private void SmoothTangents() { var floatCurve = new FloatCurve(); float x, y, z, w; foreach (FloatString4 p in points) { float.TryParse(p.strings[0], out x); float.TryParse(p.strings[1], out y); float.TryParse(p.strings[2], out z); float.TryParse(p.strings[3], out w); floatCurve.Add(x, y); } for (int i = 0; i < floatCurve.Curve.length; i++) { floatCurve.Curve.SmoothTangents(i, 0); } points = new List <FloatString4>(); ConfigNode node = new ConfigNode(); floatCurve.Save(node); var keys = node.GetValuesList("key"); foreach (var s in keys) { var values = s.Split(' ').ToList(); points.Add(new FloatString4( float.Parse(values[0]), float.Parse(values[1]), float.Parse(values[2]), float.Parse(values[3]))); } curveNeedsUpdate = true; }
public static ConfigNode SerializeFloatCurve(string name, FloatCurve curve) { ConfigNode node = new ConfigNode(); curve.Save(node); = name; return(node); }
void PrintCurve(FloatCurve curve, string name) { ConfigNode config = new ConfigNode(); curve.Save(config); Debug.Log("AtmosphereTopLayer.PrintCurve", name); foreach (string key in config.GetValues("key")) { Debug.Log("AtmosphereTopLayer.PrintCurve", "key = " + key); } }
// Readers List <double[]> ReadCurve(FloatCurve curve) { ConfigNode config = new ConfigNode(); List <double[]> list = new List <double[]>(); NumericCollectionParser <double> value = new NumericCollectionParser <double>(); curve.Save(config); foreach (string k in config.GetValues("key")) { value.SetFromString(k); list.Add(value.Value.ToArray()); } return(list); }
static FloatCurve ChangeFloatCurve(float changeMult, FloatCurve atmosphereCurve) { FloatCurve newAtmoCurve = new FloatCurve(); // First save to a config node. ConfigNode node = new ConfigNode(); atmosphereCurve.Save(node); var keys = node.GetValuesList("key"); foreach (var s in keys) { var values = s.Split(' ').ToList(); newAtmoCurve.Add(float.Parse(values[0]), float.Parse(values[1]) * changeMult); } return(newAtmoCurve); }
public virtual void DoConfig(ConfigNode cfg) { configMaxThrust = configMinThrust = configHeat = -1f; // Get thrusts if (config.HasValue(thrustRating)) { float thr; if (float.TryParse(config.GetValue(thrustRating), out thr)) configMaxThrust = scale * thr; } if (config.HasValue("minThrust")) { float thr; if (float.TryParse(config.GetValue("minThrust"), out thr)) configMinThrust = scale * thr; } // Get, multiply heat if (cfg.HasValue("heatProduction")) { float heat; if(float.TryParse(cfg.GetValue("heatProduction"), out heat)) configHeat = (float)Math.Round(heat * RFSettings.Instance.heatMultiplier, 0); } // load throttle (for later) configThrottle = throttle; if (cfg.HasValue("throttle")) float.TryParse(cfg.GetValue("throttle"), out configThrottle); else if (configMinThrust >= 0f && configMaxThrust >= 0f) configThrottle = configMinThrust / configMaxThrust; float TLMassMult = 1.0f; float gimbal = -1f; if (cfg.HasValue("gimbalRange")) gimbal = float.Parse(cfg.GetValue("gimbalRange")); float cost = 0f; if (cfg.HasValue("cost")) cost = scale * float.Parse(cfg.GetValue("cost")); if (techLevel != -1) { // load techlevels TechLevel cTL = new TechLevel(); cTL.Load(cfg, techNodes, engineType, techLevel); TechLevel oTL = new TechLevel(); oTL.Load(cfg, techNodes, engineType, origTechLevel); // set atmosphereCurve if (cfg.HasValue("IspSL") && cfg.HasValue("IspV")) { cfg.RemoveNode("atmosphereCurve"); ConfigNode curve = new ConfigNode("atmosphereCurve"); // get