protected override void StartLoop(NativeActivityContext context) { var SelectorString = Selector.Get(context); SelectorString = OpenRPA.Interfaces.Selector.Selector.ReplaceVariables(SelectorString, context.DataContext); var sel = new SAPSelector(SelectorString); var timeout = Timeout.Get(context); var maxresults = MaxResults.Get(context); var minresults = MinResults.Get(context); var flatternguitree = FlatternGuiTree.Get(context); //var from = From.Get(context); SAPElement from = null; if (maxresults < 1) { maxresults = 1; } SAPElement[] elements = { }; var sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); do { var selector = new SAPSelector(SelectorString); elements = SAPSelector.GetElementsWithuiSelector(selector, from, 0, maxresults, flatternguitree); } while (elements.Count() == 0 && sw.Elapsed < timeout); Log.Debug(string.Format("OpenRPA.SAP::GetElement::found {1} elements in {0:mm\\:ss\\.fff}", sw.Elapsed, elements.Count())); if (elements.Count() > maxresults) { elements = elements.Take(maxresults).ToArray(); } if (elements.Count() < minresults) { Log.Selector(string.Format("Windows.GetElement::Failed locating " + minresults + " item(s) {0:mm\\:ss\\.fff}", sw.Elapsed)); throw new ElementNotFoundException("Failed locating " + minresults + " item(s)"); } context.SetValue(Elements, elements); IEnumerator <SAPElement> _enum = elements.ToList().GetEnumerator(); context.SetValue(_elements, _enum); bool more = _enum.MoveNext(); if (more) { IncIndex(context); SetTotal(context, elements.Length); context.ScheduleAction(Body, _enum.Current, OnBodyComplete); } }
protected override void StartLoop(NativeActivityContext context) { var SelectorString = Selector.Get(context); SelectorString = OpenRPA.Interfaces.Selector.Selector.ReplaceVariables(SelectorString, context.DataContext); var sel = new SAPSelector(SelectorString); var timeout = Timeout.Get(context); var maxresults = MaxResults.Get(context); var minresults = MinResults.Get(context); var flatternguitree = FlatternGuiTree.Get(context); //var from = From.Get(context); SAPElement from = null; if (maxresults < 1) { maxresults = 1; } if (timeout.Minutes > 5 || timeout.Hours > 1) { Activity _Activity = null; try { var strProperty = context.GetType().GetProperty("Activity", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance); var strGetter = strProperty.GetGetMethod(nonPublic: true); _Activity = (Activity)strGetter.Invoke(context, null); } catch (Exception) { } if (_Activity != null) { Log.Warning("Timeout for Activity " + _Activity.Id + " is above 5 minutes, was this the intention ? calculated value " + timeout.ToString()); } else { Log.Warning("Timeout for on of your SAP.GetElements is above 5 minutes, was this the intention ? calculated value " + timeout.ToString()); } } SAPElement[] elements = { }; var sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); do { var selector = new SAPSelector(SelectorString); elements = SAPSelector.GetElementsWithuiSelector(selector, from, 0, maxresults, flatternguitree); } while (elements.Count() == 0 && sw.Elapsed < timeout); Log.Debug(string.Format("OpenRPA.SAP::GetElement::found {1} elements in {0:mm\\:ss\\.fff}", sw.Elapsed, elements.Count())); if (elements.Count() > maxresults) { elements = elements.Take(maxresults).ToArray(); } if (elements.Count() < minresults) { Log.Selector(string.Format("Windows.GetElement::Failed locating " + minresults + " item(s) {0:mm\\:ss\\.fff}", sw.Elapsed)); throw new ElementNotFoundException("Failed locating " + minresults + " item(s)"); } context.SetValue(Elements, elements); IEnumerator <SAPElement> _enum = elements.ToList().GetEnumerator(); context.SetValue(_elements, _enum); bool more = _enum.MoveNext(); if (more) { IncIndex(context); SetTotal(context, elements.Length); context.ScheduleAction(Body, _enum.Current, OnBodyComplete); } }