        public JsonResult AddTenant(FinancialModel model)
            AddTenantToPropertyModel tenant = new AddTenantToPropertyModel();
            var user  = User.Identity.Name;
            var login = AccountService.GetLoginByEmail(user);
            var ten   = AccountService.GetLoginByEmail(model.TenantToPropertyModel.TenantEmail);

            if (ten == null)
                tenant.TenantEmail        = model.TenantToPropertyModel.TenantEmail;
                tenant.StartDate          = model.TenantToPropertyModel.StartDate;
                tenant.EndDate            = model.TenantToPropertyModel.EndDate;
                tenant.PaymentAmount      = model.TenantToPropertyModel.PaymentAmount;
                tenant.PaymentFrequencyId = model.TenantToPropertyModel.PaymentFrequencyId;
                tenant.PropertyId         = model.PropId;

                //var TenantEmailResult = SendInvitationEmailToTenant(tenant);

                return(Json(new { Success = false, NewPropId = model.PropId, Todo = "Send email", ErrorMsg = "Cannot find person in login table!" }));
                var person = AccountService.GetPersonByLoginId(ten.Id);
                var result = PropertyService.AddTenantToProperty(login, person.Id, model.PropId, model.TenantToPropertyModel.StartDate,
                                                                 model.TenantToPropertyModel.EndDate, model.TenantToPropertyModel.PaymentFrequencyId, model.TenantToPropertyModel.PaymentAmount);
                if (result.IsSuccess)
                    return(Json(new { Sucess = true, Msg = "Added!", result = "Redirect", url = Url.Action("Index", "PropertyOwners") }));
                    return(Json(new { Sucess = false, Msg = result.ErrorMessage, redirect = "Redirect", url = Url.Action("Index", "PropertyOwners") }));
        public ActionResult GetPropertyFinanceDetails(int propId)
            var prop           = db.Property.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == propId);
            var propFinance    = db.PropertyFinance.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PropertyId == propId);
            var propRepayments = PropertyService.GetRepayments(propId);
            var propExpense    = PropertyService.GetExpenses(propId);
            var homeValues     = PropertyService.GetHomeValues(propId);
            var rentalPayments = PropertyService.GetRentalPayment(propId);
            var financeReport  = DataService.ExecuteStoredProcedure <PropertyFinanceResultModel>("sp_FinanceReport", new GetFinanceReportModel {
                PropertyId = propId
            var model = new FinancialModel
                PropId            = propId,
                YearBuilt         = prop.YearBuilt ?? 1900,
                PurchasePrice     = propFinance?.PurchasePrice ?? 0,
                Mortgage          = propFinance?.Mortgage ?? 0,
                CurrentHomeValue  = propFinance?.CurrentHomeValue ?? 0,
                HomeValueType     = prop.PropertyHomeValue.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PropertyId == propId)?.PropertyHomeValueType?.Id ?? 0,
                PropertyValueType = prop.PropertyHomeValue.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PropertyId == propId)?.PropertyHomeValueType?.HomeValueType,
                HomeValues        = homeValues,
                Repayments        = propRepayments.ToList(),
                Expenses          = propExpense.ToList(),
                RentalPayments    = rentalPayments,
                FinanceReport     = financeReport.First()

            return(Json(model, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        public FinancialModel GetFinancialStatus()
            var accounts = GetAccountStatus().account.Where(x => x.status == "open");

            if (accounts == null)
            int totalSalaryFor6Months = 0;
            int claims       = 0;
            var currentYear  = DateTime.Now.Year;
            var currentMonth = DateTime.Now.Month;
            var lastMonth    = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1).Month;

            if (DateTime.Now.Day > 15)
                lastMonth = DateTime.Now.Month;
            foreach (var acc in accounts)
                var salary        = GetAccountTransaction(acc.accountID, "1", "1500", DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-6));
                int currentSalary = 0;
                if (salary.transaction != null)
                    var temp = salary.transaction.Where(x => x.category == "Laun");
                    foreach (var tempsal in temp)
                        currentSalary += Convert.ToInt32(tempsal.amount);
                totalSalaryFor6Months += Convert.ToInt32(currentSalary * -1);
                claims += Convert.ToInt32(GetTotalClaims(new DateTime(currentYear, currentMonth, 1), new DateTime(currentMonth, lastMonth, 15), acc.accountID));

            var model = new FinancialModel();

