public ActionResult EditActivityPost(int id, string localId, string name, string clientId, FormCollection formValues) { if (!Services.Authorizer.Authorize(StandardPermissions.SiteOwner, T("Not authorized to edit workflows"))) { return(new HttpUnauthorizedResult()); } var activity = _activitiesManager.GetActivityByName(name); if (activity == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } // validating form values _formManager.Validate(new ValidatingContext { FormName = activity.Form, ModelState = ModelState, ValueProvider = ValueProvider }); // stay on the page if there are validation errors if (!ModelState.IsValid) { // build the form, and let external components alter it var form = activity.Form == null ? null : _formManager.Build(activity.Form); // bind form with existing values. _formManager.Bind(form, ValueProvider); var viewModel = New.ViewModel(Id: id, LocalId: localId, Form: form); return(View(viewModel)); } var model = new UpdatedActivityModel { ClientId = clientId, Data = HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode(FormParametersHelper.ToJsonString(formValues)) }; TempData["UpdatedViewModel"] = model; return(RedirectToAction("Edit", new { id, localId })); }
public ActionResult GetUserList() { var users = _userService.GetUsers(); dynamic jObj = new JObject(); jObj.Users = new JArray(users.Select(x => { dynamic user = new JObject(); = x.Id; user.Name = x.UserName; return(user); })); return(Json(FormParametersHelper.ToJsonString(jObj), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public ActionResult CreatePost(LayoutEditViewModel model, FormCollection formCollection) { if (!Services.Authorizer.Authorize(Permissions.ManageQueries, T("Not authorized to manage queries"))) { return(new HttpUnauthorizedResult()); } // validating form values model.Layout = _projectionManager.DescribeLayouts().SelectMany(x => x.Descriptors).FirstOrDefault(x => x.Category == model.Category && x.Type == model.Type); _formManager.Validate(new ValidatingContext { FormName = model.Layout.Form, ModelState = ModelState, ValueProvider = ValueProvider }); var form = _formManager.Build(model.Layout.Form) ?? Services.New.EmptyForm(); _formManager.Bind(form, formCollection); model.Form = form; if (ModelState.IsValid) { var layoutRecord = new LayoutRecord { Category = model.Category, Type = model.Type }; var query = _queryService.GetQuery(model.QueryId); query.Layouts.Add(layoutRecord); var dictionary = formCollection.AllKeys.ToDictionary(key => key, formCollection.Get); // save form parameters layoutRecord.State = FormParametersHelper.ToString(dictionary); layoutRecord.Description = model.Description; layoutRecord.Display = model.Display; layoutRecord.DisplayType = model.DisplayType; Services.Notifier.Information(T("Layout Created")); _repository.Create(layoutRecord); return(RedirectToAction("Edit", new { id = layoutRecord.Id })); } return(View(model)); }
public ActionResult AddAssignment(int taskId) { TaskAssignment _taskAssignment = new TaskAssignment(); var users = _userService.GetUsers(); _taskAssignment.Users = users; dynamic jObj = new JObject(); jObj.Users = new JArray(users.Select(x => { dynamic user = new JObject(); = x.Id; user.Name = x.UserName; return(user); })); _taskAssignment.jsonData = FormParametersHelper.ToJsonString(jObj); return(View("AddAssignment", _taskAssignment)); }
public ActionResult EditPost(int id, string category, string type, [DefaultValue(-1)] int eventId, FormCollection formCollection) { var rule = _rulesServices.GetRule(id); var eventRecord = rule.Events.Where(a => a.Id == eventId).FirstOrDefault(); // add new event record if it's a newly created event if (eventRecord == null) { eventRecord = new EventRecord { Category = category, Type = type }; rule.Events.Add(eventRecord); } var e = _rulesManager.DescribeEvents().SelectMany(x => x.Descriptors).Where(x => x.Category == category && x.Type == type).FirstOrDefault(); // validating form values _formManager.Validate(new ValidatingContext { FormName = e.Form, ModelState = ModelState, ValueProvider = ValueProvider }); if (ModelState.IsValid) { var dictionary = formCollection.AllKeys.ToDictionary(key => key, formCollection.Get); // save form parameters eventRecord.Parameters = FormParametersHelper.ToString(dictionary); return(RedirectToAction("Edit", "Admin", new { id })); } // model is invalid, display it again var form = _formManager.Build(e.Form); AddSubmitButton(form); _formManager.Bind(form, formCollection); var viewModel = new EditEventViewModel { Id = id, Event = e, Form = form }; return(View(viewModel)); }
private string ProjectManagementTaskJson <T>(IEnumerable <T> _tasks) where T : TaskMgmtPart { //IEnumerable<TaskMgmtPartRecord> _tasks = _projTasks.GetTasks(); // ProjectTaskViewModel _taskPartVM = new ProjectTaskViewModel(_tasks); dynamic jsonTask = new JObject(); jsonTask.tasks = new JArray(_tasks.Select(_task => { dynamic task = new JObject(); = _task.Id; = _task.Name; task.description = _task.Description; task.status = _task.Status; task.code = _task.TaskCode; task.level = _task.Level; task.duration = _task.Duration; task.startIsMilestone = _task.StartIsMilestone; task.endIsMilestone = _task.EndIsMilestone; task.progress = _task.Progress; if (_task.Dependancy != null) { task.depends = _task.Dependancy; } //task.start = DateTime.Now.AddDays(10).Millisecond; if (_task.ProjStartDate != null) { DateTime start = (DateTime)_task.ProjStartDate; task.start = (long)(start - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalMilliseconds; } if (_task.ProjEndDate != null) { DateTime end = (DateTime)_task.ProjEndDate; task.end = (long)(end - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalMilliseconds; } return(task); })); jsonTask.selectedRow = 0; jsonTask.canWrite = true; jsonTask.canWriteOnParent = true; return(FormParametersHelper.ToJsonString(jsonTask)); }
private static string GetLayoutState(int queryId, int columnCount, string desc) { var datas = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "QueryId", queryId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) }, { "Category", "Html" }, { "Type", "ngGrid" }, { "Description", desc }, { "Display", "1" }, { "DisplayType", "Summary" }, { "Alignment", "horizontal" }, { "Columns", columnCount.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) }, { "GridId", string.Empty }, { "GridClass", string.Empty }, { "RowClass", string.Empty } }; var re = FormParametersHelper.ToString(datas); return(re); }
private string GetResizeUrl(string path, string width) { var state = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "Width", width.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) }, { "Height", "0" } }; var filter = new FilterRecord { Category = "Transform", Type = "Resize", State = FormParametersHelper.ToString(state) }; var profile = "Transform_Resize" + "_w_" + Convert.ToString(width) + "_h_" + Convert.ToString(0); return(_imageProfileManager.Value.GetImageProfileUrl(path, profile, filter)); }
