        public ActionResult SubmitFlightComposition(FlightInfoVM obj)
            string[] temp_composition = obj.composition.Split(',');
            int      size             = temp_composition.Length;

            int[]    composition       = new int[size];
            string[] composition_price = new string[size];
            for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
                composition[i] = int.Parse(temp_composition[i]);

            composition_price[0] = (Math.Round(double.Parse(obj.price) * 0.4, 2)).ToString();
            composition_price[1] = (Math.Round(double.Parse(obj.price) * 0.6, 2)).ToString();
            composition_price[2] = (Math.Round(double.Parse(obj.price) * 1.2, 2)).ToString();
            composition_price[3] = (Math.Round(double.Parse(obj.price) * 1, 2)).ToString();
            composition_price[4] = (Math.Round(double.Parse(obj.price) * 0.8, 2)).ToString();

            FlightCheckoutVM objToPass = new FlightCheckoutVM()
                destCountry           = obj.destinationCountry,
                departureFlightNumber = obj.outbound.FlightNumber,
                returnFlightNumber    = obj.inbound.FlightNumber,
                departureDate         = obj.departureDate,
                returnDate            = obj.returnDate,
                departureLocation     = obj.originCity,
                returnLocation        = obj.destinationCity,
                numberOfTickets       = composition[0] + composition[1] + composition[2] + composition[3] + composition[4],
                babies           = composition[0],
                children         = composition[1],
                youngsters       = composition[2],
                adults           = composition[3],
                pensioners       = composition[4],
                price_babies     = composition_price[0],
                price_children   = composition_price[1],
                price_youngsters = composition_price[2],
                price_adults     = composition_price[3],
                price_pensioners = composition_price[4],
                airline          = obj.airline,
                totalFee         = obj.totalPrice,

            return(View("FlightCheckout", objToPass));

        //                                               View flight
        private FlightInfoVM LoadDataFor_ViewFlightInfo(FlightSearchResultsVM flightSearchResultsVM)
            int          index        = flightSearchResultsVM.selectedFlight;
            FlightInfoVM flightInfoVM = new FlightInfoVM()
                airline             = flightSearchResultsVM.airline[index],
                departureDate       = flightSearchResultsVM.departureDate,
                seatsRemaining      = flightSearchResultsVM.seatsRemaining[index],
                returnDate          = flightSearchResultsVM.returnDate,
                destinationCity     = flightSearchResultsVM.destinationCity,
                destinationCodeCity = flightSearchResultsVM.destinationCodeCity,
                destinationCountry  = flightSearchResultsVM.destinationCountry,
                inbound             = flightSearchResultsVM.inbound[index],
                originCity          = flightSearchResultsVM.originCity,
                originCodeCity      = flightSearchResultsVM.originCodeCity,
                originCountry       = flightSearchResultsVM.originCountry,
                outbound            = flightSearchResultsVM.outbound[index],
                price = flightSearchResultsVM.price[index].ToString(),
                timeDuration_outbound = ToolsClass.TimeDifferences(flightSearchResultsVM.outbound[index].DepartureTime, flightSearchResultsVM.outbound[index].ArrivalTime),
                timeDuration_inbound  = ToolsClass.TimeDifferences(flightSearchResultsVM.inbound[index].DepartureTime, flightSearchResultsVM.inbound[index].ArrivalTime),

        public ActionResult SubmitSearch(PackageIndexVM packageData)
            DataLayer dl = new DataLayer();

            packageData.desCode = (from u in dl.locations
                                   where  u.city.ToLower() == packageData.desCity.ToLower()
                                   select u.code).ToList <string>().FirstOrDefault();

            // HOTELS:
            HotelSearch hs = new HotelSearch();

            hs.FillData(packageData.desCode, packageData.sdate, packageData.edate);
            string json = hs.GetJson();

            dynamic         results = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json); // convert incoming data to json form
            SearchResultsVM sr      = new SearchResultsVM();

            sr.hotelSearchResultsVM = new List <HotelSearchResultsVM>();
            sr.startdDate           = packageData.sdate;
            sr.endDate = packageData.edate;
            sr.nights  = ToolsClass.getNumOfNights(ToolsClass.getDate(sr.startdDate), ToolsClass.getDate(sr.endDate));

            for (int i = 0; i < results.results.Count; ++i)
                ImageSearch image = new ImageSearch();

                    image.SetHotelName(results.results[i].property_name.ToString()); // initialize object by GoogleAPI
                catch (Exception)

                int newRating = -1; // initialize to -1
                    if (results.results[i].awards[0].rating != null)
                        newRating = results.results[i].awards[0].rating;
                catch (Exception) { }
                if (newRating == -1)
                    newRating = GenerateRating();

