        internal static void ToggleFindToolBar(Decorator findToolBarHost, EventHandler handlerFindClicked, bool enable)
            if (enable)
                // Create FindToolBar and attach it to the host.
                FindToolBar findToolBar = new FindToolBar();
                findToolBarHost.Child = findToolBar;
                findToolBarHost.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                KeyboardNavigation.SetTabNavigation(findToolBarHost, KeyboardNavigationMode.Continue);
                FocusManager.SetIsFocusScope(findToolBarHost, true);

                // Initialize FindToolBar
                findToolBar.SetResourceReference(Control.StyleProperty, FindToolBarStyleKey);
                findToolBar.FindClicked += handlerFindClicked;
                findToolBar.DocumentLoaded = true;
                // Reset FindToolBar state to its initial state.
                FindToolBar findToolBar = findToolBarHost.Child as FindToolBar;
                findToolBar.FindClicked -= handlerFindClicked;
                findToolBar.DocumentLoaded = false;

                // Remov FindToolBar form its host.
                findToolBarHost.Child = null;
                findToolBarHost.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
                KeyboardNavigation.SetTabNavigation(findToolBarHost, KeyboardNavigationMode.None);
        internal static ITextRange Find(FindToolBar findToolBar, TextEditor textEditor, ITextView textView, ITextView masterPageTextView)
            string searchText;
            FindFlags findFlags;
            ITextContainer textContainer;
            ITextRange textSelection;
            ITextPointer contentStart;
            ITextPointer contentEnd;
            ITextPointer startPointer = null;
            ITextRange findResult = null;

            Invariant.Assert(findToolBar != null);
            Invariant.Assert(textEditor != null);

            // Set up our FindOptions from the options in the Find Toolbar.
            findFlags = FindFlags.None;
            findFlags |= (findToolBar.SearchUp ? FindFlags.FindInReverse : FindFlags.None);
            findFlags |= (findToolBar.MatchCase ? FindFlags.MatchCase : FindFlags.None);
            findFlags |= (findToolBar.MatchWholeWord ? FindFlags.FindWholeWordsOnly : FindFlags.None);
            findFlags |= (findToolBar.MatchDiacritic ? FindFlags.MatchDiacritics : FindFlags.None);
            findFlags |= (findToolBar.MatchKashida ? FindFlags.MatchKashida : FindFlags.None);
            findFlags |= (findToolBar.MatchAlefHamza ? FindFlags.MatchAlefHamza : FindFlags.None);

            // Get the text container for our content.
            textContainer = textEditor.TextContainer;
            textSelection = textEditor.Selection;

            // Initialize other Find parameters
            searchText = findToolBar.SearchText;
            CultureInfo cultureInfo = GetDocumentCultureInfo(textContainer);

            // The find behavior below is defined in section 2.2.3 of this spec:
            // http://d2/DRX/Development%20Documents/02.01.00%20-%20UI%20Design.DocumentViewer.mht

            // Determine if we have a starting selection
            if (textSelection.IsEmpty)
                if (textView != null && !textView.IsValid)
                    textView = null;

                // Determine if the IP/Selection is in view.
                if (textView != null && textView.Contains(textSelection.Start))
                    // Case 1: Selection is empty and IP is currently visible.
                    // Search from this IP to the start/end of the document.

                    //We treat the start of the selection as the IP.
                    contentStart = findToolBar.SearchUp ? textContainer.Start : textSelection.Start;
                    contentEnd = findToolBar.SearchUp ? textSelection.Start : textContainer.End;
                    // Case 4: Selection is empty and IP is not currently visible.
                    // Search from the top of the current TextView to the end of the document,
                    // if searching down. If searchind up, search from the start of the document
                    // to the end position of the current TextView.
                    if (masterPageTextView != null && masterPageTextView.IsValid)
                        foreach (TextSegment textSegment in masterPageTextView.TextSegments)
                            if (textSegment.IsNull)