private FilterRecord Filter( int Width, int Height, string Mode, string Alignment, string PadColor) { var state = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "Width", Width.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) }, { "Height", Height.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) }, { "Mode", Mode }, { "Alignment", Alignment }, { "PadColor", PadColor }, }; return(new FilterRecord { Category = "Transform", Type = "Resize", State = FormParametersHelper.ToString(state) }); }
public ActionResult Edit(int id) { if (!Services.Authorizer.Authorize(StandardPermissions.SiteOwner, T("Not authorized to edit media profiles"))) { return(new HttpUnauthorizedResult()); } var profile = _profileService.GetImageProfile(id); var viewModel = new AdminEditViewModel { Id = profile.Id, Name = profile.Name }; var filterEntries = new List <FilterEntry>(); var allFilters = _imageProcessingManager.DescribeFilters().SelectMany(x => x.Descriptors).ToList(); foreach (var filter in profile.Filters.OrderBy(f => f.Position)) { var category = filter.Category; var type = filter.Type; var f = allFilters.FirstOrDefault(x => category == x.Category && type == x.Type); if (f != null) { filterEntries.Add( new FilterEntry { Category = f.Category, Type = f.Type, FilterRecordId = filter.Id, DisplayText = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter.Description) ? f.Display(new FilterContext { State = FormParametersHelper.ToDynamic(filter.State) }).Text : filter.Description }); } } viewModel.Filters = filterEntries; return(View(viewModel)); }
private WorkflowDefinitionViewModel CreateWorkflowDefinitionViewModel(WorkflowDefinitionRecord workflowDefinitionRecord) { if (workflowDefinitionRecord == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("workflowDefinitionRecord"); } var workflowDefinitionModel = new WorkflowDefinitionViewModel { Id = workflowDefinitionRecord.Id, Name = workflowDefinitionRecord.Name }; dynamic workflow = new JObject(); workflow.Activities = new JArray(workflowDefinitionRecord.ActivityRecords.Select(x => { dynamic activity = new JObject(); activity.Name = x.Name; activity.Id = x.Id; activity.ClientId = x.Name + "_" + x.Id; activity.Left = x.X; activity.Top = x.Y; activity.Start = x.Start; activity.State = FormParametersHelper.FromJsonString(x.State); return(activity); })); workflow.Connections = new JArray(workflowDefinitionRecord.TransitionRecords.Select(x => { dynamic connection = new JObject(); connection.Id = x.Id; connection.SourceId = x.SourceActivityRecord.Name + "_" + x.SourceActivityRecord.Id; connection.TargetId = x.DestinationActivityRecord.Name + "_" + x.DestinationActivityRecord.Id; connection.SourceEndpoint = x.SourceEndpoint; return(connection); })); workflowDefinitionModel.JsonData = FormParametersHelper.ToJsonString(workflow); return(workflowDefinitionModel); }
private void InvokeOtherProvider( SortCriterionContext context, SortCriterionConfiguration criterion) { if (allSortProviders.Any()) { // pretend we are the ProjectionManager here // look for the specific filter component var descriptor = AllDescriptors() .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Category == criterion.SortCriterionProviderCategory && x.Type == criterion.SortCriterionProviderType); if (descriptor == null) { Logger.Error( T("It was impossible to find a descriptor for sort provider with category {0} and type {1}.", criterion.SortCriterionProviderCategory, criterion.SortCriterionProviderType).Text); } else { var criterionState = FormParametersHelper.ToDynamic(criterion.SortCriterionProviderState ?? ""); criterionState.Sort = criterion.Ascending; var sortCriterionContext = new SortCriterionContext { Query = context.Query, State = criterionState, QueryPartRecord = context.QueryPartRecord, Tokens = context.Tokens }; descriptor.Sort(sortCriterionContext); context.Query = sortCriterionContext.Query; } } if (criterion.Children.Any()) { foreach (var childCriterion in criterion.Children) { CriterionApplication(context, childCriterion); } } }
public ActionResult Edit(int id, string category, string type, int filterId = -1) { if (!Services.Authorizer.Authorize(Permissions.ManageQueries, T("Not authorized to manage queries"))) { return(new HttpUnauthorizedResult()); } var filter = _projectionManager.DescribeFilters().SelectMany(x => x.Descriptors).FirstOrDefault(x => x.Category == category && x.Type == type); if (filter == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } // build the form, and let external components alter it var form = filter.Form == null ? null : _formManager.Build(filter.Form); string description = ""; // bind form with existing values). if (filterId != -1) { var group = _groupRepository.Get(id); var filterRecord = group.Filters.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == filterId); if (filterRecord != null) { description = filterRecord.Description; var parameters = FormParametersHelper.FromString(filterRecord.State); _formManager.Bind(form, new DictionaryValueProvider <string>(parameters, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } } var viewModel = new FilterEditViewModel { Id = id, Description = description, Filter = filter, Form = form }; return(View(viewModel)); }
private static void SortStaffProfileQuery(QueryPart staffProfileQuery) { var sortDictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>(); sortDictionary.Add("Description", "Staff Group"); sortDictionary.Add("Sort", "false"); //sort by name var profileNameCriteria = staffProfileQuery.SortCriteria.FirstOrDefault(); if (profileNameCriteria == null) { profileNameCriteria = new SortCriterionRecord { Category = "TitlePartRecord", Type = "Title", Description = "Profile Name", Position = 1 }; } profileNameCriteria.State = FormParametersHelper.ToString(sortDictionary); staffProfileQuery.SortCriteria.Add(profileNameCriteria); }
public void Sweep() { var awaiting = _awaitingActivityRepository.Table.Where(x => x.ActivityRecord.Name == OrchardCollaborationTimerActivity.ActionName).ToList(); foreach (var action in awaiting) { try { var contentItem = _contentManager.Get(action.WorkflowRecord.ContentItemRecord.Id, VersionOptions.Latest); var tokens = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "Content", contentItem } }; var workflowState = FormParametersHelper.FromJsonString(action.WorkflowRecord.State); workflowState.TimerActivity_StartedUtc = null; action.WorkflowRecord.State = FormParametersHelper.ToJsonString(workflowState); _workflowManager.TriggerEvent(OrchardCollaborationTimerActivity.ActionName, contentItem, () => tokens); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(ex, "OrchardCollaborationTimerBackgroundTask: Error while processing background task \"{0}\" on tenant \"{1}\".", action.ActivityRecord.Name, _shellName); } } }