                HotelSearchResultsVM temp = new HotelSearchResultsVM()
                    originalLink     = hs.GetSearchURL(), // to fix the api room problem
                    hotelLink        = results.results[i]._links.more_rooms_at_this_hotel.href,
                    hotelName        = results.results[i].property_name,
                    hotelDescription = results.results[i].marketing_text,
                    rating           = newRating,
                    hotelPrice       = results.results[i].total_price.amount,
                    hotelImage       = image.GetImage() // image is an object

            // FLIGHTS:
            FlightSearch flightSearch = new FlightSearch();

            flightSearch.FillData("TLV", packageData.desCode, packageData.sdate, packageData.edate, "Israel", "Tel Aviv", packageData.desCountry, packageData.desCity);

            // if no results were found (400: bad request)
            if (flightSearch.GetResponse() != "")
                List <PackageDetails> packages = new List <PackageDetails>();
                packages.Add(new PackageDetails()
                    flight = new FlightInfoVM()
                        departureDate      = packageData.sdate,
                        returnDate         = packageData.edate,
                        destinationCity    = packageData.desCity,
                        destinationCountry = packageData.desCountry,
                        originCity         = "Tel Aviv",
                        originCountry      = "Israel",

                PackageDetailsVM newObj = new PackageDetailsVM()
                    composition = packageData.composition,
                    packages    = packages,
                return(View("SearchResults", newObj));

            // for the google map
            string[] loc       = flightSearch.GetLocation().Split(',');
            double   latitude  = Double.Parse(loc[0]);
            double   longitude = Double.Parse(loc[1]);

            // create object to pass to the view
            FlightSearchResultsVM flightSearchResultsVM = new FlightSearchResultsVM()
                departureDate       = flightSearch.GetDepartureDate(),
                destinationCity     = flightSearch.GetDestinationCity(),
                destinationCodeCity = flightSearch.GetDestinationCodeCity(),
                destinationCountry  = flightSearch.GetDestinationCountry(),
                inbound             = flightSearch.GetInbound(),
                originCity          = flightSearch.GetOriginCity(),
                originCodeCity      = flightSearch.GetOriginCodeCity(),
                originCountry       = flightSearch.GetOriginCountry(),
                outbound            = flightSearch.GetOutbound(),
                price          = flightSearch.GetPrice(),
                returnDate     = flightSearch.GetReturnDate(),
                seatsRemaining = flightSearch.GetSeatsRemaining(),
                airline        = flightSearch.GetAirline(),

            PackageDetailsVM pdvm = new PackageDetailsVM();

            pdvm.composition = packageData.composition;
            var rand = new Random();

            foreach (HotelSearchResultsVM h in sr.hotelSearchResultsVM)
                PackageDetails pd = new PackageDetails();
                pd.hotel = h;

                int          n = rand.Next(flightSearchResultsVM.airline.Count());
                FlightInfoVM f = new FlightInfoVM()
                    airline             = flightSearchResultsVM.airline[n],
                    inbound             = flightSearchResultsVM.inbound[n],
                    outbound            = flightSearchResultsVM.outbound[n],
                    departureDate       = flightSearchResultsVM.departureDate,
                    returnDate          = flightSearchResultsVM.returnDate,
                    originCountry       = flightSearchResultsVM.originCountry,
                    originCity          = flightSearchResultsVM.originCity,
                    destinationCountry  = flightSearchResultsVM.destinationCountry,
                    destinationCity     = flightSearchResultsVM.destinationCity,
                    originCodeCity      = flightSearchResultsVM.originCodeCity,
                    destinationCodeCity = flightSearchResultsVM.destinationCodeCity,
                    seatsRemaining      = flightSearchResultsVM.seatsRemaining[n],
                    price = flightSearchResultsVM.price[n].ToString()
                pd.flight = f;

                pd.price = (pd.hotel.hotelPrice + Convert.ToDouble(pd.flight.price)) * Tools.ToolsClass.getPricePercent(pdvm.composition);


            pdvm.nights = sr.nights;

            pdvm.latitude  = latitude;
            pdvm.longitude = longitude;

            return(View("SearchResults", pdvm));
        // ----------------------------- this view is only for static run (TEMP VIEW)
        public ActionResult ViewPackageInfo()
            List <string> amenities = new List <string>();

            amenities.Add("Room service");
            amenities.Add("Internet services");
            amenities.Add("220 AC");
            amenities.Add("Pets allowed");
            amenities.Add("Wireless internet connection in public areas");
            amenities.Add("24-hour front desk");

