        static void FontAdjustment()
            FontStyles fontStyle = FontStyles.None;

            Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + $"Текущие параметры надписи: {fontStyle.ToString()}");


        static void FontAdjustment_AddRemoveSelectedStyle(FontStyles fontStyle)
            FontStyles tempFontStyle = FontAdjustment_ReadSelectedStyle();

            while (tempFontStyle != FontStyles.None)
                fontStyle = fontStyle.HasFlag(tempFontStyle) ? (fontStyle ^ tempFontStyle) : (fontStyle | tempFontStyle);

                Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + $"Текущие параметры надписи: {fontStyle.ToString()}");

                tempFontStyle = FontAdjustment_ReadSelectedStyle();
    /// <summary>
    /// Method to animate vertex colors of a TMP Text object.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    IEnumerator AnimateVertexColors()
        yield return(new WaitForSecondsRealtime(.01f));

        TMP_TextInfo textInfo = m_TextComponent.textInfo;

        int loopCount = 0;

        hasTextChanged = true;

        // Cache the vertex data of the text object as the effect is applied to the original position of the characters.
        TMP_MeshInfo[] cachedMeshInfo = textInfo.CopyMeshInfoVertexData();

        while (true)
            if (disabled)

            // Get new copy of vertex data if the text has changed.
            if (hasTextChanged)
                // Update the copy of the vertex data for the text object.
                cachedMeshInfo = textInfo.CopyMeshInfoVertexData();
                hasTextChanged = false;

            int characterCount = textInfo.characterCount;

            for (int i = 0; i < characterCount; i++)
                TMP_CharacterInfo charInfo = textInfo.characterInfo[i];

                // Skip characters that are not visible and thus have no geometry to manipulate.
                if (!charInfo.isVisible)

                // Get the index of the material used by the current character.
                int materialIndex = textInfo.characterInfo[i].materialReferenceIndex;

                // Get the index of the first vertex used by this text element.
                int vertexIndex = textInfo.characterInfo[i].vertexIndex;

                // Get the cached vertices of the mesh used by this text element (character or sprite).
                Vector3[] sourceVertices = cachedMeshInfo[materialIndex].vertices;

                Vector3[] destinationVertices = textInfo.meshInfo[materialIndex].vertices;

                Vector3 jitterOffset = Vector3.zero;

                FontStyles style = textInfo.characterInfo[i].style;

                if (type == EffectType.shake)
                    jitterOffset = new Vector3(Random.Range(-.25f, .25f), Random.Range(-.25f, .25f), 0);
                else if (type == EffectType.wave)
                    jitterOffset = new Vector3(0, Mathf.Sin((i / 2) + loopCount) / 2f, 0);

                jitterOffset *= offsetMultiplier;

                destinationVertices[vertexIndex + 0] = sourceVertices[vertexIndex + 0] + jitterOffset;
                destinationVertices[vertexIndex + 1] = sourceVertices[vertexIndex + 1] + jitterOffset;
                destinationVertices[vertexIndex + 2] = sourceVertices[vertexIndex + 2] + jitterOffset;
                destinationVertices[vertexIndex + 3] = sourceVertices[vertexIndex + 3] + jitterOffset;

            // Push changes into meshes
            for (int i = 0; i < textInfo.meshInfo.Length; i++)
                textInfo.meshInfo[i].mesh.vertices = textInfo.meshInfo[i].vertices;
                m_TextComponent.UpdateGeometry(textInfo.meshInfo[i].mesh, i);

            loopCount += 1;

            yield return(new WaitForSecondsRealtime(0.1f / speedMultiplier));