        public void TestRead_GetValuesWithoutReading_Throws()
            const string      text   = @"       123                      Bob 1/19/2013";
            FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();

            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"), 10).AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), 25).AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"), 10);
            FixedLengthParser parser = new FixedLengthParser(new MemoryStream(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(text)), schema);

        public void TestGetSchema_SchemaProvided_ParsesValues()
            const string      text   = @"       123                      Bob 1/19/2013";
            FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();

            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"), 10).AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), 25).AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"), 10);
            IParser parser = new FixedLengthParser(new MemoryStream(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(text)), schema);
            Schema  actual = parser.GetSchema();

            Assert.AreSame(schema.Schema, actual, "The underlying schema was not returned.");
        public void TestGetSchema_SchemaProvided_WrongNumberOfColumns_Throws()
            const string      text   = @"       123                      Bob";
            FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();

            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"), 10)
            .AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), 25)
            .AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"), 10);
            FixedLengthParser parser = new FixedLengthParser(new MemoryStream(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(text)), schema);

        public void TestRead_ValuesAfterEndOfFile_Throws()
            const string      text   = @"       123                      Bob 1/19/2013";
            FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();

            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"), 10).AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), 25).AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"), 10);
            FixedLengthParser parser = new FixedLengthParser(new MemoryStream(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(text)), schema);

            Assert.IsTrue(parser.Read(), "Could not read the record.");
            Assert.IsFalse(parser.Read(), "We should have reached the end of the file.");
        public void TestRead_SingleRecord_ReturnsTrueOnce()
            const string      text   = @"       123                      Bob 1/19/2013";
            FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();

            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"), 10).AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), 25).AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"), 10);
            FixedLengthParser parser = new FixedLengthParser(new MemoryStream(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(text)), schema);

            Assert.IsTrue(parser.Read(), "Could not read the record.");
            object[] expected = new object[] { 123, "Bob", new DateTime(2013, 1, 19) };
            object[] actual   = parser.GetValues();
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual, "The wrong values were parsed.");
            Assert.IsFalse(parser.Read(), "No more records should have been read.");
        public void TestRead_MultipleCallsToValues_ReturnsSameValues()
            const string      text   = @"       123                      Bob 1/19/2013";
            FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();

            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"), 10).AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), 25).AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"), 10);
            FixedLengthParser parser = new FixedLengthParser(new MemoryStream(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(text)), schema);
            bool canRead             = parser.Read();

            Assert.IsTrue(canRead, "Could not read the record.");
            object[] expected = new object[] { 123, "Bob", new DateTime(2013, 1, 19) };
            object[] actual   = parser.GetValues();
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual, "The wrong values were parsed.");
            actual = parser.GetValues();
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual, "The same values were not returned multiple times.");
        public void TestGetValues_CustomFillCharacter_TrimsFill()
            const string      text   = "@@@@@@@123@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Bob@1/19/2013";
            FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();

            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"), 10)
            .AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), 25)
            .AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"), 10);
            FixedLengthParserOptions options = new FixedLengthParserOptions()
                FillCharacter = '@'
            FixedLengthParser parser = new FixedLengthParser(new MemoryStream(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(text)), schema, options);

            Assert.IsTrue(parser.Read(), "Could not read the first record.");
            object[] expected = new object[] { 123, "Bob", new DateTime(2013, 1, 19) };
            object[] actual   = parser.GetValues();
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual, "The values for the first record were wrong.");
        public void TestGetValues_CustomRecordSeparator_SplitsFile()
            const string      text   = "       123                      Bob 1/19/2013BOOM       234                      Sam12/20/2013";
            FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();

            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"), 10)
            .AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), 25)
            .AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"), 10);
            FixedLengthParserOptions options = new FixedLengthParserOptions()
                RecordSeparator = "BOOM"
            FixedLengthParser parser = new FixedLengthParser(new MemoryStream(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(text)), schema, options);

            Assert.IsTrue(parser.Read(), "Could not read the first record.");
            object[] expected = new object[] { 123, "Bob", new DateTime(2013, 1, 19) };
            object[] actual   = parser.GetValues();
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual, "The values for the first record were wrong.");

