// TODO: Create individual prefabs for each type of floatign text (damage, healing, etc) and add them to an array
    //       Specify the array number when requesting floating text - this will allow for much more stylistic displays
    public FloatingPopupText CreateFloatingPopupText(string text, Vector2 location, Color color = new Color(), FloatingFadeMethod method = FloatingFadeMethod.None, float speedMult = 1, float randomXRange = 0, float randomSpeedMult = 1, float textTime = 2, float maxPlaneDistance = 0)
        if (floatingTextDisabled)
        GameObject        newFloatingText = Instantiate(floatingTextPrefab);
        FloatingPopupText popupText       = newFloatingText.GetComponent <FloatingPopupText>();

        popupText.StartFloating(text, globalSpeedMult, randomXRange, randomSpeedMult, textTime, maxPlaneDistance);
        newFloatingText.transform.position = location;
        newFloatingText.transform.SetParent(mainCanvas, false);
        if (method != FloatingFadeMethod.None)
            newFloatingText.GetComponent <FloatingPopupText>().SelectFadeMethod(method);
        if (color != new Color())
            popupText.proFloatingText.color = color;

        // Add a small delay to further popups
        floatingTextDisabled = true;
        Invoke("EnableFloatingText", 1);
    public static void CreateFloatingText(string text, Color color, float randomOffset = 0)
        FloatingPopupText instance = Instantiate(popupText);

        instance.transform.SetParent(canvas.transform, false);
        instance.transform.position += new Vector3(0, Random.Range(-randomOffset, randomOffset));
 public static void Initialize()
     if (!canvas)
         canvas = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Canvas");
     if (!popupText)
         popupText = Resources.Load <FloatingPopupText>("Prefabs/PopupTextParent");
    /// <summary>
    /// Adds an image to the floating text, either left or right of it
    /// Currently supports 1 left and 1 right image, but not multiples of each
    /// The image can be resized by passing a custom size
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="isPrefix">If true, the image appears to the left of the text</param>
    /// <param name="image">The sprite you wish to display</param>
    /// <param name="imageSize">A Vector2 containing a custom width and height for the sprite</param>
    public void SetFloatingImage(FloatingPopupText popupText, bool isPrefix, Sprite image, Vector2 imageSize = new Vector2())
        Image workingImage = popupText.prefixImage;

        if (!isPrefix)
            workingImage = popupText.suffixImage;

        float width  = imageSize.x;
        float height = imageSize.y;

        if (width > 0 && height > 0)
            workingImage.GetComponent <LayoutElement>().preferredWidth  = width;
            workingImage.GetComponent <LayoutElement>().preferredHeight = height;
        workingImage.sprite = image;