    void Start()
        forces = GetComponent <ForceAffector>();
        BoxCollider2D windBox = GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>();

        //windRect = new Rect();
        //windRect.center = windBox.bounds.center;
        //windRect.size = windBox.bounds.size;

        float left   = transform.position.x - (GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>().size.x / 2);
        float top    = transform.position.y + (GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>().size.y / 2);
        float width  = GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>().size.x;
        float height = GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>().size.y;

        windRect       = new Rect(left, top, width, height);
        windAreaOffset = new Vector2(gameObject.GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>().offset.x, gameObject.GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>().offset.y);

        // Reposition windRect's x and y with windAreaOffset
        windRect.x += windAreaOffset.x;
        windRect.y += windAreaOffset.y;

        unitWidthQuarter  = (spriteWidth / 32) / 4;
        unitHeightQuarter = (spriteHeight / 32) / 4;

        if (poolSize <= 0)
            poolSize = Mathf.RoundToInt((windRect.width * windRect.height) / 150);

            poolSize = poolSize == 0 ? 1 : poolSize;
    private void HandleForceProperties(GameObject gameObject, IDictionary <string, string> customProperties)
        ForceAffector force = gameObject.AddComponent <ForceAffector>();

        // X Force
        if (customProperties.ContainsKey("force:x"))
            float val = -1;
                val = (float)System.Convert.ToDouble(customProperties["force:x"]);
            catch (System.FormatException)
                val = -1;
                Debug.LogError("force:x property formatted improperly");

            force.force.x = val;

        // Y Force
        if (customProperties.ContainsKey("force:y"))
            float val = -1;
                val = (float)System.Convert.ToDouble(customProperties["force:y"]);
            catch (System.FormatException)
                val = -1;
                Debug.LogError("force:y property formatted improperly");

            force.force.y = val;
    void Update()
        layers = WeatherManager.getWeatherLayer(WeatherManager.Instance.checkCurrentWeather(gameObject)) | 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Default");
        //WeatherManager.WeatherType w = (WeatherManager.WeatherType)WeatherManager.Instance.checkCurrentWeather(gameObject);
        //string weatherString = "";
        //switch (w)
        //    case WeatherManager.WeatherType.sun:
        //        weatherString = "Sun";
        //        break;
        //    case WeatherManager.WeatherType.snow:
        //        weatherString = "Snow";
        //        break;
        //    case WeatherManager.WeatherType.rain:
        //        weatherString = "Rain";
        //        break;

        //layers = LayerMask.GetMask("Default", weatherString);

        Vector3    pos      = transform.position;
        Vector3    inc      = Vector2.one * 0.01f;
        Collider2D collider = GetComponent <Collider2D>();
        Vector2    topRight = collider.bounds.center - collider.bounds.extents; //pos - GetComponent<Collider2D>().bounds.extents - inc;
        Vector2    botLeft  = collider.bounds.center + collider.bounds.extents; //pos + GetComponent<Collider2D>().bounds.extents + inc;

        Collider2D[] colliders = Physics2D.OverlapAreaAll(topRight, botLeft, layers);

        // Forces of highest priority will be summed
        Force forces = new Force();

        forces.priority = -1;

        // Highest priority will be chosen
        FrictionAffector friction = null;

        GravityAffector gravity = null;

        foreach (Collider2D c in colliders)
            ForceAffector foa = c.GetComponent <ForceAffector>();
            if (foa != null)
                if (forces.priority == foa.priority)
                    forces.force += foa.force;
                else if (foa.priority > forces.priority)
                    forces.priority = foa.priority;
                    forces.force    = foa.force;

            FrictionAffector fra = c.GetComponent <FrictionAffector>();
            if (fra != null)
                if (friction == null || fra.priority > friction.priority)
                    friction = fra;

            GravityAffector ga = c.GetComponent <GravityAffector>();
            if (ga != null)
                if (gravity == null || ga.priority > gravity.priority)
                    gravity = ga;

        // Force
        externalForce = Vector3.zero;
        if (forces.priority > -1)
            externalForce = forces.force;

        // Friction
        if (GetComponent <Controller2D>().collisions.below)
            moveSpeed  = moveSpeedDefault;
            sprintMult = sprintMultDefault;
            groundDrag = groundDragDefault;
            airDrag    = airDragDefault;

            if (friction != null)
                if (friction.groundDrag >= 0)
                    groundDrag = friction.groundDrag;

                if (friction.airDrag >= 0)
                    airDrag = friction.airDrag;

                if (friction.maxMoveSpeed >= 0)
                    moveSpeed = friction.maxMoveSpeed;

                if (friction.sprintMult >= 1)
                    sprintMult = friction.sprintMult;

        // Air Drag
        //if (airDragAffect != null && airDragAffect.drag >= 0)
        //    airDrag = airDragAffect.drag;

        // Gravity
        jumpHeight = jumpHeightDefault;
        timeToApex = timeToApexDefault;
        if (gravity != null)
            jumpHeight = gravity.jumpHeight;
            timeToApex = gravity.timeToApex;
        // Check if a particle is inside any collider on a weather layer that's currently in affect
        private void handleForces(WeatherManager.WeatherType t, ref ParticleSystem.Particle p, out bool inForceAccector, out bool inGravityAffector)
            inForceAccector   = false;
            inGravityAffector = false;

            Force externalForce = new Force();

            externalForce.priority = -1;

            Collider2D[] col = Physics2D.OverlapPointAll(p.position, WeatherManager.getWeatherLayer(t));

            foreach (Collider2D c in col)
                ForceAffector foa = c.GetComponent <ForceAffector>();

                if (foa != null)
                    inForceAccector = true;

                    if (externalForce.priority == foa.priority)
                        externalForce.force += foa.force;
                        p.velocity           = externalForce.force;
                    else if (foa.priority > externalForce.priority)
                        externalForce.priority = foa.priority;
                        externalForce.force    = foa.force;

                GravityAffector ga = c.GetComponent <GravityAffector>();

                if (ga != null)
                    inGravityAffector = true;

                    jumpHeight     = ga.jumpHeight;
                    timeToJumpApex = ga.timeToApex;
                    jumpHeight     = pal.jumpHeightDefault;
                    timeToJumpApex = pal.timeToApexDefault;

            if (jumpHeight == 0 && timeToJumpApex == 0)
                jumpHeight     = pal.jumpHeightDefault;
                timeToJumpApex = pal.timeToApexDefault;

            float gravityMod = 1;

            switch (t)
            case WeatherManager.WeatherType.sun:
                gravityMod = dandyFall;

            case WeatherManager.WeatherType.rain:
                gravityMod = rainFall;

            case WeatherManager.WeatherType.snow:
                gravityMod = snowFall;

            Vector3 velocity = p.velocity;

            gravity = -(2 * jumpHeight) / Mathf.Pow(timeToJumpApex, 2) * gravityMod;

            velocity.x = externalForce.force.x;

            // Reduce or increase gravity depending on the magnitude and direction of the external force
            float forceDiff = gravity + externalForce.force.y;
            float m         = 0.05f;
            float forceMod  = forceDiff > 0 ?
                              Mathf.Pow(2, m * -forceDiff) :
                              -Mathf.Pow(2, m * forceDiff) + 2;

            velocity.y = gravity * forceMod;

            p.velocity = velocity;