    public void OnImageAvailable(TextureReaderApi.ImageFormatType format, int width, int height, IntPtr pixelBuffer, int bufferSize)
            System.DateTime current      = System.DateTime.Now;
            long            elapsedTicks = current.Ticks - begin_.Ticks;
            System.TimeSpan elapsedSpan  = new System.TimeSpan(elapsedTicks);
            timestamp_ = elapsedSpan.TotalSeconds;

            Debug.LogFormat("pushing frame {0}x{1} to NDN-RTC...", width, height);

            FrameInfo finfo            = NdnRtc.videoStream.processIncomingFrame(format, width, height, pixelBuffer, bufferSize);
            int       publishedFrameNo = finfo.playbackNo_;

            if (publishedFrameNo >= 0) // frame was not dropped by the encoder and was published
                Debug.LogFormat("create frame object #{0}, ts {1}, pos {2}, rot {3}, cam {4}",
                                publishedFrameNo, timestamp_, Frame.Pose.position, Frame.Pose.rotation, camForCalcThread_.ToString());

                frameMgr_.CreateFrameObject(publishedFrameNo, timestamp_, Frame.Pose.position, Frame.Pose.rotation, camForCalcThread_);

                // spawn fetching task for annotations of this frame
                foreach (var fetcher in annotationFetchers_)
                    spawnAnnotationFetchingTask(publishedFrameNo, fetcher, 0.6f, performSemanticDbQuery);
        catch (System.Exception e)
            Debug.LogExceptionFormat(e, "in OnImageAvailable call");
    public void OnImageAvailable(TextureReaderApi.ImageFormatType format, int width, int height, IntPtr pixelBuffer, int bufferSize)
            System.DateTime current      = System.DateTime.Now;
            long            elapsedTicks = current.Ticks - begin.Ticks;
            System.TimeSpan elapsedSpan  = new System.TimeSpan(elapsedTicks);
            timestamp = elapsedSpan.TotalSeconds;
            //Debug.Log("before call to ndnrtc");
            int publishedFrameNo = NdnRtc.videoStream.processIncomingFrame(format, width, height, pixelBuffer, bufferSize);
            Debug.Log("Published frame number: " + publishedFrameNo);

            if (publishedFrameNo >= 0)
                Debug.Log("create frame object frame number: " + publishedFrameNo);
                Debug.Log("create frame object timestamp: " + timestamp);
                Debug.Log("create frame object position: " + Frame.Pose.position);
                Debug.Log("create frame object rotation: " + Frame.Pose.rotation);
                Debug.Log("create frame object camera: " + camForCalcThread.ToString());
                frameMgr.CreateFrameObject(publishedFrameNo, timestamp, Frame.Pose.position, Frame.Pose.rotation, camForCalcThread);
                //frameMgr.CreateFrameObject (imgBuffer, publishedFrameNo, timestamp, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity, offset.m_uOffset, offset.m_vOffset, camForCalcThread);

                //frameObjectBuffer.Enqueue (frameMgr.frameObjects [publishedFrameNo]);
                Debug.Log("frame buffer enqueue: " + publishedFrameNo);
                // spawn fetching task for annotations of this frame
                // once successfully received, delegate callback will be called
                aFetcher_.fetchAnnotation(publishedFrameNo, delegate(string jsonArrayString) {
                    int frameNumber = publishedFrameNo;             // storing frame number locally
                    string debuglog = jsonArrayString.Replace(System.Environment.NewLine, " ");
                    Debug.Log("Received annotations JSON (frame " + frameNumber + "): " + debuglog);
                    //Debug.Log("annotations string length: " + jsonArrayString.Length);
                    string[] testDebug = jsonArrayString.Split(']');
                    string formatDebug = testDebug[0] + "]";
                        Dictionary <int, FrameObjectData> frameObjects = frameBuffer.Dequeue();
                        FrameObjectData temp;
                        if (frameObjects.TryGetValue(frameNumber, out temp))
                            //AnnotationData[] data = JsonHelper.FromJson<AnnotationData>(jsonArrayString);
                            //try to print out how many characters the jsonArrayString has
                            string str          = "{ \"annotationData\": " + formatDebug + "}";
                            AnnotationData data = JsonUtility.FromJson <AnnotationData>(str);
                            for (int i = 0; i < data.annotationData.Length; i++)
                                if (data.annotationData[i].prob >= 0.5f)
                                    Debug.Log("test: " + data.annotationData.Length);
                                    Debug.Log("test label: " + data.annotationData[i].label + " test xleft: " + data.annotationData[i].xleft
                                              + " test xright: " + data.annotationData[i].xright + " test ytop: " + (1 - data.annotationData[i].ytop) + " test ybottom: " + (1 - data.annotationData[i].ybottom));
                                    //						Debug.Log("test xleft: " + data.annotationData[i].xleft);
                                    //						Debug.Log("test xright: " + data.annotationData[i].xright);
                                    //						Debug.Log("test ytop: " + data.annotationData[i].ytop);
                                    //						Debug.Log("test ybottom: " + data.annotationData[i].ybottom);

