        public int BackLogForwardToARCS(ForwardToARCSOfficers objFTAO)
            int i;

            using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConStr))
                SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand("[dbo].[Blog_ForwardToARCSOfficer]", con)
                    CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
                com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Remarks", objFTAO.Remarks);
                com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SocietyTransId", objFTAO.SocietyTransId);
                i = com.ExecuteNonQuery();
        public ActionResult SocietyMemberDetails(FormCollection fc, IEnumerable <HttpPostedFileBase> files)
            ByeLawsModel           objBL  = new ByeLawsModel();
            ContentFileUploadModel objCFU = new ContentFileUploadModel();

                int i = 4;
                foreach (var file in files)
                    if (file != null)
                        AttachmentType aa  = new AttachmentType();
                        Stream         str = file.InputStream;
                        objCFU.File_Name  = file.FileName;
                        objBL.ByeLawsName = file.FileName;
                        string       extenstion = "pdf";
                        BinaryReader Br         = new BinaryReader(str);
                        byte[]       FileDet    = Br.ReadBytes((Int32)str.Length);
                        string       base64ImageRepresentation = Convert.ToBase64String(FileDet);
                        objBL.Docs            = base64ImageRepresentation;
                        objCFU.ContentUpload  = base64ImageRepresentation;
                        objBL.SocietyTransID  = Convert.ToString(Session["SocietyTransID"]);
                        objCFU.USER_ID        = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserId"]);
                        objCFU.SocietyTransID = Convert.ToString(Session["SocietyTransID"]);
                        aa            = GetMimeType(base64ImageRepresentation);
                        objCFU.FormId = i;
                        if (extenstion.IndexOf(aa.Extension.Replace(".", "")) < 0 || aa.Extension == "")
                            Int64 filesizeallowedfor_FileUpload = 2048 * 5;
                            if (file.ContentLength < filesizeallowedfor_FileUpload)
                                int a = objSSF.SaveContentFileUpload(objCFU);
                    i = i + 1;
                List <SelectListItem> lstSL   = new List <SelectListItem>();
                List <SelectListItem> lstI    = new List <SelectListItem>();
                InspectorData         objID   = new InspectorData();
                ForwardToARCSOfficers objFTAO = new ForwardToARCSOfficers
                    IncepectorCode = Convert.ToInt32(Session["InsceptorCode"]),
                    SocietyTransId = Convert.ToString(Session["SocietyTransID"]),
                    Remarks        = fc.Get("ARCSRemarks").ToString()
                int result = objID.ForwardToARCS(objFTAO);
                if (result >= 1)
                    ViewBag.show      = "Application successfully forwarded to incepector";
                    ViewBag.result    = "1";
                    ViewBag.tabResult = "1";
                    ViewBag.show      = "Application not successfully forwarded to incepector";
                    ViewBag.result    = "0";
                    ViewBag.tabResult = "0";
                lstSL         = GetSocietyList();
                ViewBag.lstSL = lstSL;
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(RedirectToAction("Error", "Unauthorised"));

                throw ex;
        public ActionResult BackLogMemberDetail(FormCollection fc)
                int result = 0;
                List <SelectListItem> lstSL  = new List <SelectListItem>();
                List <SelectListItem> lstI   = new List <SelectListItem>();
                ARCSData            objARCSD = new ARCSData();
                InspectorData       objID    = new InspectorData();
                ForwardToIncepector objFTI   = new ForwardToIncepector();

                if (Convert.ToInt32(Session["RoleId"]) == 3)
                    string IPAddress = GetIPAddress();
                    string Browser   = GetWebBrowserName();
                    ForwardToARCSOfficers objFTAO = new ForwardToARCSOfficers
                        IncepectorCode = Convert.ToInt32(Session["InsceptorCode"]),
                        SocietyTransId = Convert.ToString(Session["SocietyTransID"]),
                        Remarks        = fc.Get("ARCSRemarks").ToString()
                    if (Convert.ToInt16(Session["InspectorCount"]) >= 1)
                        Boolean         IsCheck         = Convert.ToBoolean(fc.Get("Insprctorchk1"));
                        SaveDeclaration savedeclaration = new SaveDeclaration
                            UserId         = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserId"]),
                            IPAddress      = IPAddress,
                            BrowserName    = Browser,
                            Ischeck        = IsCheck,
                            Remark         = objFTAO.Remarks,
                            SocietyTransID = objFTAO.SocietyTransId,
                    result = objID.BackLogForwardToARCS(objFTAO);
                    if (result >= 1)
                        if (Convert.ToInt32(Session["InspectorCount"]) > 1)
                            ViewBag.InspectorChange = "Yes";
                        ViewBag.show      = "BackLog Application successfully forwarded to ARCS Officer";
                        ViewBag.result    = "1";
                        ViewBag.tabResult = "1";
                        ViewBag.show      = "BackLog Application not successfully forwarded to ARCS Officer";
                        ViewBag.result    = "0";
                        ViewBag.tabResult = "0";
                    lstSL         = GetSocietyList();
                    ViewBag.lstSL = lstSL;
                if (Convert.ToInt32(Session["RoleId"]) == 2)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fc.Get("IncepectorList")))
                        ViewBag.show      = "Kindly Select Inspector";
                        ViewBag.result    = "0";
                        ViewBag.tabResult = "5";
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fc.Get("ARCSRemarks")))
                        ViewBag.show      = "fill your remarks";
                        ViewBag.result    = "0";
                        ViewBag.tabResult = "5";
                    objFTI.OfficerCode = Convert.ToInt32(fc.Get("IncepectorList"));
                    var SocietyTransID = Convert.ToString(Session["SocietyTransID"]);
                    Session["SocietyTransID"] = SocietyTransID;
                    objFTI.SocietyTransId     = Convert.ToString(Session["SocietyTransID"]);
                    objFTI.Remarks            = fc.Get("ARCSRemarks").ToString();
                    result = objARCSD.BackLogForwardToIncepector(objFTI);
                    if (result >= 1)
                        ViewBag.show      = "Application successfully forwarded to incepector";
                        ViewBag.result    = "1";
                        ViewBag.tabResult = "1";
                        ViewBag.show      = "Application not successfully forwarded to incepector";
                        ViewBag.result    = "0";
                        ViewBag.tabResult = "0";
                    lstSL           = GetSocietyList();
                    ViewBag.lstSL   = lstSL;
                    lstI            = GetInspectorSocietyList();
                    ViewBag.BcklstI = lstI;
                lstGD            = GetDistrict();
                ViewBag.District = lstGD;

                lstR = GetRelationship();
                ViewBag.Relationship          = lstR;
                lstMember                     = GetAllShareTransferMember();
                ViewBag.MemberDetail          = lstMember;
                lstMCDCM                      = GetMemberCommDesignation();
                ViewBag.MemberCommDesignation = lstMCDCM;
                lstARCSCode                   = GetsubClassSocieties();
                ViewBag.lstARCSCode           = lstARCSCode;
                CommunityofSociety            = GetCommunityofSociety();
                ViewBag.CommunityofSociety    = CommunityofSociety;
                lstSL          = GetSocietyList();
                ViewBag.lstSL  = lstSL;
                Inspkl         = GetInspectorSocietyList();
                ViewBag.Inspkl = Inspkl;
                lstI           = GetInspectorList();
                ViewBag.lstI   = lstI;

            catch (Exception ex)
                return(RedirectToAction("Error", "Unauthorised"));

                throw ex;