public void Click(RadarForm form, MouseEventArgs e) { Point cursorPosition = form.PointToClient(Cursor.Position); var cursorRect = new Rectangle(cursorPosition.X, cursorPosition.Y, 5, 5); try { foreach (PGameObject node in ObjectManager.GetGameObject) { if (FindNode.IsHerb(node) || FindNode.IsMine(node)) { float x = form.OffsetX(node.Location.X, ObjectManager.MyPlayer.Location.X); float y = form.OffsetY(node.Location.Y, ObjectManager.MyPlayer.Location.Y); var objRect = new Rectangle((int)y, (int)x, 5, 5); if (Rectangle.Intersect(objRect, cursorRect) != Rectangle.Empty) { if (FlyingBlackList.IsBlacklisted(node)) { FlyingBlackList.Unblacklist(node); } else { Logging.Write("Added the node to the permanent blacklist"); FlyingBlackList.AddBadNode(node); } } } } } catch { } }
public void bestpath() { //this method will find the shortest path if(found == false) { // if( != null) findnodecost(nodecheck,; if(nodecheck.two != null) findnodecost(nodecheck, nodecheck.two); if(nodecheck.three != null) findnodecost(nodecheck, nodecheck.three); if(nodecheck.four != null) findnodecost(nodecheck, nodecheck.four); //moves the current node from open list to close list //as it already has been checked. Add2Close(nodecheck); RemoveOpen(nodecheck); nodecheck = minTotalcost(); nodenum++; print ("Node number: #" + nodenum +"has been searched"); } }
private async Task SendFindNode(IEnumerable <Node> newNodes) { foreach (Node node in Node.CloserNodes(engine.LocalId, nodes, newNodes, Bucket.MaxCapacity)) { FindNode request = new FindNode(engine.LocalId, engine.LocalId); activeRequests++; var args = await engine.SendQueryAsync(request, node); activeRequests--; if (!args.TimedOut) { FindNodeResponse response = (FindNodeResponse)args.Response; await SendFindNode(Node.FromCompactNode(response.Nodes)); } if (activeRequests == 0) { if (initialNodes.Count > 0 && engine.RoutingTable.CountNodes() < 10) { await new InitialiseTask(engine).ExecuteAsync(); } } } }
private void SendFindNode(Node node) { FindNode msg = new FindNode(GetNeighborId(node.Id), NodeId.Create()); //FindNode msg = new FindNode(LocalId, NodeId.Create()); Send(msg, node.EndPoint); }
public void findHeuristics(FindNode first) { //will calculate cost values nodes //will start by going row by row FindNode rstart = startnode; FindNode nextnode = rstart; int x1, x2, z1 , z2; float cost; while (rstart != null) { while(nextnode != null) { //will use the manhattan distance as heuristic x1 = Mathf.FloorToInt(nextnode.transform.position.x); x2 = Mathf.FloorToInt(endnode.transform.position.x); z1 = Mathf.FloorToInt(nextnode.transform.position.z); z2 = Mathf.FloorToInt(endnode.transform.position.z); cost = Mathf.Abs(x1 - x2) + Mathf.Abs(z1 - z2); nextnode.hvalue = (int)cost; } rstart = rstart.three; //goes down to next node row by row nextnode = rstart; } }
private void QueryNode(Node node) { _node = node; _message = new FindNode(_engine.LocalId, node.Id); _task = new SendQueryTask(_engine, _message, node); _task.Completed += TaskComplete; _task.Execute(); }
public void FindNodeEncode() { FindNode m = new FindNode(id, infohash); m.TransactionId = transactionId; Compare(m, "d1:ad2:id20:abcdefghij01234567896:target20:mnopqrstuvwxyz123456e1:q9:find_node1:t2:aa1:y1:qe"); message = m; }
private void QueryNode(Node node) { this.node = node; message = new FindNode(engine.LocalId, node.Id); task = new SendQueryTask(engine, message, node); task.Completed += TaskComplete; task.Execute(); }
public void FindNodeDecode() { string text = "d1:ad2:id20:abcdefghij01234567896:target20:mnopqrstuvwxyz123456e1:q9:find_node1:t2:aa1:y1:qe"; FindNode m = (FindNode)Decode(text); Assert.AreEqual(id, m.Id, "#1"); Assert.AreEqual(infohash, m.Target, "#1"); Compare(m, text); }
internal static bool DismountAndHarvest(PGameObject harvest, Ticker timeOut) { if (!LazySettings.BackgroundMode && !harvest.Location.IsFacing()) { harvest.Location.Face(); } if (Mount.IsMounted() && !ObjectManager.MyPlayer.IsInFlightForm) { Mount.Dismount(); timeOut.Reset(); while (ObjectManager.MyPlayer.IsMoving && !timeOut.IsReady) { Thread.Sleep(100); } Thread.Sleep(500); } Logging.Debug("Going to do harvest now"); harvest.Interact(true); Latency.Sleep(ObjectManager.MyPlayer.UnitRace != "Tauren" ? 750 : 500); if (!ObjectManager.MyPlayer.IsCasting && ObjectManager.MyPlayer.UnitRace != "Tauren") { harvest.Interact(true); Latency.Sleep(750); } if (CheckFight(harvest)) { ToldAboutNode.TellAbout("正在战斗状态", harvest); return(false); } timeOut.Reset(); while (ObjectManager.MyPlayer.IsCasting && !timeOut.IsReady) { if (CheckFight(harvest)) { ToldAboutNode.TellAbout("正在战斗状态", harvest); return(false); } Thread.Sleep(100); } if (CheckFight(harvest)) { ToldAboutNode.TellAbout("正在战斗状态", harvest); return(false); } if (Langs.SkillToLow(ObjectManager.MyPlayer.RedMessage)) { Logging.Write("技能太低"); HelperFunctions.ResetRedMessage(); if (FindNode.IsMine(harvest) || FindNode.IsHerb(harvest)) { SkillToLow.Blacklist(harvest.Name, 240); } return(false); } return(true); }
public void FindNodeEncode() { var message = new FindNode(_id, _infohash) { TransactionId = _transactionId }; Compare(message, "d1:ad2:id20:abcdefghij01234567896:target20:mnopqrstuvwxyz123456e1:q9:find_node1:t2:aa1:y1:qe"); _message = message; }