the multipliers float ispSL = 1f, ispV = 1f; float.TryParse(cfg.GetValue("IspSL"), out ispSL); float.TryParse(cfg.GetValue("IspV"), out ispV); // Mod the curve by the multipliers FloatCurve newAtmoCurve = new FloatCurve(); newAtmoCurve = Utilities.Mod(cTL.AtmosphereCurve, ispSL, ispV); newAtmoCurve.Save(curve); cfg.AddNode(curve); } // set heatProduction if (configHeat > 0) { configHeat = MassTL(configHeat); } // set thrust and throttle if (configMaxThrust >= 0) { configMaxThrust = ThrustTL(configMaxThrust); if (configMinThrust >= 0) { configMinThrust = ThrustTL(configMinThrust); } else if (thrustRating.Equals("thrusterPower")) { configMinThrust = configMaxThrust * 0.5f; } else { configMinThrust = configMaxThrust; if (configThrottle > 1.0f) { if (techLevel >= configThrottle) configThrottle = 1.0f; else configThrottle = -1.0f; } if (configThrottle >= 0.0f) { configThrottle = (float)((double)configThrottle * cTL.Throttle()); configMinThrust *= configThrottle; } } configThrottle = configMinThrust / configMaxThrust; if (origMass > 0) TLMassMult = MassTL(1.0f); } // Don't want to change gimbals on TL-enabled engines willy-nilly // So we don't unless either a transform is specified, or we override. // We assume if it was specified in the CONFIG that we should use it anyway. if (gimbal < 0 && (!gimbalTransform.Equals("") || useGimbalAnyway)) gimbal = cTL.GimbalRange; if (gimbal >= 0) { // allow local override of gimbal mult if (cfg.HasValue("gimbalMult")) gimbal *= float.Parse(cfg.GetValue("gimbalMult")); } // Cost (multiplier will be 1.0 if unspecified) cost = scale * CostTL(cost, cfg); } else { if (cfg.HasValue(thrustRating) && configThrottle > 0f && !cfg.HasValue("minThrust")) { configMinThrust = configThrottle * configMaxThrust; } } // Now update the cfg from what we did. // thrust updates if(configMaxThrust >= 0f) cfg.SetValue(thrustRating, configMaxThrust.ToString("0.0000")); if(configMinThrust >= 0f) cfg.SetValue("minThrust", configMinThrust.ToString("0.0000")); // will be ignored by RCS, so what. // heat update if(configHeat >= 0f) cfg.SetValue("heatProduction", configHeat.ToString("0")); // mass change if (origMass > 0) { float ftmp; configMassMult = scale; if (cfg.HasValue("massMult")) if (float.TryParse(cfg.GetValue("massMult"), out ftmp)) configMassMult *= ftmp; part.mass = origMass * configMassMult * RFSettings.Instance.EngineMassMultiplier * TLMassMult; massDelta = 0; if ((object)(part.partInfo) != null) if ((object)(part.partInfo.partPrefab) != null) massDelta = part.mass - part.partInfo.partPrefab.mass; } // KIDS integration if (cfg.HasNode("atmosphereCurve")) { ConfigNode newCurveNode = new ConfigNode("atmosphereCurve"); FloatCurve oldCurve = new FloatCurve(); oldCurve.Load(cfg.GetNode("atmosphereCurve")); FloatCurve newCurve = Utilities.Mod(oldCurve, ispSLMult, ispVMult); newCurve.Save(newCurveNode); cfg.RemoveNode("atmosphereCurve"); cfg.AddNode(newCurveNode); } // gimbal change if (gimbal >= 0 && !cfg.HasValue("gimbalRange")) // if TL set a gimbal { // apply module-wide gimbal mult on top of any local ones cfg.AddValue("gimbalRange", (gimbal * gimbalMult).ToString("N4")); } if (cost != 0f) { if (cfg.HasValue("cost")) cfg.SetValue("cost", cost.ToString("N3")); else cfg.AddValue("cost", cost.ToString("N3")); } }