            totalSalaryFor6Months = (totalSalaryFor6Months / 6) * 5000;
            model.TotalAmount     = totalSalaryFor6Months;

            model.AmountAfterBills = totalSalaryFor6Months - 80000;
            if (model.AmountAfterBills < 100000)
                model.AllegedFoodCost = 30000;
            if (model.AmountAfterBills > 100000 && model.AmountAfterBills < 200000)
                model.AllegedFoodCost = 50000;
            if (model.AmountAfterBills > 200000 && model.AmountAfterBills < 400000)
                model.AllegedFoodCost = 80000;
            if (model.AmountAfterBills > 400000)
                model.AllegedFoodCost = 80000;
 public IActionResult Create(FinancialModel fmodel)
         return(View("Index", fmodel));
        public ActionResult Index()
            PersonalizedCardProvider provider = new PersonalizedCardProvider();
            FinancialModel           finmod   = arionHelper.GetFinancialStatus();
            SuperModel model = new SuperModel();

            model.Finance   = finmod;
            model.FoodCards = provider.GetMealPlan("low");

        public static PropertyFinance AddPropertyFinance(Login user, FinancialModel model, int PropertyId, decimal TotalRepayment)
            using (var db = new KeysEntities())
                    //var oldFinancial = db.PropertyFinance.Where(x => x.PropertyId == PropertyId).First();
                    var newFinancial  = new PropertyFinance();
                    var newHomeValues = new PropertyHomeValue();
                    var totalExpense  = db.PropertyExpense.Where(t => t.PropertyId == PropertyId).Select(t => t.Amount).DefaultIfEmpty().Sum();

                    newFinancial.CurrentHomeValue = model.CurrentHomeValue;
                    newFinancial.PurchasePrice    = model.PurchasePrice;
                    newFinancial.Mortgage         = model.Mortgage;
                    newFinancial.PropertyId       = PropertyId;
                    newFinancial.PurchasePrice    = model.PurchasePrice;
                    newFinancial.TotalRepayment   = TotalRepayment;
                    newFinancial.TotalExpense     = totalExpense;


                    // Add the homeValue to db.PropertyHomeValue with the property id into propertyHomeValue
                    newHomeValues.PropertyId      = PropertyId;
                    newHomeValues.Value           = model.CurrentHomeValue ?? 0;
                    newHomeValues.Date            = DateTime.Today;
                    newHomeValues.HomeValueTypeId = model.HomeValueType;
                    newHomeValues.CreatedBy       = user.UserName;
                    newHomeValues.CreatedOn       = DateTime.Today;
                catch (Exception ex)
 public FinancialApiController(FinancialModel financial)
     this._financial = financial;
        public ActionResult Index(int period1 = 1, int period2 = 12)
            DataSet        invoiceTable            = new DataSet();
            DataSet        customerTable           = new DataSet();
            DataSet        FinancialTable          = new DataSet();
            DataSet        companyTable            = new DataSet();
            FinancialModel FinancialDashboardModel = new FinancialModel();

            string connectionString = FirstREST.SqlConnection.GetConnectionString();

            using (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection connection = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connectionString))
                using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("Select * From dbo.Company", connection))
                    using (SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(command))
                        adapter.Fill(companyTable, "company");
                        SaftFileDateModel temp = new SaftFileDateModel();
                        temp.startDate = companyTable.Tables["company"].Rows[0].Field <DateTime>("StartDate");
                        temp.endDate   = companyTable.Tables["company"].Rows[0].Field <DateTime>("EndDate");
                        FinancialDashboardModel.SaftInfo = temp;

            string monthQuery = "";

            if (period1 == period2)
                monthQuery = " Month=" + period1;
            else if (period1 < period2)
                monthQuery = " (Month >=" + period1 + "AND Month <=" + period2 + ")";
            else if (period1 > period2 && period2 < FinancialDashboardModel.SaftInfo.startDate.Month)
                monthQuery = " (Month >=" + period1 + "AND Month <=12) OR (Month >=1 AND Month <=" + period2 + ")";
                monthQuery = " Month LIKE '%%'";

            using (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection connection = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connectionString))
                using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("Select Year, Month, AccountID, accountDescription, Amount, IsCredit From dbo.MonthlyAccountSums INNER JOIN dbo.Account on MonthlyAccountSums.AccountID=Account.id WHERE " + monthQuery, connection))
                    using (SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(command))
                        adapter.Fill(invoiceTable, "Account");

