        /// <summary>
        /// 根据重量生成配送方式(最小运费)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="orderProducts"></param>
        /// <param name="shippingAddressID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string GetDeliveryModeFreight(List <JsonOrderProduct> orderProducts, long shippingAddressID)
            using (ISession s = SessionFactory.Instance.CreateSession())
                ShoppingAddress shippingAddress = s.Get <ShoppingAddress>(shippingAddressID);
                if (shippingAddress == null)
                    throw new Exception("不存在该用户收货地址");

                decimal price = 0, first_price = 0, add_price = 0;
                decimal pricetmp = 0;
                long    defaultModeID = 0, modeID = 0, weight = 0;

                foreach (JsonOrderProduct jop in orderProducts)
                    Product pdt = s.Get <Product>(jop.product_id);
                    if (pdt != null && !pdt.is_postage)
                        ProductSku sku = s.Get <ProductSku>("where dbo.fn_check_specset(specset,@0) = 1 and product_id = @1", jop.specset ?? "", jop.product_id);
                        weight += sku.weight * jop.qty;

                List <DeliveryMode> modes = s.List <DeliveryMode>("", "");

                foreach (DeliveryMode m in modes)
                    modeID = m.id;

                    FreightTemplate fTemplate = s.Get <FreightTemplate>(m.freight_template_id);

                    if (fTemplate != null)
                        first_price = fTemplate.default_first_price;
                        add_price = fTemplate.default_add_price;

                        FreightRegion fRegion = s.Get <FreightRegion>("where region_name like '%'+@0+'%' and freight_template_id = @1 ", shippingAddress.province, fTemplate.id);
                        if (fRegion != null)
                            if (weight < fRegion.first_weight)
                                pricetmp = fRegion.first_price;
                                decimal t = (((weight - fRegion.first_weight) / fRegion.add_weight) + ((weight - fRegion.first_weight) % fRegion.add_weight) == 0 ? 0 : 1) * fRegion.add_price;
                                pricetmp = weight <= fRegion.first_weight ? fRegion.first_price : t + fRegion.first_price;

                        if (weight < fTemplate.first_weight)
                            price = fTemplate.default_first_price;
                            decimal tmp = (((weight - fTemplate.first_weight) / fTemplate.add_weight) + ((weight - fTemplate.first_weight) % fTemplate.add_weight) == 0 ? 0 : 1) * add_price;
                            price = weight <= fTemplate.first_weight ? first_price : Math.Ceiling((decimal)(weight - fTemplate.first_weight) / (decimal)fTemplate.add_weight) * add_price + first_price;

                        if (price < pricetmp)
                            pricetmp      = price;
                            defaultModeID = m.id;

                defaultModeID = defaultModeID == 0 ? modeID : defaultModeID;
                price         = price < pricetmp ? price : pricetmp == 0 ? price : pricetmp;

                return(defaultModeID + "#" + (int)price);
        /// <summary>
        /// 根据重量生成配送方式(集合)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="orderProducts"></param>
        /// <param name="ShippingAddressID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Dictionary <long, string> GenerateDeliveryModes(List <JsonOrderProduct> orderProducts, long ShippingAddressID)
            using (ISession s = SessionFactory.Instance.CreateSession())
                ShoppingAddress shippingAddress = s.Get <ShoppingAddress>(ShippingAddressID);
                if (shippingAddress == null)
                    throw new Exception("不存在该用户收货地址");

                int weight = 0;

                foreach (JsonOrderProduct jop in orderProducts)
                    ProductSku sku = s.Get <ProductSku>("where dbo.fn_check_specset(specset,@0) = 1 and product_id = @1", (jop.specset ?? ""), jop.product_id);
                    weight += sku.weight * jop.qty;

                List <DeliveryMode> modes = s.List <DeliveryMode>("", "");