public List<float> GetKeysFromFloatCurve(FloatCurve curve) { try { ConfigNode myConfigNode = new ConfigNode("CurveNode"); curve.Save(myConfigNode); Debug.Log("Curve data acquired."); List<float> result = new List<float>(myConfigNode.values.Count * 2); for (int i = 0; i < myConfigNode.values.Count; ++i) { string keyValue = myConfigNode.values[i].value; Debug.Log(keyValue); string[] keyValueParts = keyValue.Split(' '); result.Add(Convert.ToSingle(keyValueParts[0])); result.Add(Convert.ToSingle(keyValueParts[1])); } return result; } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Log(e.Message); return null; } }
public static FloatCurve ModifyCurveKeys(FloatCurve initialCurve, float vacMult, float atmMult, bool extendToZero) { ConfigNode tempNode = new ConfigNode(); initialCurve.Save(tempNode); string[] keyStrings = tempNode.GetValues("key"); float maxTime, ispAtMaxTime, secondTime, ispAtSecondTime, maxPressure; maxTime = ispAtMaxTime = secondTime = ispAtSecondTime = maxPressure = 0; FloatCurve newAtmosphereCurve = new FloatCurve(); maxTime = initialCurve.maxTime; for (int i = 0; i < keyStrings.Length; i++) { string[] splitKey = keyStrings[i].Split(' '); float scalar = vacMult + Convert.ToSingle(splitKey[0]) * (atmMult - vacMult); if (!extendToZero) scalar = Mathf.Clamp(scalar, Mathf.Min(atmMult, vacMult), Mathf.Max(atmMult, vacMult)); if (Convert.ToSingle(splitKey[0]) != 0) newAtmosphereCurve.Add(Convert.ToSingle(splitKey[0]), Convert.ToSingle(splitKey[1]) * scalar, Convert.ToSingle(splitKey[2]) * scalar, Convert.ToSingle(splitKey[3]) * scalar); else newAtmosphereCurve.Add(Convert.ToSingle(splitKey[0]), Convert.ToSingle(splitKey[1]) * scalar, 0, 0); if (i == keyStrings.Length - 2) { secondTime = Convert.ToSingle(splitKey[0]); ispAtSecondTime = Convert.ToSingle(splitKey[1]) * scalar; } } ispAtMaxTime = newAtmosphereCurve.Evaluate(maxTime); if (extendToZero && (ispAtSecondTime - ispAtMaxTime) >= 0.0001f) { maxPressure = maxTime + (0.01f - ispAtMaxTime) / (ispAtSecondTime - ispAtMaxTime) * (secondTime - maxTime); newAtmosphereCurve.Add(maxPressure, 0.01f, 0, 0); } return newAtmosphereCurve; }
private void HandleVessel(Vessel vessel) { if (vessel == null) { return; } Debug.Log("Strategia: VesselValueImprover.HandleVessel"); // Check for our trait bool needsIncrease = false; foreach (ProtoCrewMember pcm in VesselUtil.GetVesselCrew(vessel)) { if (pcm.experienceTrait.Config.Name == trait) { needsIncrease = true; break; } } // Find all relevant parts foreach (Part p in { foreach (PartModule m in p.Modules) { switch (attribute) { case Attribute.ISP: ModuleEngines engine = m as ModuleEngines; if (engine != null) { FloatCurve curve = engine.atmosphereCurve; ConfigNode node = new ConfigNode(); curve.Save(node); // Find and adjust the vacuum ISP ConfigNode newNode = new ConfigNode(); foreach (ConfigNode.Value pair in node.values) { string[] values = pair.value.Split(new char[] { ' ' }); if (values[0] == "0") { float value = float.Parse(values[1]); float oldValue = value; SetValue( + "|" + engine.engineID, needsIncrease, ref value); values[1] = value.ToString("F1"); newNode.AddValue(, string.Join(" ", values)); Debug.Log("Setting ISP of " + p + " from " + oldValue + " to " + value); } else { newNode.AddValue(, pair.value); } } curve.Load(newNode); engine.realIsp = curve.Evaluate(0); } break; case Attribute.ParachuteDrag: ModuleParachute parachute = m as ModuleParachute; if (parachute != null) { SetValue(p.partName, needsIncrease, ref parachute.fullyDeployedDrag); } break; case