        protected BaseSpecFloor(FloorDesigner designer)
            : base(1.4f, float.MaxValue)
            Contract.Requires(designer != null);

            _designer = designer;
        public override void Subdivide(Prism bounds, ISubdivisionGeometry geometry, INamedDataCollection hierarchicalParameters)
            if (_designer == null)
                _designer = hierarchicalParameters.GetValue(FloorDesignerName, false);

            base.Subdivide(bounds, geometry, hierarchicalParameters);
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct a spec floor which will find it's spec from the hierarchicalParameters
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="findInMetadata">Indicates if the system should find it's spec in the metadata (must be set to true)</param>
        protected BaseSpecFloor(bool findInMetadata = false)
            //This is weird; why am I taking a parameter and requiring that you set it to a known value?
            //I don't really need any parameters here, so I could leave this empty. However, if I did that
            //then this would be the *default* but I want this to be an obscure option no one uses! If you
            //use this by accident you will get an exception (telling you exactly what's wrong)

            if (!findInMetadata)
                throw new ArgumentException("If this is false then no spec will be found, must be true", "findInMetadata");

            _designer = null;
        public void TestMethod1()
            var rnd      = new Random(3);
            var random   = (Func <double>)rnd.NextDouble;
            var metadata = new NamedBoxCollection();

            var designer = FloorDesigner.Deserialize(new StringReader(@"
# root node

# tags for this floorplan
  Type: Residential
  Style: None
# Aliases block is just a list of items, not used by the system. Handy place to define objects which will be used later in the markup
    # A single room, with a set of constraints
    - &office !Room
      Id: Office
      Walkthrough: false
        1: { Office }
#      Constraints: []
#         - { Strength: 1,    Req: !ExteriorWindow { } }
#         - { Strength: 0.5,  Req: !ExteriorDoor { Deny: true } }
#         - { Strength: 0.5,  Req: !Area { Min: 11 } }

    # A group of rooms
    - &office_group !Group
      Id: Offices
        - *office
        - *office

    SeedSpacing: !NormalValue { Min: 2.5, Mean: 5, Max: 6.5, Vary: true }
    SeedChance: 0.75
    IntersectionContinuationChance: 0.3
        Length: 1
        Width: 3.5
        Angle: 15
        Weight: 0.4
        Threshold: 0.5
        Weight: 0.3
        Threshold: 0.5
        Weight: 0.3
        Threshold: 45
        Cutoff: 5
    Width: 1

    - !Repeat
      Count: !NormalValue { Min: 1, Max: 100 }
      Space: *office_group

            Func <IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, string> >, Type[], ScriptReference> finder = (tags, types) =>
                var tagsClean = from tag in tags
                                let k                 = string.IsNullOrEmpty(tag.Key)
                                                let v = string.IsNullOrEmpty(tag.Value)
                                                        where !k || !v
                                                        select(!k && !v) ? (tag.Key + ":" + tag.Value) : (k ? tag.Value : tag.Key);

                return(ScriptReferenceFactory.Create(typeof(TestScript), Guid.NewGuid(), string.Join(",", tagsClean)));

            ////Corner shape
            //var shape = new[] {
            //    new Vector2(9, 5), new Vector2(9, -6), new Vector2(0, -6), new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(-4, 0), new Vector2(-4, 5)
            //var sections = new[] {
            //    new Subsection[] { new Subsection(0, 1, Subsection.Types.Window) },
            //    new Subsection[0],
            //    new Subsection[0],
            //    new Subsection[0],
            //    new Subsection[] { new Subsection(0, 1, Subsection.Types.Window) },
            //    new Subsection[0]

            //Diagonal bend shape
            var shape = new[] {
                new Vector2(10, 10), new Vector2(20, 0), new Vector2(23, 0), new Vector2(33, 10), new Vector2(43, 0),
                new Vector2(28, -15), new Vector2(15, -15), new Vector2(0, 0)
            var sections = new[] {
                new Subsection[0],
                new Subsection[0],
                new Subsection[0],
                new Subsection[0],
                new Subsection[0],
                new Subsection[0],
                new Subsection[0],
                new Subsection[0]
            var verticals = new Vector2[][] {

            ////Actual office floorplan
            //var shape = new[] {
            //    new Vector2(-25, 17),
            //    new Vector2(0, 17),
            //    new Vector2(3, 15),
            //    new Vector2(33, 15),
            //    new Vector2(38, 0),
            //    new Vector2(-25, -25)
            //var sections = new[] {
            //    new Subsection[0],
            //    new Subsection[0],
            //    new Subsection[0],
            //    new Subsection[0],
            //    new Subsection[0],
            //    new Subsection[0]
            //var verticals = new[] {
            //    new[] {
            //        new Vector2(0, 0),
            //        new Vector2(7, 0),
            //        new Vector2(7, -7),
            //        new Vector2(0, -7),
            //    }

            //var shape = new[] {
            //    new Vector2(9, 0),
            //    new Vector2(9, -6),
            //    new Vector2(0, -6),
            //    new Vector2(0, 0)
            //var sections = new[] {
            //    new Subsection[0],
            //    new Subsection[0],
            //    new Subsection[0],
            //    new Subsection[0],

            var plan = new GeometricFloorplan(shape);

            designer.Design(random, metadata, finder, plan, sections, 0.175f, verticals, new List <ConstrainedVerticalSelection>());

            Console.WriteLine(SvgRoomVisualiser.FloorplanToSvg(plan, 55, basic: false));