private void Setup()
            // Setup minimum window size
            minSize = DefaultWindowSize;

            // Setting up previews for each character sets
            DebugFoldout    = new DebugCharacterSets(this, PresetCharacterSets);
            LanguageFoldout = new LanguageSets(this, Languages);
            FontFoldout     = new FontSets(this, Languages, LanguageFoldout.LanguageToUpdate);
            FontFoldout.OnAfterButtonClicked += OnUpdateFontClicked;
        private void OnUpdateFontClicked(FontSets source, FontSets.OnClickEventArgs args)
            // Setup variables
            FontAssetCreationSettings settings = args.Font.creationSettings;


            // Start appending characters already in the settings
            if (args.ActionToTake == Action.Append)
                // Add them to the hashset
                Add(CurrentSet, TMP_FontAsset.GetCharacters(args.Font));

            // Add all the preset characters
            foreach (KeyValuePair <PresetCharacters, CharacterSet> pair in PresetCharacterSets)
                // Check if this preset should be appended to the hashset
                if ((args.PresetsToAdd & pair.Key) != 0)
                    Add(CurrentSet, pair.Value.characters);

            // Go through the languages this font supports
            foreach (string language in args.Languages)
                // Grab the language index
                int languageIndex = Languages[language];

                // Go through all the texts in the translation file
                foreach (TranslationDictionary.LanguageTextMap languageMap in DictionaryToEdit.AllTranslations.Values)
                    // Add the text into the set
                    Add(CurrentSet, languageMap[languageIndex]);

            // Apply changes
            settings.characterSetSelectionMode = 7;
            settings.characterSequence         = ToString(CurrentSet);
            args.Font.creationSettings         = settings;

            // Open the window