Attribute.StrutStrength: CModuleStrut strut = m as CModuleStrut; if (strut != null) { SetValue(p.partName + "_linear", needsIncrease, ref strut.linearStrength); SetValue(p.partName + "_angular", needsIncrease, ref strut.angularStrength); } break; case Attribute.ReactionWheelTorque: ModuleReactionWheel reactionWheel = m as ModuleReactionWheel; if (reactionWheel != null) { SetValue(p.partName + "_pitch", needsIncrease, ref reactionWheel.PitchTorque); SetValue(p.partName + "_yaw", needsIncrease, ref reactionWheel.YawTorque); SetValue(p.partName + "_roll", needsIncrease, ref reactionWheel.RollTorque); } break; } } } }
// Readers List<double[]> ReadCurve(FloatCurve curve) { ConfigNode config = new ConfigNode(); List<double[]> list = new List<double[]>(); NumericCollectionParser<double> value = new NumericCollectionParser<double>(); curve.Save(config); foreach (string k in config.GetValues("key")) { value.SetFromString(k); list.Add(value.value.ToArray()); } return list; }
void PrintCurve(FloatCurve curve, string name) { ConfigNode config = new ConfigNode(); curve.Save(config); Debug.Log(name); foreach (string key in config.GetValues("key")) { Debug.Log("key = " + key); } }
public static FloatCurve Mod(FloatCurve fc, float sMult, float vMult) { //print("Modding this"); ConfigNode curve = new ConfigNode("atmosphereCurve"); fc.Save(curve); foreach (ConfigNode.Value k in curve.values) { string[] val = k.value.Split(' '); //print("Got string !" + k.value + ", split into " + val.Count() + " elements"); float atmo = float.Parse(val[0]); float isp = float.Parse(val[1]); isp = isp * ((sMult * atmo) + (vMult * (1f - atmo))); // lerp between vac and SL val[1] = Math.Round(isp,1).ToString(); // round for neatness string newVal = ""; foreach (string s in val) newVal += s + " "; k.value = newVal; } FloatCurve retCurve = new FloatCurve(); retCurve.Load(curve); return retCurve; }
virtual public void DoConfig(ConfigNode cfg) { // fix propellant ratios to not be rounded if (cfg.HasNode("PROPELLANT")) { foreach (ConfigNode pNode in cfg.GetNodes("PROPELLANT")) { if (pNode.HasValue("ratio")) { double dtmp; if (double.TryParse(pNode.GetValue("ratio"), out dtmp)) pNode.SetValue("ratio", (dtmp * 100.0).ToString()); } } } float heat = -1; if (cfg.HasValue("heatProduction")) // ohai amsi: allow heat production to be changed by multiplier { heat = (float)Math.Round(float.Parse(cfg.GetValue("heatProduction")) * heatMult, 0); cfg.SetValue("heatProduction", heat.ToString()); } // load throttle (for later) curThrottle = throttle; if (cfg.HasValue("throttle")) float.TryParse(cfg.GetValue("throttle"), out curThrottle); else if(cfg.HasValue("minThrust") && cfg.HasValue("maxThrust")) curThrottle = float.Parse(cfg.GetValue("minThrust")) / float.Parse(cfg.GetValue("maxThrust")); float TLMassMult = 1.0f; if (techLevel != -1) { // load techlevels TechLevel cTL = new TechLevel(); //print("For engine " + + ", config " + configuration + ", max TL: " + TechLevel.MaxTL(cfg, techNodes, engineType)); cTL.Load(cfg, techNodes, engineType, techLevel); TechLevel oTL = new TechLevel(); oTL.Load(cfg, techNodes, engineType, origTechLevel); // set atmosphereCurve if (cfg.HasValue("IspSL") && cfg.HasValue("IspV")) { cfg.RemoveNode("atmosphereCurve"); ConfigNode curve = new ConfigNode("atmosphereCurve"); float ispSL, ispV; float.TryParse(cfg.GetValue("IspSL"), out ispSL); float.TryParse(cfg.GetValue("IspV"), out