        public void ReadForwardingInstructionInternational()
            string filename = "UBL-ForwardingInstructions-2.0-Example-International.xml";
            ForwardingInstructionsType doc = UblDoc <ForwardingInstructionsType> .Create(filename);

            Assert.AreEqual("Mr Fred Churchill", doc.Shipment.Consignment[0].ConsigneeParty.Contact.Name.Value);

            bool areEqual = UblXmlComparer.IsCopyEqual <ForwardingInstructionsType>(filename, doc);

            Assert.IsTrue(areEqual, "Written UBL doc differs from original");
 public static ForwardingInstructionsType Create()
     var doc = new ForwardingInstructionsType
         UBLVersionID = "2.0",
         CustomizationID = "urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:xpath:ForwardingInstructions-2.0:samples-2.0-draft",
         ProfileID = "bpid:urn:oasis:names:draft:bpss:ubl-2-sample-international-scenario",
         ID = "KHN23-44044",
         UUID = "6E09886B-DC6E-439F-82D1-7C83746352B1",
         IssueDate = "2005-06-24",
         IssueTime = "14:20:00.0Z",
         ConsignorParty = new PartyType
             PartyName = new PartyNameType[]
                 new PartyNameType
                     Name = "Consortial"
             PostalAddress = new AddressType
                 StreetName = "Boston Road",
                 BuildingName = "Suite M-102",
                 BuildingNumber = "630",
                 CityName = "Billerica",
                 PostalZone = "01821",
                 CountrySubentity = "Massachusetts",
                 CountrySubentityCode = "MA",
                 Country = new CountryType
                     IdentificationCode = "US"
             Contact = new ContactType
                 Name = "Mrs Bouquet",
                 Telephone = " +1 158 1233714",
                 Telefax = "+ 1 158 1233856",
                 ElectronicMail = "*****@*****.**"
         FreightForwarderParty = new PartyType
             PartyName = new PartyNameType[]
                 new PartyNameType
                     Name = "One-Stop Forwarders"
             PostalAddress = new AddressType
                 Postbox = "99043",
                 CityName = "Boston",
                 PostalZone = "02210",
                 CountrySubentityCode = "MA",
                 Country = new CountryType
                     IdentificationCode = "US"
             Contact = new ContactType
                 Name = "Con Solidador",
                 Telephone = " +1 343 1453654",
                 Telefax = "+1 343 1453655",
                 ElectronicMail = "*****@*****.**"
         Shipment = new ShipmentType
             ID = "CONS-0001",
             GrossWeightMeasure = new MeasureType
                 unitCode = "KGM",
                 Value = 130M
             NetWeightMeasure = new MeasureType
                 unitCode = "KGM",
                 Value = 110M
             NetNetWeightMeasure = new MeasureType
                 unitCode = "KGM",
                 Value = 100M
             GrossVolumeMeasure = new MeasureType
                 unitCode = "MTQ",
                 Value = 2M
             NetVolumeMeasure = new MeasureType
                 unitCode = "MTQ",
                 Value = 2.235M
             TotalGoodsItemQuantity = 1M,
             TotalTransportHandlingUnitQuantity = 10M,
             InsuranceValueAmount = new AmountType
                 currencyID = "USD",
                 Value = 1000.00M
             DeclaredCustomsValueAmount = new AmountType
                 currencyID = "GBP",
                 Value = 524.80M
             FreeOnBoardValueAmount = new AmountType
                 currencyID = "USD",
                 Value = 1200.00M
             SpecialInstructions = new TextType[]
                 new TextType
                     Value = "Beeswax becomes liquid at 50'C"
             Consignment = new ConsignmentType[]
                 new ConsignmentType
                     ID = "CONS-0001",
                     TariffDescription = new TextType[]
                         new TextType
                             Value = "Beeswax, other insect waxes and spermacetti"
                     TariffCode = "15219000",
                     HazardousRiskIndicator = false,
                     ConsigneeParty = new PartyType
                         PartyName = new PartyNameType[]
                             new PartyNameType
                                 Name = "IYT Corporation"
                         PostalAddress = new AddressType
                             StreetName = "Avon Way",
                             BuildingName = "Thereabouts",
                             BuildingNumber = "56A",
                             CityName = "Bridgtow",
                             PostalZone = "ZZ99 1ZZ",
                             CountrySubentity = "Avon",
                             AddressLine = new AddressLineType[]
                                 new AddressLineType
                                     Line = "3rd Floor, Room 5"
                             Country = new CountryType
                                 IdentificationCode = "GB"
                         Contact = new ContactType
                             Name = "Mr Fred Churchill",
                             Telephone = "+44 127 2653214",
                             Telefax = "+44 127 2653215",
                             ElectronicMail = "*****@*****.**"
