private async Task <bool> ConnectToOneDriveAsync() { if (null == ODClient) { this.ODClient = await FormMicrosoftAccountAuth.GetOneDriveClientAsync(Properties.Resources.ONEDRIVE_CLIENT_ID, new OneDriveScopes[] { OneDriveScopes.ReadWrite }); if (null == this.ODClient) { MessageBox.Show("Failed to connect to OneDrive. Try again later."); return(false); } } return(true); }
private async void buttonLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (null == ODClient) { ODClient = await FormMicrosoftAccountAuth.GetOneDriveClientAsync(Properties.Resources.ONEDRIVE_CLIENT_ID, new OneDriveScopes[] { OneDriveScopes.ReadWrite, OneDriveScopes.Photos, OneDriveScopes.SharedItems, OneDriveScopes.OfflineAccess }, this); if (null != ODClient) { buttonLogin.Text = "Logout"; OnRootFolderChange((RootFolders)comboBoxScope.SelectedIndex); } } else { ODClient = null; Properties.Settings.Default.RefreshToken = null; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); buttonLogin.Text = "Login"; } }