                Dictionary <long, string> deliveryMode = new Dictionary <long, string>();
                decimal price = 0, first_price = 0, add_price = 0;

                foreach (DeliveryMode m in modes)
                    FreightTemplate fTemplate = s.Get <FreightTemplate>(m.freight_template_id);

                    if (fTemplate != null)
                        first_price = fTemplate.default_first_price;
                        add_price = fTemplate.default_add_price;

                        FreightRegion fRegion = s.Get <FreightRegion>("where region_name like '%'+@0+'%' and freight_template_id = @1 ", shippingAddress.province, fTemplate.id);
                        if (fRegion != null)
                            if (weight < fRegion.first_weight)
                                price = fRegion.first_price;
                                decimal t = (((weight - fRegion.first_weight) / fRegion.add_weight) + ((weight - fRegion.first_weight) % fRegion.add_weight) == 0 ? 0 : 1) * fRegion.add_price;
                                price = weight <= fRegion.first_weight ? fRegion.first_price : t + fRegion.first_price;
                            if (weight < fTemplate.first_weight)
                                price = fTemplate.default_first_price;
                                decimal tmp = (((weight - fTemplate.first_weight) / fTemplate.add_weight) + ((weight - fTemplate.first_weight) % fTemplate.add_weight) == 0 ? 0 : 1) * add_price;
                                price = weight <= fTemplate.first_weight ? first_price : Math.Ceiling((decimal)(weight - fTemplate.first_weight) / (decimal)fTemplate.add_weight) * add_price + first_price;

                        deliveryMode.Add(m.id, string.Format("{0}: {1}", m.name, price.ToString("f2")));
        /// <summary>
        /// 根据重量生成配送方式
        /// 默认配送方式
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="orderProducts"></param>
        /// <param name="shippingAddressID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public StateCode GetDefaultFreight(List <JsonOrderProduct> orderProducts, long shippingAddressID, out string result)
            result = "";
            using (ISession s = SessionFactory.Instance.CreateSession())
                ShoppingAddress shippingAddress = s.Get <ShoppingAddress>(shippingAddressID);
                if (shippingAddress == null)

                DeliveryMode mode = s.Get <DeliveryMode>("where is_default = @0", true);
                if (mode == null)

                decimal price = 0, first_price = 0, add_price = 0;
                long    weight = 0;

                foreach (JsonOrderProduct jop in orderProducts)
                    Product pdt = s.Get <Product>(new string[] { "id", "is_postage" }, "where id = @0", jop.product_id);
                    if (pdt != null && !pdt.is_postage)
                        ProductSku sku = s.Get <ProductSku>("where dbo.fn_check_specset(specset,@0) = 1 and product_id = @1", jop.specset ?? "", jop.product_id);
                        weight += sku.weight * jop.qty;

                FreightTemplate fTemplate = s.Get <FreightTemplate>(mode.freight_template_id);

                if (fTemplate != null && weight > 0)
                    first_price = fTemplate.default_first_price;
                    add_price = fTemplate.default_add_price;

                    FreightRegion fRegion = s.Get <FreightRegion>("where region_name like '%'+@0+'%' and freight_template_id = @1 ", shippingAddress.province, fTemplate.id);
                    if (fRegion != null)
                        if (weight < fRegion.first_weight)
                            price = fRegion.first_price;
                            decimal t = (((weight - fRegion.first_weight) / fRegion.add_weight) + (((weight - fRegion.first_weight) % fRegion.add_weight) == 0 ? 0 : 1)) * fRegion.add_price;
                            price = weight <= fRegion.first_weight ? fRegion.first_price : t + fRegion.first_price;
                        if (weight < fTemplate.first_weight)
                            price = fTemplate.default_first_price;
                            decimal tmp = (((weight - fTemplate.first_weight) / fTemplate.add_weight) + (((weight - fTemplate.first_weight) % fTemplate.add_weight) == 0 ? 0 : 1)) * add_price;
                            price = weight <= fTemplate.first_weight ? first_price : Math.Ceiling((decimal)(weight - fTemplate.first_weight) / (decimal)fTemplate.add_weight) * add_price + first_price;

                result = mode.id + "#" + price;