            List <string> contacts = new List <string>();

            contacts.Add("PHONE: 49/8161/5320");
            contacts.Add("FAX: 49/8161/532100");
            contacts.Add("EMAIL: [email protected]");
            contacts.Add("URL: www.mercure.com");

            List <string> images = new List <string>();


            List <string> roomType1 = new List <string>();

            roomType1.Add("Room type: Unspecified");
            roomType1.Add("Bed type: Double");
            roomType1.Add("Number of beds: 1");
            List <string> roomType2 = new List <string>();

            roomType2.Add("Room type: Unspecified");
            roomType2.Add("Bed type: Twin");
            roomType2.Add("Number of beds: 2");

            List <RoomVM> rooms = new List <RoomVM>();

            rooms.Add(new RoomVM()
                roomDescription = "1 DOUBLE BED NONSMOKING FEEL YOURSELF AT HOME ",
                roomPrice       = 684.27,
                roomType        = roomType1
            rooms.Add(new RoomVM()
                roomDescription = "2 SINGLE BEDS NONSMOKING FEEL YOURSELF AT HOME ",
                roomPrice       = 684.27,
                roomType        = roomType1

            HotelOrderDetailsVM hotel = new HotelOrderDetailsVM()
                address       = "ADDRESS: Dr Von Daller Str 1 3, Freising",
                amenities     = amenities,
                apiKey        = "AIzaSyCArIw-PoGMwSXFZr08nZT64BPDvix8w98",
                contact       = contacts,
                hotelName     = "Mercure Muc Freising Airport",
                image         = images,
                latitude      = 48.40068,
                longitude     = 11.75076,
                rating        = "4",
                room          = rooms,
                reviews       = new List <HotelReview>(),
                customersName = new List <string>(),

            FlightRouteVM inbound = new FlightRouteVM()
                ArrivalAirportCode   = "TLV",
                ArrivalAirportName   = "Ben Gurion Airport",
                ArrivalDate          = "18.09.2018",
                ArrivalDay           = "Tuesday",
                ArrivalTime          = "03:35",
                DepartureAirportCode = "MUC",
                DepartureAirportName = "Munich International Airport",
                DepartureDate        = "17.09.2018",
                DepartureDay         = "Monday",
                DepartureTime        = "23:00",
                FlightNumber         = "680"

            FlightRouteVM outbound = new FlightRouteVM()
                ArrivalAirportCode   = "MUC",
                ArrivalAirportName   = "Munich International Airport",
                ArrivalDate          = "10.09.2018",
                ArrivalDay           = "Monday",
                ArrivalTime          = "09:55",
                DepartureAirportCode = "TLV",
                DepartureAirportName = "Ben Gurion Airport",
                DepartureDate        = "10.09.2018",
                DepartureDay         = "Monday",
                DepartureTime        = "06:55",
                FlightNumber         = "681"

            FlightInfoVM flight = new FlightInfoVM()
                airline             = "LH",
                departureDate       = "10.09.2018",
                destinationCity     = "Munich",
                destinationCodeCity = "MUC",
                destinationCountry  = "Germany",
                inbound             = inbound,
                originCity          = "Tel Aviv",
                originCodeCity      = "TLV",
                originCountry       = "Israel",
                outbound            = outbound,
                price                 = "555.07",
                returnDate            = "17.09.2018",
                seatsRemaining        = "9",
                timeDuration_outbound = ToolsClass.TimeDifferences("06:55", "09:55"),
                timeDuration_inbound  = ToolsClass.TimeDifferences("23:00", "03:35"),

            PackageInfoVM package = new PackageInfoVM()
                hotel       = hotel,
                flight      = flight,
                nights      = 7,
                price       = 3121.4,
                composition = "Couple",

        public ActionResult ViewPackageInfo(PackageDetailsVM obj)
            var json = "";

            using (WebClient wc = new WebClient())
                json = wc.DownloadString(obj.packages[obj.selectedPack].hotel.hotelLink).ToString();
            dynamic results = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json);

            // save some data from json to list. later we will save this data in the object we will pass to the view
            List <string> contactLST   = HotelDetailsHelper1(results, "contacts");
            List <string> amenitiesLST = HotelDetailsHelper1(results, "amenities");
            List <RoomVM> roomLST      = HotelDetailsHelper2(results);

            if (roomLST.Count == 0) // we need to fix the api
                roomLST = HotelDetailsHelper3(obj.packages[obj.selectedPack].hotel.originalLink, obj.selectedPack);

