        //private void SerialPort_DataReceived(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)
        //    try
        //    {
        //        var message = serialPort.ReadTo("~") + "~";

        //        Debug.WriteLine(message);
        //        logger.Trace("Received : {0}", message);

        //        incommingQueue.Add(message);

        //    }
        //    catch (TimeoutException ex)
        //    {
        //        Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message);
        //        logger.Warn(ex, "Time out exeption");
        //    }
        //    catch (IOException ex)
        //    {
        //        Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message);
        //        logger.Error(ex, "IO Expetion");
        //    }

        public void HandleParsing(string message)
                string syncedMessage = SyncMessage(message);

                Debug.WriteLine("Synced msg = " + syncedMessage);

                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(syncedMessage))
                    logger.Info("no synced message ");

                FrameFormat frame = GenericParser.GenericParser.Parse <FrameFormat>(syncedMessage);

                if (null == frame)

                var subStr = syncedMessage.TrimStart(new char[] { FrameFormat.SOI }).TrimEnd(new char[] { FrameFormat.EOI });

                subStr = subStr.Substring(0, subStr.Length - 2);

                var CRCResultStr = FrameFormat.CalculateCRC(subStr);

                byte CalculatedCRC = byte.Parse(CRCResultStr, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);

                if (CalculatedCRC != frame.CRC)
                    logger.Error("CRC not compatible, original message = " + message);

                logger.Trace(frame.ToStringWithAtt <ParserDefinitionAttribute>());

                switch (frame.Version)
                case (byte)GenericParser.Version.Version82:

            catch (Exception ex)
                //evAgg.PublishOnUIThread(new MessageBoxMessage() { Title = "Error", Message = ex.Message });
                //MessageBox.Show(this, ex.Message, "Error");
                logger.Error(ex, "Error parsing incomming message");
        //Address=5 Voltage=25.028 Current=0 Temp=22 SOC=32 DFET=True CFET=True Protection= ChargeState=0 TempState=0 VoltState=0
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string s6 = "010252000E";

            var r6 = FrameFormat.CalculateCRC(s6);

            var frameFormat1 = new FrameFormat()
                Address = 1,
                Cmd     = (byte)Command.RealTimeData,
                Version = (byte)GenericParser.Version.Version82

            var frameFormat1Str = frameFormat1.AsString;

            var res = FrameFormat.CalculateCRC("ABC");

            FrameFormat a6 = GenericParser.GenericParser.Parse <FrameFormat>(realTimeData82_4, DataType.ASCII_HEX);

            RealtimeDataMap_V82 rtd6 = GenericParser.GenericParser.Parse <RealtimeDataMap_V82>(a6.Data);

            var s = rtd6.ToStringAllProperties();

            FrameFormat realTimeCmd = new FrameFormat()
                Address = Convert.ToByte(5),
                Cmd     = 2,
                Version = 82

            FrameFormat.SOI = ':';
            FrameFormat.EOI = '~';

            var rt = new RealtimeDataMap_V82()
                Alarm        = 0,
                BalanceState = 0,
                CapFull      = 700,
                CapNow       = 175,
                ChgNum       = 0,
                CState       = 0,
                Current      = new ushort[] { 0, 0 },
                DchgNum      = 0,
                FETState     = 15,
                SOC          = 32,
                Temp         = new byte[] { 62, 61, 62, 61, 62 },
                TempNum      = 5,
                Time_t       = 0,
                TState       = 0,
                Vbat         = 12514,
                VCell        = new ushort[] { 3529, 3583, 3583, 3583, 3584, 3584, 3583 },
                VCell_num    = 7,
                VState       = 0,
                Warn_VHigh   = 0,
                Warn_VLow    = 0,
                Warn_VOV     = 0,
                Warn_VUV     = 0

            var frameFormat = new FrameFormat()
                Address = 0,
                Cmd     = (byte)CommandResponse.RealTimeData,
                Version = (byte)GenericParser.Version.Version82

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                //var inStr = @":050252000E00~";

                var inStr = realTimeCmd.ToString();

                var ff = GenericParser.GenericParser.Parse <FrameFormat>(inStr);

                frameFormat.Address = ff.Address;

                var rtAsStr = rt.AsString;
                frameFormat.Data = rtAsStr;

