        public void FlexLayoutRecognizesVisibilityChange()
            var root       = new Grid();
            var flexLayout = new FlexLayout() as IFlexLayout;
            var view       = new TestLabel();
            var view2      = new TestLabel();

            flexLayout.Add(view as IView);
            flexLayout.Add(view2 as IView);

            var manager = new FlexLayoutManager(flexLayout);

            // Measure and arrange the layout while the first view is visible
            var measure = manager.Measure(1000, 1000);

            manager.ArrangeChildren(new Rect(Point.Zero, measure));

            // Keep track of where the second view is arranged
            var whenVisible = view2.Frame.X;

            // Change the visibility
            view.IsVisible = false;

            // Measure and arrange againg
            measure = manager.Measure(1000, 1000);
            manager.ArrangeChildren(new Rect(Point.Zero, measure));

            var whenInvisible = view2.Frame.X;

            // The location of the second view should have changed
            // now that the first view is not visible
            Assert.True(whenInvisible != whenVisible);
        public void FlexLayoutMeasuresImagesUnconstrained()
            var root       = new Grid();
            var flexLayout = new FlexLayout() as IFlexLayout;
            var image      = new TestImage();

            flexLayout.Add(image as IView);

            var manager = new FlexLayoutManager(flexLayout);

            _ = manager.Measure(1000, 1000);

            Assert.True(image.Passed, "Image should be measured unconstrained even if the FlexLayout is constrained.");