public UNPhysicsTemplate(Vector3 position, float spreadX, float spreadZ, int densityIndex, FoliagePrototype prototype) { this.position = position; this.spread.x = spreadX; this.spread.y = spreadZ; this.densityIndex = densityIndex; this.prototype = prototype; }
/// <summary> /// This method will make sure that the map exists and if it doesnt it will create it. /// /// Used mainly for the rendering so if the user accidently/ purposely removed the grass map it will automatically generate a new one so it wont affect the system. /// </summary> /// <param name="manager"></param> /// <returns></returns> public Texture2D SafeGetMap(FoliagePrototype prototype, FoliageManagerInstance instance) { if (map == null) { map = UNMapGenerators.GenerateGrassMap(, instance); UpdateMap(); } return(map); }
public static FoliageGrassMap CreateGrassMap(int prototypeIndex, FoliageManagerInstance mInstance) { FoliagePrototype prototype = FoliageDB.sortedPrototypes[prototypeIndex]; FoliageGrassMap grassMap = new FoliageGrassMap(GenerateGrassMap(prototypeIndex, mInstance), prototype, mInstance); grassMap.UpdateMap(); return(grassMap); }
public UNBatcMeshhProcessingTask(List <UNCombineInstance> _instances, Material _material, Mesh _mesh, FoliagePrototype _prototype, bool _multiThread, bool _applyInstantly, int _lastID) { instances = _instances; material = _material; mesh = _mesh; multiThread = _multiThread; applyInstantly = _applyInstantly; prototype = _prototype; lastID = _lastID; meshData = prototype.FoliageInstancedMeshData.meshData; }
public static void CombineMeshes(List <UNCombineInstance> FoliageInstances, Material _mat, Mesh mesh, FoliagePrototype prototype, bool multiThread, int sortingID, bool applyInstantly, System.Action <UNBatchTask> onDone) { if (FoliageInstances.Count == 0) { mesh.Clear(); // clear mesh as its null at the moment. return; } var processTask = new Threading.ThreadTask <UNBatcMeshhProcessingTask>((UNBatcMeshhProcessingTask process) => { if (process.instances.Count <= 0) { return; } int instancesCount = process.instances.Count; UNMeshData meshData = process.meshData; Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[meshData.verticesLength * instancesCount]; Vector3[] normals = new Vector3[meshData.normalsLength * instancesCount]; Vector2[] uv1s = new Vector2[meshData.uv1sLength * instancesCount]; Vector2[] uv2s = new Vector2[meshData.verticesLength * instancesCount]; Vector2[] uv3s = new Vector2[meshData.verticesLength * instancesCount]; Vector2[] uv4s = new Vector2[meshData.verticesLength * instancesCount]; int[] subMeshes = new int[meshData.trianglesLength * instancesCount]; int verticesOffset = 0; int normalsOffset = 0; int uv1sOffset = 0; int uv2sOffset = 0; int subMeshesOffset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < process.instances.Count; i++) { MergeMesh(process.instances[i], i, process.material, vertices, normals, uv1s, uv2s, uv3s, uv4s, subMeshes, meshData, verticesOffset, normalsOffset, uv1sOffset, uv2sOffset, subMeshesOffset); verticesOffset += meshData.verticesLength; normalsOffset += meshData.normalsLength; uv1sOffset += meshData.uv1sLength; uv2sOffset += meshData.verticesLength; subMeshesOffset += meshData.trianglesLength; } UNBatchTask batchTask = new UNBatchTask(vertices, normals, uv1s, uv2s, uv3s, uv4s, subMeshes, process.mesh, process.lastID); Threading.ThreadTask <UNBatchTask, bool, System.Action <UNBatchTask> > batckTaskInstance = new Threading.ThreadTask <UNBatchTask, bool, System.Action <UNBatchTask> >((UNBatchTask _batchTask, bool _applyInstantely, System.Action <UNBatchTask> _action) => { _batchTask.Apply(); if (_action != null) { _action(_batchTask); } }, batchTask, process.applyInstantly, onDone); if (process.multiThread) { Threading.ThreadManager.instance.RunOnUnityThread(batckTaskInstance); } else { batckTaskInstance.Invoke(); } }, new UNBatcMeshhProcessingTask(FoliageInstances, _mat, mesh, prototype, multiThread, applyInstantly, sortingID)); if (multiThread) { Threading.ThreadManager.instance.RunOnThread(processTask); } else { processTask.Invoke(); } }
public FoliageGrassMap(Texture2D texture, Color32[] pixels, FoliagePrototype prototype, FoliageManagerInstance mInstance) : base(texture, pixels, mInstance) { _prototypeID =; }
public FoliageGrassMap(Texture2D texture, FoliagePrototype prototype, FoliageManagerInstance mInstance) : this(texture, texture.GetPixels32(), prototype, mInstance) { }