                     NotifyParty = new PartyType
                         PartyName = new PartyNameType[]
                             new PartyNameType
                                 Name = "IYT Corporation"
                         PostalAddress = new AddressType
                             StreetName = "Avon Way",
                             BuildingName = "Thereabouts",
                             BuildingNumber = "56A",
                             CityName = "Bridgtow",
                             PostalZone = "ZZ99 1ZZ",
                             CountrySubentity = "Avon",
                             AddressLine = new AddressLineType[]
                                 new AddressLineType
                                     Line = "3rd Floor, Room 5"
                             Country = new CountryType
                                 IdentificationCode = "GB"
                         Contact = new ContactType
                             Name = "Mr Fred Churchill",
                             Telephone = "+44 127 2653214",
                             Telefax = "+44 127 2653215",
                             ElectronicMail = "*****@*****.**"
                     FinalDeliveryParty = new PartyType
                         PartyName = new PartyNameType[]
                             new PartyNameType
                                 Name = "The Terminus"
                         PostalAddress = new AddressType
                             StreetName = "Avon Way",
                             BuildingName = "Thereabouts",
                             BuildingNumber = "56A",
                             CityName = "Bridgtow",
                             PostalZone = "ZZ99 1ZZ",
                             CountrySubentity = "Avon",
                             AddressLine = new AddressLineType[]
                                 new AddressLineType
                                     Line = "3rd Floor, Room 5"
                             Country = new CountryType
                                 IdentificationCode = "GB"
                         Contact = new ContactType
                             Name = "S Massiah",
                             Telephone = "+ 44 127 98876545",
                             Telefax = "+ 44 127 98876546",
                             ElectronicMail = "*****@*****.**"
                     OriginalDepartureCountry = new CountryType
                         IdentificationCode = "US"
                     FinalDestinationCountry = new CountryType
                         IdentificationCode = "GB"
                     DeliveryTerms = new DeliveryTermsType
                         ID = "FOB Destination",
                         DeliveryLocation = new LocationType
                             ID = new IdentifierType
                                 schemeAgencyID = "6",
                                 schemeID = "UN/LOCODE",
                                 Value = "GBBRS"
                             Description = new TextType[]
                                 new TextType
                                     Value = "Bristol"
                     FreightAllowanceCharge = new AllowanceChargeType[]
                         new AllowanceChargeType
                             ChargeIndicator = true,
                             AllowanceChargeReason = new TextType[]
                                 new TextType
                                     Value = "Freight charges"
                             SequenceNumeric = 1M,
                             Amount = new AmountType
                                 currencyID = "USD",
                                 Value = 254.00M
                         new AllowanceChargeType
                             ChargeIndicator = false,
                             AllowanceChargeReasonCode = "79",
                             AllowanceChargeReason = new TextType[]
                                 new TextType
                                     Value = "Sundry discount"
                             MultiplierFactorNumeric = 0.05M,
                             SequenceNumeric = 2M,
                             Amount = new AmountType
                                 currencyID = "USD",
                                 Value = 12.70M
                             BaseAmount = new AmountType
                                 currencyID = "USD",
                                 Value = 254.00M
             GoodsItem = new GoodsItemType[]
                 new GoodsItemType
                     ID = "1",
                     SequenceNumberID = "1",
                     Description = new TextType[]
                         new TextType
                             Value = "Acme beeswax"
                     HazardousRiskIndicator = false,
                     DeclaredCustomsValueAmount = new AmountType
                         currencyID = "GBP",
                         Value = 524.80M
                     DeclaredStatisticsValueAmount = new AmountType
                         currencyID = "USD",
                         Value = 1000.00M
                     FreeOnBoardValueAmount = new AmountType
                         currencyID = "USD",
                         Value = 1241.30M
                     InsuranceValueAmount = new AmountType
                         currencyID = "USD",
                         Value = 1241.30M