public ActionResult Edit(int id) { if (!Services.Authorizer.Authorize(StandardPermissions.SiteOwner, T("Not authorized to edit rules"))) { return(new HttpUnauthorizedResult()); } var rule = _rulesServices.GetRule(id); var viewModel = new EditRuleViewModel { Id = rule.Id, Enabled = rule.Enabled, Name = rule.Name }; #region Load events var eventEntries = new List <EventEntry>(); var allEvents = _rulesManager.DescribeEvents().SelectMany(x => x.Descriptors); foreach (var eventRecord in rule.Events) { var category = eventRecord.Category; var type = eventRecord.Type; var ev = allEvents.Where(x => category == x.Category && type == x.Type).FirstOrDefault(); if (ev != null) { var eventParameters = FormParametersHelper.FromString(eventRecord.Parameters); eventEntries.Add( new EventEntry { Category = ev.Category, Type = ev.Type, EventRecordId = eventRecord.Id, DisplayText = ev.Display(new EventContext { Properties = eventParameters }) }); } } viewModel.Events = eventEntries; #endregion #region Load actions var actionEntries = new List <ActionEntry>(); var allActions = _rulesManager.DescribeActions().SelectMany(x => x.Descriptors); foreach (var actionRecord in rule.Actions.OrderBy(x => x.Position)) { var category = actionRecord.Category; var type = actionRecord.Type; var action = allActions.Where(x => category == x.Category && type == x.Type).FirstOrDefault(); if (action != null) { var actionParameters = FormParametersHelper.FromString(actionRecord.Parameters); actionEntries.Add( new ActionEntry { Category = action.Category, Type = action.Type, ActionRecordId = actionRecord.Id, DisplayText = action.Display(new ActionContext { Properties = actionParameters }) }); } } viewModel.Actions = actionEntries; #endregion return(View(viewModel)); }
public ActionResult EditPost(int id, string localId, string data, bool clearWorkflows) { if (!Services.Authorizer.Authorize(StandardPermissions.SiteOwner, T("Not authorized to edit workflows"))) { return(new HttpUnauthorizedResult()); } var workflowDefinitionRecord = _workflowDefinitionRecords.Get(id); if (workflowDefinitionRecord == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } workflowDefinitionRecord.Enabled = true; var state = FormParametersHelper.FromJsonString(data); var activitiesIndex = new Dictionary <string, ActivityRecord>(); workflowDefinitionRecord.ActivityRecords.Clear(); foreach (var activity in state.Activities) { ActivityRecord activityRecord; workflowDefinitionRecord.ActivityRecords.Add(activityRecord = new ActivityRecord { Name = activity.Name, X = activity.Left, Y = activity.Top, Start = activity.Start, State = FormParametersHelper.ToJsonString(activity.State), WorkflowDefinitionRecord = workflowDefinitionRecord }); activitiesIndex.Add((string)activity.ClientId, activityRecord); } workflowDefinitionRecord.TransitionRecords.Clear(); foreach (var connection in state.Connections) { workflowDefinitionRecord.TransitionRecords.Add(new TransitionRecord { SourceActivityRecord = activitiesIndex[(string)connection.SourceId], DestinationActivityRecord = activitiesIndex[(string)connection.TargetId], SourceEndpoint = connection.SourceEndpoint, WorkflowDefinitionRecord = workflowDefinitionRecord }); } if (clearWorkflows) { workflowDefinitionRecord.WorkflowRecords.Clear(); } else { var removeWorkflows = new List <WorkflowRecord>(); foreach (var workflowRecord in workflowDefinitionRecord.WorkflowRecords) { var removeAwaitingActivites = new List <AwaitingActivityRecord>(); // Update any awaiting activity records with the new activity record. foreach (var awaitingActivityRecord in workflowRecord.AwaitingActivities) { var clientId = awaitingActivityRecord.ActivityRecord.GetClientId(); if (activitiesIndex.ContainsKey(clientId)) { awaitingActivityRecord.ActivityRecord = activitiesIndex[clientId]; } else { removeAwaitingActivites.Add(awaitingActivityRecord); } } foreach (var item in removeAwaitingActivites) { workflowRecord.AwaitingActivities.Remove(item); } // Remove any workflows with no awaiting activities. if (!workflowRecord.AwaitingActivities.Any()) { removeWorkflows.Add(workflowRecord); } } foreach (var item in removeWorkflows) { workflowDefinitionRecord.WorkflowRecords.Remove(item); } } Services.Notifier.Success(T("Workflow saved successfully")); // Don't pass the localId to force the activites to refresh and use the deterministic clientId. return(RedirectToAction("Edit", new { id })); }
public ActionResult Edit(int id) { if (!Services.Authorizer.Authorize(Permissions.ManageQueries, T("Not authorized to edit queries"))) { return(new HttpUnauthorizedResult()); } var query = _queryService.GetQuery(id); var viewModel = new AdminEditViewModel { Id = query.Id, Name = query.Name }; #region Load Filters var filterGroupEntries = new List <FilterGroupEntry>(); var allFilters = _projectionManager.DescribeFilters().SelectMany(x => x.Descriptors).ToList(); foreach (var group in query.FilterGroups) { var filterEntries = new List <FilterEntry>(); foreach (var filter in group.Filters) { var category = filter.Category; var type = filter.Type; var f = allFilters.FirstOrDefault(x => category == x.Category && type == x.Type); if (f != null) { filterEntries.Add( new FilterEntry { Category = f.Category, Type = f.Type, FilterRecordId = filter.Id, DisplayText = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter.Description) ? f.Display(new FilterContext { State = FormParametersHelper.ToDynamic(filter.State) }).Text : filter.Description }); } } filterGroupEntries.Add(new FilterGroupEntry { Id = group.Id, Filters = filterEntries }); } viewModel.FilterGroups = filterGroupEntries; #endregion #region Load Sort criterias var sortCriterionEntries = new List <SortCriterionEntry>(); var allSortCriteria = _projectionManager.DescribeSortCriteria().SelectMany(x => x.Descriptors).ToList(); foreach (var sortCriterion in query.SortCriteria.OrderBy(s => s.Position)) { var category = sortCriterion.Category; var type = sortCriterion.Type; var f = allSortCriteria.FirstOrDefault(x => category == x.Category && type == x.Type); if (f != null) { sortCriterionEntries.Add( new SortCriterionEntry { Category = f.Category, Type = f.Type, SortCriterionRecordId = sortCriterion.Id, DisplayText = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sortCriterion.Description) ? f.Display(new SortCriterionContext { State = FormParametersHelper.ToDynamic(sortCriterion.State) }).Text : sortCriterion.Description }); } } viewModel.SortCriteria = sortCriterionEntries; #endregion #region Load Layouts var layoutEntries = new List <LayoutEntry>(); var allLayouts = _projectionManager.DescribeLayouts().SelectMany(x => x.Descriptors).ToList(); foreach (var layout in query.Layouts) { var category = layout.Category; var type = layout.Type; var f = allLayouts.FirstOrDefault(x => category == x.Category && type == x.Type); if (f != null) { layoutEntries.Add( new LayoutEntry { Category = f.Category, Type = f.Type, LayoutRecordId = layout.Id, DisplayText = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(layout.Description) ? f.Display(new LayoutContext { State = FormParametersHelper.ToDynamic(layout.State) }).Text : layout.Description }); } } viewModel.Layouts = layoutEntries; #endregion return(View(viewModel)); }