                // return @":058252008A0000000000000030E2070DC90DFF0DFF0DFF0E000E000DFF00000000053E3D3E3D3E00000000000000000F00000000000000000000000000002000AF02BC54~";

                var str = frameFormat.AsString;



            //var res = GenericParser.GenericParser.Parse<FrameFormat>(realTimeData82_5);
            //var rt = GenericParser.GenericParser.Parse<RealtimeDataMap_V82>(res.Data);

            //var rtStr = GenericParser.GenericParser.Build<RealtimeDataMap_V82>(rt);

            //int p = 0;

            //var test1 = (System.Drawing.Color)VSTATE.BVOV.ToEnumDefaultValue();

            //string first = "008A0000000000000030E7070DF80DF90DF90DF90DF90DF90DF900000000053D3D3C3D3D00000000000000000F00000000000000000000000000000F00D202BC39~:04825200840000000000000030DD070DF60DF60";
            //string sec = "DF60DF60DF60DF60DF600000000023E3E00000000000000000F00000000000000000000000000001E00EA030CC2~:0A82520084000000000000003";
            //string third = "0F1070DFB0DFB0DFA0DFB0DFE0DFD0DFD00000000023E3D00000000000000000F00000000000000000000000000001E00EA030C6D~:098252008A0000000000000030D8070DF50DF3";

            //MainLogic logic = new MainLogic();


            //Configuration conf = new Configuration()
            //    PortName = "COM3",
            //    BaudRate = 9600,
            //    ParityType = Parity.None,
            //    DataBits = 8,
            //    StopBitsType = StopBits.One,
            //    HandShakeType = Handshake.XOnXOff,
            //    ReadTimeout = 500,
            //    WriteTimeout = 500

            //using (var stream = File.OpenWrite("configuration.json"))
            //    DataContractJsonSerializer ser = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(Configuration));
            //    ser.WriteObject(stream, conf);

            // PortChat.Start();
            //#region TESt
            //var portNames = SerialPort.GetPortNames();

            //StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            //for (int i = 0; i < portNames.Length; i++)
            //    sb.Append(i + 1 + ": ");
            //    sb.Append(portNames[i]);
            //Console.WriteLine("Please Enter port number :");
            //var input = Console.ReadLine();
            //var choice = int.Parse(input);

            //Console.WriteLine(string.Format("port chosen - {0}, Connecting...", portNames[choice - 1]));
            //System.IO.Ports.SerialPort port = new SerialPort(portNames[choice - 1], 9600, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One);
            //port.Handshake = Handshake.XOnXOff;

            //Console.WriteLine("Connected !");
            //Console.WriteLine("Press enter to send Data...");
            ////string data = ":000264000EFE~";
            //string data = ":000100000E09~";

            //// Create two different encodings.
            //Encoding ascii = Encoding.ASCII;
            //Encoding unicode = Encoding.Unicode;

            //// Convert the string into a byte array.
            //byte[] unicodeBytes = unicode.GetBytes(data);

            //// Perform the conversion from one encoding to the other.
            //byte[] asciiBytes = Encoding.Convert(unicode, ascii, unicodeBytes);

            //// Convert the new byte[] into a char[] and then into a string.
            //char[] asciiChars = new char[ascii.GetCharCount(asciiBytes, 0, asciiBytes.Length)];
            //ascii.GetChars(asciiBytes, 0, asciiBytes.Length, asciiChars, 0);
            //string asciiString = new string(asciiChars);

            //Console.WriteLine("Sending :" + asciiString);

            //port.ReadBufferSize = 500;
            //port.WriteBufferSize = 500;

            //port.ReadTimeout = 5000;
            //port.WriteTimeout = 5000;


            //port.DataReceived += Port_DataReceived;




            //ICommPort port = new CommPortMock();

            //FrameFormat realTimeCmd = new FrameFormat()
            //    Address = Convert.ToByte("1"),
            //    Cmd = 2,
            //    Version = 82

            //var r1 = realTimeCmd.AsString;


            //FrameFormat test = new FrameFormat()
            //    Address = 4,
            //    Cmd = (byte)Command.RealTimeData,
            //    Version = (byte)GenericParser.Version.Version82


            //if (port.IsOpen)
            //    port.SendWrite(test.AsString);
            //    Thread.Sleep(50);