                                    // example how to fetch model from content-publisher
                                    // Therese, please check this is the right place in code where models should be requested
                                    // (prob. model doesn't need to be fetched every frame for same object)
                            //				FrameObjectData temp;
                            //				bool success = frameObjectBuffer.TryDequeue(out temp);
                            //				if(success)
                            //				//FrameObjectData temp = frameBuffer.Dequeue();
                            //				{
                            //					Debug.Log("Frame info: " + frameNumber);
                            //					Debug.Log ("Frame info camera position: " + temp.camPos);
                            //					Debug.Log ("Frame info camera rotation: " + temp.camRot);
                            //					Debug.Log ("Frame info points number: " + temp.numPoints);
                            //					Debug.Log ("Frame info points: " + temp.points.ToString());
                            //				}

                            Debug.Log("Frame number annotations: " + frameNumber);
                            Debug.Log("Frame info camera position: " + temp.camPos);
                            Debug.Log("Frame info camera rotation: " + temp.camRot);
                            //Debug.Log ("Frame info points number: " + temp.numPoints);
                            Debug.Log("Frame info points: " + temp.points.ToString());
                            Debug.Log("test time difference: " + (Mathf.Abs((float)(temp.timestamp - timestamp))) + " frame number: " + publishedFrameNo);

                            //int boxCount = Mathf.Min(data.annotationData.Length, 2);
                            int boxCount = data.annotationData.Length;

                            BoxData annoData = new BoxData();
                            Debug.Log("box created boxdata");
                            annoData.frameNumber = frameNumber;
                            annoData.count       = boxCount;
                            annoData.points      = temp.points;
                            annoData.numPoints   = temp.numPoints;
                            annoData.cam         = temp.cam;
                            annoData.camPos      = temp.camPos;
                            annoData.camRot      = temp.camRot;
                            annoData.timestamp   = temp.timestamp;
                            annoData.label       = new string[boxCount];
                            annoData.xleft       = new float[boxCount];
                            annoData.xright      = new float[boxCount];
                            annoData.ytop        = new float[boxCount];
                            annoData.ybottom     = new float[boxCount];
                            annoData.prob        = new float[boxCount];

                            for (int i = 0; i < boxCount; i++)
                                annoData.label[i]   = data.annotationData[i].label;
                                annoData.xleft[i]   = 1 - data.annotationData[i].xright;
                                annoData.xright[i]  = 1 - data.annotationData[i].xleft;
                                annoData.ytop[i]    = data.annotationData[i].ybottom;
                                annoData.ybottom[i] = data.annotationData[i].ytop;
                                annoData.prob[i]    = data.annotationData[i].prob;

