        /// <summary>
        /// 门店列表 只有总店进入才能看到该列表
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="appId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult StoreList(int appId)
            ViewBag.appId = appId;
            FootBath model = FootBathBLL.SingleModel.GetModel($"appId={appId} and HomeId=0");

            if (model == null)
                return(View("ErrorMsg", new Return_Msg()
                    Msg = "请先开通多门店!"

            ViewBag.HomeId  = model.Id;//用于查询该总店下的所有门店
            ViewBag.storeId = model.Id;
            XcxAppAccountRelation xcx = XcxAppAccountRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(appId);

            if (xcx != null)
                var paycenter = PayCenterSettingBLL.SingleModel.GetPayCenterSettingByappid(xcx.AppId);
                if (paycenter != null)
                    ViewBag.Mch_id = paycenter.Mch_id;

        /// <summary>
        /// 客户预订成功后将选定的时间点添加到已服务时间表
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="store"></param>
        /// <param name="goodsCart"></param>
        public void AddSelServiceTime(FootBath store, EntGoodsCart goodsCart, SwitchModel switchModel = null)
            ServiceTime serviceTimeModel = GetModel($"aid={store.appId} and storeid={store.Id} and tid={goodsCart.technicianId} and date='{goodsCart.reservationTime.ToShortDateString()}'");

            if (serviceTimeModel == null)
                serviceTimeModel            = new ServiceTime();
                serviceTimeModel.aid        = store.appId;
                serviceTimeModel.storeId    = store.Id;
                serviceTimeModel.tid        = goodsCart.technicianId;
                serviceTimeModel.date       = Convert.ToDateTime(goodsCart.reservationTime.ToShortDateString());
                serviceTimeModel.time       = goodsCart.reservationTime.ToString("HH:mm");//SelTimeStr(goodsCart.reservationTime, goodsCart.goodsMsg.ServiceTime, switchModel.TimeInterval);
                serviceTimeModel.createTime = DateTime.Now;
                serviceTimeModel.time      += "," + goodsCart.reservationTime.ToString("HH:mm"); //SelTimeStr(goodsCart.reservationTime, goodsCart.goodsMsg.ServiceTime, switchModel.TimeInterval);
                serviceTimeModel.date       = Convert.ToDateTime(goodsCart.reservationTime.ToShortDateString());
                serviceTimeModel.createTime = DateTime.Now;
                MySqlParameter[] arr    = null;
                string           strSql = BuildUpdateSql(serviceTimeModel, "time,createtime", out arr);
                Update(serviceTimeModel, "time,createtime,date");
        /// <summary>
        /// 发起退款
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult OutOrder()
            int appId = Context.GetRequestInt("appId", 0);

            if (appId <= 0)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙appid_null" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            if (dzaccount == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙auth_null" }));
            var appAcountRelation = XcxAppAccountRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetModel($"id ={appId}");

            if (appAcountRelation == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙relation_null" }));
            int storeId = Context.GetRequestInt("storeid", -1);

            if (storeId < 0)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙storeId_null" }));
            string storeSqlwhere = $"appid={appId}";

            if (storeId > 0)
                storeSqlwhere = $"id={storeId}";
            FootBath storeModel = FootBathBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(storeSqlwhere);

            if (storeModel == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙model_null" }));
            int orderId = Context.GetRequestInt("orderId", 0);

            if (orderId <= 0)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙orderId_null" }));
            EntGoodsOrder orderInfo = EntGoodsOrderBLL.SingleModel.GetModel($"aId={storeModel.appId} and id={orderId}");

            if (orderInfo == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙order_null" }));
            List <EntGoodsCart> goodscarts = EntGoodsCartBLL.SingleModel.GetList($"GoodsOrderId={orderInfo.Id}");
            bool   isok = EntGoodsOrderBLL.SingleModel.outOrder(goodscarts, storeModel, orderInfo);
            string msg  = "操作失败";

            if (isok)
                msg = "操作成功";
                var data = TemplateMsg_Miniapp.MutilStoreGetTemplateMessageData(orderInfo, SendTemplateMessageTypeEnum.多门店退款通知);
                TemplateMsg_Miniapp.SendTemplateMessage(orderInfo.UserId, SendTemplateMessageTypeEnum.多门店退款通知, TmpType.小程序多门店模板, data);
            return(Json(new { isok = isok, msg = msg }));
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取包间列表
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult GetRoomList()
            int appId = Context.GetRequestInt("appId", 0);

            if (appId <= 0)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙id_null" }));
            if (dzaccount == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙account_null" }));
            XcxAppAccountRelation appAcountRelation = XcxAppAccountRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByaccountidAndAppid(appId, dzaccount.Id.ToString());

            if (appAcountRelation == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙relation_null" }));
            FootBath storeModel = FootBathBLL.SingleModel.GetModel($"appId={appId}");

            if (storeModel == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙store_null" }));
            int pageIndex = Context.GetRequestInt("pageIndex", 1);
            int pageSize  = Context.GetRequestInt("pageSize", 8);

            int recordCount             = 0;
            List <EntGoodType> roomList = EntGoodTypeBLL.SingleModel.GetRoomList(appId, storeModel.Id, (int)GoodProjectType.足浴版包间分类, pageSize, pageIndex, out recordCount);

