        public override HashSet <int> GetSet()
            HashSet <int> set = new HashSet <int>(FirstSet.GetSet());


 public override ParseNode_Base Parse(SyntaxTreeBuilder pSyntaxTreeBuilder)
     if (FirstSet.Contains(pSyntaxTreeBuilder.TokenScanner.Current.tokenId))
     return(parent.NextAfterChild(this, pSyntaxTreeBuilder));
 public override TokenSet Init_PreCheckSet(ParseNode_Root parser)
     if (FirstSet == null)
         FirstSet.Add(new TokenSet(parser.TokenToId("IDENTIFIER")));
 public override ParseNode_Base Parse(SyntaxTreeBuilder pSyntaxTreeBuilder)
     if (FirstSet.Contains(pSyntaxTreeBuilder.TokenScanner.Current.tokenId) && CheckPredicate(pSyntaxTreeBuilder))
         return(parent.NextAfterChild(this, pSyntaxTreeBuilder)); // .Parse2(pSyntaxTreeBuilder, goal);
 public FirstSetBuilder(cfg cfg)
     FirstSets = new FirstSet();
     this.cfg = cfg;
     foreach (char c in cfg.Vn)
         FirstSets.Add(c, new HashSet<char>());
        public static void Closure( this ItemSet itemset,cfg cfg, FirstSet first)
            HashSet<Production> productions = cfg.Productions;
            bool changed;
                changed = false;
                char end = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["End"][0];
                for (int i = 0; i < itemset.Count; ++i)
                    Item item = itemset.ElementAt(i);
                    int index = item.Index;
                    string right = item.Production.Right;
                    if (index >= right.Length || !cfg.isVn(right[index]))
                    foreach (Production production in productions)
                        if (production.Left != right[index])
                        int length = right.Length;
                        if (index + 1 == right.Length)
                            Item newItem = new Item(production, 0,item.Symbol);
                            changed |= itemset.AddItem(newItem);

                        if (index + 1 < right.Length)
                            char empty = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Empty"][0];
                            HashSet<char> symbols = first.GetFirst(right[index + 1]);
                            foreach (char c in symbols)
                                if (c == empty)
                                    Item newItem = new Item(production, 0, item.Symbol);
                                    changed |= itemset.Add(newItem);
                                    Item newItem = new Item(production, 0, c);
                                    changed |= itemset.Add(newItem);
            } while (changed);
    public override bool Scan(SyntaxTreeBuilder pSyntaxTreeBuilder)
        if (!pSyntaxTreeBuilder.KeepScanning)

        if (FirstSet.Contains(pSyntaxTreeBuilder.TokenScanner.Current.tokenId) && CheckPredicate(pSyntaxTreeBuilder))
    public override bool Scan(SyntaxTreeBuilder pSyntaxTreeBuilder)
        if (!pSyntaxTreeBuilder.KeepScanning)

        if (!FirstSet.Contains(pSyntaxTreeBuilder.TokenScanner.Current.tokenId))
    public string ToString(ParseNode_Root parser)
        var result = new StringBuilder(m_sNtName + " : " + rhs + " .");

        if (FirstSet != null)
            result.Append("\n  lookahead " + FirstSet.ToString(parser));
        if (FollowSet != null)
            result.Append("\n  follow " + FollowSet.ToString(parser));
    public override bool Scan(SyntaxTreeBuilder pSyntaxTreeBuilder)
        if (!pSyntaxTreeBuilder.KeepScanning)

        var ifNode = node as ParseNode_ManyOpt_If ?? node as ParseNode_ManyOpt_IfNot;

