//This method is used to add elements between follow sets
 public void addSet(FollowSet source, FollowSet target)
     foreach (Symbol terminal in source.Terminals)
    // This method is used to define follow set algorithm.
    public FollowSet FOLLOW(Symbol symbol)
        FollowSet followSetBNonTerminal = new FollowSet();

        foreach (Production production in this.grammar.productions)
            foreach (Symbol nonTerminal in this.grammar.nonTerminals)
                foreach (Tuple <Symbol, Symbol> terminals in this.grammar.getTerminalPairs())
                    string TNTRHS = this.grammar.getForm(terminals, nonTerminal, "TNT");
                    string TNRHS  = this.grammar.getForm(terminals.Item1, nonTerminal, "TN");

                    if (nonTerminal.ToString().Equals(TNTRHS))
                        followSetBNonTerminal.NonTerminal = nonTerminal;
                        followSetBNonTerminal.Terminals   = this.FIRST(terminals.Item2);

                    if (nonTerminal.ToString().Equals(TNRHS) || (nonTerminal.ToString().Equals(TNTRHS) && this.FIRST(terminals.Item2).Contains(Symbol.getEmptyWord())))
                        this.addSet(this.FOLLOW(terminals.Item2), this.FOLLOW(production.getSymbolicLHS()));

 public override TokenSet Init_FollowSet(ParseNode_Root parser, TokenSet succ)
     if (FollowSet == null)
         followChanged = true;
         FollowSet     = new TokenSet(succ);
     else if (FollowSet.Add(succ))
         followChanged = true;
    public string ToString(ParseNode_Root parser)
        var result = new StringBuilder(m_sNtName + " : " + rhs + " .");

        if (FirstSet != null)
            result.Append("\n  lookahead " + FirstSet.ToString(parser));
        if (FollowSet != null)
            result.Append("\n  follow " + FollowSet.ToString(parser));