public AboutForm(FormDash dashForm) { _dash = dashForm; InitializeComponent(); string appVersion = String.Format(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}.{1}", version.Major, version.Minor); labelAbout.Text = "This dashboard controls the Wise 40 inch Observatory at" + Const.crnl + "Mizpe Ramon, Israel." + Const.crnl + Const.crnl + "The Wise Observatory is operated by the" + Const.crnl + Const.crnl + "Department of Astrophysics" + Const.crnl + "School of Physics and Astronomy" + Const.crnl + "Raymond and Beverly Sackler Faculty of Exact Sciences" + Const.crnl + Const.crnl + "Tel Aviv University" + Const.crnl + Const.crnl + "Author: Arie Blumenzweig <*****@*****.**>" + Const.crnl + "since October 2016" + Const.crnl; labelDashVersion.Text = appVersion; labelTelescopeVersion.Text = _dash.wiseTelescope.DriverVersion; labelDomeVersion.Text = _dash.wiseDome.DriverVersion; labelFocuserVersion.Text = _dash.wiseFocuser.DriverVersion; labelSafeToOperateVersion.Text = _dash.wiseSafeToOperate.DriverVersion; labelBoltwoodVersion.Text = _dash.wiseBoltwood.DriverVersion; labelVantageProVersion.Text = ASCOM.Wise40.VantagePro.WiseVantagePro.DriverVersion; labelFilterWheelVersion.Text = _dash.wiseFilterWheel.DriverVersion; labelCurrentCommit.Text = Dash.Properties.Resources.CurrentCommit; }
static void Main(string[] args) { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); if (args.Length == 1) { if (args[0] == "--dio-monitor") { Application.Run(new ASCOM.Wise40.HardwareForm(new ASCOM.DriverAccess.Telescope("ASCOM.Remote1.Telescope"))); } else if (args[0].StartsWith("--mode=")) { WiseSite.OpMode mode; if (Enum.TryParse <WiseSite.OpMode>(args[0].Substring("--mode=".Length).ToUpper(), out mode)) { WiseSite.OperationalMode = mode; } } Environment.Exit(0); } else { // Set the unhandled exception mode to force all Windows Forms errors to go through // our handler. Application.SetUnhandledExceptionMode(UnhandledExceptionMode.CatchException); formDash = new FormDash(); Application.ApplicationExit += new EventHandler(formDash.OnApplicationExit); // Add the event handler for handling UI thread exceptions to the event. Application.ThreadException += new ThreadExceptionEventHandler(formDash.HandleThreadException); // Add the event handler for handling non-UI thread exceptions to the event. AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(formDash.HandleDomainUnhandledException); Application.Run(formDash); } }