public async Task<ActionResult> Download(DateTime from, DateTime to, ChemicalComposition chemicalComposition, FoiReportDates dateType)
            var report = await mediator.SendAsync(new GetFreedomOfInformationReport(from, to, chemicalComposition, dateType));

            var type = EnumHelper.GetShortName(chemicalComposition);

            var fileName = string.Format("foi-report-{0}-{1}-{2}.xlsx", type, from.ToShortDateString(), to.ToShortDateString());

            return new XlsxActionResult<FreedomOfInformationData>(report, fileName);
        public async Task<IEnumerable<FreedomOfInformationData>> Get(DateTime from, DateTime to,
            ChemicalComposition chemicalComposition, UKCompetentAuthority competentAuthority, FoiReportDates dateType)
            return await context.Database.SqlQuery<FreedomOfInformationData>(
                @"SELECT DISTINCT
                        (SELECT	SUM(
                            CASE WHEN [QuantityReceivedUnitId] IN (1, 2) -- Tonnes / Cubic Metres
                                THEN COALESCE([QuantityReceived], 0)
                                COALESCE([QuantityReceived] / 1000, 0) -- Convert to Tonnes / Cubic Metres
                            FROM [Reports].[Movements]
                            WHERE Id = NotificationId
                                AND (@dateType = 'NotificationReceivedDate'
				                     OR @dateType = 'ConsentFrom'
				                     OR @dateType = 'ReceivedDate' and  [ReceivedDate] BETWEEN @from AND @to
				                     OR @dateType = 'CompletedDate' and  [CompletedDate] BETWEEN @from AND @to)
                        ), 0) AS [QuantityReceived],
                    CASE WHEN [IntendedQuantityUnitId] IN (1, 2) -- Due to conversion units will only be Tonnes / Cubic Metres
                        THEN [IntendedQuantityUnit] 
                    WHEN [IntendedQuantityUnitId] = 3 THEN 'Tonnes'
                    WHEN [IntendedQuantityUnitId] = 4 THEN 'Cubic Metres'
                    END AS [QuantityReceivedUnit],
                    [CompetentAuthorityId] = @competentAuthority
                    AND [ChemicalCompositionTypeId] = @chemicalComposition
                    AND (@dateType = 'NotificationReceivedDate' AND  [ReceivedDate] BETWEEN @from AND @to
				         OR @dateType = 'ConsentFrom' AND  [ConsentFrom] BETWEEN @from AND @to
                         OR @dateType = 'ReceivedDate' AND [MovementReceivedDate] BETWEEN @from AND @to
				         OR @dateType = 'CompletedDate' AND [MovementCompletedDate] BETWEEN @from AND @to)",
                new SqlParameter("@from", from),
                new SqlParameter("@to", to),
                new SqlParameter("@chemicalComposition", (int)chemicalComposition),
                new SqlParameter("@competentAuthority", (int)competentAuthority),
                new SqlParameter("@dateType", dateType.ToString())).ToArrayAsync();