            // ---------------------- load reviews
            DataLayer dl = new DataLayer();

            string hotelName = results.property_name;

            List <HotelReview> hotelReviewsList = (from u in dl.hotelReviews
                                                   where u.HotelName.ToLower() == hotelName.ToLower()
                                                   select u).ToList <HotelReview>();

            // search for customer name (by email)
            List <string> customersName = new List <string>();

            for (int i = 0; i < hotelReviewsList.Count; ++i)
                string tempEmail    = hotelReviewsList[i].CustomerEmail;
                string customerName = (from u in dl.customers
                                       where u.Email.ToLower() == tempEmail.ToLower()
                                       select u.FullName).ToList <string>()[0];
            // -------------------------------------

            // get image by GoogleAPI
            ImageSearch image = new ImageSearch();

                image.SetHotelName(results.property_name.ToString()); // initialize object by GoogleAPI
            catch (Exception)

            List <string> imageLST = image.GetImages();

            HotelOrderDetailsVM hotel = new HotelOrderDetailsVM()
                hotelName     = results.property_name,
                address       = "ADDRESS: " + results.address.line1 + ", " + results.address.city,
                contact       = contactLST,
                amenities     = amenitiesLST,
                rating        = obj.packages[obj.selectedPack].hotel.rating.ToString(),
                latitude      = results.location.latitude,
                longitude     = results.location.longitude,
                room          = roomLST,
                image         = imageLST,
                apiKey        = image.GetKey(),
                reviews       = hotelReviewsList,
                customersName = customersName,

            obj.packages[obj.selectedPack].flight.timeDuration_outbound = ToolsClass.TimeDifferences(obj.packages[obj.selectedPack].flight.outbound.DepartureTime, obj.packages[obj.selectedPack].flight.outbound.ArrivalTime);
            obj.packages[obj.selectedPack].flight.timeDuration_inbound  = ToolsClass.TimeDifferences(obj.packages[obj.selectedPack].flight.inbound.DepartureTime, obj.packages[obj.selectedPack].flight.inbound.ArrivalTime);

            FlightInfoVM flight = obj.packages[obj.selectedPack].flight;

            PackageInfoVM package = new PackageInfoVM()
                hotel       = hotel,
                flight      = flight,
                nights      = obj.nights,
                price       = obj.packages[obj.selectedPack].price,
                composition = obj.composition,

        public JsonResult GetFlightsCoordinate()
            /*Problem with subscribe
             * var end = (DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc)).TotalSeconds;
             * var start = end - 3600;
             * AirlineFlightSchedules date = new AirlineFlightSchedules()
             * {
             *  start_date = Convert.ToInt32(start),
             *  end_date = Convert.ToInt32(end)
             * };
             * AirlineFlightSchedulesResult flights = _flightAwareAPI.GetAirlineFlightSchedules(date);

            FlightVM            flightVM   = new FlightVM();
            List <FlightInfoVM> flightInfo = new List <FlightInfoVM>();

            TrackStruct            track      = new TrackStruct();
            FlightInfoStatusStruct infoStatus = new FlightInfoStatusStruct();

            List <string> list = new List <string>();

            list.Add("AUI146-1512800764-airline-0169");    //Ukraine: AUI146-1512800764-airline-0169
            list.Add("SIA321-1512973541-airline-0029");    //London SIA321-1512973541-airline-0029

            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                FlightInfoVM flight = new FlightInfoVM();

                var coordinates = _flightAwareAPI.GetFlightTrack(new GetFlightTrack
                    ident = list[i],
                    include_position_estimates = false

                var info = _flightAwareAPI.GetFlightInfoStatus(new FlightInfoStatus
                    ident           = list[i],
                    include_ex_data = false,
                    howMany         = 3

                if (coordinates != null && info != null)
                    track            = coordinates.tracks.ToList().Last();
                    flight.Latitude  = track.latitude;
                    flight.Longitude = track.longitude;

                    infoStatus      = info.flights.ToList().Last();
                    flight.FlightId = infoStatus.faFlightID;
                    flight.Airline  = infoStatus.airline.ToString();


            flightVM.FlightInfoVM = flightInfo;

                var email = HttpContext.Request.Cookies["user_login"].Value;
                flightVM.Email = email;
            catch (Exception e)
                flightVM.Email = "Error";

            return(Json(flightVM, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));