public IEnumerable <ContentItem> GetContentItems(int queryId, ContentPart part, int skip = 0, int count = 0) { var availableSortCriteria = DescribeSortCriteria().ToList(); var queryRecord = _queryRepository.Get(queryId); if (queryRecord == null) { throw new ArgumentException("queryId"); } var contentItems = new List <ContentItem>(); // prepares tokens Dictionary <string, object> tokens = new Dictionary <string, object>(); if (part != null) { tokens.Add("Content", part.ContentItem); } // aggregate the result for each group query foreach (var contentQuery in GetContentQueries(queryRecord, queryRecord.SortCriteria.OrderBy(sc => sc.Position), tokens)) { contentItems.AddRange(contentQuery.Slice(skip, count)); } if (queryRecord.FilterGroups.Count <= 1) { return(contentItems); } // re-executing the sorting with the cumulated groups var ids = contentItems.Select(c => c.Id).ToArray(); if (ids.Length == 0) { return(Enumerable.Empty <ContentItem>()); } var groupQuery = _contentManager.HqlQuery().Where(alias => alias.Named("ci"), x => x.InG("Id", ids)); // iterate over each sort criteria to apply the alterations to the query object foreach (var sortCriterion in queryRecord.SortCriteria.OrderBy(s => s.Position)) { var sortCriterionContext = new SortCriterionContext { Query = groupQuery, State = FormParametersHelper.ToDynamic(sortCriterion.State) }; string category = sortCriterion.Category; string type = sortCriterion.Type; // look for the specific filter component var descriptor = availableSortCriteria.SelectMany(x => x.Descriptors).FirstOrDefault(x => x.Category == category && x.Type == type); // ignore unfound descriptors if (descriptor == null) { continue; } // apply alteration descriptor.Sort(sortCriterionContext); groupQuery = sortCriterionContext.Query; } return(groupQuery.Slice(skip, count)); }
protected override DriverResult Display(ProjectionPart part, string displayType, dynamic shapeHelper) { var query = part.Record.QueryPartRecord; // retrieving paging parameters var queryString = Services.WorkContext.HttpContext.Request.QueryString; var pageKey = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(part.Record.PagerSuffix) ? "page" : "page-" + part.Record.PagerSuffix; var page = 0; if (queryString.AllKeys.Contains(pageKey)) { Int32.TryParse(queryString[pageKey], out page); } // default page size int pageSize = part.Record.Items; // if 0, then assume "All" if (pageSize == 0) { pageSize = Int32.MaxValue; } // if pageSize is provided on the query string, ensure it is compatible with allowed limits var pageSizeKey = "pageSize" + part.Record.PagerSuffix; if (queryString.AllKeys.Contains(pageSizeKey)) { int qsPageSize; if (Int32.TryParse(queryString[pageSizeKey], out qsPageSize)) { if (part.Record.MaxItems == 0 || qsPageSize <= part.Record.MaxItems) { pageSize = qsPageSize; } } } var pager = new Pager(Services.WorkContext.CurrentSite, page, pageSize); var pagerShape = shapeHelper.Pager(pager) .ContentPart(part) .PagerId(pageKey); return(Combined( ContentShape("Parts_ProjectionPart_Pager", shape => { if (!part.Record.DisplayPager) { return null; } return pagerShape; }), ContentShape("Parts_ProjectionPart_List", shape => { // generates a link to the RSS feed for this term var metaData = Services.ContentManager.GetItemMetadata(part.ContentItem); _feedManager.Register(metaData.DisplayText, "rss", new RouteValueDictionary { { "projection", part.Id } }); // execute the query var contentItems = _projectionManager.GetContentItems(query.Id, pager.GetStartIndex() + part.Record.Skip, pager.PageSize).ToList(); // sanity check so that content items with ProjectionPart can't be added here, or it will result in an infinite loop contentItems = contentItems.Where(x => !x.Has <ProjectionPart>()).ToList(); // applying layout var layout = part.Record.LayoutRecord; LayoutDescriptor layoutDescriptor = layout == null ? null : _projectionManager.DescribeLayouts().SelectMany(x => x.Descriptors).FirstOrDefault(x => x.Category == layout.Category && x.Type == layout.Type); // create pager shape if (part.Record.DisplayPager) { var contentItemsCount = _projectionManager.GetCount(query.Id); pagerShape.TotalItemCount(contentItemsCount); } // renders in a standard List shape if no specific layout could be found if (layoutDescriptor == null) { var list = Services.New.List(); var contentShapes = contentItems.Select(item => Services.ContentManager.BuildDisplay(item, "Summary")); list.AddRange(contentShapes); return list; } var tokens = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "Content", part.ContentItem } }; var allFielDescriptors = _projectionManager.DescribeProperties().ToList(); var fieldDescriptors = layout.Properties.OrderBy(p => p.Position).Select(p => allFielDescriptors.SelectMany(x => x.Descriptors).Select(d => new { Descriptor = d, Property = p }).FirstOrDefault(x => x.Descriptor.Category == p.Category && x.Descriptor.Type == p.Type)).ToList(); var tokenizedDescriptors = fieldDescriptors.Select(fd => new { fd.Descriptor, fd.Property, State = FormParametersHelper.ToDynamic(_tokenizer.Replace(fd.Property.State, tokens)) }).ToList(); var layoutComponents = contentItems.Select( contentItem => { var contentItemMetadata = Services.ContentManager.GetItemMetadata(contentItem); var propertyDescriptors = tokenizedDescriptors.Select( d => { var fieldContext = new PropertyContext { State = d.State, Tokens = tokens }; return new { d.Property, Shape = d.Descriptor.Property(fieldContext, contentItem) }; }); // apply all settings to the field content, wrapping it in a FieldWrapper shape var properties = Services.New.Properties( Items: propertyDescriptors.Select( pd => Services.New.PropertyWrapper( Item: pd.Shape, Property: pd.Property, ContentItem: contentItem, ContentItemMetadata: contentItemMetadata ) ) ); return new LayoutComponentResult { ContentItem = contentItem, ContentItemMetadata = contentItemMetadata, Properties = properties }; }).ToList(); var tokenizedState = _tokenizer.Replace(layout.State, new Dictionary <string, object> { { "Content", part.ContentItem } }); var