            Assert.IsTrue(parser.Read(), "Could not read the second record.");
            expected = new object[] { 234, "Sam", new DateTime(2013, 12, 20) };
            actual   = parser.GetValues();
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual, "The values for the second record were wrong.");
 public void TestGetSchema_SchemaProvided_WrongNumberOfColumns_Throws()
     const string text = @"       123                      Bob";
     FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();
     schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"), 10)
           .AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), 25)
           .AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"), 10);
     FixedLengthParser parser = new FixedLengthParser(new MemoryStream(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(text)), schema);
 public void TestRead_ValuesAfterEndOfFile_Throws()
     const string text = @"       123                      Bob 1/19/2013";
     FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();
     schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"), 10).AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), 25).AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"), 10);
     FixedLengthParser parser = new FixedLengthParser(new MemoryStream(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(text)), schema);
     Assert.IsTrue(parser.Read(), "Could not read the record.");
     Assert.IsFalse(parser.Read(), "We should have reached the end of the file.");
 public void TestGetSchema_SchemaProvided_ParsesValues()
     const string text = @"       123                      Bob 1/19/2013";
     FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();
     schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"), 10).AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), 25).AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"), 10);
     IParser parser = new FixedLengthParser(new MemoryStream(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(text)), schema);
     Schema actual = parser.GetSchema();
     Assert.AreSame(schema.Schema, actual, "The underlying schema was not returned.");
 public void TestRead_SingleRecord_ReturnsTrueOnce()
     const string text = @"       123                      Bob 1/19/2013";
     FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();
     schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"), 10).AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), 25).AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"), 10);
     FixedLengthParser parser = new FixedLengthParser(new MemoryStream(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(text)), schema);
     Assert.IsTrue(parser.Read(), "Could not read the record.");
     object[] expected = new object[] { 123, "Bob", new DateTime(2013, 1, 19) };
     object[] actual = parser.GetValues();
     CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual, "The wrong values were parsed.");
     Assert.IsFalse(parser.Read(), "No more records should have been read.");
 public void TestRead_MultipleCallsToValues_ReturnsSameValues()
     const string text = @"       123                      Bob 1/19/2013";
     FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();
     schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"), 10).AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), 25).AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"), 10);
     FixedLengthParser parser = new FixedLengthParser(new MemoryStream(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(text)), schema);
     bool canRead = parser.Read();
     Assert.IsTrue(canRead, "Could not read the record.");
     object[] expected = new object[] { 123, "Bob", new DateTime(2013, 1, 19) };
     object[] actual = parser.GetValues();
     CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual, "The wrong values were parsed.");
     actual = parser.GetValues();
     CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual, "The same values were not returned multiple times.");
 public void TestRead_GetValuesWithoutReading_Throws()
     const string text = @"       123                      Bob 1/19/2013";
     FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();
     schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"), 10).AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), 25).AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"), 10);
     FixedLengthParser parser = new FixedLengthParser(new MemoryStream(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(text)), schema);
        public void TestGetValues_CustomRecordSeparator_SplitsFile()
            const string text = "       123                      Bob 1/19/2013BOOM       234                      Sam12/20/2013";
            FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();
            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"), 10)
                  .AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), 25)
                  .AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"), 10);
            FixedLengthParserOptions options = new FixedLengthParserOptions() { RecordSeparator = "BOOM" };
            FixedLengthParser parser = new FixedLengthParser(new MemoryStream(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(text)), schema, options);

            Assert.IsTrue(parser.Read(), "Could not read the first record.");
            object[] expected = new object[] { 123, "Bob", new DateTime(2013, 1, 19) };
            object[] actual = parser.GetValues();
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual, "The values for the first record were wrong.");

            Assert.IsTrue(parser.Read(), "Could not read the second record.");
            expected = new object[] { 234, "Sam", new DateTime(2013, 12, 20) };
            actual = parser.GetValues();
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual, "The values for the second record were wrong.");
        public void TestGetValues_CustomFillCharacter_TrimsFill()
            const string text = "@@@@@@@123@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Bob@1/19/2013";
            FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();
            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"), 10)
                  .AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), 25)
                  .AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"), 10);
            FixedLengthParserOptions options = new FixedLengthParserOptions() { FillCharacter = '@' };
            FixedLengthParser parser = new FixedLengthParser(new MemoryStream(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(text)), schema, options);

            Assert.IsTrue(parser.Read(), "Could not read the first record.");
            object[] expected = new object[] { 123, "Bob", new DateTime(2013, 1, 19) };
            object[] actual = parser.GetValues();
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual, "The values for the first record were wrong.");