         * /// <summary>
         * /// Draws the foldout.
         * /// </summary>
         * /// <returns><c>true</c>, if foldout is opened by the user, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
         * /// <param name="foldout">If set to <c>true</c>, then the foldout will be opened.</param>
         * /// <param name="content">The label to draw.</param>
         * private void DrawFoldout(ref bool foldout, string content) {
         *      foldout = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(foldout, content, toggleOnLabelClick: true);
         * }

        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the foldout. Also has a delete button.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="foldout">Foldout.</param>
        /// <param name="content">Content.</param>
        /// <param name="drawButtons">If true, extra buttons are drawn while folded out.</param>
        private FoldoutEventInfo DrawFoldout(bool foldout, string content, bool drawButtons)
            const int SPACING             = 10;
            const int DELETE_BUTTON_WIDTH = 60;
            const int REMAKE_BUTTON_WIDTH = 60;
            const int EDIT_BUTTON_WIDTH   = 60;

            FoldoutEventInfo eventInfo = new FoldoutEventInfo();

            Rect mainRect    = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect();                // Total space we have to work with
            Rect foldoutRect = mainRect;

            if (drawButtons && foldout)
                // Create our rectangle areas for buttons
                Rect deleteRect = mainRect;
                deleteRect.width = DELETE_BUTTON_WIDTH;

                Rect remakeRect = mainRect;
                remakeRect.width = REMAKE_BUTTON_WIDTH;

                Rect editRect = mainRect;
                editRect.width = EDIT_BUTTON_WIDTH;

                // Remove the button widths from the foldout's width
                foldoutRect.width -= (deleteRect.width + remakeRect.width + editRect.width + 2 * SPACING);

                // Put buttons in their places
                remakeRect.x += foldoutRect.width;
                editRect.x    = remakeRect.x + remakeRect.width + SPACING;
                deleteRect.x  = editRect.x + editRect.width + SPACING;

                // Draw buttons
                eventInfo.selectedRemake = GUI.Button(remakeRect, "Remake");
                eventInfo.selectedEdit   = GUI.Button(editRect, "Edit");
                eventInfo.selectedDelete = GUI.Button(deleteRect, "Delete");

            eventInfo.isFoldedOut = EditorGUI.Foldout(foldoutRect, foldout, content, toggleOnLabelClick: true);

        private void DrawVarObjHierarchy(
            string masterLabel,
            string masterFoldoutPref,
            Dictionary <string, ScriptSetInfo> fileInfoDictionary,
            bool canEdit
            bool isFoldedOut;                                           // A catch-all variable for storing the foldout bools

            // Create the main foldout
            isFoldedOut = EditorPrefs.GetBool(masterFoldoutPref, defaultValue: false);
            isFoldedOut = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(isFoldedOut, masterLabel, toggleOnLabelClick: true);
            EditorPrefs.SetBool(masterFoldoutPref, isFoldedOut);

            // Only render the list itself if it's folded out.
            if (isFoldedOut)

                // Step through all of the types found
                foreach (ScriptSetInfo fileInfo in fileInfoDictionary.Values)
                    // Draw the foldout (with its buttons, if folded out and editable).

                    // We need to figure out if we're folded out, according to the preferences.
                    string editorPrefKey   = EditorPrefPrefix + fileInfo.Name;
                    bool   isTypeFoldedOut = EditorPrefs.GetBool(editorPrefKey, defaultValue: false);

                    // We want a compact label if folded out. Otherwise, we'll list more info.
                    string foldoutLabel = fileInfo.Name;
                    if (!isTypeFoldedOut)
                        foldoutLabel += (" (" + fileInfo.TypeName + ", " + fileInfo.Referability.ToString() + ") ");

                    FoldoutEventInfo foldoutInfo = DrawFoldout(
                        EditorPrefs.GetBool(editorPrefKey, defaultValue: false),

                    EditorPrefs.SetBool(editorPrefKey, foldoutInfo.isFoldedOut);

                    // Again, only render the list of files if the foldout is open.
                    if (foldoutInfo.isFoldedOut)

                    // Handle stuff with the delete button
                    if (foldoutInfo.selectedDelete)
                        //Debug.Log("Delete " + fileInfo.name);
                        //ScriptFileManager.DeleteFilesForType(fileInfo, prompt: true);
                        bool deletionConfirmed = EditorUtility.DisplayDialog(
                            "Delete variable object scripts named '" + fileInfo.Name + "'?",
                            "This action cannot be undone!"
                            + "\n(Check Variable Object Settings for list of files.)",
                            "Delete them", "Spare them"

                        if (deletionConfirmed)
                    else if (foldoutInfo.selectedEdit)
                    else if (foldoutInfo.selectedRemake)
                        bool remakeConfirmed = EditorUtility.DisplayDialog(
                            "Remake variable object scripts named '" + fileInfo.Name + "'?",
                            "They will be placed inside " + fileInfo.DominantPath + "\n"
                            + "This action cannot be undone!\n"
                            + "(Check Variable Object Settings for list of files.)",
                            "Remake them", "Maybe not"

                        if (remakeConfirmed)
                            List <string> modifiedFiles = fileInfo.RebuildFiles();
                }                 // End foreach(...fileInfo...)

                if (GUILayout.Button("Rebuild all"))
                    bool remakeConfirmed = EditorUtility.DisplayDialog(
                        "Remake all " + masterLabel,
                        "Remake ALL of the scripts? This could break things if you aren't careful!",
                        "Remake them all!", "Hang on!"

                    if (remakeConfirmed)
                        foreach (ScriptSetInfo setInfo in fileInfoDictionary.Values)

            }     // End if(isFoldedOut)
        }         // End DrawVarObjHierarchy