renderLayoutContext = new LayoutContext { State = FormParametersHelper.ToDynamic(tokenizedState), LayoutRecord = layout, }; if (layout.GroupProperty != null) { var groupPropertyId = layout.GroupProperty.Id; var display = _displayHelperFactory.CreateHelper(new ViewContext { HttpContext = _workContextAccessor.GetContext().HttpContext }, new ViewDataContainer()); // index by PropertyWrapper shape var groups = layoutComponents.GroupBy( x => { var propertyShape = ((IEnumerable <dynamic>)x.Properties.Items).First(p => ((PropertyRecord)p.Property).Id == groupPropertyId); // clear the wrappers, as they shouldn't be needed to generate the grouping key itself // otherwise the DisplayContext.View is null, and throws an exception if a wrapper is rendered (#18558) ((IShape)propertyShape).Metadata.Wrappers.Clear(); string key = Convert.ToString(display(propertyShape)); return key; }).Select(x => new { Key = x.Key, Components = x }); var list = Services.New.List(); foreach (var group in groups) { var localResult = layoutDescriptor.Render(renderLayoutContext, group.Components); // add the Context to the shape localResult.Context(renderLayoutContext); list.Add(Services.New.LayoutGroup(Key: new MvcHtmlString(group.Key), List: localResult)); } return list; } var layoutResult = layoutDescriptor.Render(renderLayoutContext, layoutComponents); // add the Context to the shape layoutResult.Context(renderLayoutContext); return layoutResult; }))); }
public string GetImageProfileUrl(string path, string profileName, ContentItem contentItem, params FilterRecord[] customFilters) { // path is the publicUrl of the media, so it might contain url-encoded chars // try to load the processed filename from cache var filePath = _fileNameProvider.GetFileName(profileName, System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlDecode(path)); bool process = false; //after reboot the app cache is empty so we reload the image in the cache if it exists in the _Profiles folder if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath)) { var profileFilePath = _storageProvider.Combine("_Profiles", FormatProfilePath(profileName, System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlDecode(path))); if (_storageProvider.FileExists(profileFilePath)) { _fileNameProvider.UpdateFileName(profileName, System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlDecode(path), profileFilePath); filePath = profileFilePath; } } // if the filename is not cached, process it if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath)) { Logger.Debug("FilePath is null, processing required, profile {0} for image {1}", profileName, path); process = true; } // the processd file doesn't exist anymore, process it else if (!_storageProvider.FileExists(filePath)) { Logger.Debug("Processed file no longer exists, processing required, profile {0} for image {1}", profileName, path); process = true; } // if the original file is more recent, process it else { DateTime pathLastUpdated; if (TryGetImageLastUpdated(path, out pathLastUpdated)) { var filePathLastUpdated = _storageProvider.GetFile(filePath).GetLastUpdated(); if (pathLastUpdated > filePathLastUpdated) { Logger.Debug("Original file more recent, processing required, profile {0} for image {1}", profileName, path); process = true; } } } // todo: regenerate the file if the profile is newer, by deleting the associated filename cache entries. if (process) { Logger.Debug("Processing profile {0} for image {1}", profileName, path); ImageProfilePart profilePart; if (customFilters == null || !customFilters.Any(c => c != null)) { profilePart = _profileService.GetImageProfileByName(profileName); if (profilePart == null) { return(String.Empty); } } else { profilePart = _services.ContentManager.New <ImageProfilePart>("ImageProfile"); profilePart.Name = profileName; foreach (var customFilter in customFilters) { profilePart.Filters.Add(customFilter); } } // prevent two requests from processing the same file at the same time // this is only thread safe at the machine level, so there is a try/catch later // to handle cross machines concurrency lock (String.Intern(path)) { using (var image = GetImage(path)) { if (image == null) { return(null); } var filterContext = new FilterContext { Media = image, FilePath = _storageProvider.Combine("_Profiles", FormatProfilePath(profileName, System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlDecode(path))) }; var tokens = new Dictionary <string, object>(); // if a content item is provided, use it while tokenizing if (contentItem != null) { tokens.Add("Content", contentItem); } foreach (var filter in profilePart.Filters.OrderBy(f => f.Position)) { var descriptor = _processingManager.DescribeFilters().SelectMany(x => x.Descriptors).FirstOrDefault(x => x.Category == filter.Category && x.Type == filter.Type); if (descriptor == null) { continue; } var tokenized = _tokenizer.Replace(filter.State, tokens); filterContext.State = FormParametersHelper.ToDynamic(tokenized); descriptor.Filter(filterContext); } _fileNameProvider.UpdateFileName(profileName, System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlDecode(path), filterContext.FilePath); if (!filterContext.Saved) { try { var newFile = _storageProvider.OpenOrCreate(filterContext.FilePath); using (var imageStream = newFile.OpenWrite()) { using (var sw = new BinaryWriter(imageStream)) { if (filterContext.Media.CanSeek) { filterContext.Media.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); } using (var sr = new BinaryReader(filterContext.Media)) { int count; var buffer = new byte[8192]; while ((count = sr.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) != 0) { sw.Write(buffer, 0, count); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Error(e, "A profile could not be processed: " + path); } } filterContext.Media.Dispose(); filePath = filterContext.FilePath; } } } // generate a timestamped url to force client caches to update if the file has changed var publicUrl = _storageProvider.GetPublicUrl(filePath); var timestamp = _storageProvider.GetFile(filePath).GetLastUpdated().Ticks; return(publicUrl + "?v=" + timestamp.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); }