ispV); FloatCurve aC = new FloatCurve(); aC = Mod(cTL.atmosphereCurve, ispSL, ispV); aC.Save(curve); cfg.AddNode(curve); } // set heatProduction and dissipation if (heat > 0) { cfg.SetValue("heatProduction", MassTL(heat).ToString("0")); part.heatDissipation = 0.12f / MassTL(1.0f); } // set thrust and throttle if (cfg.HasValue(thrustRating)) { float thr; float.TryParse(cfg.GetValue(thrustRating), out thr); configMaxThrust = ThrustTL(thr); cfg.SetValue(thrustRating, configMaxThrust.ToString("0.0000")); if (cfg.HasValue("minThrust")) { float.TryParse(cfg.GetValue("minThrust"), out thr); configMinThrust = ThrustTL(thr); cfg.SetValue("minThrust", configMinThrust.ToString("0.0000")); } else { if (thrustRating.Equals("thrusterPower")) { configMinThrust = configMaxThrust * 0.5f; } else { configMinThrust = configMaxThrust; if (curThrottle > 1.0f) { if (techLevel >= curThrottle) curThrottle = 1.0f; else curThrottle = -1.0f; } if (curThrottle >= 0.0f) { curThrottle = (float)((double)curThrottle * cTL.Throttle()); configMinThrust *= curThrottle; } cfg.SetValue("minThrust", configMinThrust.ToString("0.0000")); } } curThrottle = configMinThrust / configMaxThrust; if(origMass > 0) TLMassMult = MassTL(1.0f); } } else { if(cfg.HasValue(thrustRating) && curThrottle > 0f && !cfg.HasValue("minThrust")) { configMinThrust = curThrottle * float.Parse(cfg.GetValue(thrustRating)); cfg.SetValue("minThrust", configMinThrust.ToString("0.0000")); } } // mass change if (origMass > 0) { float ftmp; configMassMult = 1.0f; if (cfg.HasValue("massMult")) if (float.TryParse(cfg.GetValue("massMult"), out ftmp)) configMassMult = ftmp; part.mass = origMass * configMassMult * massMult * TLMassMult; } // KIDS integration if(cfg.HasNode("atmosphereCurve")) { ConfigNode newCurveNode = new ConfigNode("atmosphereCurve"); FloatCurve oldCurve = new FloatCurve(); oldCurve.Load(cfg.GetNode("atmosphereCurve")); FloatCurve newCurve = Mod(oldCurve, ispSLMult, ispVMult); newCurve.Save(newCurveNode); cfg.RemoveNode("atmosphereCurve"); cfg.AddNode(newCurveNode); } }
public virtual void DoConfig(ConfigNode cfg) { // fix propellant ratios to not be rounded if (cfg.HasNode("PROPELLANT")) { foreach (ConfigNode pNode in cfg.GetNodes("PROPELLANT")) { if (pNode.HasValue("ratio")) { double dtmp; if (double.TryParse(pNode.GetValue("ratio"), out dtmp)) pNode.SetValue("ratio", (dtmp * 100.0).ToString()); } } } float heat = -1; if (cfg.HasValue("heatProduction")) // ohai amsi: allow heat production to be changed by multiplier { heat = (float)Math.Round(float.Parse(cfg.GetValue("heatProduction")) * heatMult, 0); cfg.SetValue("heatProduction", heat.ToString()); } // load throttle (for later) curThrottle = throttle; if (cfg.HasValue("throttle")) float.TryParse(cfg.GetValue("throttle"), out curThrottle); else if(cfg.HasValue("minThrust") && cfg.HasValue("maxThrust")) curThrottle = float.Parse(cfg.GetValue("minThrust")) / float.Parse(cfg.GetValue("maxThrust")); float TLMassMult = 1.0f; float gimbal = -1f; if (cfg.HasValue("gimbalRange")) gimbal = float.Parse(cfg.GetValue("gimbalRange")); float cost = 0f; if(cfg.HasValue("cost")) cost = float.Parse(cfg.GetValue("cost")); if (techLevel != -1) { // load techlevels TechLevel cTL = new TechLevel(); //print("For engine " + + ", config " + configuration + ", max TL: " + TechLevel.MaxTL(cfg, techNodes, engineType)); cTL.Load(cfg, techNodes, engineType, techLevel); TechLevel oTL = new