        if (ifNode != null)
            int tokenIndex, line;
                tokenIndex = pSyntaxTreeBuilder.TokenScanner.CurrentTokenIndex;
                line       = pSyntaxTreeBuilder.TokenScanner.CurrentLine - 1;
                if (!node.Scan(pSyntaxTreeBuilder))
                if (!pSyntaxTreeBuilder.KeepScanning)
            } while (pSyntaxTreeBuilder.TokenScanner.CurrentTokenIndex != tokenIndex || pSyntaxTreeBuilder.TokenScanner.CurrentLine - 1 != line);
            while (FirstSet.Contains(pSyntaxTreeBuilder.TokenScanner.Current.tokenId))
                int tokenIndex = pSyntaxTreeBuilder.TokenScanner.CurrentTokenIndex;
                int line       = pSyntaxTreeBuilder.TokenScanner.CurrentLine;
                if (!node.Scan(pSyntaxTreeBuilder))
                if (!pSyntaxTreeBuilder.KeepScanning)
                if (pSyntaxTreeBuilder.TokenScanner.CurrentTokenIndex == tokenIndex && pSyntaxTreeBuilder.TokenScanner.CurrentLine - 1 == line)
                    throw new Exception("Infinite loop!!!");
 public override bool Scan(SyntaxTreeBuilder pSyntaxTreeBuilder)
     if (!pSyntaxTreeBuilder.KeepScanning)
     if (FirstSet.Contains(pSyntaxTreeBuilder.TokenScanner.Current))
     else if (!FirstSet.ContainsEmpty())
    public override ParseNode_Base Parse(SyntaxTreeBuilder pSyntaxTreeBuilder)
        foreach (var node in nodes)
            if (node.Matches(pSyntaxTreeBuilder))
        if (FirstSet.ContainsEmpty())
            return(NextAfterChild(this, pSyntaxTreeBuilder));

    public override ParseNode_Base Parse(SyntaxTreeBuilder pSyntaxTreeBuilder)
        if (!FirstSet.Contains(pSyntaxTreeBuilder.TokenScanner.Current.tokenId))

        pSyntaxTreeBuilder.SyntaxRule_Cur.AddToken(pSyntaxTreeBuilder.TokenScanner).ParseNode = this;
        if (pSyntaxTreeBuilder.ErrorMessage == null)
            pSyntaxTreeBuilder.SyntaxRule_Err = pSyntaxTreeBuilder.SyntaxRule_Cur;
            pSyntaxTreeBuilder.ParseNode_Err  = pSyntaxTreeBuilder.ParseNode_Cur;

        return(parent.NextAfterChild(this, pSyntaxTreeBuilder));
    public override ParseNode_Base Parse(SyntaxTreeBuilder pSyntaxTreeBuilder)
        bool           wasError = pSyntaxTreeBuilder.ErrorMessage != null;
        ParseNode_Base ret      = null;

        if (FirstSet.Contains(pSyntaxTreeBuilder.TokenScanner.Current))
            ret = rhs.Parse(pSyntaxTreeBuilder);
        if ((ret == null || !wasError && pSyntaxTreeBuilder.ErrorMessage != null) && !FirstSet.ContainsEmpty())
            return(ret ?? this);
        if (ret != null)
        return(NextAfterChild(rhs, pSyntaxTreeBuilder)); // ready to be reduced
    public override bool Scan(SyntaxTreeBuilder pSyntaxTreeBuilder)
        if (!pSyntaxTreeBuilder.KeepScanning)

        foreach (var node in nodes)
            if (node.Matches(pSyntaxTreeBuilder))

        if (!FirstSet.ContainsEmpty())
    public override ParseNode_Base Parse(SyntaxTreeBuilder pSyntaxTreeBuilder)
        var ifNode = node as ParseNode_ManyOpt_If;

        if (ifNode != null)
            if (!ifNode.Matches(pSyntaxTreeBuilder))
                return(parent.NextAfterChild(this, pSyntaxTreeBuilder));

