public void Format_parsed_data_copied_from_real_CSV_in_expected_format()
        {//Uses real line from CSV in the expected format after parsing.
            string[,] parsedCsvData = { { "1", "VSTest: MonolithTests.NancyTests.RootModuleTests.when_unauthorized_get_on_root_url_should_redirect_us_to_login_page", "OK", "510" } };

            string[,] expectedFormattedData = { { "RootModuleTests", "When unauthorized get on root url should redirect us to login page" } };

            FormattingClass Formatter = new FormattingClass();

            string[,] mockFormattedData = Formatter.Format(parsedCsvData);
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expectedFormattedData, mockFormattedData);
        public void Format_parsed_data_with_a_test_from_two_different_groups()
        {//Uses real line from CSV in the expected format after parsing.
            string[,] parsedCsvData = { { "1", "VSTest: MonolithTests.NancyTests.RootModuleTests.when_unauthorized_get_on_root_url_should_redirect_us_to_login_page", "OK", "510" },
                                        { "7", "VSTest: MonolithTests.NancyTests.UploadModuleTests.get_on_upload_root_url_gives_us_OK_status",                        "OK", "86"  } };

            string[,] expectedFormattedData = { { "RootModuleTests",   "When unauthorized get on root url should redirect us to login page" },
                                                { "UploadModuleTests", "Get on upload root url gives us OK status"                          } };

            FormattingClass Formatter = new FormattingClass();

            string[,] mockFormattedData = Formatter.Format(parsedCsvData);
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expectedFormattedData, mockFormattedData);
        public void Format_parsed_data_with_two_tests_from_same_group()
        {//Uses real line from CSV in the expected format after parsing.
            string[,] parsedCsvData = { { "1", "VSTest: MonolithTests.NancyTests.RootModuleTests.when_unauthorized_get_on_root_url_should_redirect_us_to_login_page",        "OK", "510" },
                                        { "2", "VSTest: MonolithTests.NancyTests.RootModuleTests.when_authorized_as_an_analyst_get_on_root_should_provide_rulesupload_view", "OK", "198" } };

            string[,] expectedFormattedData = { { "RootModuleTests", "When unauthorized get on root url should redirect us to login page"        },
                                                { " ",               "When authorized as an analyst get on root should provide rulesupload view" } };

            FormattingClass Formatter = new FormattingClass();

            string[,] mockFormattedData = Formatter.Format(parsedCsvData);
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expectedFormattedData, mockFormattedData);