protected override void OnDisplaying(Projection element, ElementDisplayingContext context) { var queryId = element.QueryId; var layoutId = element.LayoutId; var query = queryId != null?_contentManager.Get <QueryPart>(queryId.Value) : default(QueryPart); var emptyContentItemsList = Enumerable.Empty <ContentManagement.ContentItem>(); context.ElementShape.ContentItems = emptyContentItemsList; context.ElementShape.BuildShapes = (Func <string, IEnumerable <dynamic> >)(displayType => emptyContentItemsList.Select(x => _contentManager.BuildDisplay(x, displayType))); if (query == null || layoutId == null) { return; } // Retrieving paging parameters. var queryString = _services.WorkContext.HttpContext.Request.QueryString; var pageKey = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(element.PagerSuffix) ? "page" : "page-" + element.PagerSuffix; var page = 0; // Default page size. var pageSize = element.ItemsToDisplay; // Don't try to page if not necessary. if (element.DisplayPager && queryString.AllKeys.Contains(pageKey)) { Int32.TryParse(queryString[pageKey], out page); } // If 0, then assume "All", limit to 128 by default. if (pageSize == 128) { pageSize = Int32.MaxValue; } // If pageSize is provided on the query string, ensure it is compatible within allowed limits. var pageSizeKey = "pageSize" + element.PagerSuffix; if (queryString.AllKeys.Contains(pageSizeKey)) { int qsPageSize; if (Int32.TryParse(queryString[pageSizeKey], out qsPageSize)) { if (element.MaxItems == 0 || qsPageSize <= element.MaxItems) { pageSize = qsPageSize; } } } var pager = new Pager(_services.WorkContext.CurrentSite, page, pageSize); // TODO: Investigate this further and see if it makes sense to implement for a Projection Element. //// Generates a link to the RSS feed for this term. //var metaData = _services.ContentManager.GetItemMetadata(part.ContentItem); //_feedManager.Register(metaData.DisplayText, "rss", new RouteValueDictionary { { "projection", part.Id } }); // Execute the query. var contentItems = _projectionManager.GetContentItems(query.Id, pager.GetStartIndex() + element.Skip, pager.PageSize).ToList(); context.ElementShape.ContentItems = contentItems; context.ElementShape.BuildShapes = (Func <string, IEnumerable <dynamic> >)(displayType => contentItems.Select(x => _contentManager.BuildDisplay(x, displayType))); // TODO: Figure out if we need this for a Projection Element, and if so, how. //// Sanity check so that content items with ProjectionPart can't be added here, or it will result in an infinite loop. //contentItems = contentItems.Where(x => !x.Has<ProjectionPart>()).ToList(); // Applying layout. var layout = layoutId != null?_layoutRepository.Get(layoutId.Value) : default(LayoutRecord); var layoutDescriptor = layout == null ? null : _projectionManager.DescribeLayouts().SelectMany(x => x.Descriptors).FirstOrDefault(x => x.Category == layout.Category && x.Type == layout.Type); // Create pager shape. if (element.DisplayPager) { var contentItemsCount = Math.Max(0, _projectionManager.GetCount(query.Id) - element.Skip); var pagerShape = _services.New.Pager(pager) .Element(element) .PagerId(pageKey) .TotalItemCount(contentItemsCount); context.ElementShape.Pager = pagerShape; } // Renders in a standard List shape if no specific layout could be found. if (layoutDescriptor == null) { var contentShapes = contentItems.Select(item => _contentManager.BuildDisplay(item, "Summary")); var list = context.ElementShape.List = _services.New.List(); list.AddRange(contentShapes); return; } var allFielDescriptors = _projectionManager.DescribeProperties().ToList(); var fieldDescriptors = layout.Properties.OrderBy(p => p.Position).Select(p => allFielDescriptors.SelectMany(x => x.Descriptors).Select(d => new { Descriptor = d, Property = p }).FirstOrDefault(x => x.Descriptor.Category == p.Category && x.Descriptor.Type == p.Type)).ToList(); var layoutComponents = contentItems.Select(contentItem => { var contentItemMetadata = _contentManager.GetItemMetadata(contentItem); var propertyDescriptors = fieldDescriptors.Select(d => { var fieldContext = new PropertyContext { State = FormParametersHelper.ToDynamic(d.Property.State), Tokens = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "Content", contentItem } } }; return(new { d.Property, Shape = d.Descriptor.Property(fieldContext, contentItem) }); }); // Apply all settings to the field content, wrapping it in a FieldWrapper shape. var properties = _services.New.Properties( Items: propertyDescriptors.Select( pd => _services.New.PropertyWrapper( Item: pd.Shape, Property: pd.Property, ContentItem: contentItem, ContentItemMetadata: contentItemMetadata ) ) ); return(new LayoutComponentResult { ContentItem = contentItem, ContentItemMetadata = contentItemMetadata, Properties = properties }); }).ToList(); var tokenizedState = _tokenizer.Replace(layout.State, new Dictionary <string, object> { { "Content", context.Content.ContentItem } }); var renderLayoutContext = new LayoutContext { State = FormParametersHelper.ToDynamic(tokenizedState), LayoutRecord = layout, }; if (layout.GroupProperty != null) { var groupPropertyId = layout.GroupProperty.Id; var display = _displayHelperFactory.CreateHelper(new ViewContext { HttpContext = _services.WorkContext.HttpContext }, new ViewDataContainer()); // Index by PropertyWrapper shape. var groups = layoutComponents.GroupBy(x => { var propertyShape = ((IEnumerable <dynamic>)x.Properties.Items).First(p => ((PropertyRecord)p.Property).Id == groupPropertyId); // clear the wrappers, as they shouldn't be needed to generate the grouping key itself // otherwise the DisplayContext.View is null, and throws an exception if a wrapper is rendered (#18558) ((IShape)propertyShape).Metadata.Wrappers.Clear(); string key = Convert.ToString(display(propertyShape)); return(key); }).Select(x => new { Key = x.Key, Components = x }); var list = context.ElementShape.List = _services.New.List(); foreach (var group in groups) { var localResult = layoutDescriptor.Render(renderLayoutContext, group.Components); // Add the Context to the shape. localResult.Context(renderLayoutContext); list.Add(_services.New.LayoutGroup(Key: new MvcHtmlString(group.Key), List: localResult)); } return; } var layoutResult = layoutDescriptor.Render(renderLayoutContext, layoutComponents); // Add the Context to the shape. layoutResult.Context(renderLayoutContext); // Set the List shape to be the layout result. context.ElementShape.List = layoutResult; }
