        public static void Investigations()
            double geosyncOrbitR = 42000.0;               // Real example, approximate geosynchronous orbit in km
            double oneMillimeter = 1.0 / 1000.0 / 1000.0; // One mm in kilometers

            Console.WriteLine("=========== Geosync Orbit plus 1/3 millimeter (and smaller) in kilometers ==========");
            Console.WriteLine("   Objective is to have fractions of a millimeter correctly accumulate over many additions\n");
            double large = geosyncOrbitR;
            double small = oneMillimeter / 3.0;

            Console.WriteLine("large: {0}, log10(large): {1:G5}\n", large, Math.Log10(Math.Abs(large)));

            for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("large + small ({0,22:G17}) = {1,22:G17} - sig digits in calc: {2}, log10(small): {3,7:G5}, logs difference: {4,6:G5} ({5}) (CAP V2: {6}, V3: {7})",
                                  small, large + small, DecimalAdditionPrecision(large, small), Math.Log10(Math.Abs(small)),
                                  Math.Log10(Math.Abs(large)) - Math.Log10(Math.Abs(small)), FloatingPointUtil.AdditionMagnitudeDifference(large, small),
                                  FloatingPointUtil.CheckAdditionPrecisionV2(large, small), FloatingPointUtil.CheckAdditionPrecisionV3(large, small));
                if (large + small == large)
                small *= 0.1;
 public static void DisplayPrecisionIssue(double a, double b, string whichCalculation, int bodyNumber)
     if (debugMessageCount++ < DebugMessageCountLimit)
         Debug.WriteLine("Body #{4} {3}: a = {0:G17}, b = {1:G17}, mag diff = {2}", a, b, FloatingPointUtil.AdditionMagnitudeDifference(a, b), whichCalculation, bodyNumber);
     if (debugMessageCount == DebugMessageCountLimit)
         Debug.WriteLine(">>> Reached limit of {0:N0} precision warning messages. No more will be displayed.", DebugMessageCountLimit);