            return(Json(new { isok = true, roomList = roomList, recordCount = recordCount }));
        public ActionResult SaveTakeoutSetting(FootBath takeOut)
            FootBath storeModel = FootBathBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(takeOut.Id);

            if (storeModel == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "数据不存在!" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));

            if (takeOut.takeOutWayModel != null)
                if (!Regex.IsMatch(takeOut.takeOutWayModel.cityService.TakeFright.ToString(), @"^\d+\.?\d*$"))
                    return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "请填写正确的配送费(同城配送)" }));
                if (!Regex.IsMatch(takeOut.takeOutWayModel.cityService.TakeRange.ToString(), @"^\d+\.?\d*$"))
                    return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "请填写正确的配送范围(同城配送)" }));
                if (!Regex.IsMatch(takeOut.takeOutWayModel.selfTake.TakeRange.ToString(), @"^\d+\.?\d*$"))
                    return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "请填写正确的自取范围(同城配送)" }));
                if (!Regex.IsMatch(takeOut.takeOutWayModel.cityService.TakeStartPrice.ToString(), @"^\d+\.?\d*$"))
                    return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "请填写正确的起送价格(同城配送)" }));
                if (!Regex.IsMatch(takeOut.takeOutWayModel.cityService.FreeFrightCost.ToString(), @"^\d+\.?\d*$"))
                    return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "请填写正确的消费免邮金额(同城配送)" }));
                if (storeModel.HomeId == 0)
                    if (!Regex.IsMatch(takeOut.takeOutWayModel.GetExpressdelivery.TakeFright.ToString(), @"^\d+\.?\d*$"))
                        return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "请填写正确的统一配送费(快递配送)" }));
                    if (!Regex.IsMatch(takeOut.takeOutWayModel.GetExpressdelivery.FreeFrightCost.ToString(), @"^\d+\.?\d*$"))
                        return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "请填写正确的消费免邮金额(同城配送)" }));

                storeModel.TakeOutWayConfig = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(takeOut.takeOutWayModel);
                if (FootBathBLL.SingleModel.Update(storeModel, "TakeOutWayConfig"))
                    return(Json(new { isok = true, msg = "操作成功!" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
                    return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "操作失败!" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "配送设置异常!" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        // GET: footbath_gift:足浴版小程序-送花管理
        #region 送花管理
        /// <summary>
        /// 送花配置界面
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult GiftSetting()
            int appId = Context.GetRequestInt("appId", 0);

            if (appId <= 0)
                return(View("PageError", new Return_Msg()
                    Msg = "参数错误!", code = "500"
            ViewBag.appId = appId;
            if (dzaccount == null)
            XcxAppAccountRelation appAcountRelation = XcxAppAccountRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByaccountidAndAppid(appId, dzaccount.Id.ToString());

            if (appAcountRelation == null)
                return(View("PageError", new Return_Msg()
                    Msg = "没有权限!", code = "403"
            FootBath storeModel = FootBathBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByAppId(appId);

            if (storeModel == null)
                return(View("PageError", new Return_Msg()
                    Msg = "没有数据!", code = "500"

            ViewBag.GiftPrice = storeModel.ShowGiftPrice;
            SwitchModel switchModel = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SwitchModel>(storeModel.SwitchConfig);

            ViewBag.ShowPhotoByGift = switchModel.ShowPhotoByGift;

            List <EntGoods> giftPackages = EntGoodsBLL.SingleModel.GetGiftPackages(appId, (int)GoodsType.足浴版送花套餐);

            if (giftPackages == null || giftPackages.Count <= 0)
                EntGoods giftPackage = new EntGoods()
                    aid      = appId,
                    exttypes = ((int)GoodsType.足浴版送花套餐).ToString(),
                    stock    = 2,
                    name     = "看相册",
                    state    = 1,
                giftPackage.id = Convert.ToInt32(EntGoodsBLL.SingleModel.Add(giftPackage));
                giftPackages   = new List <EntGoods>();
        public ActionResult UpdateTagOrDelete(EntGoods serviceInfo)
            string action = Context.GetRequest("action", string.Empty);

            if (serviceInfo.aid <= 0)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙appid_null" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            if (dzaccount == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙auth_null" }));
            XcxAppAccountRelation appAcountRelation = XcxAppAccountRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByaccountidAndAppid(serviceInfo.aid, dzaccount.Id.ToString());

            if (appAcountRelation == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙relation_null" }));
            FootBath storeModel = FootBathBLL.SingleModel.GetModel($"appId={serviceInfo.aid}");

            if (storeModel == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙model_null" }));
            EntGoods model = EntGoodsBLL.SingleModel.GetServiceById(serviceInfo.aid, serviceInfo.id);

            if (model == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙info_null" }));
            bool isok = false;

            model.updatetime = DateTime.Now;
            switch (action)
            case "updateTag":
                if (model.tag == 1)
                    model.tag = 0;
                    model.tag = 1;
                isok = EntGoodsBLL.SingleModel.Update(model, "tag,updatetime");

            case "delete":
                model.state = 0;
                isok        = EntGoodsBLL.SingleModel.Update(model, "state,updatetime");

