public FileListStruct(string fn, string ffn, FormatProcessor p, bool ps) { filename = fn; formatName = ffn; processor = p; persistent = ps; }
protected override void ProcessRecord() { Collection <FormatData> data; if (InputObject.BaseObject is FormatData) { data = new Collection <FormatData>(); data.Add((FormatData)InputObject.BaseObject); } else { if (_formatManager == null) { _formatManager = new FormatManager(FormatShape.Undefined, ExecutionContext); } data = _formatManager.Process(InputObject); } // although we might have multiple FormatData objects, they are all derived from a single data object // so all should be formatted in the same shape var processor = FormatProcessor.Get(OutputWriter, data[0].Shape); foreach (var curData in data) { processor.ProcessPayload(curData); } }
protected override void EndProcessing() { if (_formatManager == null) { return; } var data = _formatManager.End(); if (data.Count < 1) { return; } var processor = FormatProcessor.Get(OutputWriter, data[0].Shape); foreach (var formatPayload in data) { processor.ProcessPayload(formatPayload); } }
private void detectFormatButton_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { string filename = fileTextBox.Text; string goodFormat = ""; int numFormats = 0; switch(FileImportForm.m_mode) { case MODE_GPS: numFormats = AllFormats.gpsFormatObjects.Length; elementName = "waypoints"; break; case MODE_EQ: numFormats = AllFormats.eqFormatObjects.Length; elementName = "earthquakes"; break; } fileStatusLabel.Text = "selected format: " + m_selectedFormat + "\nTrying available formats:\n"; for(int i=0; i < numFormats ;i++) { string formatName = ""; BaseFormat format = null; FormatProcessor fileProcessor = null; switch(FileImportForm.m_mode) { case MODE_GPS: { formatName = AllFormats.gpsFormatNames[i]; format = AllFormats.gpsFormatObjects[i]; format.InsertWaypoint = m_countWaypoint; fileProcessor = new FormatProcessor(format.process); } break; case MODE_EQ: { formatName = AllFormats.eqFormatNames[i]; format = AllFormats.eqFormatObjects[i]; format.InsertEarthquake = m_countEarthquake; fileProcessor = new FormatProcessor(format.process); } break; } elementCount = 0; fileProcessor("", filename, filename); string diag = " ...trying: " + formatName; if(elementCount > 0) { diag += " - OK: detected " + elementCount + " " + elementName + ".\n"; goodFormat = formatName; } else { diag += " - no match\n"; } fileStatusLabel.Text += diag; } if(goodFormat.Length > 0) { if(goodFormat.Equals(m_selectedFormat)) { fileStatusLabel.Text += "Click \"Next>>\" to continue"; fileStatusLabel.ForeColor = Color.Black; } else { fileStatusLabel.Text += "\nClick \"<<Back\" and select " + goodFormat + " format"; fileStatusLabel.ForeColor = Color.Red; } } else { fileStatusLabel.Text += "Sorry, the file cannot be imported"; fileStatusLabel.ForeColor = Color.Red; } }
private void setFormatFields(RadioButton radioButton, string[] formatNames, string[] formatHelps, string[] formatExt, string[] formatExts, BaseFormat[] formatObjects, int mode) { if(radioButton.Checked) { FileImportForm.m_mode = mode; m_fileImportForm.detailComboBox.Items.Clear(); m_fileImportForm.detailComboBox.Items.AddRange(formatNames); // try to keep previously selected format: int index = 0; int i=0; for (; i < formatNames.Length ;i++) { if(formatNames[i].Equals(FileImportForm.m_selectedFormat)) { index = i; break; } } m_fileImportForm.detailComboBox.SelectedIndex = index; m_fileImportForm.detailLabel.Text = formatHelps[index]; m_fileImportForm.m_defaultExt = formatExt[index]; m_fileImportForm.m_defaultExts = formatExts[index]; m_fileProcessor = new FormatProcessor(formatObjects[index].process); m_fileImportForm.nextButton.Enabled = true; } }
private void setFormat() { int index = m_fileImportForm.detailComboBox.SelectedIndex; switch(FileImportForm.m_mode) { case MODE_GPS: { m_fileImportForm.detailLabel.Text = AllFormats.gpsFormatHelps[index]; m_fileImportForm.m_defaultExt = AllFormats.gpsDefaultExtension[index]; m_fileImportForm.m_defaultExts = AllFormats.gpsDefaultExtensions[index]; FileImportForm.m_selectedFormat = AllFormats.gpsFormatNames[index]; BaseFormat format = AllFormats.gpsFormatObjects[index]; format.InsertWaypoint = m_countWaypoint; m_fileProcessor = new FormatProcessor(format.process); elementName = "waypoints"; } break; case MODE_EQ: { m_fileImportForm.detailLabel.Text = AllFormats.eqFormatHelps[index]; m_fileImportForm.m_defaultExt = AllFormats.eqDefaultExtension[index]; m_fileImportForm.m_defaultExts = AllFormats.eqDefaultExtensions[index]; FileImportForm.m_selectedFormat = AllFormats.eqFormatNames[index]; BaseFormat format = AllFormats.eqFormatObjects[index]; format.InsertEarthquake = m_countEarthquake; m_fileProcessor = new FormatProcessor(format.process); elementName = "earthquakes"; } break; } }
public void SetUp() { _database = new Mock <IDatabase>(); _processor = new FormatProcessor(); }
public UrlListStruct(string u, string s, FormatProcessor p) { url = u; source = s; processor = p; }
private void importFavoritesMenuItem_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog(); // use .gpx and .loc format: openFileDialog.InitialDirectory = Project.fileInitialDirectory; openFileDialog.FileName = ""; openFileDialog.DefaultExt = ".gpx"; openFileDialog.AddExtension = true; // "Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*" openFileDialog.Filter = "GPX files (*.gpx)|*.gpx"; DialogResult result = openFileDialog.ShowDialog(); if (result == DialogResult.OK) { fvCount = 0; string fileName = openFileDialog.FileName; BaseFormat format = AllFormats.gpsFormatObjects[0]; FileImportForm.m_selectedFormat = AllFormats.gpsFormatNames[0]; format.InsertWaypoint = new InsertWaypoint(insertFavorite); FormatProcessor fileProcessor = new FormatProcessor(format.process); fileProcessor("", fileName, fileName); if(fvCount > 0) { rebuildFavoritesMenu(); Project.SaveFavorites(); // save favorites Project.MessageBox(this, "" + fvCount + " items were imported successfully and will appear in Favorites menu"); } else { Project.ErrorBox(this, "No items were imported from\r\n\r\n" + fileName + "\r\n\r\n - could not find any named waypoints there."); } } }