private void FormatPluginsGrid_CellClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { if (this.DisplayedRequest == null) { return; } string PluginName = ""; CurrentFormatXml = ""; CurrentXmlNameValueArray = new string[, ] { }; bool Normal = false; if (e.RowIndex == 0) { Normal = true; this.SetBodyParameters(this.DisplayedRequest, false); } foreach (DataGridViewRow Row in FormatPluginsGrid.Rows) { if (e.RowIndex == Row.Index) { PluginName = Row.Cells[1].Value.ToString(); } if (Normal && (e.RowIndex == Row.Index)) { Row.Cells[0].Value = true; } else { Row.Cells[0].Value = false; } } if (Normal) { return; } BodyParametersGrid.Rows.Clear(); FormatXmlTBP.ClearData(); ConvertXmlToObjectBtn.Text = "Convert this XML to Object"; if (FormatPluginCallingThread != null) { try { FormatPluginCallingThread.Abort(); } catch { } } if (PluginName.Length == 0) { return; } ShowStatusMsg(string.Format("Parsing Request body as {0}", PluginName)); ShowProgressBar(true); FormatPluginCallingThread = new Thread(DeserializeWithFormatPlugin); FormatPluginCallingThread.Start(PluginName); }
void ClearBodyTypeFormatPluginsUi() { BodyParametersGrid.Rows.Clear(); ConvertXmlToObjectBtn.Text = "Convert this XML to Object"; FormatXmlTBP.ClearData(); foreach (DataGridViewRow Row in FormatPluginsGrid.Rows) { Row.Cells[0].Value = false; } ResetBodyFormatXmlChangedStatus(); ResetBodyParametersChangedStatus(); }
void ClearData() { if (this.BaseTabs.InvokeRequired) { ClearData_d InvokeDelegate_d = new ClearData_d(ClearData); this.BaseTabs.Invoke(InvokeDelegate_d, new object[] { }); } else { RoundTripLbl.Text = ""; HeadersTBP.ClearData(); BodyTBP.ClearData(); FormatXmlTBP.ClearData(); ConvertXmlToObjectBtn.Text = "Convert this XML to Object"; BodyFormatPluginsParametersGrid.Rows.Clear(); ReflectionRTB.Text = ""; ClearEditTab(); foreach (DataGridViewRow Row in FormatPluginsGrid.Rows) { Row.Cells[0].Value = false; } if (FormatPluginCallingThread != null) { try { FormatPluginCallingThread.Abort(); } catch { } } if (ReflectionCheckingThread != null) { try { ReflectionCheckingThread.Abort(); } catch { } } ShowStatusMsg(""); ShowProgressBar(false); } }
void ClearData() { if (this.BaseTabs.InvokeRequired) { ClearData_d InvokeDelegate_d = new ClearData_d(ClearData); this.BaseTabs.Invoke(InvokeDelegate_d, new object[] { }); } else { UseSSLCB.Checked = false; HeadersTBP.ClearData(); BodyTBP.ClearData(); FormatXmlTBP.ClearData(); ConvertXmlToObjectBtn.Text = "Convert this XML to Object"; UrlPathPartsParametersGrid.Rows.Clear(); QueryParametersGrid.Rows.Clear(); CookieParametersGrid.Rows.Clear(); HeadersParametersGrid.Rows.Clear(); BodyParametersGrid.Rows.Clear(); ClearEditTab(); foreach (DataGridViewRow Row in FormatPluginsGrid.Rows) { Row.Cells[0].Value = false; } if (FormatPluginCallingThread != null) { try { FormatPluginCallingThread.Abort(); } catch { } } ShowStatusMsg(""); ShowProgressBar(false); } }