                     ValueAmount = new AmountType
                         currencyID = "USD",
                         Value = 1000.00M
                     GrossWeightMeasure = new MeasureType
                         unitCode = "KGM",
                         Value = 130M
                     NetWeightMeasure = new MeasureType
                         unitCode = "KGM",
                         Value = 110M
                     NetNetWeightMeasure = new MeasureType
                         unitCode = "KGM",
                         Value = 100M
                     GrossVolumeMeasure = new MeasureType
                         unitCode = "MTQ",
                         Value = 2M
                     NetVolumeMeasure = new MeasureType
                         unitCode = "MTQ",
                         Value = 2.235M
                     Quantity = 10M,
                     RequiredCustomsID = "ECN12344566",
                     CustomsStatusCode = "Cleared",
                     CustomsTariffQuantity = 100M,
                     Item = new ItemType[]
                         new ItemType
                             Description = new TextType[]
                                 new TextType
                                     Value = "Beeswax"
                             Name = "Acme Beeswax",
                             BuyersItemIdentification = new ItemIdentificationType
                                 ID = "6578489"
                             SellersItemIdentification = new ItemIdentificationType
                                 ID = "17589683"
     doc.Xmlns = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializerNamespaces(new[]
         new XmlQualifiedName("cac","urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2"),
         new XmlQualifiedName("cbc","urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonBasicComponents-2"),
     return doc;
        public static ForwardingInstructionsType Create()
            var doc = new ForwardingInstructionsType
                UBLVersionID    = "2.0",
                CustomizationID = "urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:xpath:ForwardingInstructions-2.0:samples-2.0-draft",
                ProfileID       = "bpid:urn:oasis:names:draft:bpss:ubl-2-sample-international-scenario",
                ID             = "KHN23-44044",
                UUID           = "6E09886B-DC6E-439F-82D1-7C83746352B1",
                IssueDate      = "2005-06-24",
                IssueTime      = "14:20:00.0Z",
                ConsignorParty = new PartyType
                    PartyName = new PartyNameType[]
                        new PartyNameType
                            Name = "Consortial"
                    PostalAddress = new AddressType
                        StreetName           = "Boston Road",
                        BuildingName         = "Suite M-102",
                        BuildingNumber       = "630",
                        CityName             = "Billerica",
                        PostalZone           = "01821",
                        CountrySubentity     = "Massachusetts",
                        CountrySubentityCode = "MA",
                        Country = new CountryType
                            IdentificationCode = "US"
                    Contact = new ContactType
                        Name           = "Mrs Bouquet",
                        Telephone      = " +1 158 1233714",
                        Telefax        = "+ 1 158 1233856",
                        ElectronicMail = "*****@*****.**"
                FreightForwarderParty = new PartyType
                    PartyName = new PartyNameType[]
                        new PartyNameType
                            Name = "One-Stop Forwarders"
                    PostalAddress = new AddressType
                        Postbox              = "99043",
                        CityName             = "Boston",
                        PostalZone           = "02210",
                        CountrySubentityCode = "MA",
                        Country              = new CountryType
                            IdentificationCode = "US"
                    Contact = new ContactType
                        Name           = "Con Solidador",
                        Telephone      = " +1 343 1453654",
                        Telefax        = "+1 343 1453655",
                        ElectronicMail = "*****@*****.**"
                Shipment = new ShipmentType
                    ID = "CONS-0001",
                    GrossWeightMeasure = new MeasureType
                        unitCode = "KGM",
                        Value    = 130M
                    NetWeightMeasure = new MeasureType
                        unitCode = "KGM",
                        Value    = 110M
                    NetNetWeightMeasure = new MeasureType
                        unitCode = "KGM",
                        Value    = 100M
                    GrossVolumeMeasure = new MeasureType
                        unitCode = "MTQ",
                        Value    = 2M
                    NetVolumeMeasure = new MeasureType
                        unitCode = "MTQ",
                        Value    = 2.235M
                    TotalGoodsItemQuantity             = 1M,
                    TotalTransportHandlingUnitQuantity = 10M,
                    InsuranceValueAmount = new AmountType
                        currencyID = "USD",
