public ModelInvokeResult <FlowDefinePK> Create(FlowDefine flowDefine)
            ModelInvokeResult <FlowDefinePK> result = new ModelInvokeResult <FlowDefinePK> {
                Success = true

                List <IBatisNetBatchStatement> statements = new List <IBatisNetBatchStatement>();
                if (flowDefine.FlowDefineId == GlobalManager.GuidAsAutoGenerate)
                    flowDefine.FlowDefineId = Guid.NewGuid();
                /***********************begin 自定义代码*******************/
                flowDefine.OperatedBy = NormalSession.UserId.ToGuid();
                flowDefine.OperatedOn = DateTime.Now;
                /***********************end 自定义代码*********************/
                statements.Add(new IBatisNetBatchStatement {
                    StatementName = flowDefine.GetCreateMethodName(), ParameterObject = flowDefine.ToStringObjectDictionary(false), Type = SqlExecuteType.INSERT
                /***********************begin 自定义代码*******************/
                /***********************end 自定义代码*********************/
                result.instance = new FlowDefinePK {
                    FlowDefineId = flowDefine.FlowDefineId
            catch (Exception ex)
                result.Success      = false;
                result.ErrorMessage = ex.Message;
        public ModelInvokeResult <FlowDefinePK> Nullify(string strFlowDefineId)
            ModelInvokeResult <FlowDefinePK> result = new ModelInvokeResult <FlowDefinePK> {
                Success = true

                List <IBatisNetBatchStatement> statements = new List <IBatisNetBatchStatement>();
                Guid?_FlowDefineId = strFlowDefineId.ToGuid();
                if (_FlowDefineId == null)
                    result.Success   = false;
                    result.ErrorCode = 59996;
                FlowDefine flowDefine = new FlowDefine {
                    FlowDefineId = _FlowDefineId, Status = 0
                /***********************begin 自定义代码*******************/
                flowDefine.OperatedBy = NormalSession.UserId.ToGuid();
                flowDefine.OperatedOn = DateTime.Now;
                /***********************end 自定义代码*********************/
                statements.Add(new IBatisNetBatchStatement {
                    StatementName = flowDefine.GetUpdateMethodName(), ParameterObject = flowDefine.ToStringObjectDictionary(false), Type = SqlExecuteType.UPDATE
                /***********************begin 自定义代码*******************/
                /***********************end 自定义代码*********************/
                result.instance = new FlowDefinePK {
                    FlowDefineId = _FlowDefineId
            catch (Exception ex)
                result.Success      = false;
                result.ErrorMessage = ex.Message;
        public InvokeResult NullifySelected(string strFlowDefineIds)
            InvokeResult result = new InvokeResult {
                Success = true

                List <IBatisNetBatchStatement> statements = new List <IBatisNetBatchStatement>();
                string[] arrFlowDefineIds = strFlowDefineIds.Split("|".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                if (arrFlowDefineIds.Length == 0)
                    result.Success   = false;
                    result.ErrorCode = 59996;
                string statementName = new FlowDefine().GetUpdateMethodName();
                foreach (string strFlowDefineId in arrFlowDefineIds)
                    FlowDefine flowDefine = new FlowDefine {
                        FlowDefineId = strFlowDefineId.ToGuid(), Status = 0
                    /***********************begin 自定义代码*******************/
                    flowDefine.OperatedBy = NormalSession.UserId.ToGuid();
                    flowDefine.OperatedOn = DateTime.Now;
                    /***********************end 自定义代码*********************/
                    statements.Add(new IBatisNetBatchStatement {
                        StatementName = statementName, ParameterObject = flowDefine.ToStringObjectDictionary(false), Type = SqlExecuteType.UPDATE
            catch (Exception ex)
                result.Success      = false;
                result.ErrorMessage = ex.Message;
        public InvokeResult DeleteSelected(string strFlowDefineIds)
            InvokeResult result = new InvokeResult {
                Success = true