            var tokenIndex = pSyntaxTreeBuilder.TokenScanner.CurrentTokenIndex;
            var line       = pSyntaxTreeBuilder.TokenScanner.CurrentLine;
            var nextNode   = node.Parse(pSyntaxTreeBuilder);
            if (nextNode != this || pSyntaxTreeBuilder.TokenScanner.CurrentTokenIndex != tokenIndex || pSyntaxTreeBuilder.TokenScanner.CurrentLine != line)
            //Debug.Log("Exiting Many " + this + " in goal: " + pSyntaxTreeBuilder.CurrentParseTreeNode);
            if (!FirstSet.Contains(pSyntaxTreeBuilder.TokenScanner.Current.tokenId))
                return(parent.NextAfterChild(this, pSyntaxTreeBuilder));

            var tokenIndex = pSyntaxTreeBuilder.TokenScanner.CurrentTokenIndex;
            var line       = pSyntaxTreeBuilder.TokenScanner.CurrentLine;
            var nextNode   = node.Parse(pSyntaxTreeBuilder);
            if (!(nextNode == this && pSyntaxTreeBuilder.TokenScanner.CurrentTokenIndex == tokenIndex && pSyntaxTreeBuilder.TokenScanner.CurrentLine == line))
                // throw new Exception("Infinite loop!!! while parsing " + pSyntaxTreeBuilder.Current + " on line " + pSyntaxTreeBuilder.CurrentLine());
        return(parent.NextAfterChild(this, pSyntaxTreeBuilder));
 public TableBuilder(cfg cfg, FirstSet first)
     this.CFG = cfg;
     this.First = first;
 public override bool IsMember(int value)
     return(FirstSet.IsMember(value) || SecondSet.IsMember(value));
        public void initAutomatons()
             * Goal   -> Expr EOF
             * Expr   -> Term Expr2
             * Expr2  -> + Term Expr2
             *        |	- Term Expr2
             *        |  epsilon
             * Term   -> Factor Term2
             * Term2  -> * Factor Term2
             *        |  / Factor Term2
             *        |  epsilon
             * Factor -> '(' Expr ')'
             *        |  num
             *        |  name

            var goal         = new StringSymbol("Goal");
            var expr         = new StringSymbol("Expr");
            var expr2        = new StringSymbol("Expr2");
            var term         = new StringSymbol("Term");
            var term2        = new StringSymbol("Term2");
            var factor       = new StringSymbol("Factor");
            var openbracket  = new StringSymbol("(");
            var closebracket = new StringSymbol(")");
            var add          = new StringSymbol("+");
            var subtract     = new StringSymbol("-");
            var multiply     = new StringSymbol("*");
            var divide       = new StringSymbol("/");
            var num          = new StringSymbol("num");
            var name         = new StringSymbol("name");
            var eof          = new StringSymbol("EOF");

            automatons = new Dictionary <StringSymbol, Dfa <StringSymbol> > ();

            // NULLABLE
            nullable = CreateSet();

            // FIRST
            first = new Dictionary <StringSymbol, ISet <StringSymbol> >();
            first [openbracket]  = CreateSet(openbracket);
            first [closebracket] = CreateSet(closebracket);
            first [add]          = CreateSet(add);
            first [subtract]     = CreateSet(subtract);
            first [multiply]     = CreateSet(multiply);
            first [divide]       = CreateSet(divide);
            first [num]          = CreateSet(num);
            first [name]         = CreateSet(name);
            first [eof]          = CreateSet(eof);
            first [goal]   = CreateSet(goal, expr, term, factor, openbracket, name, num);
            first [expr]   = CreateSet(expr, term, factor, openbracket, name, num);
            first [expr2]  = CreateSet(expr2, add, subtract);
            first [term]   = CreateSet(term, factor, openbracket, name, num);
            first [term2]  = CreateSet(term2, multiply, divide);
            first [factor] = CreateSet(factor, openbracket, name, num);

            firstSet = new FirstSet <StringSymbol>(first);