TechLevel(); oTL.Load(cfg, techNodes, engineType, origTechLevel); // set atmosphereCurve if (cfg.HasValue("IspSL") && cfg.HasValue("IspV")) { cfg.RemoveNode("atmosphereCurve"); ConfigNode curve = new ConfigNode("atmosphereCurve"); float ispSL, ispV; float.TryParse(cfg.GetValue("IspSL"), out ispSL); float.TryParse(cfg.GetValue("IspV"), out ispV); FloatCurve aC = new FloatCurve(); aC = Mod(cTL.AtmosphereCurve, ispSL, ispV); aC.Save(curve); cfg.AddNode(curve); } // set heatProduction and dissipation if (heat > 0) { cfg.SetValue("heatProduction", MassTL(heat).ToString("0")); part.heatDissipation = 0.12f / MassTL(1.0f); } // set thrust and throttle if (cfg.HasValue(thrustRating)) { float thr; float.TryParse(cfg.GetValue(thrustRating), out thr); configMaxThrust = ThrustTL(thr); cfg.SetValue(thrustRating, configMaxThrust.ToString("0.0000")); if (cfg.HasValue("minThrust")) { float.TryParse(cfg.GetValue("minThrust"), out thr); configMinThrust = ThrustTL(thr); cfg.SetValue("minThrust", configMinThrust.ToString("0.0000")); } else { if (thrustRating.Equals("thrusterPower")) { configMinThrust = configMaxThrust * 0.5f; } else { configMinThrust = configMaxThrust; if (curThrottle > 1.0f) { if (techLevel >= curThrottle) curThrottle = 1.0f; else curThrottle = -1.0f; } if (curThrottle >= 0.0f) { curThrottle = (float)((double)curThrottle * cTL.Throttle()); configMinThrust *= curThrottle; } cfg.SetValue("minThrust", configMinThrust.ToString("0.0000")); } } curThrottle = configMinThrust / configMaxThrust; if(origMass > 0) TLMassMult = MassTL(1.0f); } // Don't want to change gimbals on TL-enabled engines willy-nilly // So we don't unless either a transform is specified, or we override. // We assume if it was specified in the CONFIG that we should use it anyway. if (gimbal < 0 && (!gimbalTransform.Equals("") || useGimbalAnyway)) gimbal = cTL.GimbalRange; if (gimbal >= 0) { // allow local override of gimbal mult if (cfg.HasValue("gimbalMult")) gimbal *= float.Parse(cfg.GetValue("gimbalMult")); } // Cost (multiplier will be 1.0 if unspecified) cost = CostTL(cost, cfg); } else { if(cfg.HasValue(thrustRating) && curThrottle > 0f && !cfg.HasValue("minThrust")) { configMinThrust = curThrottle * float.Parse(cfg.GetValue(thrustRating)); cfg.SetValue("minThrust", configMinThrust.ToString("0.0000")); } } // mass change if (origMass > 0) { float ftmp; configMassMult = 1.0f; if (cfg.HasValue("massMult")) if (float.TryParse(cfg.GetValue("massMult"), out ftmp)) configMassMult = ftmp; part.mass = origMass * configMassMult * massMult * TLMassMult; massDelta = 0; if((object)(part.partInfo) != null) if((object)(part.partInfo.partPrefab) != null) massDelta = part.mass - part.partInfo.partPrefab.mass; } // KIDS integration if(cfg.HasNode("atmosphereCurve")) { ConfigNode newCurveNode = new ConfigNode("atmosphereCurve"); FloatCurve oldCurve = new FloatCurve(); oldCurve.Load(cfg.GetNode("atmosphereCurve")); FloatCurve newCurve = Mod(oldCurve, ispSLMult, ispVMult); newCurve.Save(newCurveNode); cfg.RemoveNode("atmosphereCurve"); cfg.AddNode(newCurveNode); } // gimbal change if (gimbal >= 0 && !cfg.HasValue("gimbalRange")) // if TL set a gimbal { // apply module-wide gimbal mult on top of any local ones cfg.AddValue("gimbalRange", (gimbal * gimbalMult).ToString("N4")); } if (cost != 0f) { if (cfg.HasValue("cost")) cfg.SetValue("cost", cost.ToString("N3")); else cfg.AddValue("cost", cost.ToString("N3")); } }