private void SendFindNode(IEnumerable <Node> newNodes) { foreach (Node node in Node.CloserNodes(engine.LocalId, nodes, newNodes, Bucket.MaxCapacity)) { activeRequests++; FindNode request = new FindNode(engine.LocalId, engine.LocalId); SendQueryTask task = new SendQueryTask(engine, request, node); task.Completed += FindNodeComplete; task.Execute(); } }
private static void SendFindNode(IEnumerable <Node> knonwn, NodeId nodeId) { foreach (Node node in knonwn) { FindNode request = new FindNode(engine.LocalId, nodeId); SendQueryTask task = new SendQueryTask(engine, request, node); task.Completed += FindNodeComplete; task.Execute(); lock (engine) activities++; } }
public void SelectByNodeFullPath(string nodetext) { FindNode f = new FindNode(treeView1); bool b = f.SelectByNodeFullPath(nodetext); if (!b) { if (computerNode != null) { treeView1.SelectedNode = computerNode; } } }
private void BtnsClick(string s) { if (s.EndsWith("\\")) { s = s.Remove(s.Length - 1, 1);//移除 字符 / } FindNode fd = new FindNode(treeView1); fd.SelectByNodeFullPath(s); DisposeButtons(); CreateButtons(s); }
private void SendFindNodeRequest(IPEndPoint address, NodeId nodeid = null) { var nid = nodeid == null ? LocalId : GetNeighborId(nodeid); try { var msg = new FindNode(nid, NodeId.Create()); Send(msg, address); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Trace($"SendFindNodeRequest nid:{nid} {address} {ex.ToString()}"); } }
public Tuple <string, FindNode> BuildFindNodePacket(string name) { FindNode obj = new FindNode() { id = "scene/node/find", data = new Data13() { name = name } }; string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj); return(new Tuple <string, FindNode>(json, obj)); }
internal static bool PlayerToClose(int distance, PGameObject gameObject) { if (!FlyingSettings.AvoidPlayers) { return(false); } if ( ObjectManager.GetPlayers.Where(obj => !obj.Name.Equals(ObjectManager.MyPlayer.Name)) .Any(obj => FindNode.GetLocation(gameObject).GetDistanceTo(obj.Location) < distance)) { Logging.Write("Player to close to node"); FlyingBlackList.Blacklist(gameObject, 300, false); return(true); } return(false); }
public static bool GatherNode(PGameObject harvest) { if (FindNode.IsSchool(harvest)) { return(GatherFishNode(harvest)); } if (ApprochNode(harvest)) { Logging.Write("靠近[矿/草]点"); HitTheNode(harvest); if (!CheckMobs(harvest)) { return(false); } if (FlyingBlackList.IsBlacklisted(harvest)) { ToldAboutNode.TellAbout("is blacklisted", harvest); return(false); } if (MoveHelper.NegativeValue(ObjectManager.MyPlayer.Location.Z - FindNode.GetLocation(harvest).Z) > 1) { Logging.Write("下降中......"); DescentToNode(harvest); } if (FlyingBlackList.IsBlacklisted(harvest)) { ToldAboutNode.TellAbout("is blacklisted", harvest); return(false); } if (FindNode.GetLocation(harvest).DistanceToSelf2D > 5) { ApproachPosFlying.Approach(harvest.Location, 4); } if (FindNode.GetLocation(harvest).DistanceToSelf > 10) { Logging.Write("距离矿/草太远,放弃"); return(false); } if (!DismountAndHarvest(harvest, TimeOut)) { return(false); } return(true); } ToldAboutNode.TellAbout("过不去啊!!!", harvest); return(false); }
async Task SendFindNode(IEnumerable <Node> newNodes) { var activeRequests = new List <Task <SendQueryEventArgs> > (); var nodes = new ClosestNodesCollection(engine.LocalId); foreach (Node node in newNodes) { var request = new FindNode(engine.LocalId, engine.LocalId); activeRequests.Add(engine.SendQueryAsync(request, node)); nodes.Add(node); } while (activeRequests.Count > 0) { var completed = await Task.WhenAny(activeRequests); activeRequests.Remove(completed); SendQueryEventArgs args = await completed; if (args.Response != null) { if (engine.RoutingTable.CountNodes() >= MinHealthyNodes) { initializationComplete.TrySetResult(null); } var response = (FindNodeResponse)args.Response; foreach (Node node in Node.FromCompactNode(response.Nodes)) { if (nodes.Add(node)) { var request = new FindNode(engine.LocalId, engine.LocalId); activeRequests.Add(engine.SendQueryAsync(request, node)); } } } } if (initialNodes.Count > 0 && engine.RoutingTable.NeedsBootstrap) { await new InitialiseTask(engine).ExecuteAsync(); } }
public async Task Execute() { if (bucket.Nodes.Count == 0) { return; } bucket.SortBySeen(); foreach (var node in bucket.Nodes.ToArray()) { var message = new FindNode(engine.LocalId, node.Id); var args = await engine.SendQueryAsync(message, node); if (!args.TimedOut) { return; } } }
internal static void HitTheNode(PGameObject nodeToHarvest) { Face.Reset(); ToLongRun.Reset(); _oldDis = FindNode.GetLocation(nodeToHarvest).DistanceToSelf; while (!ToLongRun.IsReady) { MoveHelper.Forwards(true); _distanceX = Math.Round(Math.Abs(FindNode.GetLocation(nodeToHarvest).Y - ObjectManager.MyPlayer.Location.Y)); _distanceY = Math.Round(Math.Abs(FindNode.GetLocation(nodeToHarvest).X - ObjectManager.MyPlayer.Location.X)); if (_distanceX <= 3 && _distanceY <= 3) { break; } if (Face.IsReady) { FindNode.GetLocation(nodeToHarvest).Face(); Face.Reset(); } Thread.Sleep(2); if (_oldDis < FindNode.GetLocation(nodeToHarvest).DistanceToSelf) { break; } } if (nodeToHarvest.Location.DistanceToSelf2D > 2.9) { if (nodeToHarvest.Location.DistanceToSelf2D > 2) { Thread.Sleep(150); } else if (nodeToHarvest.Location.DistanceToSelf2D > 1) { Thread.Sleep(100); } } MoveHelper.ReleaseKeys(); }