            default: return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "参数错误" }));
            string msg = isok ? "操作成功" : "操作失败";

            return(Json(new { isok = isok, msg = msg }));
        /// <summary>
        /// 多门店退款
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="orderInfo"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool MultiStoreReFundQueue(List <EntGoodsCart> goodsCar, FootBath storeMaterial, EntGoodsOrder orderInfo)
            bool result = false;

            orderInfo.outOrderDate = DateTime.Now;
            orderInfo.State        = (int)MiniAppEntOrderState.退款中;
            if (orderInfo.BuyMode == (int)miniAppBuyMode.微信支付)
                    if (orderInfo.BuyPrice == 0)
                        orderInfo.State = (int)MiniAppEntOrderState.退款成功;
                        EntGoodsOrderBLL.SingleModel.Update(orderInfo, "State,outOrderDate");
                        CityMorders order = _cityMordersBLL.GetModel(orderInfo.OrderId);
                        orderInfo.State = (int)MiniAppEntOrderState.退款中;
                        if (order == null)
                            orderInfo.State = (int)MiniAppEntOrderState.退款失败;

                            EntGoodsOrderBLL.SingleModel.Update(orderInfo, "State,outOrderDate");

                        ReFundQueue reModel = new ReFundQueue
                            minisnsId = -5,
                            money     = orderInfo.BuyPrice,
                            orderid   = order.Id,
                            traid     = order.trade_no,
                            addtime   = DateTime.Now,
                            note      = "小程序多门店退款",
                            retype    = 1
                    TransactionModel tranModel = new TransactionModel();
                    tranModel.Add(EntGoodsOrderBLL.SingleModel.BuildUpdateSql(orderInfo, "State,outOrderDate"));
                    if (!EntGoodsOrderBLL.SingleModel.HandleStockSql_MultiStore(goodsCar, storeMaterial, tranModel, -1))
                        log4net.LogHelper.WriteInfo(GetType(), "生成库存处理sql失败 HandleStockSql_MultiStore_error");
                    result = ExecuteTransactionDataCorect(tranModel.sqlArray, tranModel.ParameterArray);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    log4net.LogHelper.WriteInfo(GetType(), $"{ex.Message} xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx小程序多门店退款订单插入队列失败 ID={orderInfo.Id}");
                    log4net.LogHelper.WriteError(GetType(), ex);
        /// <summary>
        /// 支付方式
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult PayWaySetting()
            int appId = Context.GetRequestInt("appId", 0);

            if (appId <= 0)
                return(View("PageError", new Return_Msg()
                    Msg = "参数错误!", code = "500"
            ViewBag.appId = appId;
            if (dzaccount == null)
            XcxAppAccountRelation appAcountRelation = XcxAppAccountRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByaccountidAndAppid(appId, dzaccount.Id.ToString());

            if (appAcountRelation == null)
                return(View("PageError", new Return_Msg()
                    Msg = "没有权限!", code = "403"
            FootBath storeModel = FootBathBLL.SingleModel.GetModel($"appId={appId}");

            if (storeModel == null)
                return(View("PageError", new Return_Msg()
                    Msg = "数据不存在!", code = "500"
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(storeModel.SwitchConfig))
                    storeModel.switchModel = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SwitchModel>(storeModel.SwitchConfig);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    log4net.LogHelper.WriteError(this.GetType(), ex);
                    return(View("PageError", new Return_Msg()
                        Msg = "系统繁忙!", code = "500"
                storeModel.switchModel = new SwitchModel();

 /// <summary>
 /// 删除技师或修改技师状态(删除技师同时要删除技师值班表数据)
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public ActionResult DelOrChangeState()
         int appId = Context.GetRequestInt("appId", 0);
         if (appId <= 0)
             return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙appid_null" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
         if (dzaccount == null)
             return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙auth_null" }));
         XcxAppAccountRelation appAcountRelation = XcxAppAccountRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByaccountidAndAppid(appId, dzaccount.Id.ToString());
         if (appAcountRelation == null)
             return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙relation_null" }));
         FootBath storeModel = FootBathBLL.SingleModel.GetModel($"appId={appId}");
         if (storeModel == null)
             return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙store_null" }));
         int id = Context.GetRequestInt("id", 0);
         if (id <= 0)
             return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙id_null" }));
         int state = Context.GetRequestInt("state", -2);
         if (state < -1)
             return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙state_null" }));
         TechnicianInfo model = TechnicianInfoBLL.SingleModel.GetModelById(id);
         if (model == null)
             return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙model_null" }));
         model.updateDate = DateTime.Now;
         model.state      = state;
         string stateName = Enum.GetName(typeof(TechnicianState), state);
         bool   isok      = TechnicianInfoBLL.SingleModel.Update(model, "state,updatedate");
         if (isok && model.state == -1)
         string msg = isok ? "操作成功" : "操作失败";
         return(Json(new { isok = isok, msg = msg, stateName = stateName }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
     catch (Exception ex)
         return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = ex.Message }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取项目列表
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult GetServiceList()
            int appId = Context.GetRequestInt("appId", 0);

