot be empty"); } if (this.Duration != -1f) { mDurationTimer.Start(this.Duration); } mFireTimer.Start(this.Frequency); mStartedEmitting = true; }