            // FOLLOW
            follow = new Dictionary <StringSymbol, ISet <StringSymbol> >();
            follow [openbracket]  = CreateSet(expr, term, factor, openbracket, name, num);
            follow [closebracket] = CreateSet(eof, add, subtract, multiply, divide, closebracket, term2, expr2);
            follow [add]          = CreateSet(term, openbracket, num, name, factor);
            follow [subtract]     = CreateSet(term, openbracket, num, name, factor);
            follow [multiply]     = CreateSet(factor, openbracket, name, num);
            follow [divide]       = CreateSet(factor, openbracket, name, num);
            follow [num]          = follow [closebracket];
            follow [name]         = follow [closebracket];
            follow [eof]          = CreateSet();
            follow [expr]   = CreateSet(eof, closebracket);
            follow [expr2]  = CreateSet(eof, closebracket);
            follow [term]   = CreateSet(eof, add, subtract, closebracket, expr2);
            follow [term2]  = CreateSet(eof, add, subtract, closebracket, expr2);
            follow [factor] = CreateSet(eof, add, subtract, multiply, divide, closebracket, term2, expr2);

            // ** Build automatons **

             *          // for terminals - nulls
             *          automatons [openbracket] = CreateDummyAcceptingDfa ();
             *          automatons [closebracket] = CreateDummyAcceptingDfa ();
             *          automatons [add] = CreateDummyAcceptingDfa ();
             *          automatons [subtract] = CreateDummyAcceptingDfa ();
             *          automatons [multiply] = CreateDummyAcceptingDfa ();
             *          automatons [divide] = CreateDummyAcceptingDfa ();
             *          automatons [num] = CreateDummyAcceptingDfa ();
             *          automatons [name] = CreateDummyAcceptingDfa ();
             *          automatons [eof] = CreateDummyAcceptingDfa ();

            // Goal   -> Expr EOF
            // Expr   -> Term Expr2
            // Expr2  -> + Term Expr2
            //        |	- Term Expr2
            //        |  epsilon
            // Term   -> Factor Term2
            // Term2  -> * Factor Term2
            //        |  / Factor Term2
            //        |  epsilon
            // Factor -> '(' Expr ')'
            //        |  num
            //        |  name

            // Goal -> Expr EOF
            // (a --Expr--> b --EOF--> c)
            var a = new DfaState <StringSymbol> ();
            var b = new DfaState <StringSymbol> ();
            var c = new DfaState <StringSymbol> ();
            var aTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > > ();
            var bTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > > ();
            var cTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > > ();

            aTransitionList.Add(new KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> >(expr, b));
            bTransitionList.Add(new KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > (eof, c));
            a.Initialize(0, aTransitionList);
            b.Initialize(0, bTransitionList);
            c.Initialize(1, cTransitionList);
            automatons [goal] = new Dfa <StringSymbol> (a);

            // Expr -> Term Expr2
            // a --Term--> b --Expr2--> c
            a = new DfaState <StringSymbol> ();
            b = new DfaState <StringSymbol> ();
            c = new DfaState <StringSymbol> ();
            aTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > > ();
            bTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > > ();
            cTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > > ();
            aTransitionList.Add(new KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> >(term, b));
            bTransitionList.Add(new KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> >(expr2, c));
            a.Initialize(0, aTransitionList);
            b.Initialize(0, bTransitionList);
            c.Initialize(1, cTransitionList);
            automatons [expr] = new Dfa <StringSymbol> (a);

            // Expr2  -> + Term Expr2
            //        |	- Term Expr2
            //        |  epsilon
            // a --'+'--> b --Term--> c --Expr2--> d
            // a --'-'--> b
            // a = accepting (because of epsilon)
            a = new DfaState <StringSymbol> ();
            b = new DfaState <StringSymbol> ();
            c = new DfaState <StringSymbol> ();
            var d = new DfaState <StringSymbol> ();

            aTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > > ();
            bTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > > ();
            cTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > > ();
            var dTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > > ();

            aTransitionList.Add(new KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> >(add, b));
            aTransitionList.Add(new KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> >(subtract, b));
            bTransitionList.Add(new KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> >(term, c));
            cTransitionList.Add(new KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> >(expr2, d));
            a.Initialize(1, aTransitionList);
            b.Initialize(0, bTransitionList);
            c.Initialize(0, cTransitionList);
            d.Initialize(1, dTransitionList);
            automatons [expr2] = new Dfa <StringSymbol> (a);