            //for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
            //    if (port.IsOpen)
            //    {
            //        var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            //        sw.Start();
            //        var result = port.SendReceive(test.AsString);
            //        sw.Stop();
            //        Console.WriteLine(sw.ElapsedMilliseconds + " " + result);
            //    }
            //    Thread.Sleep(250);


            RealtimeDataMap_V82 rtm1 = new RealtimeDataMap_V82()
                Current = new ushort[] { 0, 0 },
                SOC     = 90,
                TempNum = 2,
                Temp    = new byte[] { 68, 72 },
                Vbat    = 24000

            RealtimeDataMap_V82 rtm2 = new RealtimeDataMap_V82()
                Current = new ushort[] { 0, 0 },
                SOC     = 29,
                TempNum = 2,
                Temp    = new byte[] { 55, 65 },
                Vbat    = 18000

            var r = (string)GenericParser.GenericParser.Build <RealtimeDataMap_V82>(rtm1);

            FrameFormat b = new FrameFormat()
                Address = 4,
                Cmd     = (byte)Command.RealTimeData,
                Data    = r,
                Version = (byte)GenericParser.Version.Version82,
                Length  = 138

            var conf = Common.Configuration.Default;

            FrameFormat a3 = GenericParser.GenericParser.Parse <FrameFormat>(realTimeData82_4, DataType.ASCII_HEX);

            FrameFormat a5 = GenericParser.GenericParser.Parse <FrameFormat>(realTimeData82_5, DataType.ASCII_HEX);


            RealtimeDataMap_V82 r3 = GenericParser.GenericParser.Parse <RealtimeDataMap_V82>(a3.Data);

            RealtimeDataMap_V82 r5 = GenericParser.GenericParser.Parse <RealtimeDataMap_V82>(a5.Data);

            BatteryStatViewModel vm3 = HandleRealTimeData(r3);

            BatteryStatViewModel vm5 = HandleRealTimeData(r5);

            BatteryStatViewModel vm4 = HandleRealTimeData(rtm1);

            BatteryStatViewModel vm6 = HandleRealTimeData(rtm2);

            var vmGroup1 = new List <BatteryStatViewModel>();

            var group1 = new SeriesStatViewModel(WindowsFormsSynchronizationContext.Current, "Group1",

            var vmGroup2 = new List <BatteryStatViewModel>();

            var group2 = new SeriesStatViewModel(WindowsFormsSynchronizationContext.Current, "Group2",


            List <SeriesStatViewModel> sgroup = new List <SeriesStatViewModel>();

            var cluster = new ClusterStatViewModel(WindowsFormsSynchronizationContext.Current, sgroup);




            //FrameFormat b = new FrameFormat()
            //    SOI = ':',
            //    Address = 3,
            //    Cmd = (byte)Command.RealTimeData,
            //    Version = (byte)GenericParser.Version.Version82,
            //    EOI = '~'

            //var s = b.AsString;

            //Encoding ascii = Encoding.ASCII;
            //Encoding unicode = Encoding.Unicode;

            //// Convert the string into a byte array.
            //byte[] unicodeBytes = unicode.GetBytes(s);

            //// Perform the conversion from one encoding to the other.
            //byte[] asciiBytes = Encoding.Convert(unicode, ascii, unicodeBytes);

            //// Convert the new byte[] into a char[] and then into a string.
            //char[] asciiChars = new char[ascii.GetCharCount(asciiBytes, 0, asciiBytes.Length)];
            //ascii.GetChars(asciiBytes, 0, asciiBytes.Length, asciiChars, 0);
            //string asciiString = new string(asciiChars);

            //using (SerialPort port = new SerialPort("COM3", 9600, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One))
            //    Task.Run(() =>
            //    {

            //        port.Open();

            //        port.DataReceived += (sender, e) =>
            //        {

            //            var data = port.ReadTo("~");
            //            data += "~";

            //            Debug.WriteLine("Received : " + data);

            //            FrameFormat a1 = GenericParser.GenericParser.Parse<FrameFormat>(data, DataType.ASCII_HEX);

            //            RealtimeDataMap_V82 r1 = GenericParser.GenericParser.Parse<RealtimeDataMap_V82>(a.Data);
            //        };

            //        Debug.WriteLine("Sending : " + asciiString);

            //        port.Write(asciiChars,0,asciiChars.Length);

            //        Thread.Sleep(250);

            //        port.Write(asciiChars, 0, asciiChars.Length);

            //    });

            //    Console.ReadKey();