                            if (startPointer == null)
                                // Set initial masterPointer value.
                                startPointer = !findToolBar.SearchUp ? textSegment.Start : textSegment.End;
                                if (!findToolBar.SearchUp)
                                    if (textSegment.Start.CompareTo(startPointer) < 0)
                                        // Start is before the current masterPointer
                                        startPointer = textSegment.Start;
                                    // end is after than the current masterPointer
                                    if (textSegment.End.CompareTo(startPointer) > 0)
                                        startPointer = textSegment.End;

                    if (startPointer != null)
                        // Now build the content range from that pointer to the start/end of the document.
                        // Set content start/end pointer to the content of the find document
                        contentStart = findToolBar.SearchUp ? textContainer.Start : startPointer;
                        contentEnd = findToolBar.SearchUp ? startPointer : textContainer.End;
                        // We were unable to determine the viewing area (form TextView),
                        // just use the entire TextContainer.
                        contentStart = textContainer.Start;
                        contentEnd = textContainer.End;
                // Determine if the search text is already selected in the document.
                findResult = TextFindEngine.Find(textSelection.Start, textSelection.End, searchText, findFlags, cultureInfo);

                // To see if our Text ranges are the same, we will verify that
                // their start and end points are the same.
                if ((findResult != null) &&
                    (findResult.Start != null) &&
                    (findResult.Start.CompareTo(textSelection.Start) == 0) &&
                    (findResult.End.CompareTo(textSelection.End) == 0))
                    // Case 2: Selection exists and it matches the search text.
                    // Search from the end of the given selection.

                    contentStart = findToolBar.SearchUp ? textSelection.Start : textSelection.End;
                    contentEnd = findToolBar.SearchUp ? textContainer.Start : textContainer.End;
                    // Case 3: Selection exists and it does not match the search text.
                    // Search from the beginning of the given selection to the end of the document.

                    contentStart = findToolBar.SearchUp ? textSelection.End : textSelection.Start;
                    contentEnd = findToolBar.SearchUp ? textContainer.Start : textContainer.End;

            // We should have content. Try to find something.
            findResult = null;
            if (contentStart != null && contentEnd != null && contentStart.CompareTo(contentEnd) != 0)
                // We might legimately have crossed start/end given our logic above.
                // It's easier to untangle the range here.
                if (contentStart.CompareTo(contentEnd) > 0)
                    ITextPointer temp = contentStart;
                    contentStart = contentEnd;
                    contentEnd = temp;

                findResult = TextFindEngine.Find(contentStart, contentEnd, searchText, findFlags, cultureInfo);
                if ((findResult != null) && (!findResult.IsEmpty))
                    textSelection.Select(findResult.Start, findResult.End);

            return findResult;
 /// <summary>
 /// Invoked when the "Find" button in the Find Toolbar is clicked.
 /// This method invokes the actual Find process.
 /// </summary>
 internal ITextRange Find(FindToolBar findToolBar)
     ITextView masterPageTextView = null;
     DocumentPageView masterPage = GetMasterPageView();
     if (masterPage != null && masterPage is IServiceProvider)
         masterPageTextView = ((IServiceProvider)masterPage).GetService(typeof(ITextView)) as ITextView;
     return DocumentViewerHelper.Find(findToolBar, _textEditor, _textView, masterPageTextView);
        internal static void ShowFindUnsuccessfulMessage(FindToolBar findToolBar)
            string messageString;

            // No, we did not find anything. Alert the user.
            messageString = findToolBar.SearchUp ?
                        SR.Get(SRID.DocumentViewerSearchUpCompleteLabel) :
            messageString = String.Format(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, messageString, findToolBar.SearchText);

            HwndSource hwndSource = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(findToolBar) as HwndSource;
            IntPtr hwnd = (hwndSource != null) ? hwndSource.CriticalHandle : IntPtr.Zero;

        private void InstantiateFindToolBar()
            //First, find the correct place to insert toolbar.

            // Location is defined by named element, FindToolbarHost.
            ContentControl findHost = this.Template.FindName(_findToolBarHostName, this) as ContentControl;

            // Only create and hook up the toolbar, if we found a place to put it.
            if (findHost != null)
               if( _findToolbar == null )
                    // create the new object
                    _findToolbar = new FindToolBar();

                    // add the event handlers
                    _findToolbar.FindClicked += new EventHandler(OnFindInvoked);

                    //set initial DocumentLoaded state.
                    _findToolbar.DocumentLoaded = (Document != null) ? true : false;

                // Now insert the toolbar, if it isn't already parented elsewhere.
                // (It will have been disconnected from DocumentViewer on a Theme or
                // Template change.)
                if (!_findToolbar.IsAncestorOf(this))