                        Value      = 1000.00M
                    DeclaredCustomsValueAmount = new AmountType
                        currencyID = "GBP",
                        Value      = 524.80M
                    FreeOnBoardValueAmount = new AmountType
                        currencyID = "USD",
                        Value      = 1200.00M
                    SpecialInstructions = new TextType[]
                        new TextType
                            Value = "Beeswax becomes liquid at 50'C"
                    Consignment = new ConsignmentType[]
                        new ConsignmentType
                            ID = "CONS-0001",
                            TariffDescription = new TextType[]
                                new TextType
                                    Value = "Beeswax, other insect waxes and spermacetti"
                            TariffCode             = "15219000",
                            HazardousRiskIndicator = false,
                            ConsigneeParty         = new PartyType
                                PartyName = new PartyNameType[]
                                    new PartyNameType
                                        Name = "IYT Corporation"
                                PostalAddress = new AddressType
                                    StreetName       = "Avon Way",
                                    BuildingName     = "Thereabouts",
                                    BuildingNumber   = "56A",
                                    CityName         = "Bridgtow",
                                    PostalZone       = "ZZ99 1ZZ",
                                    CountrySubentity = "Avon",
                                    AddressLine      = new AddressLineType[]
                                        new AddressLineType
                                            Line = "3rd Floor, Room 5"
                                    Country = new CountryType
                                        IdentificationCode = "GB"
                                Contact = new ContactType
                                    Name           = "Mr Fred Churchill",
                                    Telephone      = "+44 127 2653214",
                                    Telefax        = "+44 127 2653215",
                                    ElectronicMail = "*****@*****.**"
                            NotifyParty = new PartyType
                                PartyName = new PartyNameType[]
                                    new PartyNameType
                                        Name = "IYT Corporation"
                                PostalAddress = new AddressType
                                    StreetName       = "Avon Way",
                                    BuildingName     = "Thereabouts",
                                    BuildingNumber   = "56A",
                                    CityName         = "Bridgtow",
                                    PostalZone       = "ZZ99 1ZZ",
                                    CountrySubentity = "Avon",
                                    AddressLine      = new AddressLineType[]
                                        new AddressLineType
                                            Line = "3rd Floor, Room 5"
                                    Country = new CountryType
                                        IdentificationCode = "GB"
                                Contact = new ContactType
                                    Name           = "Mr Fred Churchill",
                                    Telephone      = "+44 127 2653214",
                                    Telefax        = "+44 127 2653215",
                                    ElectronicMail = "*****@*****.**"
                            FinalDeliveryParty = new PartyType
                                PartyName = new PartyNameType[]
                                    new PartyNameType
                                        Name = "The Terminus"
                                PostalAddress = new AddressType
                                    StreetName       = "Avon Way",
                                    BuildingName     = "Thereabouts",
                                    BuildingNumber   = "56A",
                                    CityName         = "Bridgtow",
                                    PostalZone       = "ZZ99 1ZZ",
                                    CountrySubentity = "Avon",
                                    AddressLine      = new AddressLineType[]
                                        new AddressLineType
                                            Line = "3rd Floor, Room 5"
                                    Country = new CountryType
                                        IdentificationCode = "GB"
                                Contact = new ContactType
                                    Name           = "S Massiah",
                                    Telephone      = "+ 44 127 98876545",
                                    Telefax        = "+ 44 127 98876546",
                                    ElectronicMail = "*****@*****.**"
                            OriginalDepartureCountry = new CountryType
                                IdentificationCode = "US"
                            FinalDestinationCountry = new CountryType
                                IdentificationCode = "GB"
                            DeliveryTerms = new DeliveryTermsType
