public void InitBindings(FlexChartBase chart)

            tblBindings.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.AutoSize));
            tblBindings.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.AutoSize));

            var fc = chart as FlexChart;

            if (fc != null)
                var fp = chart as FlexPie;
                if (fp != null)

        private void btnSerialize_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            byte[] chartBytes = null;

            FlexChartBase chartBase = SelectedChart;

            if (chartBase != null)
                txtXml.Text  = Serializer.SerializeChartToXml(chartBase);
                txtJson.Text = Serializer.SerializeChartToJson(chartBase);
                chartBytes   = Serializer.SerializeChartToBytes(chartBase);
                txtXml.Text    = null;
                txtJson.Text   = null;
                txtBinary.Text = null;
                txtBase64.Text = null;

            if (chartBytes != null)
                // Display the byte[] data in nice hex format.
                txtBinary.Text = BinaryBytesToHexString(chartBytes, 20);

                // Also display the byte[] data in a nice base64 string format.
                txtBase64.Text = Convert.ToBase64String(chartBytes, Base64FormattingOptions.InsertLineBreaks);
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the designer for the specified chart.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="chart"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ChartDesigner GetDesigner(FlexChartBase chart)
            ChartDesigner designer = null;

            dict.TryGetValue(chart, out designer);
 void Init(FlexChartBase chart)
     this.chart = chart;
     adorner    = new ChartAdorner(chart);
     adorner.SelectedElementChanged += Chart_SelectedElementChanged;
        /// <summary>
        /// Serializes a FlexChart based control to a file.  At present, this includes FlexChart and FlexPie controls.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename">The full path to the file to store the serialized FlexChart based control.</param>
        /// <param name="flexChart">The instance of the FlexChart based control to serialize.</param>
        /// <param name="format">A string specifying the format to use for serialization.  Presently this includes
        /// "xml", "json", "binary" and "base64" format specifications.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>A boolean value indicating true if the serialization to the file was successfull.</returns>
        public static bool SerializeChartToFile(string filename, FlexChartBase flexChart, string format = "xml")
            bool result = false;

            switch (format.ToLower())
            case "xml":
                File.WriteAllText(filename, SerializeChartToXml(flexChart));
                result = true;

            case "json":
                File.WriteAllText(filename, SerializeChartToJson(flexChart));
                result = true;

            case "binary":
                File.WriteAllBytes(filename, SerializeChartToBytes(flexChart));
                result = true;

            case "base64":
                File.WriteAllText(filename, Convert.ToBase64String(
                                      SerializeChartToBytes(flexChart), Base64FormattingOptions.InsertLineBreaks));
                result = true;
 /// <summary>
 /// Deserializes a FlexChart based control from a byte array.  At present, this includes FlexChart and FlexPie controls.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="flexChart">The instance of the FlexChart based control into which the serialized chart data is to be loaded.</param>
 /// <param name="flexChartBytes">A byte array containing the serialized chart information.</param>
 public static void DeserializeChartFromBytes(FlexChartBase flexChart, byte[] flexChartBytes)
     if (flexChart is FlexChart)
         DeserializeFlexChartFromBytes(flexChart as FlexChart, flexChartBytes);
     if (flexChart is FlexPie)
         DeserializeFlexPieFromBytes(flexChart as FlexPie, flexChartBytes);
 /// <summary>
 /// Deserializes a FlexChart based control from a JSON string.  At present, this includes FlexChart and FlexPie controls.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="flexChart">The instance of the FlexChart based control into which the serialized chart data is to be loaded.</param>
 /// <param name="flexChartString">A string containing the JSON string with serialized chart information.</param>
 public static void DeserializeChartFromJson(FlexChartBase flexChart, string flexChartString)
     if (flexChart is FlexChart)
         DeserializeFlexChartFromJson(flexChart as FlexChart, flexChartString);
     else if (flexChart is FlexPie)
         DeserializeFlexPieFromJson(flexChart as FlexPie, flexChartString);
 /// <summary>
 /// Serializes a FlexChart based control to a byte array.  At present, this includes FlexChart and FlexPie controls.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="flexChart">The instance of the FlexChart based control to serialize to a byte array.</param>
 /// <returns>A byte array containing the serialized chart.</returns>
 public static byte[] SerializeChartToBytes(FlexChartBase flexChart)
     if (flexChart is FlexChart)
         return(SerializeFlexChartToBytes(flexChart as FlexChart));
     else if (flexChart is FlexPie)
         return(SerializeFlexPieToBytes(flexChart as FlexPie));
 /// <summary>
 /// Serializes a FlexChart based control to a JSON string.  At present, this includes FlexChart and FlexPie controls.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="flexChart">The instance of the FlexChart based control to serialize to a JSON string.</param>
 /// <returns>A string containing a formatted JSON string.</returns>
 public static string SerializeChartToJson(FlexChartBase flexChart)
     if (flexChart is FlexChart)
         return(SerializeFlexChartToJson(flexChart as FlexChart));
     else if (flexChart is FlexPie)
         return(SerializeFlexPieToJson(flexChart as FlexPie));
 /// <summary>
 /// Deserializes a FlexChart based control from a file.  At present, this includes FlexChart and FlexPie controls.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="filename">The full path of the file containing a serialized FlexChart based control.</param>
 /// <param name="flexChart">The instance of the FlexChart based control into which the serialized chart data is to be loaded.</param>
 /// <param name="format">A string specifying the format to use for deserialization.  Presently this includes
 /// "xml", "json", "binary" and "base64" format specifications.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>A boolean value indicating true if the deserialization from the file was successfull.</returns>
 public static bool DeserializeChartFromFile(string filename, FlexChartBase flexChart, string format = "xml")
     if (flexChart is FlexChart)
         DeserializeFlexChartFromFile(filename, flexChart as FlexChart, format);
     else if (flexChart is FlexPie)
         DeserializeFlexPieFromFile(filename, flexChart as FlexPie, format);
        private void btnDeserializeTab_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            FlexChartBase chartBase    = SelectedChart;
            bool          isSerialized = false;