            if (appId <= 0)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙appid_null" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            if (dzaccount == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙auth_null" }));
            XcxAppAccountRelation appAcountRelation = XcxAppAccountRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByaccountidAndAppid(appId, dzaccount.Id.ToString());

            if (appAcountRelation == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙relation_null" }));
            FootBath storeModel = FootBathBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByAppId(appId);

            if (storeModel == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙model_null" }));
            int    pageSize  = Context.GetRequestInt("pageSize", 10);
            int    pageIndex = Context.GetRequestInt("pageIndex", 1);
            int    ptypes    = Context.GetRequestInt("ptypes", 0);
            string name      = Context.GetRequest("name", string.Empty);
            int    tag       = Context.GetRequestInt("tag", -1);

            int             recordCount = 0;
            List <EntGoods> serviceList = EntGoodsBLL.SingleModel.GetServiceList(appId, (int)GoodsType.足浴版服务, ptypes, name, tag, pageSize, pageIndex, out recordCount);

            if (serviceList != null && serviceList.Count > 0)
                serviceList.ForEach(s =>
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.ptypes))
                        List <EntGoodType> typeList = EntGoodTypeBLL.SingleModel.GetList($"id in ({s.ptypes}) and type = {(int)GoodProjectType.足浴版服务项目分类} and state> 0");
                        if (typeList != null && typeList.Count > 0)
                            foreach (EntGoodType typeInfo in typeList)
                                s.ptypestr += typeInfo.name + ",";
                        s.ptypestr = s.ptypestr.TrimEnd(',');
            return(Json(new { isok = true, serviceList = serviceList, recordCount = recordCount }));
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取技师列表
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult GetTechnicianList()
            int appId = Context.GetRequestInt("appId", 0);

            if (appId <= 0)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙appid_null" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            if (dzaccount == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙auth_null" }));
            XcxAppAccountRelation appAcountRelation = XcxAppAccountRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByaccountidAndAppid(appId, dzaccount.Id.ToString());

            if (appAcountRelation == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙relation_null" }));
            FootBath storeModel = FootBathBLL.SingleModel.GetModel($"appId={appId}");

            if (storeModel == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙model_null" }));

            int    pageIndex = Context.GetRequestInt("pageIndex", 1);
            int    pageSize  = Context.GetRequestInt("pageSize", 10);
            string jobNumber = Context.GetRequest("jobNumber", string.Empty);
            string name      = Context.GetRequest("name", string.Empty);
            int    sex       = Context.GetRequestInt("sex", -1);
            string phone     = Context.GetRequest("phone", string.Empty);
            int    itemId    = Context.GetRequestInt("itemId", 0);
            int    isShow    = Context.GetRequestInt("isShow", -1);
            int    state     = Context.GetRequestInt("state", -1);

            int recordCount = 0;
            List <TechnicianInfo> technicianList = TechnicianInfoBLL.SingleModel.GetTechnicianList(storeModel.Id, jobNumber, name, sex, phone, itemId, isShow, state, pageIndex, pageSize, out recordCount);

            if (technicianList != null && technicianList.Count > 0)
                foreach (TechnicianInfo info in technicianList)
                    info.switchModel  = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TechnicianSwitch>(info.switchConfig);
                    info.wxname       = UserBaseInfoBLL.SingleModel.GetWxname(info.unionId);
                    info.showBirthday = info.birthday.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.itemId))
                        info.serviceList = EntGoodsBLL.SingleModel.GetServerListByIds(info.appId, info.itemId);
            return(Json(new { isok = true, recordCount = recordCount, list = technicianList }));
        public ActionResult SaveReserveSetting(FootBath info)
            if (dzaccount == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙auth_null" }));

            if (info == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "参数错误" }));

            if (info.appId <= 0)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙id_null" }));

            XcxAppAccountRelation appAcountRelation = XcxAppAccountRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByaccountidAndAppid(info.appId, dzaccount.Id.ToString());

            if (appAcountRelation == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙relation_null" }));

            FootBath storeModel = FootBathBLL.SingleModel.GetModel($"appId={info.appId}");

            if (storeModel == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙model_null" }));
            storeModel.switchModel = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SwitchModel>(storeModel.SwitchConfig);
            if (info.switchModel.TimeInterval != 30 && info.switchModel.TimeInterval != 60)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙TimeInterval_error" }));
            storeModel.switchModel.TimeInterval = info.switchModel.TimeInterval;
            if (info.switchModel.PresetTime < 1 || info.switchModel.PresetTime > 15)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "预订时间只能在1~15天之间" }));
            storeModel.switchModel.PresetTime       = info.switchModel.PresetTime;
            storeModel.switchModel.AdvancePayment   = info.switchModel.AdvancePayment;
            storeModel.switchModel.PresetTechnician = info.switchModel.PresetTechnician;
            storeModel.switchModel.WriteSex         = info.switchModel.WriteSex;
            storeModel.switchModel.WriteDesc        = info.switchModel.WriteDesc;
            storeModel.switchModel.AutoLock         = info.switchModel.AutoLock;
            storeModel.SwitchConfig = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(storeModel.switchModel);
            storeModel.UpdateDate   = DateTime.Now;
            bool   isok = FootBathBLL.SingleModel.Update(storeModel, "switchconfig,updatedate");
            string msg  = isok ? "保存成功" : "保存失败";