            // Term   -> Factor Term2
            // a --Factor--> b --Term2--> c
            a = new DfaState <StringSymbol> ();
            b = new DfaState <StringSymbol> ();
            c = new DfaState <StringSymbol> ();
            aTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > > ();
            bTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > > ();
            cTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > > ();
            aTransitionList.Add(new KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> >(factor, b));
            bTransitionList.Add(new KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> >(term2, c));
            a.Initialize(0, aTransitionList);
            b.Initialize(0, bTransitionList);
            c.Initialize(1, cTransitionList);
            automatons [term] = new Dfa <StringSymbol> (a);

            // Term2  -> * Factor Term2
            //        |  / Factor Term2
            //        |  epsilon
            // a --'*'--> b --Factor--> c --Term2--> d
            // a --'/'--> b
            // a = accepting (because of epsilon)
            a = new DfaState <StringSymbol> ();
            b = new DfaState <StringSymbol> ();
            c = new DfaState <StringSymbol> ();
            d = new DfaState <StringSymbol> ();
            aTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > > ();
            bTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > > ();
            cTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > > ();
            dTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > > ();
            aTransitionList.Add(new KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> >(multiply, b));
            aTransitionList.Add(new KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> >(divide, b));
            bTransitionList.Add(new KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> >(factor, c));
            cTransitionList.Add(new KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> >(term2, d));
            a.Initialize(1, aTransitionList);
            b.Initialize(0, bTransitionList);
            c.Initialize(0, cTransitionList);
            d.Initialize(1, dTransitionList);
            automatons [term2] = new Dfa <StringSymbol> (a);

            // Factor -> '(' Expr ')'
            //        |  num
            //        |  name
            // a --'('--> b --Expr--> c --')'--> d
            // a --num--> d
            // a --name-> d
            a = new DfaState <StringSymbol> ();
            b = new DfaState <StringSymbol> ();
            c = new DfaState <StringSymbol> ();
            d = new DfaState <StringSymbol> ();
            aTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > > ();
            bTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > > ();
            cTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > > ();
            dTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > > ();
            aTransitionList.Add(new KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> >(openbracket, b));
            aTransitionList.Add(new KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> >(num, d));
            aTransitionList.Add(new KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> >(name, d));
            bTransitionList.Add(new KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> >(expr, c));
            cTransitionList.Add(new KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> >(closebracket, d));
            a.Initialize(0, aTransitionList);
            b.Initialize(0, bTransitionList);
            c.Initialize(0, cTransitionList);
            d.Initialize(1, dTransitionList);
            automatons [factor] = new Dfa <StringSymbol> (a);

            /*---------------------Automatons for LeftRecursion
             * Goal -> Expr '(' Expr ')'
             * Expr -> Expr2 '+' Expr
             * Expr2 -> Term '-' Term
             * Term -> Expr '*'
            automatons_lr = new Dictionary <StringSymbol, Dfa <StringSymbol> >();

            //init automatons null for terminals
            //automatons_lr[openbracket] = CreateDummyAcceptingDfa();
            //automatons_lr[closebracket] = CreateDummyAcceptingDfa();
            //automatons_lr[add] = CreateDummyAcceptingDfa();
            //automatons_lr[subtract] = CreateDummyAcceptingDfa();
            //automatons_lr[multiply] = CreateDummyAcceptingDfa();

            nullable_lr = CreateSet();