public void Draw(RadarForm form) { foreach (PGameObject selectNode in ObjectManager.GetGameObject) { if (FindNode.IsHerb(selectNode) || FindNode.IsMine(selectNode)) { if (FlyingBlackList.IsBlacklisted(selectNode)) { form.PrintCircle(_colorBadNodes, form.OffsetY(selectNode.Location.Y, ObjectManager.MyPlayer.Location.Y), form.OffsetX(selectNode.Location.X, ObjectManager.MyPlayer.Location.X), selectNode.Name); } else { form.PrintCircle(_colorObjects, form.OffsetY(selectNode.Location.Y, ObjectManager.MyPlayer.Location.Y), form.OffsetX(selectNode.Location.X, ObjectManager.MyPlayer.Location.X), selectNode.Name); } } } }
public void RemoveOpen(FindNode node) { openlist.Remove(node); }
public bool EngineStart() { FindNode.LoadHarvest(); FlyingSettings.LoadSettings(); KeyHelper.AddKey("FMount", "None", FlyingSettings.FlyingMountBar, FlyingSettings.FlyingMountKey); KeyHelper.AddKey("Lure", "None", FlyingSettings.LureBar, FlyingSettings.LureKey); KeyHelper.AddKey("Waterwalk", "None", FlyingSettings.WaterwalkBar, FlyingSettings.WaterwalkKey); KeyHelper.AddKey("CombatStart", "None", FlyingSettings.ExtraBar, FlyingSettings.ExtraKey); if (!ObjectManager.InGame) { Logging.Write(LogType.Info, "Enter game before starting the bot"); return(false); } if (ObjectManager.MyPlayer.IsGhost) { Logging.Write(LogType.Info, "Please ress before starting the bot"); return(false); } if (CurrentProfile == null) { Logging.Write(LogType.Info, "Please load a profile"); return(false); } if (CurrentProfile.WaypointsNormal.Count < 2) { Logging.Write(LogType.Info, "Profile should have more than 2 waypoints"); return(false); } Navigation = new FlyingNavigation(CurrentProfile.WaypointsNormal, true, FlyingWaypointsType.Normal); Navigator = new FlyingNavigator(); ToTown.SetToTown(false); switch (CurrentMode) { case Mode.Normal: FlyingStates = new List <MainState> { new StateMount(), new StateMoving(), new StateGather(), new StateCombat(), new StateRess(), new StateResting(), new StateMailbox(), new StateToTown(), new StateVendor(), new StateFullBags(), }; break; case Mode.TestNormal: Logging.Write(LogType.Warning, "Starting flying engine in TestNormal mode, next start will be in normal mode"); FlyingStates = new List <MainState> { new StateMount(), new StateMoving(), new StateFullBags(), }; break; case Mode.TestToTown: Logging.Write(LogType.Warning, "Starting flying engine in TestToTown mode, next start will be in normal mode"); FlyingStates = new List <MainState> { new StateMount(), new StateMoving(), new StateCombat(), new StateMailbox(), new StateToTown(), new StateVendor(), new StateFullBags(), }; ToTown.SetToTown(true); //Set town mode to true break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } Stuck.Run(); FlyingBlackList.Load(); CloseWindows(); CurrentMode = Mode.Normal; _harvest = 0; _kills = 0; _death = 0; _startTime = DateTime.Now; UpdateStats(0, 0, 0); return(true); }
public void Add2Open(FindNode node) { openlist.Add(node); }
void OnGUI() { GUI.UnfocusWindow(); //绘制标题 GUILayout.Space(10); = 24; = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; GUILayout.Label("地图设置"); strWidth = EditorGUILayout.TextField("横向格子个数 :", strWidth); if (strWidth != "" && strWidth != null) { bool isSettingWidth = !Int32.TryParse(strWidth, out _width); if (isSettingWidth) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("宽度没有设置"); } } strHeight = EditorGUILayout.TextField("纵向格子个数 :", strHeight); if (strHeight != "" && strHeight != null) { bool isSettingHeight = !Int32.TryParse(strHeight, out _height); if (isSettingHeight) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("高度没有设置"); } } if (GUILayout.Button("生成地图", GUILayout.Width(80), GUILayout.Height(20))) { if (EditorApplication.isPlaying == false) { EditorApplication.isPlaying = true; } if (EditorApplication.isPlaying) { initAllGrid(); } } if (GUILayout.Button("设置Wall", GUILayout.Width(80), GUILayout.Height(20))) { Transform[] transforms = Selection.transforms; foreach (var node in transforms) { Node curNode = findAllGridNode(node.transform.gameObject); if (!wallList.Contains(curNode)) { curNode.transform.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color =; wallList.Add(curNode); } } } if (GUILayout.Button("清理Wall", GUILayout.Width(80), GUILayout.Height(20))) { Transform[] transforms = Selection.transforms; foreach (var node in transforms) { for (int i = 0; i < wallList.Count; i++) { if (object.ReferenceEquals(node, wallList[i].transform)) { node.transform.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = Color.white; wallList.RemoveAt(i); } } } } if (GUILayout.Button("设置开始点", GUILayout.Width(80), GUILayout.Height(20))) { Transform[] transforms = Selection.transforms; if (transforms.Length > 0) { startNode = findAllGridNode(transforms[0].transform.gameObject); startNode.transform.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color =; } } if (GUILayout.Button("设置结束点", GUILayout.Width(80), GUILayout.Height(20))) { Transform[] transforms = Selection.transforms; if (transforms.Length > 0) { endNode = findAllGridNode(transforms[0].transform.gameObject); endNode.transform.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = Color.yellow; } } GUILayout.Space(10); findNode = (FindNode)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Find Node", findNode, typeof(FindNode), true); if (findNode != null) { if (GUILayout.Button("清理", GUILayout.Width(80), GUILayout.Height(20))) { if (findNode != null) { findNode.clear(); clearAllGridNode(); } } if (GUILayout.Button("测试寻路", GUILayout.Width(80), GUILayout.Height(20))) { if (findNode != null) { if (findNode.openList.Count != 0) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("需要清理才能寻路"); } else { findNode.settingData(); findNode.handleFindNode(); } } } } }