            return(Json(new { isok = isok, msg = msg }));
        /// <summary>
        /// 删除项目分类
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult DelType()
            int appId = Context.GetRequestInt("appId", 0);

            if (appId <= 0)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙appid_null" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            if (dzaccount == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙auth_null" }));
            XcxAppAccountRelation appAcountRelation = XcxAppAccountRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByaccountidAndAppid(appId, dzaccount.Id.ToString());

            if (appAcountRelation == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙relation_null" }));
            FootBath storeModel = FootBathBLL.SingleModel.GetModel($"appId={appId}");

            if (storeModel == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙model_null" }));
            int id = Context.GetRequestInt("id", -1);

            if (id < 0)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙id_null" }));
            EntGoodType typeInfo = EntGoodTypeBLL.SingleModel.GetServiceItem(appId, storeModel.Id, (int)GoodProjectType.足浴版服务项目分类, id);

            if (typeInfo == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙info_null" }));
            int serviceCount = EntGoodsBLL.SingleModel.GetServiceCountById(appId, typeInfo.id);

            if (serviceCount > 0)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = $"不可删除:该分类下已关联{serviceCount}个项目" }));

            typeInfo.state = 0;
            bool   isok = EntGoodTypeBLL.SingleModel.Update(typeInfo, "state");
            string msg  = isok ? "已删除" : "删除失败";

            return(Json(new { isok = isok, msg = msg }));
        public ActionResult pageset(int appId = 0, int storeId = 0)
            if (appId <= 0)
                return(View("ErrorMsg", new Return_Msg()
                    Msg = "非法操作!"

            FootBath model = new FootBath();

            if (storeId > 0)
                model = FootBathBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(storeId);
                model = FootBathBLL.SingleModel.GetModel($"appId={appId} and HomeId=0");
            if (model == null)
                return(View("ErrorMsg", new Return_Msg()
                    Msg = "非法操作(请先开通多店铺)!"
            ViewBag.accountid = dzuserId;

            ViewModel <EntSetting> vm = new ViewModel <EntSetting>();

            vm.PageType  = 26;
            vm.DataModel = new EntSetting()
                aid     = model.appId,
                pages   = model.StoreMaterialPages,
                storeId = model.Id,
                HomeId  = model.HomeId
            ViewBag.storeId   = storeId;
            ViewBag.TypeIndex = 0;
            string souceFrom = Context.GetRequest("SouceFrom", string.Empty);

            ViewBag.SouceFrom = souceFrom;
            if (souceFrom == "")//&& !WebSiteConfig.CustomerLoginId.Contains(dzaccount.LoginId)
            return(View("../enterprise/pageset", vm));
        /// <summary>
        /// 开单
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult createOrder()
            #region 数据验证
            int appId = Context.GetRequestInt("appId", 0);
            if (appId <= 0)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙appid_null" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            if (dzaccount == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙auth_null" }));
            XcxAppAccountRelation appAcountRelation = XcxAppAccountRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByaccountidAndAppid(appId, dzaccount.Id.ToString());
            if (appAcountRelation == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙relation_null" }));
            FootBath storeModel = FootBathBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByAppId(appId);
            if (storeModel == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙model_null" }));
            int orderId = Context.GetRequestInt("orderId", 0);
            if (orderId <= 0)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙orderId_null" }));
            EntGoodsOrder orderInfo = EntGoodsOrderBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByOrderIdAndAid(orderId, appId, 1);
            if (orderInfo == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙order_null" }));

            if (orderInfo.State == (int)MiniAppEntOrderState.已超时)
                orderInfo.State = (int)MiniAppEntOrderState.务中;
            orderInfo.OrderType = 0;
            orderInfo.ConfDate  = DateTime.Now;
            bool isok = EntGoodsOrderBLL.SingleModel.Update(orderInfo, "State,ordertype,ConfDate") && VipRelationBLL.SingleModel.updatelevel(orderInfo.UserId, "footbath");
            #region 预约成功通知 模板消息
            if (isok)
                object objData = TemplateMsg_Miniapp.FootbathGetTemplateMessageData(orderInfo, SendTemplateMessageTypeEnum.足浴预约成功通知);
                TemplateMsg_Miniapp.SendTemplateMessage(orderInfo.UserId, SendTemplateMessageTypeEnum.足浴预约成功通知, TmpType.小程序足浴模板, objData);
            string msg = isok ? "操作成功" : "操作失败";
            return(Json(new { isok = isok, msg = msg }));
        // GET: footbath_technician:足浴版小程序-技师管理

        #region 技师管理
        /// <summary>
        /// 技师管理视图
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult TechnicianList()
            int appId = Context.GetRequestInt("appId", 0);

            if (appId <= 0)
                return(View("PageError", new Return_Msg()
                    Msg = "参数错误!", code = "500"
            ViewBag.appId = appId;
            if (dzaccount == null)
            XcxAppAccountRelation appAcountRelation = XcxAppAccountRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByaccountidAndAppid(appId, dzaccount.Id.ToString());

            if (appAcountRelation == null)
                return(View("PageError", new Return_Msg()
                    Msg = "没有权限!", code = "403"
            FootBath storeModel = FootBathBLL.SingleModel.GetModel($"appId={appId}");

            if (storeModel == null)
                return(View("PageError", new Return_Msg()
                    Msg = "数据不存在!", code = "500"
            List <EntGoods> serviceList = EntGoodsBLL.SingleModel.GetServicList(appId);

            string sessonid = new Random().Next(1, 3) + DateTime.Now.ToString("mmssfffff");

