protected void gvEst_PageIndexChanging(object sender, GridViewPageEventArgs e) { allelist = ForumEstablishmentDB.getAllForumEstablishment(); gvEst.PageIndex = e.NewPageIndex; gvEst.DataSource = allelist; gvEst.DataBind(); }
protected void DropDownList2_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ddlFBChoose.SelectedIndex == 0) { panelEst.Visible = false; panelUser.Visible = false; Panel1.Visible = false; lblSelectError.Text = ""; } else if (ddlFBChoose.SelectedIndex == 1) { allflist = ForumUserDB.getAllForumUser(); if (allflist.Count == 0) { lblSelectError.Text = "Sorry there is no forum by User found in the moment!"; panelUser.Visible = false; panelEst.Visible = false; } else { panelUser.Visible = true; panelEst.Visible = false; Panel1.Visible = false; gvUser.DataSource = allflist; gvUser.DataBind(); lblSelectError.Text = "The are " + allflist.Count + " Forum posted by Users found!"; Session["u"] = "user"; Session["e"] = null; } } else { allelist = ForumEstablishmentDB.getAllForumEstablishment(); if (allelist.Count == 0) { lblSelectError.Text = "Sorry there is no forum by Establishment found in the moment!"; panelUser.Visible = false; panelEst.Visible = false; } else { panelUser.Visible = false; panelEst.Visible = true; Panel1.Visible = false; gvEst.DataSource = allelist; gvEst.DataBind(); lblSelectError.Text = "The are " + allelist.Count + " Forum posted by Establishment found!"; Session["u"] = null; Session["e"] = "est"; } } }
protected void gvEst_SelectedIndexChanged1(object sender, EventArgs e) { List <tempcomment> tclist = new List <tempcomment>(); Panel1.Visible = true; allelist = ForumEstablishmentDB.getAllForumEstablishment(); ForumEstablishment fe = allelist[gvEst.PageSize * gvEst.PageIndex + gvEst.SelectedIndex]; gvEst.SelectedIndex = -1; Session["forumID"] = fe.forumID; lbltitle.Text = fe.Title; lblmessage.Text = fe.message; lblUser.Text = fe.estID.ID; lblDate.Text = string.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}",; List <ForumEstCommentbyUser> fecu = ForumEstCommentbyUserDB.getoneForumAllCommentbyID(fe.forumID); List <ForumEstCommentbyEst> fece = ForumEstCommentbyEstDB.getoneForumAllCommentbyID(fe.forumID); foreach (ForumEstCommentbyUser f in fecu) { tempcomment tc = new tempcomment(); tc.comentID = f.forumcommentID; tc.comment = f.comments; tc.commentby =; tc.time =; tc.status = f.status; tc.timeshow = datesub(; tclist.Add(tc); } foreach (ForumEstCommentbyEst g in fece) { tempcomment tc = new tempcomment(); tc.comentID = g.forumcommentID; tc.comment = g.comments; tc.commentby = g.commentby.Name.ToString(); tc.time =; tc.status = g.status; tc.timeshow = datesub(; tclist.Add(tc); } if (tclist.Count == 0) { lblNotFound.Visible = true; } else { tclist = tclist.OrderBy(x => x.time).ToList(); tclist.Reverse(); lblNotFound.Visible = false; GridView1.DataSource = tclist; GridView1.DataBind(); } }