//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET: //ORIGINAL LINE: public void process(int optionContainerIndex) throws org.maltparser.core.exception.MaltChainedException public virtual void process(int optionContainerIndex) { FlowChartInstance flowChartInstance = flowChartInstances[optionContainerIndex]; if (flowChartInstance.hasPreProcessChartItems()) { flowChartInstance.preprocess(); } if (flowChartInstance.hasProcessChartItems()) { int signal = ChartItem.CONTINUE; int tic = 0; int sentenceCounter = 0; int nIteration = 1; flowChartInstance.setEngineRegistry("iterations", nIteration); System.GC.Collect(); while (signal != ChartItem.TERMINATE) { signal = flowChartInstance.process(); if (signal == ChartItem.CONTINUE) { sentenceCounter++; } else if (signal == ChartItem.NEWITERATION) { SystemLogger.logger().info("\n=== END ITERATION " + nIteration + " ===\n"); nIteration++; flowChartInstance.setEngineRegistry("iterations", nIteration); } if (sentenceCounter < 101 && sentenceCounter == 1 || sentenceCounter == 10 || sentenceCounter == 100) { Util.startTicer(SystemLogger.logger(), startTime, 10, sentenceCounter); } if (sentenceCounter % 100 == 0) { tic = Util.simpleTicer(SystemLogger.logger(), startTime, 10, tic, sentenceCounter); } } Util.endTicer(SystemLogger.logger(), startTime, 10, tic, sentenceCounter); } if (flowChartInstance.hasPostProcessChartItems()) { flowChartInstance.postprocess(); } }
/// <summary> /// Initialize a parser model that later can by used to parse sentences. MaltParser is controlled by a commandLine string, please see the documentation of MaltParser to see all available options. /// </summary> /// <param name="commandLine"> a commandLine string that controls the MaltParser </param> /// <exception cref="MaltChainedException"> </exception> //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET: //ORIGINAL LINE: public void initializeParserModel(String commandLine) throws org.maltparser.core.exception.MaltChainedException public virtual void initializeParserModel(string commandLine) { if (optionContainer == -1) { throw new MaltChainedException("MaltParserService has been initialized as an option free initialization and therefore no parser model can be initialized."); } OptionManager.instance().parseCommandLine(commandLine, optionContainer); // Creates an engine engine = new Engine(); // Initialize the engine with option container and gets a flow chart instance flowChartInstance = engine.initialize(optionContainer); // Runs the preprocess chart items of the "parse" flow chart if (flowChartInstance.hasPreProcessChartItems()) { flowChartInstance.preprocess(); } singleMalt = (SingleMalt)flowChartInstance.getFlowChartRegistry(typeof(SingleMalt), "singlemalt"); singleMalt.ConfigurationDir.initDataFormat(); dataFormatInstance = singleMalt.ConfigurationDir.DataFormatManager.InputDataFormatSpec.createDataFormatInstance(singleMalt.SymbolTables, OptionManager.instance().getOptionValueString(optionContainer, "singlemalt", "null_value")); initialized = true; }