                        foreach (DataRow row in invoiceTable.Tables["Account"].Rows)
                            AccountModel tempAccount = new AccountModel();
                            tempAccount.accountId          = row.Field <Int64>("AccountId");
                            tempAccount.accountDescription = row.Field <string>("accountDescription");
                            tempAccount.amount             = row.Field <Int64>("Amount");

                using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("Select * from dbo.Journal", connection))
                    using (SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(command))
                        adapter.Fill(customerTable, "Journal");

                        foreach (DataRow row in customerTable.Tables["Journal"].Rows)
                            JournalModel tempJournal = new JournalModel();
                            tempJournal.journalID          = row.Field <string>("JournalID");
                            tempJournal.journalDescription = row.Field <string>("Description");
                            tempJournal.journalTotalCredit = row.Field <double>("TotalCredit");
                            tempJournal.journalTotalDebit  = row.Field <double>("TotalDebit");

                ProfitsAndLossesModel tempModel = new ProfitsAndLossesModel();
                using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM dbo.MonthlyAccountSums WHERE AccountId LIKE '71%' AND" + monthQuery, connection))
                    using (SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(command))
                        adapter.Fill(FinancialTable, "sales");

                        tempModel.sales = 0;
                        foreach (DataRow row in FinancialTable.Tables["sales"].Rows)
                            tempModel.sales += row.Field <Int64>("Amount");

                using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM dbo.MonthlyAccountSums WHERE AccountId LIKE '72%' AND" + monthQuery, connection))
                    using (SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(command))
                        adapter.Fill(FinancialTable, "services");

                        tempModel.services = 0;
                        foreach (DataRow row in FinancialTable.Tables["services"].Rows)
                            tempModel.services += row.Field <Int64>("Amount");

                using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM dbo.MonthlyAccountSums WHERE AccountId LIKE '61%' AND" + monthQuery, connection))
                    using (SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(command))
                        adapter.Fill(FinancialTable, "salesExpenses");

                        tempModel.salesExpenses = 0;
                        foreach (DataRow row in FinancialTable.Tables["salesExpenses"].Rows)
                            tempModel.salesExpenses += row.Field <Int64>("Amount");

                using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM dbo.MonthlyAccountSums WHERE AccountId LIKE '62%' AND" + monthQuery, connection))
                    using (SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(command))
                        adapter.Fill(FinancialTable, "administrativeExpenses");

                        tempModel.administrativeExpenses = 0;
                        foreach (DataRow row in FinancialTable.Tables["administrativeExpenses"].Rows)
                            tempModel.administrativeExpenses += row.Field <Int64>("Amount");

                using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM dbo.MonthlyAccountSums WHERE AccountId LIKE '63%' OR AccountId LIKE '64%' OR AccountId LIKE '65%' OR AccountId LIKE '66%' OR AccountId LIKE '67%' or AccountId LIKE '68%' or AccountId LIKE '69%'  AND" + monthQuery, connection))
                    using (SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(command))
                        adapter.Fill(FinancialTable, "otherExpenses");

                        tempModel.otherExpenses = 0;
                        foreach (DataRow row in FinancialTable.Tables["otherExpenses"].Rows)
                            tempModel.otherExpenses += row.Field <Int64>("Amount");

                using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM dbo.MonthlyAccountSums WHERE AccountId LIKE '73%' OR AccountId LIKE '74%' OR AccountId LIKE '75%' OR AccountId LIKE '76%' OR AccountId LIKE '77%' or AccountId LIKE '78%' or AccountId LIKE '79%' AND" + monthQuery, connection))
                    using (SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(command))
                        adapter.Fill(FinancialTable, "otherIncomes");

                        tempModel.otherIncomes = 0;
                        foreach (DataRow row in FinancialTable.Tables["otherIncomes"].Rows)
                            tempModel.otherIncomes += row.Field <Int64>("Amount");

                tempModel.totalSalesAndRevenue = tempModel.sales + tempModel.services + tempModel.otherIncomes;
                tempModel.totalOperatingCosts  = tempModel.salesExpenses + tempModel.administrativeExpenses + tempModel.otherExpenses;
                tempModel.netIncome            = tempModel.totalSalesAndRevenue - tempModel.totalOperatingCosts;