                switch (SelectedFormat)
                case "Xml":     // xml
                    isSerialized = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtXml.Text);
                    if (isSerialized)
                        Serializer.DeserializeChartFromXml(chartBase, txtXml.Text);

                case "Json":     // json
                    isSerialized = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtJson.Text);
                    if (isSerialized)
                        Serializer.DeserializeChartFromJson(chartBase, txtJson.Text);

                case "Binary":     // binary (hex format)
                    isSerialized = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtBinary.Text);
                    if (isSerialized)
                        Serializer.DeserializeChartFromBytes(chartBase, HexToBinaryBytes(txtBinary.Text));

                case "Base64":     // binary (base64 format)
                    isSerialized = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtBase64.Text);
                    if (isSerialized)
                        Serializer.DeserializeChartFromBytes(chartBase, Convert.FromBase64String(txtBase64.Text));
            catch { isSerialized = false; }

            if (!isSerialized)
                MessageBox.Show("The tab does not contain valid serialized data.");
        /// <summary>
        /// LegendModel.Load is used to set the properties of an existing Legend object in a FlexChart based control.
        /// The values used are those stored in an existing LegendModel class object that is typically created and set by
        /// a standard serializer during deserialization.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="legend">Specifies an existing instance of a Legend class object.</param>
        /// <param name="legendModel">Specifies an existing instannce of a LegendModel class object created by a
        ///                  a standard serializer during deserialization.</param>
        public static void Load(FlexChartBase chart, LegendModel legendModel)
            chart.Legend.Position    = legendModel.Position;
            chart.Legend.Orientation = legendModel.Orientation;
            chart.Legend.Title       = legendModel.Title;
            chart.Legend.Reversed    = legendModel.Reversed;

            ((ILegend)chart.Legend).SetStyle(StyleSerializer.StyleFromString(legendModel.Style), "_");
            ((ILegend)chart.Legend).SetStyle(StyleSerializer.StyleFromString(legendModel.TitleStyle), "_TitleStyle");
#if WPF
            chart.LegendPosition    = legendModel.Position;
            chart.LegendOrientation = legendModel.Orientation;
            chart.LegendTitle       = legendModel.Title;
            chart.LegendReversed    = legendModel.Reversed;

            // Legend styles are actually part of the chart object model and must be set there.
            chart.LegendStyle      = new ChartStyle(StyleSerializer.StyleFromString(legendModel.Style));
            chart.LegendTitleStyle = new ChartStyle(StyleSerializer.StyleFromString(legendModel.TitleStyle));
 public LegendProperties(Legend legend, FlexChartBase chart)
     this.legend = legend;
     this.chart  = chart;
 internal FlexChartBaseProperties(FlexChartBase baseChart)
     this.baseChart = baseChart;
 internal PieDataLabelProperties(PieDataLabel dataLabel, FlexChartBase chart) : base(dataLabel, chart)
     this.dataLabel = dataLabel;
 internal DataLabelBaseProperties(DataLabelBase dataLabelBase, FlexChartBase chart)
     this.dataLabelBase = dataLabelBase;
     this.chart         = chart;
 public TitleProperties(ChartTitle title, FlexChartBase chart, bool header)
     this.title  = title;
     this.chart  = chart;
     this.header = header;
 public ChartAdorner(FlexChartBase chart)
     this.chart = chart;
 protected FlexChartBaseSample(FlexChartBase chart) : this()
     Chart = chart;
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates designer for the specified chart instance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="chart"></param>
 public ChartDesigner(FlexChartBase chart)
     dict[chart] = this;