            Session["qrcodekey"] = sessonid;
            if (null == RedisUtil.Get <LoginQrCode>("SessionID:" + sessonid))
                LoginQrCode wxkey = new LoginQrCode();
                wxkey.SessionId = sessonid;
                wxkey.IsLogin   = false;
                RedisUtil.Set <LoginQrCode>("SessionID:" + sessonid, wxkey);
        public ActionResult RemoveUserStoreManagerRole()
            var deleteRoleSql = $" update userRole set State = 0 Where Appid = {_appId} and storeId = {_storeId} and RoleId = {(int)RoleType.分店管理员} and State = 1 ";

            TransactionModel tran = new TransactionModel();

            FootBath store = FootBathBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(_storeId);

            store.ShopManagerName = string.Empty;
            store.ShopManager     = string.Empty;
            bool isSuccess = UserRoleBLL.SingleModel.ExecuteTransactionDataCorect(tran.sqlArray);

            return(Json(new { success = isSuccess, msg = isSuccess ? "解除权限成功!" : "解除权限失败!", ShopManagerName = store.ShopManagerName, ShopManager = store.ShopManager }));
        /// <summary>
        /// 保存值班信息
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rotaInfo"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult SaveRotaInfo(Rota rotaInfo)
            if (rotaInfo.aid <= 0)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙appid_null" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            if (dzaccount == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙auth_null" }));
            XcxAppAccountRelation appAcountRelation = XcxAppAccountRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByaccountidAndAppid(rotaInfo.aid, dzaccount.Id.ToString());

            if (appAcountRelation == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙relation_null" }));
            FootBath storeModel = FootBathBLL.SingleModel.GetModel($"appId={rotaInfo.aid}");

            if (storeModel == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙model_null" }));
            if (rotaInfo.Id <= 0)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙rotaId_null" }));
            Rota model = RotaBLL.SingleModel.GetModelById(rotaInfo.aid, rotaInfo.Id);

            if (model == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙rota_null" }));
            model.monday   = RotaBLL.SingleModel.GetDayStr(rotaInfo.mondayState);
            model.tuesday  = RotaBLL.SingleModel.GetDayStr(rotaInfo.tuesdayState);
            model.wensday  = RotaBLL.SingleModel.GetDayStr(rotaInfo.wensdayState);
            model.thursday = RotaBLL.SingleModel.GetDayStr(rotaInfo.thursdayState);
            model.friday   = RotaBLL.SingleModel.GetDayStr(rotaInfo.fridayState);
            model.saturday = RotaBLL.SingleModel.GetDayStr(rotaInfo.saturdayState);
            model.sunday   = RotaBLL.SingleModel.GetDayStr(rotaInfo.sundayState);
            bool   isok = RotaBLL.SingleModel.Update(model, "monday,tuesday,wensday,thursday,friday,saturday,sunday");
            string msg  = isok ? "保存成功" : "保存失败";

            return(Json(new { isok = isok, msg = msg }));
        public ActionResult OrderTotalList()
            int    appId    = Context.GetRequestInt("appId", 0);
            int    storeId  = Context.GetRequestInt("storeId", 0);
            string sqlwhere = $"appid={appId}";

            if (storeId > 0)
                sqlwhere = $"id={storeId}";
            if (appId == 0)
            if (dzaccount == null)
            var xcx = XcxAppAccountRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetModel($"id ={appId}");

            if (xcx == null)
            FootBath storeModel = FootBathBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(sqlwhere);

            if (storeModel == null)
            ViewBag.storeId = storeModel.Id;
            List <FootBath> storeList = new List <FootBath>();

            if (storeModel.HomeId == 0)
                storeList.AddRange(FootBathBLL.SingleModel.GetList($"HomeId={storeModel.Id} and state>0 and IsDel>-1"));
            List <VipLevel> levelList = VipLevelBLL.SingleModel.GetList($"appid='{xcx.AppId}' and state>=0");