public void findnodecost(FindNode node, FindNode nextnode) { // int newMoveCost; if(nextnode == null) return; if(nextnode == endnode) { endnode.Init = node; found = true; return; } if(nextnode.gameObject.tag == "Wall") return; //making sure node wasn't already checked if(closelist.Contains(nextnode) == false) { //making sure if the node is currently in the list of nodes not yet checked // if(openlist.Contains(nextnode) == true) { //getting new cost for movement newMoveCost = node.movCost + basemovcost; if(newMoveCost < nextnode.movecost) { //if new move cost is lower, then we found a new //node to use search from nextnode.Init = node; nextnode.movCost = newMoveCost; nextnode.findTotalcost(); } } //otherwise calcuate the move cost and add it to open list else { // nextnode.Init = node; nextnode.movCost = node.movCost + basemovcost; nextnode.findTotalcost(); Add2Open(nextnode); } } }
/// <summary> /// Constructor of the class. It calls the base constructor and store contacts into the message. /// </summary> /// <param name="nodeID">Identificator of the sender</param> /// <param name="request">FindNode request that orginates this response</param> /// <param name="recommended">List of contact that could match the request</param> /// <param name="nodeEndpoint">Address of the sender</param> public FindNodeResponse(ID nodeID, FindNode request, List<Contact> recommended, Uri nodeEndpoint) : base(nodeID, request, nodeEndpoint) { contacts = recommended; }
public void FindAdjacentNode() { //going to use raycast to 'hit' adjacent nodes //don't care for efficient at this point RaycastHit hit; if(Physics.Raycast(this.transform.position, this.transform.forward, out hit) == true) { one = hit.collider.GetComponent<FindNode>(); } if(Physics.Raycast(this.transform.position, this.transform.right, out hit) == true) { two = hit.collider.GetComponent<FindNode>(); } if(Physics.Raycast(this.transform.position, this.transform.forward, out hit) == true) { three = hit.collider.GetComponent<FindNode>(); } if(Physics.Raycast(this.transform.position, this.transform.right, out hit) == true) { four = hit.collider.GetComponent<FindNode>(); } }
public void FindNodeEncode() { var m = new FindNode(_id, _infohash) {TransactionId = _transactionId}; Compare(m, "d1:ad2:id20:abcdefghij01234567896:target20:mnopqrstuvwxyz123456e1:q9:find_node1:t2:aa1:y1:qe"); _message = m; }
private void SendFindNode(IEnumerable<Node> newNodes) { foreach (Node node in Node.CloserNodes(engine.LocalId, nodes, newNodes, Bucket.MaxCapacity)) { activeRequests++; FindNode request = new FindNode(engine.LocalId, engine.LocalId); SendQueryTask task = new SendQueryTask(engine, request, node); task.Completed += FindNodeComplete; task.Execute(); } }
///---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ///Graph events AFTER nodes static void HandlePostNodesGraphEvents(Graph graph, Vector2 canvasMousePos) { //Shortcuts if (GUIUtility.keyboardControl == 0) { //Copy/Cut/Paste if (e.type == EventType.ValidateCommand || e.type == EventType.Used) { if (e.commandName == "Copy" || e.commandName == "Cut") { List <Node> selection = null; if (GraphEditorUtility.activeNode != null) { selection = new List <Node> { GraphEditorUtility.activeNode }; } if (GraphEditorUtility.activeElements != null && GraphEditorUtility.activeElements.Count > 0) { selection = GraphEditorUtility.activeElements.Cast <Node>().ToList(); } if (selection != null) { CopyBuffer.Set <Node[]>(Graph.CloneNodes(selection).ToArray()); if (e.commandName == "Cut") { foreach (Node node in selection) { graph.RemoveNode(node); } } } e.Use(); } if (e.commandName == "Paste") { if (CopyBuffer.Has <Node[]>()) { TryPasteNodesInGraph(graph, CopyBuffer.Get <Node[]>(), canvasMousePos + new Vector2(500, 500) / graph.zoomFactor); } e.Use(); } } if (e.type == EventType.KeyUp) { //Delete if (e.keyCode == KeyCode.Delete || e.keyCode == KeyCode.Backspace) { if (GraphEditorUtility.activeElements != null && GraphEditorUtility.activeElements.Count > 0) { foreach (var obj in GraphEditorUtility.activeElements.ToArray()) { if (obj is Node) { graph.RemoveNode(obj as Node); } if (obj is Connection) { graph.RemoveConnection(obj as Connection); } } GraphEditorUtility.activeElements = null; } if (GraphEditorUtility.activeNode != null) { graph.RemoveNode(GraphEditorUtility.activeNode); GraphEditorUtility.activeElement = null; } if (GraphEditorUtility.activeConnection != null) { graph.RemoveConnection(GraphEditorUtility.activeConnection); GraphEditorUtility.activeElement = null; } e.Use(); } //Duplicate if (e.keyCode == KeyCode.D && e.control && !e.alt) { if (GraphEditorUtility.activeElements != null && GraphEditorUtility.activeElements.Count > 0) { TryPasteNodesInGraph(graph, GraphEditorUtility.activeElements.OfType <Node>().ToArray(), default(Vector2)); } if (GraphEditorUtility.activeNode != null) { GraphEditorUtility.activeElement = GraphEditorUtility.activeNode.Duplicate(graph); } //Connections can't be duplicated by themselves. They do so as part of multiple node duplication. e.Use(); } } } //No panel is obscuring if (GraphEditorUtility.allowClick) { #region 自定义快捷键 if ((currentGraph.GetType() == typeof(FlowGraph) || currentGraph.GetType().IsSubclassOf(typeof(FlowGraph))) && GUIUtility.keyboardControl == 0) { if (e.keyCode == KeyCode.F && e.control && !e.alt) { //Debug.Log("ctrl +f "); FindNode toolNode = currentGraph.GetAllNodesOfType <FindNode>().FirstOrDefault(); if (toolNode != null) { NodeCanvas.Editor.GraphEditorUtility.activeElement = toolNode; } else { FindNode newNode = currentGraph.AddNode <FindNode>(ViewToCanvas(e.mousePosition)); NodeCanvas.Editor.GraphEditorUtility.activeElement = newNode; //Debug.Log("There is no Find Node,Create a new node!"); } //e.Use(); } if (e.keyCode == KeyCode.A && e.control && !e.alt && !e.shift) { NodeCanvas.Editor.GraphEditorUtility.activeElements = null; NodeCanvas.Editor.GraphEditorUtility.activeElement = null; if (currentGraph.allNodes == null) { return; } if (currentGraph.allNodes.Count > 1) { NodeCanvas.Editor.GraphEditorUtility.activeElements = currentGraph.allNodes.Cast <object>().ToList(); //e.Use(); return; } else { NodeCanvas.Editor.GraphEditorUtility.activeElement = currentGraph.allNodes[0]; //e.Use(); } } if (e.keyCode == KeyCode.C && e.type == EventType.KeyUp && !e.control && !e.alt && !e.shift && GUIUtility.keyboardControl == 0) { if (GraphEditorUtility.activeElement != null || GraphEditorUtility.activeElements != null && GraphEditorUtility.activeElements.Count > 0) { List <Node> node = new List <Node>(); if (GraphEditorUtility.activeElement != null) { node.Add((Node)GraphEditorUtility.activeElement); } else { node = GraphEditorUtility.activeElements.Cast <Node>().ToList(); } Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo(currentGraph, "Create Group"); if (currentGraph.canvasGroups == null) { currentGraph.canvasGroups = new List <Framework.CanvasGroup>(); } Framework.CanvasGroup group = new Framework.CanvasGroup(GetNodeBounds(node).ExpandBy(100f), "New Canvas Group"); currentGraph.canvasGroups.Add(group); group.isRenaming = true; } } if (e.keyCode == KeyCode.G && !e.control && !e.alt && e.shift && GUIUtility.keyboardControl == 0) { if (NodeCanvas.Editor.GraphEditorUtility.activeElements == null || NodeCanvas.Editor.GraphEditorUtility.activeElements.Count < 2 && NodeCanvas.Editor.GraphEditorUtility.activeElement != null && NodeCanvas.Editor.GraphEditorUtility.activeElement.GetType() == typeof(MacroNodeWrapper)) { //Debug.Log("current select is group node"); MacroNodeWrapper n = (MacroNodeWrapper)NodeCanvas.Editor.GraphEditorUtility.activeElement; if (n.macro.allNodes.Count <= 2) { return; } List <Node> childNode = new List <Node>(); foreach (var c in n.macro.allNodes) { if (c.GetType() != typeof(MacroInputNode) && c.GetType() != typeof(MacroOutputNode)) { childNode.Add(c); } } var newNodes = Graph.CopyNodesToGraph(childNode, currentGraph); currentGraph.RemoveNode(n); NodeCanvas.Editor.GraphEditorUtility.activeElement = null; if (NodeCanvas.Editor.GraphEditorUtility.activeElements != null) { NodeCanvas.Editor.GraphEditorUtility.activeElements = newNodes.Cast <object>().ToList(); } } } if (e.keyCode == KeyCode.G && e.control && !e.alt && !e.shift && GUIUtility.keyboardControl == 0) { //Debug.Log("ctrl +g "); if (NodeCanvas.Editor.GraphEditorUtility.activeElements == null || NodeCanvas.Editor.GraphEditorUtility.activeElements.Count < 1) { //e.Use(); return; } List <Node> ns = NodeCanvas.Editor.GraphEditorUtility.activeElements.Cast <Node>().ToList(); Rect groupNodeRect = GetNodeBounds(ns, viewRect, false); var wrapper = currentGraph.AddNode <MacroNodeWrapper>(; wrapper.macro = NestedUtility.CreateBoundNested <GroupMacro>(wrapper, currentGraph); = "NewGroup"; wrapper.macro.CategoryPath = (currentGraph.agent != null ? : + "/"; wrapper.macro.agent = currentGraph.agent; wrapper.macro.entry.position = new Vector2(groupNodeRect.x - 200f, groupNodeRect.y + 0.5f * groupNodeRect.height); wrapper.macro.exit.position = new Vector2(groupNodeRect.x + groupNodeRect.width + 100f, groupNodeRect.y + 0.5f * groupNodeRect.height); wrapper.macro.translation = + new Vector2(500f, 500f); Graph.CopyNodesToGraph(NodeCanvas.Editor.GraphEditorUtility.activeElements.OfType <Node>().ToList(), wrapper.macro); foreach (var c in ns) { currentGraph.RemoveNode(c); } NodeCanvas.Editor.GraphEditorUtility.activeElements.Clear(); NodeCanvas.Editor.GraphEditorUtility.activeElement = wrapper; } if (e.type == EventType.KeyDown && e.keyCode == KeyCode.I && GUIUtility.keyboardControl == 0) { List <Node> allNodes = currentGraph.GetAllNodesOfType <Node>(); if (allNodes != null && allNodes.Count < 2) { return; } if (NodeCanvas.Editor.GraphEditorUtility.activeElement != null) { if (allNodes.Contains((Node)NodeCanvas.Editor.GraphEditorUtility.activeElement)) { allNodes.Remove((Node)NodeCanvas.Editor.GraphEditorUtility.activeElement); NodeCanvas.Editor.GraphEditorUtility.activeElement = null; NodeCanvas.Editor.GraphEditorUtility.activeElements.Clear(); NodeCanvas.Editor.GraphEditorUtility.activeElements = allNodes.Cast <object>().ToList(); } return; } if (NodeCanvas.Editor.GraphEditorUtility.activeElements != null && NodeCanvas.Editor.GraphEditorUtility.activeElements.Count > 1) { List <object> invertNodeList = NodeCanvas.Editor.GraphEditorUtility.activeElements; invertNodeList.ForEach(x => { if (allNodes.Contains((Node)x)) { allNodes.Remove((Node)x); } }); NodeCanvas.Editor.GraphEditorUtility.activeElements.Clear(); if (allNodes.Count == 