                            Debug.Log("Received annotations box enqueue");
                            //frame object was not in the pool, lifetime expired
                            Debug.Log("Received annotations but frame expired");
                    catch (System.Exception e)
                        Debug.Log("exception caught annotations: " + e);
                        string debug = jsonArrayString.Replace(System.Environment.NewLine, " ");
                        Debug.Log("exception caught string: " + debug);
                        string str = "{ \"annotationData\": " + debug + "}";
                        Debug.Log("exception caught string with format: " + str);

                openFaceFetcher_.fetchAnnotation(publishedFrameNo, delegate(string jsonArrayString) {
                    int frameNumber = publishedFrameNo;             // storing frame number locally
                    string debuglog = jsonArrayString.Replace(System.Environment.NewLine, " ");
                    Debug.Log("Received OpenFace annotations JSON (frame " + frameNumber + "): " + debuglog);
                    string[] testDebug = jsonArrayString.Split(']');
                    string formatDebug = testDebug[0] + "]";
                        Dictionary <int, FrameObjectData> frameObjects = frameBuffer.Dequeue();
                        FrameObjectData temp;
                        if (frameObjects.TryGetValue(frameNumber, out temp))
                            string str          = "{ \"annotationData\": " + formatDebug + "}";
                            AnnotationData data = JsonUtility.FromJson <AnnotationData>(str);
                            for (int i = 0; i < data.annotationData.Length; i++)
                                //if(data.annotationData[i].prob >= 0.7f)
                                    Debug.Log("openface test: " + data.annotationData.Length);
                                    Debug.Log("openface test label: " + data.annotationData[i].label + " test xleft: " + data.annotationData[i].xleft
                                              + " test xright: " + data.annotationData[i].xright + " test ytop: " + (data.annotationData[i].ytop) + " test ybottom: " + (data.annotationData[i].ybottom));
                                    //						Debug.Log("test xleft: " + data.annotationData[i].xleft);
                                    //						Debug.Log("test xright: " + data.annotationData[i].xright);
                                    //						Debug.Log("test ytop: " + data.annotationData[i].ytop);
                                    //						Debug.Log("test ybottom: " + data.annotationData[i].ybottom);
                            //int boxCount = Mathf.Min(data.annotationData.Length, 2);
                            int boxCount = data.annotationData.Length;

                            BoxData annoData = new BoxData();
                            Debug.Log("box created boxdata");
                            annoData.frameNumber = frameNumber;
                            annoData.count       = boxCount;
                            annoData.points      = temp.points;
                            annoData.numPoints   = temp.numPoints;
                            annoData.cam         = temp.cam;
                            annoData.camPos      = temp.camPos;
                            annoData.camRot      = temp.camRot;
                            annoData.timestamp   = temp.timestamp;
                            annoData.label       = new string[boxCount];
                            annoData.xleft       = new float[boxCount];
                            annoData.xright      = new float[boxCount];
                            annoData.ytop        = new float[boxCount];
                            annoData.ybottom     = new float[boxCount];
                            annoData.prob        = new float[boxCount];

                            for (int i = 0; i < boxCount; i++)
                                if (data.annotationData[i].ytop > 1)
                                    data.annotationData[i].ytop = 1;
                                if (data.annotationData[i].ybottom < 0)
                                    data.annotationData[i].ybottom = 0;
                                annoData.label[i]   = data.annotationData[i].label;
                                annoData.xleft[i]   = data.annotationData[i].xleft;
                                annoData.xright[i]  = data.annotationData[i].xright;
                                annoData.ytop[i]    = data.annotationData[i].ytop;
                                annoData.ybottom[i] = data.annotationData[i].ybottom;
                                annoData.prob[i]    = 1;

                            Debug.Log("Received openface annotations box enqueue");
                            //frame object was not in the pool, lifetime expired
                            Debug.Log("Received openface annotations but frame expired");
                    catch (System.Exception e)
                        Debug.Log("exception caught openface annotations: " + e);
                        string debug = jsonArrayString.Replace(System.Environment.NewLine, " ");
                        Debug.Log("exception caught openface string: " + debug);
                        string str = "{ \"annotationData\": " + debug + "}";
                        Debug.Log("exception caught openface string with format: " + str);
                // frame was dropped by the encoder and was not published
        catch (System.Exception e)
            Debug.Log("exception caught video" + e.ToString());