                List <IBatisNetBatchStatement> statements = new List <IBatisNetBatchStatement>();
                string[] arrFlowDefineIds = strFlowDefineIds.Split("|".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                if (arrFlowDefineIds.Length == 0)
                    result.Success   = false;
                    result.ErrorCode = 59996;
                string statementName = new FlowDefine().GetDeleteMethodName();
                foreach (string strFlowDefineId in arrFlowDefineIds)
                    FlowDefinePK pk = new FlowDefinePK {
                        FlowDefineId = strFlowDefineId.ToGuid()
                    DeleteCascade(statements, pk);
                    statements.Add(new IBatisNetBatchStatement {
                        StatementName = statementName, ParameterObject = pk, Type = SqlExecuteType.DELETE
            catch (Exception ex)
                result.Success      = false;
                result.ErrorMessage = ex.Message;
        private InvokeResult ExecFlowAction(FlowAction flowAction, string strConnectId)
            InvokeResult result = new InvokeResult {
                Success = true

            string[] bIds = flowAction.BIZ_IDs.Split('|');
            //流转状态  0-正流,1-逆流  默认正流,正流(当前状态加上当前操作);逆流(当前状态)
            int iAction = 0;

            if (flowAction.FlowType == 0)
                iAction += flowAction.ProcessAction;

                FlowDefineMapping flowDefineMapping = BuilderFactory.DefaultBulder(strConnectId).List <FlowDefineMapping>(new { MappingType = flowAction.MappingType, MappingColumn = flowAction.MappingColumn, MappingId = flowAction.MappingId }.ToStringObjectDictionary()).FirstOrDefault();
                if (flowDefineMapping != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(flowDefineMapping.FlowName))
                    flowAction.FlowName = flowDefineMapping.FlowName;

                IList <FlowDefine> flowDefineList = BuilderFactory.DefaultBulder(strConnectId).List <FlowDefine>(new { FlowName = flowAction.FlowName, TableName = flowAction.TableName, TableColumn = flowAction.TableColumn, Status = 1, OrderByClause = " FlowTo ,CurrentState " }.ToStringObjectDictionary());

                string sql = "insert into PUB_Flow (FlowId,OperatedBy,OperatedOn,BIZ_ID,TableName,FlowDefineId," +
                             " FlowFrom,FlowTo,ProcessResult,ProcessComment,ProcessTitle )";
                sql += "select NEWID(),'" + NormalSession.UserId + "',GETDATE(),t.{0},k.TableName,k.FlowDefineId,k.CurrentState," +
                       " k.FlowTo,k.ProcessAction,'" + flowAction.ProcessComment + "',k.ProcessorTitle From  (select x.{0}," +
                       " (case when isnull(z.FlowName,'') <>'{2}' or y.FlowTo is null or y.FlowTo={4} then {3} else y.FlowTo end)  as prevState, " +
                       " (case when  isnull(z.FlowName,'') <>'{2}' then '{2}' else z.FlowName end) FlowName ," +
                       " isnull(z.TableColumn,'{0}') TableColumn, isnull(z.TableName,'{1}') TableName From " +
                       " (select a.{0},MAX(b.Id) as FId From {1} a left join Pub_Flow b  on a.{0}=b.BIZ_ID ";
                if (bIds.Length > 0 && bIds[0] != "")
                    sql += " where a.{0} in( '" + string.Join("','", bIds.Where(s => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)).ToArray()) + "' )";
                    //按区域进行过滤  以到达批量的效果
                    sql += " where a." + flowAction.MappingColumn + "= '" + flowAction.MappingId + "' ";
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(flowAction.WhereClause))
                        sql += " and " + flowAction.WhereClause;
                sql += " group by a.{0} ) x left join Pub_Flow y on x.FId=y.Id left join Pub_FlowDefine z on " +
                       " y.FlowDefineId=z.FlowDefineId ) t left join Pub_FlowDefine k on k.CurrentState=t.prevState+{5}  " +
                       " and k.ProcessAction={5} and k.FlowName=t.FlowName and k.TableName=t.TableName and k.TableColumn=t.TableColumn" +
                       " where k.CurrentState={6} and k.ProcessAction={5} and k.FlowName='{2}' and k.TableName='{1}' and k.TableColumn='{0}'";

                string statements = string.Format(sql, flowAction.TableColumn, flowAction.TableName, flowAction.FlowName,
                                                  flowDefineList.First().FlowTo, flowDefineList.Last().FlowTo, iAction, flowAction.ProcessState + iAction);


                FlowDefine flowdefine = flowDefineList.FirstOrDefault(s => (s.CurrentState == flowAction.ProcessState + iAction) && (s.ProcessAction == flowAction.ProcessAction));
                if (flowdefine != null && flowDefineList.Last() != null && flowdefine.FlowTo == flowDefineList.Last().FlowTo)
                    result.ErrorMessage = "true";
            catch (Exception ex) {
                result.Success      = false;
                result.ErrorMessage = ex.Message;