            ViewBag.storeList = storeList;
        /// <summary>
        /// 保存支付方式
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult SavePayWay(SwitchModel paySetting)
            int appId = Context.GetRequestInt("appId", 0);

            if (appId <= 0)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙appid_null" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            if (dzaccount == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙auth_null" }));
            if (paySetting == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙switch_null" }));
            XcxAppAccountRelation appAcountRelation = XcxAppAccountRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByaccountidAndAppid(appId, dzaccount.Id.ToString());

            if (appAcountRelation == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙relation_null" }));
            FootBath storeModel = FootBathBLL.SingleModel.GetModel($"appId={appId}");

            if (storeModel == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙model_null" }));
            storeModel.switchModel              = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SwitchModel>(storeModel.SwitchConfig);
            storeModel.switchModel.Alipay       = paySetting.Alipay;
            storeModel.switchModel.BankCardPay  = paySetting.BankCardPay;
            storeModel.switchModel.CashPay      = paySetting.CashPay;
            storeModel.switchModel.OtherPay     = paySetting.OtherPay;
            storeModel.switchModel.SaveMoneyPay = paySetting.SaveMoneyPay;
            storeModel.switchModel.WeChatPay    = paySetting.WeChatPay;
            storeModel.SwitchConfig             = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(storeModel.switchModel);
            storeModel.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now;
            bool   isok = FootBathBLL.SingleModel.Update(storeModel, "switchconfig,updatedate");
            string msg  = isok ? "修改成功" : "修改失败";

            return(Json(new { isok = isok, msg = msg }));
        /// <summary>
        /// 删除套餐
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult DelGift()
            int appId = Context.GetRequestInt("appId", 0);

            if (appId <= 0)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙id_null" }));
            if (dzaccount == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙account_null" }));
            XcxAppAccountRelation appAcountRelation = XcxAppAccountRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByaccountidAndAppid(appId, dzaccount.Id.ToString());

            if (appAcountRelation == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙relation_null" }));
            FootBath storeModel = FootBathBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByAppId(appId);

            if (storeModel == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙store_null" }));
            int id = Context.GetRequestInt("id", 0);

            if (id <= 0)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "参数错误" }));
            EntGoods giftInfo = EntGoodsBLL.SingleModel.GetGiftInfo(appId, id, (int)GoodsType.足浴版送花套餐);

            if (giftInfo == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙giftInfo_null" }));
            giftInfo.state = 0;
            bool   isok = EntGoodsBLL.SingleModel.Update(giftInfo, "state");
            string msg  = isok ? "删除成功" : "删除失败";

            return(Json(new { isok = isok, msg = msg }));
        // GET: footbath_ordermanager:足浴版小程序-订单管理管理

        #region 订单管理

        /// <summary>
        /// 订单管理视图
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult Ordermanager()
            int appId = Context.GetRequestInt("appId", 0);

            if (appId <= 0)
                return(View("PageError", new Return_Msg()
                    Msg = "参数错误!", code = "500"
            ViewBag.appId = appId;
            if (dzaccount == null)
            XcxAppAccountRelation appAcountRelation = XcxAppAccountRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByaccountidAndAppid(appId, dzaccount.Id.ToString());

            if (appAcountRelation == null)
                return(View("PageError", new Return_Msg()
                    Msg = "没有权限!", code = "403"
            FootBath storeModel = FootBathBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByAppId(appId);

            if (storeModel == null)
                return(View("PageError", new Return_Msg()
                    Msg = "数据不存在!", code = "500"
            List <EntGoodType> roomList = EntGoodTypeBLL.SingleModel.GetRoomList(appId, storeModel.Id, (int)GoodProjectType.足浴版包间分类);

            storeModel.switchModel = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SwitchModel>(storeModel.SwitchConfig);
            ViewBag.dateList       = FootBathBLL.SingleModel.GetReservationTime(storeModel.switchModel.PresetTime);
        /// <summary>
        /// 开启|关闭 送花看相册功能
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult SaveGiftConfig()
            int appId = Context.GetRequestInt("appId", 0);

            if (appId <= 0)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙id_null" }));
            if (dzaccount == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙account_null" }));
            XcxAppAccountRelation appAcountRelation = XcxAppAccountRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByaccountidAndAppid(appId, dzaccount.Id.ToString());

            if (appAcountRelation == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙relation_null" }));
            FootBath storeModel = FootBathBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByAppId(appId);

            if (storeModel == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙store_null" }));
            int isOpen = Context.GetRequestInt("isOpen", -1);

            if (isOpen < 0)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙isOpen_null" }));
            SwitchModel switchModel = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SwitchModel>(storeModel.SwitchConfig);

            switchModel.ShowPhotoByGift = isOpen > 0;
            storeModel.SwitchConfig     = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(switchModel);
            storeModel.UpdateDate       = DateTime.Now;
            bool isok = FootBathBLL.SingleModel.Update(storeModel, "switchconfig,updatedate");

            return(Json(new { isok = isok }));
        /// <summary>
        /// 送花记录(视图)
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult GiftRecord()
            int appId = Context.GetRequestInt("appId", 0);

            if (appId <= 0)
                return(View("PageError", new Return_Msg()
                    Msg = "参数错误!", code = "500"
            ViewBag.appId = appId;
            if (dzaccount == null)
            XcxAppAccountRelation appAcountRelation = XcxAppAccountRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByaccountidAndAppid(appId, dzaccount.Id.ToString());

            if (appAcountRelation == null)
                return(View("PageError", new Return_Msg()
                    Msg = "没有权限!", code = "403"
            FootBath storeModel = FootBathBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByAppId(appId);

            if (storeModel == null)
                return(View("PageError", new Return_Msg()
                    Msg = "数据不存在!", code = "500"
            SwitchModel switchModel = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SwitchModel>(storeModel.SwitchConfig);

