private void Start()
     startingSpeed      = speed;                                              //set starting speed so when running, we can return back to normal
     audioSource        = GetComponent <AudioSource>();                       //get audio component
     isPlaying          = false;                                              //bool used to play audio without constant starting over
     changeGemWorthText = gemWorthText.GetComponent <FloatingGemWorthText>(); //in future implementations, we can add gems worth different amounts
 public static void Initialize()
     canvas = GameObject.Find("Canvas");
     if (!popupText)
         popupText = Resources.Load <FloatingGemWorthText>("Prefab/GemWorthText_Parent");
     Debug.Log("We loaded: " + popupText);
    public static void CreateWorthText(string text, Transform location)
        Debug.Log("text is called");
        FloatingGemWorthText instance = Instantiate(popupText);
        Vector2 screenPosition        = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(location.position);

        instance.transform.SetParent(canvas.transform, false);
        instance.transform.position = screenPosition;
 public void OnEnable()
     popupText = GetComponent <FloatingGemWorthText>();