/// <summary>Called when the form is submitted through onsubmit="FormExampleHandler.OnSubmit".</summary> /// <param name="form">A simple object holding the values of all your form inputs by name.</param> public static void OnSubmit(FormData form) { Debug.Log("Form submitted!"); // Usage is simply form["fieldName"], or form.Checked("fieldName") for easily checking if a checkbox is ticked. // You can alternatively use e.g. UI.document.getElementById("aFieldsID").value and manage radio inputs manually. Debug.Log("handling a form with C#."); // Give a feedback message to show something's happened: UI.document.getElementById("csMessage").innerHTML = "Please check the console!"; // And simply log all the fields of the form: Debug.Log("Your name: " + form["yourName"]); Debug.Log("Awesome? " + form.Checked("awesome")); Debug.Log("Epic? " + form.Checked("epic")); Debug.Log("Pretty? " + form.Checked("purdy")); Debug.Log("Unique? " + form.Checked("unique")); Debug.Log("Wonderful? " + form.Checked("wonderful")); Debug.Log("Your dropdown selection: " + form["favourite"]); Debug.Log("Your Bio: " + form["myBio"]); }