        public long getDrawSaleImport(long posId, DateTime pDate, long pGroup)
            long   saleTotal = 0;
            string drawDate  = FormatService.formatDrawDateToString(pDate);

            using (var context = new SILOEntities())
                string query =
                    "SELECT IFNULL(SUM(N.LND_SaleImport), 0) AS totalImport "
                    + "FROM LTL_LotteryList AS L "
                    + "INNER JOIN LND_ListNumberDetail AS N ON N.LTL_LotteryList = L.LTL_Id "
                    + "INNER JOIN LTD_LotteryDraw AS D ON D.LTD_Id = L.LTD_LotteryDraw "
                    + "INNER JOIN LDT_LotteryDrawType AS T ON T.LDT_Id = D.LDT_LotteryDrawType "
                    + "WHERE L.LPS_LotteryPointSale = " + posId + " "
                    + "AND L.LLS_LotteryListStatus <> " + SystemConstants.LIST_STATUS_CANCELED + " "
                    + "AND D.LTD_CreateDate = '" + drawDate + "' "
                    + "AND D.LDT_LotteryDrawType = " + pGroup + " "
                    + ";"
                var totalList = context.Database.SqlQuery <long>(query).ToList();
                saleTotal = totalList.First();
                //saleTotal = context.Database.SqlQuery<IEnumerable<long>>(query);
         * public void getListDetail()
         * {
         *  //var listDetail = null;
         *  using (var context = new SILOEntities())
         *  {
         *      var listDetail = context.Database.
         *          SqlQuery<LotteryTuple>("SELECT LNR_LotteryNumber AS number, CAST(LND_SaleImport AS INTEGER) AS import FROM LND_ListNumberDetail  WHERE LTL_LotteryList = 1; ")
         *          .ToList()
         *          ;
         *      foreach (var item in listDetail)
         *      {
         *          Console.WriteLine(item.ToString());
         *          Console.WriteLine(item.number + " " + item.import + " ");
         *      }
         *  }
         * }

        public int[] getDrawListTotals(long posId, DateTime pDate, long pGroup, long pSyncStatus = 0, bool pOnlyPendingTransactions = false)
            int[]  importArray     = new int[100];
            string drawDate        = FormatService.formatDrawDateToString(pDate);
            string pendingFilter   = " AND L.SYS_SynchronyStatus = " + SystemConstants.SYNC_STATUS_PENDING_TO_SERVER + " ";
            string synStatusFilter = " AND L.SYS_SynchronyStatus = " + pSyncStatus + " ";
            Dictionary <int, int> importCollection = new Dictionary <int, int>();

            using (var context = new SILOEntities())
                string query =
                    "SELECT N.LNR_LotteryNumber AS numberId, SUM(N.LND_SaleImport) AS totalImport "
                    + "FROM LTL_LotteryList AS L "
                    + "INNER JOIN LND_ListNumberDetail AS N ON N.LTL_LotteryList = L.LTL_Id "
                    + "INNER JOIN LTD_LotteryDraw AS D ON D.LTD_Id = L.LTD_LotteryDraw "
                    + "INNER JOIN LDT_LotteryDrawType AS T ON T.LDT_Id = D.LDT_LotteryDrawType "
                    + "WHERE L.LPS_LotteryPointSale = " + posId + " "
                    + "AND L.LLS_LotteryListStatus <> " + SystemConstants.LIST_STATUS_CANCELED + " "
                    + "AND D.LTD_CreateDate = '" + drawDate + "' "
                    + "AND D.LDT_LotteryDrawType = " + pGroup + " "
                    + (pOnlyPendingTransactions ? pendingFilter : "")
                    + (pSyncStatus != 0 ? synStatusFilter : "")
                    + "GROUP BY N.LNR_LotteryNumber "
                    + ";"
                var listDetail = context.Database.SqlQuery <ListTotalRecord>(query).ToList();
                // Crear diccionario para realizar la conversión
                foreach (var item in listDetail)
                    importCollection.Add(item.numberId, item.totalImport);
            // Llenar el array
            for (int i = 0; i < importArray.Length; i++)
                int importValue = 0;
                int numberId    = (i == 0 ? 100 : i);
                if (importCollection.TryGetValue(numberId, out importValue))
                    importArray[i] = importValue;
                    importArray[i] = 0;
        public List <ListData> getListCollection(DateTime pDate, long pGroup)
            string          drawDate           = FormatService.formatDrawDateToString(pDate);
            List <ListData> listDataCollection = new List <ListData>();

            using (var context = new SILOEntities())
                var query = "SELECT '0' || L.LPS_LotteryPointSale || '000' || L.LTL_Id AS global, '0' || L.LTL_Id AS id, L.LTL_CreateDate AS date, L.LTL_CustomerName AS name FROM LTL_LotteryList AS L INNER JOIN LTD_LotteryDraw AS D ON D.LTD_Id = L.LTD_LotteryDraw "
                            + "WHERE D.LTD_CreateDate = '" + drawDate + "' "
                            + "AND D.LDT_LotteryDrawType = " + pGroup + " "
                            + "AND L.LLS_LotteryListStatus <> " + SystemConstants.LIST_STATUS_CANCELED + " "
                            + " ;";
                listDataCollection = context.Database.
                                     SqlQuery <ListData>(query)