public void ApplyFilter(FilterContext context) { var queryId = (string)context.State.QueryId; int id = 0; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryId) && int.TryParse(queryId, out id)) { var queryPart = _contentManager.Get <QueryPart>(id); if (queryPart != null && allFilterProviders.Any()) { var recursionGuardString = (string)context.State.OtherQueriesFilterRecursionGuard ?? ""; var recursionGuard = recursionGuardString .Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) .Select(int.Parse) .ToList(); // prevent processing an "inner" query if it's the same as the "outer" query recursionGuard.Add(context.QueryPartRecord.Id); if (!recursionGuard.Contains(queryPart.Id)) { // we haven't processed this filter before in this query // prevent processing the same filter recursively several times recursionGuard.Add(queryPart.Id); recursionGuardString = string.Join(",", recursionGuard.Select(i => i.ToString())); var queryRecord = queryPart.Record; // pretend we are a ProjectionManager var tokens = context.Tokens; foreach (var group in queryRecord.FilterGroups) { var contentQuery = context.Query; foreach (var filter in group.Filters) { var tokenizedState = _tokenizer.Replace(filter.State, tokens); var dynState = FormParametersHelper.ToDynamic(tokenizedState); dynState.OtherQueriesFilterRecursionGuard = recursionGuardString; var innerContext = new FilterContext { Query = contentQuery, State = dynState, QueryPartRecord = queryRecord, Tokens = tokens }; string category = filter.Category; string type = filter.Type; var descriptor = AllDescriptors() .FirstOrDefault(d => d.Category == category && d.Type == type); if (descriptor == null) { continue; } // Apply filters descriptor.Filter(innerContext); contentQuery = innerContext.Query; } context.Query = contentQuery; } } else { Logger.Warning(T("Prevent recursive execution of filter with Id {0}.", queryPart.Id).Text); } } } }
public ActionResult Edit(int id) { if (!Services.Authorizer.Authorize(Permissions.ManageQueries, T("Not authorized to manage queries"))) { return(new HttpUnauthorizedResult()); } var layoutRecord = _repository.Get(id); if (layoutRecord == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } var layoutDescriptor = _projectionManager.DescribeLayouts().SelectMany(x => x.Descriptors).FirstOrDefault(x => x.Category == layoutRecord.Category && x.Type == layoutRecord.Type); // Build the form, and let external components alter it. var form = _formManager.Build(layoutDescriptor.Form) ?? Services.New.EmptyForm(); var viewModel = new LayoutEditViewModel { Id = id, QueryId = layoutRecord.QueryPartRecord.Id, Category = layoutDescriptor.Category, Type = layoutDescriptor.Type, Description = layoutRecord.Description, Display = layoutRecord.Display, DisplayType = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(layoutRecord.DisplayType) ? "Summary" : layoutRecord.DisplayType, Layout = layoutDescriptor, Form = form, GroupPropertyId = layoutRecord.GroupProperty == null ? 0 : layoutRecord.GroupProperty.Id }; // Bind form with existing values. var parameters = FormParametersHelper.FromString(layoutRecord.State); _formManager.Bind(form, new DictionaryValueProvider <string>(parameters, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); #region Load Fields var fieldEntries = new List <PropertyEntry>(); var allFields = _projectionManager.DescribeProperties().SelectMany(x => x.Descriptors); foreach (var field in layoutRecord.Properties) { var fieldCategory = field.Category; var fieldType = field.Type; var f = allFields.FirstOrDefault(x => fieldCategory == x.Category && fieldType == x.Type); if (f != null) { fieldEntries.Add( new PropertyEntry { Category = f.Category, Type = f.Type, PropertyRecordId = field.Id, DisplayText = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(field.Description) ? f.Display(new PropertyContext { State = FormParametersHelper.ToDynamic(field.State) }).Text : field.Description, Position = field.Position }); } } viewModel.Properties = fieldEntries.OrderBy(f => f.Position); #endregion return(View(viewModel)); }
public IEnumerable <IHqlQuery> GetContentQueries(QueryPartRecord queryRecord, IEnumerable <SortCriterionRecord> sortCriteria, Dictionary <string, object> tokens) { var availableFilters = DescribeFilters().ToList(); var availableSortCriteria = DescribeSortCriteria().ToList(); if (tokens == null) { tokens = new Dictionary <string, object>(); } // pre-executing all groups foreach (var group in queryRecord.FilterGroups) { var contentQuery = _contentManager.HqlQuery().ForVersion(VersionOptions.Published); // iterate over each filter to apply the alterations to the query object foreach (var filter in group.Filters) { var tokenizedState = _tokenizer.Replace(filter.State, tokens); var filterContext = new FilterContext { Query = contentQuery, State = FormParametersHelper.ToDynamic(tokenizedState) }; string category = filter.Category; string type = filter.Type; // look for the specific filter component var descriptor = availableFilters .SelectMany(x => x.Descriptors) .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Category == category && x.Type == type); // ignore unfound descriptors if (descriptor == null) { continue; } // apply alteration descriptor.Filter(filterContext); contentQuery = filterContext.Query; } // iterate over each sort criteria to apply the alterations to the query object foreach (var sortCriterion in sortCriteria.OrderBy(s => s.Position)) { var sortCriterionContext = new SortCriterionContext { Query = contentQuery, State = FormParametersHelper.ToDynamic(sortCriterion.State) }; string category = sortCriterion.Category; string type = sortCriterion.Type; // look for the specific filter component var descriptor = availableSortCriteria .SelectMany(x => x.Descriptors) .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Category == category && x.Type == type); // ignore unfound descriptors if (descriptor == null) { continue; } // apply alteration descriptor.Sort(sortCriterionContext); contentQuery = sortCriterionContext.Query; } yield return(contentQuery); } }
private IList <FilterRecord> CreateFilters(string entityName, ListQueryModel model, out string filterDescription) { IList <FilterRecord> filterRecords; filterDescription = string.Empty; if (model.FilterGroupId == 0) { var filterDescriptors = _projectionManager.DescribeFilters() .Where(x => x.Category == entityName + "ContentFields") .SelectMany(x => x.Descriptors).ToList(); filterRecords = new List <FilterRecord>(); if (model.IsRelationList) { if (model.RelationType == "OneToMany") { var settings = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "Operator", "MatchesAny" }, { "Value", model.CurrentItem.ToString("D") } }; var relationFilter = new FilterRecord { Category = entityName + "ContentFields", Type = entityName + "." + model.RelationId + ".", State = FormParametersHelper.ToString(settings), Description = "Only show entries related to current item." }; filterRecords.Add(relationFilter); var descriptor = filterDescriptors.First(x => x.Type == relationFilter.Type); filterDescription += descriptor.Display(new FilterContext { State = FormParametersHelper.ToDynamic(relationFilter.State) }).Text; } } foreach (var filter in model.Filters) { if (filter.FormData.Length == 0) { continue; } var record = new FilterRecord { Category = entityName + "ContentFields", Type = filter.Type, }; var dictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>(); foreach (var data in filter.FormData) { if (dictionary.ContainsKey(data.Name)) { dictionary[data.Name] += "&" + data.Value; } else { dictionary.Add(data.Name, data.Value); } } record.State = FormParametersHelper.ToString(dictionary); filterRecords.Add(record); var descriptor = filterDescriptors.First(x => x.Type == filter.Type); filterDescription += descriptor.Display(new FilterContext { State = FormParametersHelper.ToDynamic(record.State) }).Text; } } else { filterRecords = _filterGroupRepository.Get(model.FilterGroupId).Filters; } return(filterRecords); }