0) { NodeCanvas.Editor.GraphEditorUtility.activeElement = null; } else if (allNodes.Count == 1) { NodeCanvas.Editor.GraphEditorUtility.activeElement = allNodes[0]; } else { NodeCanvas.Editor.GraphEditorUtility.activeElements = allNodes.Cast <object>().ToList(); } return; } e.Use(); } if (e.type == EventType.KeyUp && e.alt && e.control) { //Type genericType; UnityEditor.GenericMenu.MenuFunction2 S = (obj) => { NodeCanvas.Editor.GraphEditorUtility.activeElement = GraphEditor.currentGraph.AddNode(obj.GetType(), ViewToCanvas(e.mousePosition)); }; UnityEditor.GenericMenu.MenuFunction2 D = (obj) => { var genericT = typeof(SimplexNodeWrapper <>).MakeGenericType(obj.GetType()); NodeCanvas.Editor.GraphEditorUtility.activeElement = GraphEditor.currentGraph.AddNode(genericT, ViewToCanvas(e.mousePosition)); }; if (e.keyCode == KeyCode.S) { var menu = new UnityEditor.GenericMenu(); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Split"), false, S, new Split()); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Sequence"), false, S, new Sequence()); menu.AddSeparator(""); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("SetActive"), false, D, new S_Active()); menu.AddSeparator(""); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("SendEvent"), false, D, new SendEvent()); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("SendEvent<T>"), false, D, new SendEvent <object>()); menu.AddSeparator(""); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Self"), false, S, new OwnerVariable()); menu.AddSeparator(""); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("SwitchByIndex"), false, S, new Switch <object>()); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Switch Value"), false, D, new SwitchValue <object>()); menu.AddSeparator(""); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("SwitchFlow/Switch Bool"), false, S, new SwitchBool()); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("SwitchFlow/Switch String"), false, S, new SwitchString()); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("SwitchFlow/Switch Int"), false, S, new SwitchInt()); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("SwitchFlow/Switch Enum"), false, S, new SwitchEnum()); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("SwitchFlow/Switch Tag"), false, S, new SwitchTag()); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("SwitchFlow/Switch Comparison"), false, S, new SwitchComparison()); menu.ShowAsContext(); //e.Use(); return; } if (e.keyCode == KeyCode.A) { var menu = new UnityEditor.GenericMenu(); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Awake"), false, S, new ConstructionEvent()); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("OnEnable"), false, S, new EnableEvent()); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Start"), false, S, new StartEvent()); menu.AddSeparator(""); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Update"), false, S, new UpdateEvent()); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("FixedUpdate"), false, S, new FixedUpdateEvent()); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("LateUpdate"), false, S, new LateUpdateEvent()); menu.AddSeparator(""); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("OnDisable"), false, S, new DisableEvent()); menu.ShowAsContext(); return; } if (e.keyCode == KeyCode.C) { var menu = new UnityEditor.GenericMenu(); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Cache"), false, D, new Cache <object>()); menu.AddSeparator(""); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Coroutine"), false, S, new CoroutineState()); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Cooldown"), false, S, new Cooldown()); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Chance"), false, S, new Chance()); menu.AddSeparator(""); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("CustomEvent"), false, S, new CustomEvent()); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("CustomEvent<T>"), false, S, new CustomEvent <object>()); menu.ShowAsContext(); return; } if (e.keyCode == KeyCode.E) { var menu = new UnityEditor.GenericMenu(); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("KeyBoard"), false, S, new KeyboardEvents()); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("UnityEventAutoCallbackEvent"), false, S, new UnityEventAutoCallbackEvent()); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("CSharpAutoCallbackEvent"), false, S, new CSharpAutoCallbackEvent()); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("DelegateCallbackEvent"), false, S, new DelegateCallbackEvent()); menu.AddSeparator(""); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("UnityEventCallbackEvent"), false, S, new UnityEventCallbackEvent()); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("CSharpEventCallback"), false, S, new CSharpEventCallback()); menu.ShowAsContext(); return; } if (e.keyCode == KeyCode.D) { var menu = new UnityEditor.GenericMenu(); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Debug log OnScreen"), false, S, new G_LogOnScreen()); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Debug log"), false, D, new LogText()); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Debug Event"), false, D, new DebugEvent()); menu.AddSeparator(""); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("DummyFlow"), false, S, new