            ViewBag.ShowPhotoByGift = switchModel.ShowPhotoByGift;
        /// <summary>
        /// 项目分类
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult ServiceType()
            int appId = Context.GetRequestInt("appId", 0);

            if (appId <= 0)
                return(View("PageError", new Return_Msg()
                    Msg = "参数错误!", code = "500"
            ViewBag.appId = appId;
            if (dzaccount == null)
            XcxAppAccountRelation appAcountRelation = XcxAppAccountRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByaccountidAndAppid(appId, dzaccount.Id.ToString());

            if (appAcountRelation == null)
                return(View("PageError", new Return_Msg()
                    Msg = "没有权限!", code = "403"
            FootBath storeModel = FootBathBLL.SingleModel.GetModel($"appId={appId}");

            if (storeModel == null)
                return(View("PageError", new Return_Msg()
                    Msg = "数据不存在!", code = "500"
            List <EntGoodType> goodTypeList = EntGoodTypeBLL.SingleModel.GetServiceItemList(appId, storeModel.Id, (int)GoodProjectType.足浴版服务项目分类);

        /// <summary>
        /// 排班表(视图)
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult Rota()
            int appId = Context.GetRequestInt("appId", 0);

            if (appId <= 0)
                return(View("PageError", new Return_Msg()
                    Msg = "参数错误!", code = "500"
            ViewBag.appId = appId;
            if (dzaccount == null)
            XcxAppAccountRelation appAcountRelation = XcxAppAccountRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByaccountidAndAppid(appId, dzaccount.Id.ToString());

            if (appAcountRelation == null)
                return(View("PageError", new Return_Msg()
                    Msg = "没有权限!", code = "500"
            FootBath storeModel = FootBathBLL.SingleModel.GetModel($"appId={appId}");

            if (storeModel == null)
                return(View("PageError", new Return_Msg()
                    Msg = "数据不存在!", code = "500"
            storeModel.switchModel = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SwitchModel>(storeModel.SwitchConfig);
            ViewBag.week           = ServiceTimeBLL.SingleModel.IsSingleWeek(DateTime.Now);
        /// <summary>
        /// 保存 花朵价格
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult SaveGiftPrice()
            int appId = Context.GetRequestInt("appId", 0);

            if (appId <= 0)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙id_null" }));
            if (dzaccount == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙account_null" }));
            XcxAppAccountRelation appAcountRelation = XcxAppAccountRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByaccountidAndAppid(appId, dzaccount.Id.ToString());

            if (appAcountRelation == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙relation_null" }));
            FootBath storeModel = FootBathBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByAppId(appId);

            if (storeModel == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙store_null" }));
            int GiftPrice = Context.GetRequestInt("GiftPrice", -1);

            if (GiftPrice < 0 || GiftPrice > 99900)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "价格范围:0~999,最多两位小数" }));
            storeModel.GiftPrice  = GiftPrice;
            storeModel.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now;
            bool   isok = FootBathBLL.SingleModel.Update(storeModel, "giftprice,updatedate");
            string msg  = isok ? "保存成功" : "保存失败";

            return(Json(new { isok = isok, msg = msg }));
        /// <summary>
        /// 包间管理界面
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult PrivateRoom()
            int appId = Context.GetRequestInt("appId", 0);

            if (appId <= 0)
                return(View("PageError", new Return_Msg()
                    Msg = "参数错误!", code = "500"
            ViewBag.appId = appId;
            if (dzaccount == null)
            XcxAppAccountRelation appAcountRelation = XcxAppAccountRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByaccountidAndAppid(appId, dzaccount.Id.ToString());

            if (appAcountRelation == null)
                return(View("PageError", new Return_Msg()
                    Msg = "没有权限!", code = "403"
            FootBath storeModel = FootBathBLL.SingleModel.GetModel($"appId={appId}");

            if (storeModel == null)
                return(View("PageError", new Return_Msg()
                    Msg = "没有数据!", code = "500"
        /// <summary>
        /// 保存早中晚班值班时间
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="switchModel"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult saveWorkTime(SwitchModel switchModel)
            int appId = Context.GetRequestInt("appId", 0);

            if (appId <= 0)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙appid_null" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            if (dzaccount == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙auth_null" }));
            XcxAppAccountRelation appAcountRelation = XcxAppAccountRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByaccountidAndAppid(appId, dzaccount.Id.ToString());

            if (appAcountRelation == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙relation_null" }));
            FootBath storeModel = FootBathBLL.SingleModel.GetModel($"appId={appId}");

            if (storeModel == null)
                return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "系统繁忙store_null" }));
            storeModel.switchModel = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SwitchModel>(storeModel.SwitchConfig);
            storeModel.switchModel.morningShift = switchModel.morningShift;
            storeModel.switchModel.noonShift    = switchModel.noonShift;
            storeModel.switchModel.eveningShift = switchModel.eveningShift;

            storeModel.SwitchConfig = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(storeModel.switchModel);
            storeModel.UpdateDate   = DateTime.Now;
            bool   isok = FootBathBLL.SingleModel.Update(storeModel, "SwitchConfig,UpdateDate");
            string msg  = isok ? "保存成功" : "保存失败";

            return(Json(new { isok = isok, msg = msg }));