private IEnumerable <JObject> GetLayoutComponents(ProjectionPart part, int skipCount, int pageCount) { // query var query = part.Record.QueryPartRecord; // applying layout var layout = part.Record.LayoutRecord; var tokens = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "Content", part.ContentItem } }; var allFielDescriptors = _projectionManager.DescribeProperties().ToList(); var fieldDescriptors = layout.Properties.OrderBy(p => p.Position).Select(p => allFielDescriptors.SelectMany(x => x.Descriptors).Select(d => new { Descriptor = d, Property = p }).FirstOrDefault(x => x.Descriptor.Category == p.Category && x.Descriptor.Type == p.Type)).ToList(); fieldDescriptors = fieldDescriptors.Where(c => c != null).ToList(); var tokenizedDescriptors = fieldDescriptors.Select(fd => new { fd.Descriptor, fd.Property, State = FormParametersHelper.ToDynamic(_tokenizer.Replace(fd.Property.State, tokens)) }).ToList(); // execute the query var contentItems = _projectionManager.GetContentItems(query.Id, skipCount, pageCount).ToList(); // sanity check so that content items with ProjectionPart can't be added here, or it will result in an infinite loop contentItems = contentItems.Where(x => !x.Has <ProjectionPart>()).ToList(); var layoutComponents = contentItems.Select( contentItem => { var result = new JObject(); result["ContentId"] = contentItem.Id; tokenizedDescriptors.ForEach( d => { var fieldContext = new PropertyContext { State = d.State, Tokens = tokens }; var shape = d.Descriptor.Property(fieldContext, contentItem); string text = (shape == null) ? string.Empty : shape.ToString(); var filedName = d.Property.GetFiledName(); result[filedName] = text; }); return(result); }).ToList(); return(layoutComponents); }
public ActionResult Edit(int id, string category, string type, int propertyId = -1) { if (!Services.Authorizer.Authorize(StandardPermissions.SiteOwner, T("Not authorized to manage queries"))) { return(new HttpUnauthorizedResult()); } var property = _projectionManager.DescribeProperties().SelectMany(x => x.Descriptors).Where(x => x.Category == category && x.Type == type).FirstOrDefault(); if (property == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } var viewModel = new PropertyEditViewModel { Id = id, Description = String.Empty, Property = property }; dynamic form = null; // build the form, and let external components alter it if (property.Form != null) { form = _formManager.Build(property.Form); viewModel.Form = form; } // bind form with existing values. if (propertyId != -1) { var propertyRecord = _repository.Get(propertyId); if (propertyRecord != null) { viewModel.Description = propertyRecord.Description; if (property.Form != null) { var parameters = FormParametersHelper.FromString(propertyRecord.State); _formManager.Bind(form, new DictionaryValueProvider <string>(parameters, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } viewModel.CreateLabel = propertyRecord.CreateLabel; viewModel.ExcludeFromDisplay = propertyRecord.ExcludeFromDisplay; viewModel.Label = propertyRecord.Label; viewModel.LinkToContent = propertyRecord.LinkToContent; viewModel.CustomizeLabelHtml = propertyRecord.CustomizeLabelHtml; viewModel.CustomizePropertyHtml = propertyRecord.CustomizePropertyHtml; viewModel.CustomizeWrapperHtml = propertyRecord.CustomizeWrapperHtml; viewModel.CustomLabelCss = propertyRecord.CustomLabelCss; viewModel.CustomLabelTag = propertyRecord.CustomLabelTag; viewModel.CustomPropertyCss = propertyRecord.CustomPropertyCss; viewModel.CustomPropertyTag = propertyRecord.CustomPropertyTag; viewModel.CustomWrapperCss = propertyRecord.CustomWrapperCss; viewModel.CustomWrapperTag = propertyRecord.CustomWrapperTag; viewModel.NoResultText = propertyRecord.NoResultText; viewModel.ZeroIsEmpty = propertyRecord.ZeroIsEmpty; viewModel.HideEmpty = propertyRecord.HideEmpty; viewModel.RewriteOutput = propertyRecord.RewriteOutput; viewModel.RewriteText = propertyRecord.RewriteText; viewModel.StripHtmlTags = propertyRecord.StripHtmlTags; viewModel.TrimLength = propertyRecord.TrimLength; viewModel.AddEllipsis = propertyRecord.AddEllipsis; viewModel.MaxLength = propertyRecord.MaxLength; viewModel.TrimOnWordBoundary = propertyRecord.TrimOnWordBoundary; viewModel.PreserveLines = propertyRecord.PreserveLines; viewModel.TrimWhiteSpace = propertyRecord.TrimWhiteSpace; } } return(View(viewModel)); }
public ActionResult EditPost(LayoutEditViewModel model, FormCollection formCollection) { // Validating form values. var layout = _projectionManager.DescribeLayouts().SelectMany(x => x.Descriptors).FirstOrDefault(x => x.Category == model.Category && x.Type == model.Type); _formManager.Validate(new ValidatingContext { FormName = layout.Form, ModelState = ModelState, ValueProvider = ValueProvider }); var form = _formManager.Build(layout.Form) ?? Services.New.EmptyForm(); _formManager.Bind(form, formCollection); model.Layout = layout; model.Form = form; var layoutRecord = _repository.Get(model.Id); if (ModelState.IsValid) { var dictionary = formCollection.AllKeys.ToDictionary(key => key, formCollection.Get); // Save form parameters. layoutRecord.State = FormParametersHelper.ToString(dictionary); layoutRecord.Description = model.Description; layoutRecord.Display = model.Display; layoutRecord.DisplayType = model.DisplayType; layoutRecord.GroupProperty = layoutRecord.Properties.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == model.GroupPropertyId); Services.Notifier.Success(T("Layout Saved")); return(RedirectToAction("Edit", new { id = layoutRecord.Id })); } #region Load Fields var fieldEntries = new List <PropertyEntry>(); var allFields = _projectionManager.DescribeProperties().SelectMany(x => x.Descriptors); foreach (var field in layoutRecord.Properties) { var fieldCategory = field.Category; var fieldType = field.Type; var f = allFields.FirstOrDefault(x => fieldCategory == x.Category && fieldType == x.Type); if (f != null) { fieldEntries.Add( new PropertyEntry { Category = f.Category, Type = f.Type, PropertyRecordId = field.Id, DisplayText = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(field.Description) ? f.Display(new PropertyContext { State = FormParametersHelper.ToDynamic(field.State) }).Text : field.Description, Position = field.Position }); } } model.Properties = fieldEntries.OrderBy(f => f.Position); #endregion return(View(model)); }
private void SerializeState() { Record.State = FormParametersHelper.ToJsonString(State); }