Dummy()); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("DummyValue"), false, D, new Identity <object>()); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("DoOnce"), false, S, new DoOnce()); menu.ShowAsContext(); e.Use(); } if (e.keyCode == KeyCode.R) { var menu = new UnityEditor.GenericMenu(); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("RelayFlowInput"), false, S, new RelayFlowInput()); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("RelayFlowOutput"), false, S, new RelayFlowOutput()); menu.AddSeparator(""); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("RelayValueInput"), false, S, new RelayValueInput <object>()); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("RelayValueOutput"), false, S, new RelayValueOutput <object>()); menu.ShowAsContext(); e.Use(); } if (e.keyCode == KeyCode.W) { var menu = new UnityEditor.GenericMenu(); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Wait"), false, D, new Wait()); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("While"), false, S, new While()); menu.AddSeparator(""); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("WaitForOneFrame"), false, D, new WaitForOneFrame()); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("WaitForEndOfFrame"), false, D, new FlowCanvas.Nodes.WaitForEndOfFrame()); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("WaitForFixedUpdate"), false, D, new WaitForFixedUpdate()); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("WaitForPhysicsFrame"), false, D, new WaitForPhysicsFrame()); menu.ShowAsContext(); e.Use(); } if (e.keyCode == KeyCode.F) { Selection.activeGameObject = null; //防止快捷键冲突 var menu = new UnityEditor.GenericMenu(); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Find"), false, D, new G_FindGameObject()); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("FindChild"), false, D, new G_FindChild()); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("FindGameObjectWithTag"), false, D, new G_FindGameObjectWithTag()); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("FindGameObjectsWithTag"), false, D, new G_FindGameObjectsWithTag()); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("FindObjectOfType"), false, D, new FindObjectOfType()); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("FindObjectsOfType"), false, D, new FindObjectsOfType()); menu.AddSeparator(""); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Finish"), false, S, new Finish()); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("CustomFunction"), false, S, new CustomFunctionEvent()); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("CallCustomFunction"), false, S, new CustomFunctionCall()); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("CallCustomFunction(CustomPort)"), false, S, new FunctionCall()); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("FunctionCustomReturn"), false, S, new Return()); menu.AddSeparator(""); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("ForLoop"), false, S, new ForLoop()); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("ForEach"), false, S, new ForEach <float>()); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("FlipFlop"), false, S, new FlipFlop()); menu.ShowAsContext(); e.Use(); } if (e.keyCode == KeyCode.G) { var menu = new UnityEditor.GenericMenu(); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("GetName"), false, D, new G_Name()); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("GetAcive"), false, D, new G_Active()); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("GetPosition"), false, D, new G_Position()); menu.AddSeparator(""); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("GetChildByIndex"), false, D, new G_Child()); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("GetChildCount"), false, D, new G_ChildCount()); menu.AddSeparator(""); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("GetComponentByType"), false, D, new G_Component()); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("GetComponentsByType"), false, D, new G_Components()); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("GetComponentByName"), false, D, new G_ComponentByTypeName()); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("GetComponentsInChildren"), false, D, new G_ComponentsInChildren()); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("GetComponentInChildren"), false, D, new G_ComponentInChildren()); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("GetComponentInParent"), false, D, new G_ComponentInParent()); menu.ShowAsContext(); e.Use(); } } if (e.type == EventType.KeyUp && e.alt) { Type genericType; switch (e.keyCode) { case KeyCode.Alpha1: genericType = typeof(GetVariable <>).MakeGenericType(typeof(float)); break; case KeyCode.Alpha2: genericType = typeof(GetVariable <>).MakeGenericType(typeof(Vector2)); break; case KeyCode.Alpha3: genericType = typeof(GetVariable <>).MakeGenericType(typeof(Vector3)); break; case KeyCode.Alpha4: genericType = typeof(GetVariable <>).MakeGenericType(typeof(Quaternion)); break; case KeyCode.Alpha5: genericType = typeof(GetVariable <>).MakeGenericType(typeof(Color)); break; default: //genericType = typeof(GetVariable<>).MakeGenericType(typeof(float)); return; //break; } var varN = (FlowNode)GraphEditor.currentGraph.AddNode(genericType); varN.position = ViewToCanvas(e.mousePosition - * 0.5f); NodeCanvas.Editor.GraphEditorUtility.activeElement = varN; e.Use(); } } if (e.type == EventType.KeyDown && e.keyCode == KeyCode.F && GUIUtility.keyboardControl == 0) { FocusSelection(); } #endregion //'Tilt' or 'Space' keys, opens up the complete context menu browser if (e.type == EventType.KeyDown && !e.shift && (e.keyCode == KeyCode.BackQuote || e.keyCode == KeyCode.Space)) { GenericMenuBrowser.Show(GetAddNodeMenu(graph, canvasMousePos), e.mousePosition, string.Format("Add {0} Node", graph.GetType().FriendlyName()), graph.baseNodeType); e.Use(); } //Right click canvas context menu. Basicaly for adding new nodes. if (e.type == EventType.ContextClick) { var menu = GetAddNodeMenu(graph, canvasMousePos); if (CopyBuffer.Has <Node[]>() && CopyBuffer.Peek <Node[]>()[0].GetType().IsSubclassOf(graph.baseNodeType)) { menu.AddSeparator("/"); var copiedNodes = CopyBuffer.Get <Node[]>(); if (copiedNodes.Length == 1) { menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(string.Format("Paste Node ({0})", copiedNodes[0].GetType().FriendlyName())), false, () => { TryPasteNodesInGraph(graph, copiedNodes, canvasMousePos); }); } else if (copiedNodes.Length > 1) { menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(string.Format("Paste Nodes ({0})", copiedNodes.Length.ToString())), false, () => { TryPasteNodesInGraph(graph, copiedNodes, canvasMousePos); }); } } if (NCPrefs.useBrowser) { menu.ShowAsBrowser(e.mousePosition, string.Format("Add {0} Node", graph.GetType().FriendlyName()), graph.baseNodeType); } else { menu.ShowAsContext(); } e.Use(); } } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { findHeuristics(firstnode); nodecheck = firstnode; }
public ActionResult Index() { //instantiate classes Random rand = new Random(); CreateTree createTree = new CreateTree(); FindNode node = new FindNode(); FindingCallNumbersModel model = new FindingCallNumbersModel(); FindingCallNumbersViewModel vm = new FindingCallNumbersViewModel(); model.TopLevel = new List <string>(); model.SecondLevel = new List <string>(); model.ThirdLevel = new List <string>(); //set question amount model.QuestionAmt = 4; //call method from Helper class to assign to Tree var tree = createTree.GetTree(); //call method to assign model with values from tree tree.Nodes.ForEach(x => node.GetNode(x, 0, model)); //instantiate view model vm.TopLevelQ = new List <string>(); vm.SecondLevelQ = new List <string>(); vm.ThirdLevelQ = new List <string>(); vm.TimeRunningList = new List <TimeSpan>(); //TOP LEVEL QUESTIONS //get 4 top-level questions List <int> randIndexes = new List <int>(); //get list of random indexes that are unique randIndexes = rg.randomNumberList(0, 10, randIndexes, rand); //call method that returns random list of unique values vm.TopLevelQ = rg.RandomizeList(model.TopLevel, randIndexes); //shuffle list again to ensure randomization vm.TopLevelQ = vm.TopLevelQ.OrderBy(x => rand.Next()).Take(model.QuestionAmt).ToList(); //get answer randomly vm.topLevelAns = vm.TopLevelQ[rand.Next(0, model.QuestionAmt)]; //gets first char to get relevant children string identifier = vm.topLevelAns[0].ToString(); //create random index to be the correct answer int randNum2 = rand.Next(0, model.QuestionAmt); int randNum3 = rand.Next(0, model.QuestionAmt); //SECOND LEVEL QUESTIONS //second level child questions vm.SecondLevelQ = model.SecondLevel.FindAll(x => x.StartsWith(identifier)).Take(model.QuestionAmt).ToList(); //clear random number list randIndexes.Clear(); //generate new random number list randIndexes = rg.randomNumberList(0, model.QuestionAmt, randIndexes, rand); //randomize list vm.SecondLevelQ = rg.RandomizeList(vm.SecondLevelQ, randIndexes); //shuffle list again to ensure randomization vm.SecondLevelQ = vm.SecondLevelQ.OrderBy(x => rand.Next()).Take(model.QuestionAmt).ToList(); //second level child random answer vm.secondLevelAns = vm.SecondLevelQ[randNum2].ToString(); //get first two characters to get children of third level string secondLvlIdentifier = vm.secondLevelAns.Substring(0, 2); //THIRD LEVEL QUESTIONS //third level child questions vm.ThirdLevelQ = model.ThirdLevel.FindAll(x => x.StartsWith(secondLvlIdentifier)).Take(model.QuestionAmt).ToList(); //clear random number list randIndexes.Clear(); //generate new random number list randIndexes = rg.randomNumberList(0, model.QuestionAmt, randIndexes, rand); //randomize list vm.ThirdLevelQ = rg.RandomizeList(vm.ThirdLevelQ, randIndexes); //shuffle questions for randomization vm.ThirdLevelQ = vm.ThirdLevelQ.OrderBy(x => rand.Next()).Take(model.QuestionAmt).ToList(); //third level child random answer vm.thirdLevelAns = vm.ThirdLevelQ[randNum3].ToString(); //now need to get only description part of call number to display as question vm.question = vm.thirdLevelAns.Substring(vm.thirdLevelAns.IndexOf(' ') + 1); //assign the current questions as top level questions vm.questionsList = vm.TopLevelQ; vm.currentLevel = 1; //assign total marks for test from leaderboard //get length of test from leaderboards var leaderboards = db.Leaderboards.Where(p => p.Name.Contains("Finding")).FirstOrDefault(); vm.TotalMarks = leaderboards.TotalMarks; //assign tempdata to be accessed in other methods TempData["FindingCallNumbersModel"] = vm; return(View(vm)); }
public FindNode startnode = null; //starting point #endregion Fields #region Methods public void Add2Close(FindNode node) { closelist.Add(node); }