            //Goal -> Expr '(' Expr ')'
            // a --Expr--> b --'('--> c --Expr--> d --')'--> e

            a = new DfaState <StringSymbol>();
            b = new DfaState <StringSymbol>();
            c = new DfaState <StringSymbol>();
            d = new DfaState <StringSymbol>();
            var e = new DfaState <StringSymbol>();

            aTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > >();
            bTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > >();
            cTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > >();
            dTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > >();
            var eTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > >();

            aTransitionList.Add(new KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> >(expr, b));
            bTransitionList.Add(new KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> >(openbracket, c));
            cTransitionList.Add(new KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> >(expr, d));
            dTransitionList.Add(new KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> >(closebracket, e));
            a.Initialize(0, aTransitionList);
            b.Initialize(0, bTransitionList);
            c.Initialize(0, cTransitionList);
            d.Initialize(0, dTransitionList);
            e.Initialize(1, eTransitionList);

            automatons_lr[goal] = new Dfa <StringSymbol>(a);

            //Expr -> Expr2 '+' Expr
            // a --Expr2--> b --'+'--> c --Expr--> d

            a = new DfaState <StringSymbol>();
            b = new DfaState <StringSymbol>();
            c = new DfaState <StringSymbol>();
            d = new DfaState <StringSymbol>();
            aTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > >();
            bTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > >();
            cTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > >();
            dTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > >();
            aTransitionList.Add(new KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> >(expr2, b));
            bTransitionList.Add(new KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> >(add, c));
            cTransitionList.Add(new KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> >(expr, d));
            a.Initialize(0, aTransitionList);
            b.Initialize(0, bTransitionList);
            c.Initialize(0, cTransitionList);
            d.Initialize(1, dTransitionList);

            automatons_lr[expr] = new Dfa <StringSymbol>(a);

            //Expr2 -> Term '-' Term
            // a --Term--> b --'-'--> c --Term--> d

            a = new DfaState <StringSymbol>();
            b = new DfaState <StringSymbol>();
            c = new DfaState <StringSymbol>();
            d = new DfaState <StringSymbol>();
            aTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > >();
            bTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > >();
            cTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > >();
            dTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > >();
            aTransitionList.Add(new KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> >(term, b));
            bTransitionList.Add(new KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> >(subtract, c));
            cTransitionList.Add(new KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> >(term, d));
            a.Initialize(0, aTransitionList);
            b.Initialize(0, bTransitionList);
            c.Initialize(0, cTransitionList);
            d.Initialize(1, dTransitionList);

            automatons_lr[expr2] = new Dfa <StringSymbol>(a);

            //Term -> Expr '*'
            // a --Expr--> b --'*'--> c

            a = new DfaState <StringSymbol>();
            b = new DfaState <StringSymbol>();
            c = new DfaState <StringSymbol>();
            aTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > >();
            bTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > >();
            cTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > >();
            aTransitionList.Add(new KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> >(expr, b));
            bTransitionList.Add(new KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> >(multiply, c));
            a.Initialize(0, aTransitionList);
            b.Initialize(0, bTransitionList);
            c.Initialize(1, cTransitionList);

            automatons_lr[term] = new Dfa <StringSymbol>(a);

            /*---------------------Automatons for LeftRecursion with Nullable edges
             * Goal -> Expr
             *         | Expr2
             * Expr -> Term '-'
             * Expr2 -> Term2 '+'
             * Term -> Factor Expr2
             * Term2 -> Term '*'
             * Factor -> '('Expr')'
             *         | epsilon
            automatons_lr_nullable = new Dictionary <StringSymbol, Dfa <StringSymbol> >();

            //init automatons null for terminals
            //automatons_lr_nullable[openbracket] = CreateDummyAcceptingDfa();
            //automatons_lr_nullable[closebracket] = CreateDummyAcceptingDfa();
            //automatons_lr_nullable[add] = CreateDummyAcceptingDfa();
            //automatons_lr_nullable[subtract] = CreateDummyAcceptingDfa();
            //automatons_lr_nullable[multiply] = CreateDummyAcceptingDfa();

            nullable_lr_nullable = CreateSet();