                                ID = "FOB Destination",
                                DeliveryLocation = new LocationType
                                    ID = new IdentifierType
                                        schemeAgencyID = "6",
                                        schemeID       = "UN/LOCODE",
                                        Value          = "GBBRS"
                                    Description = new TextType[]
                                        new TextType
                                            Value = "Bristol"
                            FreightAllowanceCharge = new AllowanceChargeType[]
                                new AllowanceChargeType
                                    ChargeIndicator       = true,
                                    AllowanceChargeReason = new TextType[]
                                        new TextType
                                            Value = "Freight charges"
                                    SequenceNumeric = 1M,
                                    Amount          = new AmountType
                                        currencyID = "USD",
                                        Value      = 254.00M
                                new AllowanceChargeType
                                    ChargeIndicator           = false,
                                    AllowanceChargeReasonCode = "79",
                                    AllowanceChargeReason     = new TextType[]
                                        new TextType
                                            Value = "Sundry discount"
                                    MultiplierFactorNumeric = 0.05M,
                                    SequenceNumeric         = 2M,
                                    Amount = new AmountType
                                        currencyID = "USD",
                                        Value      = 12.70M
                                    BaseAmount = new AmountType
                                        currencyID = "USD",
                                        Value      = 254.00M
                    GoodsItem = new GoodsItemType[]
                        new GoodsItemType
                            ID = "1",
                            SequenceNumberID = "1",
                            Description      = new TextType[]
                                new TextType
                                    Value = "Acme beeswax"
                            HazardousRiskIndicator     = false,
                            DeclaredCustomsValueAmount = new AmountType
                                currencyID = "GBP",
                                Value      = 524.80M
                            DeclaredStatisticsValueAmount = new AmountType
                                currencyID = "USD",
                                Value      = 1000.00M
                            FreeOnBoardValueAmount = new AmountType
                                currencyID = "USD",
                                Value      = 1241.30M
                            InsuranceValueAmount = new AmountType
                                currencyID = "USD",
                                Value      = 1241.30M
                            ValueAmount = new AmountType
                                currencyID = "USD",
                                Value      = 1000.00M
                            GrossWeightMeasure = new MeasureType
                                unitCode = "KGM",
                                Value    = 130M
                            NetWeightMeasure = new MeasureType
                                unitCode = "KGM",
                                Value    = 110M
                            NetNetWeightMeasure = new MeasureType
                                unitCode = "KGM",
                                Value    = 100M
                            GrossVolumeMeasure = new MeasureType
                                unitCode = "MTQ",
                                Value    = 2M
                            NetVolumeMeasure = new MeasureType
                                unitCode = "MTQ",
                                Value    = 2.235M
                            Quantity              = 10M,
                            RequiredCustomsID     = "ECN12344566",
                            CustomsStatusCode     = "Cleared",
                            CustomsTariffQuantity = 100M,
                            Item = new ItemType[]
                                new ItemType
                                    Description = new TextType[]
                                        new TextType
                                            Value = "Beeswax"
                                    Name = "Acme Beeswax",
                                    BuyersItemIdentification = new ItemIdentificationType
                                        ID = "6578489"
                                    SellersItemIdentification = new ItemIdentificationType
                                        ID = "17589683"

            doc.Xmlns = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializerNamespaces(new[]
                new XmlQualifiedName("cac", "urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2"),
                new XmlQualifiedName("cbc", "urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonBasicComponents-2"),