        public void TryEnableMicaEffect(FluentAvaloniaTheme thm)
            // The background colors for the Mica brush are still based around SolidBackgroundFillColorBase resource
            // BUT since we can't control the actual Mica brush color, we have to use the window background to create
            // the same effect. However, we can't use SolidBackgroundFillColorBase directly since its opaque, and if
            // we set the opacity the color become lighter than we want. So we take the normal color, darken it and
            // apply the opacity until we get the roughly the correct color
            // NOTE that the effect still doesn't look right, but it suffices. Ideally we need access to the Mica
            // CompositionBrush to properly change the color but I don't know if we can do that or not
            if (thm.RequestedTheme == FluentAvaloniaTheme.DarkModeString)
                var color = this.TryFindResource("SolidBackgroundFillColorBase", out var value) ? (Color2)(Color)value : new Color2(32, 32, 32);

                color = color.LightenPercent(-0.2f);

                Background = new ImmutableSolidColorBrush(color, 0.85f);
            else if (thm.RequestedTheme == FluentAvaloniaTheme.LightModeString)
                // Similar effect here
                var color = this.TryFindResource("SolidBackgroundFillColorBase", out var value) ? (Color2)(Color)value : new Color2(243, 243, 243);

                color = color.LightenPercent(0.5f);

                Background = new ImmutableSolidColorBrush(color, 0.9);
 private void OnRequestedThemeChanged(FluentAvaloniaTheme sender, RequestedThemeChangedEventArgs args)
     if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows))
         // TODO: add Windows version to CoreWindow
         if (IsWindows11 && args.NewTheme != FluentAvaloniaTheme.HighContrastModeString)
         else if (args.NewTheme == FluentAvaloniaTheme.HighContrastModeString)
             // Clear the local value here, and let the normal styles take over for HighContrast theme
             SetValue(BackgroundProperty, AvaloniaProperty.UnsetValue);