            // Goal -> Expr
            //         | Expr2
            // a --Expr--> b
            // a --Expr2--> c

            a = new DfaState <StringSymbol>();
            b = new DfaState <StringSymbol>();
            c = new DfaState <StringSymbol>();
            aTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > >();
            bTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > >();
            cTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > >();
            aTransitionList.Add(new KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> >(expr, b));
            aTransitionList.Add(new KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> >(expr2, c));
            a.Initialize(0, aTransitionList);
            b.Initialize(1, bTransitionList);
            c.Initialize(1, cTransitionList);

            automatons_lr_nullable[goal] = new Dfa <StringSymbol>(a);

            // Expr -> Term '-'
            // a --Term--> b --'-'--> c

            a = new DfaState <StringSymbol>();
            b = new DfaState <StringSymbol>();
            c = new DfaState <StringSymbol>();
            aTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > >();
            bTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > >();
            cTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > >();
            aTransitionList.Add(new KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> >(term, b));
            bTransitionList.Add(new KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> >(subtract, c));
            a.Initialize(0, aTransitionList);
            b.Initialize(0, bTransitionList);
            c.Initialize(1, cTransitionList);

            automatons_lr_nullable[expr] = new Dfa <StringSymbol>(a);

            // Expr2 -> Term2 '+'
            // a --Term2--> b --'+'--> c

            a = new DfaState <StringSymbol>();
            b = new DfaState <StringSymbol>();
            c = new DfaState <StringSymbol>();
            aTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > >();
            bTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > >();
            cTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > >();
            aTransitionList.Add(new KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> >(term2, b));
            bTransitionList.Add(new KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> >(add, c));
            a.Initialize(0, aTransitionList);
            b.Initialize(0, bTransitionList);
            c.Initialize(1, cTransitionList);

            automatons_lr_nullable[expr2] = new Dfa <StringSymbol>(a);

            // Term -> Factor Expr2
            // a --Factor--> b --Expr2--> c

            a = new DfaState <StringSymbol>();
            b = new DfaState <StringSymbol>();
            c = new DfaState <StringSymbol>();
            aTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > >();
            bTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > >();
            cTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > >();
            aTransitionList.Add(new KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> >(factor, b));
            bTransitionList.Add(new KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> >(expr2, c));
            a.Initialize(0, aTransitionList);
            b.Initialize(0, bTransitionList);
            c.Initialize(1, cTransitionList);

            automatons_lr_nullable[term] = new Dfa <StringSymbol>(a);

            // Term2 -> Term '*'
            // a --Term--> b --'*'--> c

            a = new DfaState <StringSymbol>();
            b = new DfaState <StringSymbol>();
            c = new DfaState <StringSymbol>();
            aTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > >();
            bTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > >();
            cTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > >();
            aTransitionList.Add(new KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> >(term, b));
            bTransitionList.Add(new KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> >(multiply, c));
            a.Initialize(0, aTransitionList);
            b.Initialize(0, bTransitionList);
            c.Initialize(1, cTransitionList);

            automatons_lr_nullable[term2] = new Dfa <StringSymbol>(a);

            // Factor -> '('Expr')'
            //         | epsilon
            // a --'('--> b --Expr--> c --')'--> d
            // a accepting

            a = new DfaState <StringSymbol>();
            b = new DfaState <StringSymbol>();
            c = new DfaState <StringSymbol>();
            d = new DfaState <StringSymbol>();
            aTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > >();
            bTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > >();
            cTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > >();
            dTransitionList = new List <KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> > >();
            aTransitionList.Add(new KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> >(openbracket, b));
            bTransitionList.Add(new KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> >(expr, c));
            cTransitionList.Add(new KeyValuePair <StringSymbol, DfaState <StringSymbol> >(closebracket, d));
            a.Initialize(1, aTransitionList);
            b.Initialize(0, bTransitionList);
            c.Initialize(0, cTransitionList);
            d.Initialize(1, dTransitionList);

            automatons_lr_nullable[factor] = new Dfa <StringSymbol>(a);
 public override bool Matches(SyntaxTreeBuilder pSyntaxTreeBuilder)
     return(FirstSet.Contains(pSyntaxTreeBuilder.TokenScanner.Current) && CheckPredicate(pSyntaxTreeBuilder));