                Int64 revenue = 0;
                Int64 operatingExpensesWithoutAmortizations = 0;
                Int64 amortizationAndDepreciation           = 0;
                Int64 currentLiabilities = 0;
                Int64 inventories        = 0;
                Int64 accountsReceivable = 0;
                Int64 liquidAssets       = 0;

                using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM dbo.MonthlyAccountSums WHERE AccountId LIKE '22%' OR AccountId LIKE '23%' OR AccountId LIKE '24%' OR AccountId LIKE '25%' OR AccountId LIKE '26%' OR AccountId LIKE '27%' OR AccountId LIKE '28%' OR AccountId LIKE '29%' OR AccountId LIKE '6%' AND" + monthQuery, connection))
                    using (SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(command))
                        adapter.Fill(FinancialTable, "currentLiabilities");

                        foreach (DataRow row in FinancialTable.Tables["currentLiabilities"].Rows)
                            currentLiabilities += row.Field <Int64>("Amount");
                using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM dbo.MonthlyAccountSums WHERE AccountId LIKE '3%' AND" + monthQuery, connection))
                    using (SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(command))
                        adapter.Fill(FinancialTable, "inventories");

                        foreach (DataRow row in FinancialTable.Tables["inventories"].Rows)
                            inventories += row.Field <Int64>("Amount");
                using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM dbo.MonthlyAccountSums WHERE AccountId LIKE '21%' AND" + monthQuery, connection))
                    using (SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(command))
                        adapter.Fill(FinancialTable, "accountsReceivable");

                        foreach (DataRow row in FinancialTable.Tables["accountsReceivable"].Rows)
                            accountsReceivable += row.Field <Int64>("Amount");
                using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM dbo.MonthlyAccountSums WHERE AccountId LIKE '1%' AND" + monthQuery, connection))
                    using (SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(command))
                        adapter.Fill(FinancialTable, "liquidAssets");

                        foreach (DataRow row in FinancialTable.Tables["liquidAssets"].Rows)
                            liquidAssets += row.Field <Int64>("Amount");
                using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM dbo.MonthlyAccountSums WHERE AccountId LIKE '7%' AND" + monthQuery, connection))
                    using (SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(command))
                        adapter.Fill(FinancialTable, "revenue");

                        foreach (DataRow row in FinancialTable.Tables["revenue"].Rows)
                            revenue += row.Field <Int64>("Amount");
                using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM dbo.MonthlyAccountSums WHERE AccountId LIKE '61%' OR AccountId LIKE '62%' OR AccountId LIKE '63%' AND" + monthQuery, connection))
                    using (SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(command))
                        adapter.Fill(FinancialTable, "operatingExpensesWithoutAmortizations");

                        foreach (DataRow row in FinancialTable.Tables["operatingExpensesWithoutAmortizations"].Rows)
                            operatingExpensesWithoutAmortizations += row.Field <Int64>("Amount");
                using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM dbo.MonthlyAccountSums WHERE AccountId LIKE '64%' OR AccountId LIKE '65%' OR AccountId LIKE '66%' OR AccountId LIKE '67%' AND" + monthQuery, connection))
                    using (SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(command))
                        adapter.Fill(FinancialTable, "amortizationAndDepreciation");

                        foreach (DataRow row in FinancialTable.Tables["amortizationAndDepreciation"].Rows)
                            amortizationAndDepreciation += row.Field <Int64>("Amount");

                FinancialDashboardModel.CompanyIndicators.EBIT         = revenue - operatingExpensesWithoutAmortizations + amortizationAndDepreciation;
                FinancialDashboardModel.CompanyIndicators.EBITDA       = revenue - operatingExpensesWithoutAmortizations;
                FinancialDashboardModel.CompanyIndicators.quickRatio   = (liquidAssets + accountsReceivable + inventories + revenue) / (accountsReceivable);
                FinancialDashboardModel.CompanyIndicators.currentRatio = (liquidAssets + accountsReceivable + revenue) / (accountsReceivable);

 public void Update(FinancialModel model)
 // GET: FinancialController/Edit/
 public ActionResult Edit(FinancialModel fmodel)
        public IActionResult Create()
            FinancialModel fmodel = new FinancialModel();

        public JsonResult UpdateFinance(FinancialModel model)
            var     status = true;
            decimal actualTotalRepayment = 0;
            var     message = "Record added successfully";
            var     data    = model;
            // AddTenantToPropertyModel tenant = new AddTenantToPropertyModel();
            //*********** AddNewProperty
            var user  = User.Identity.Name;
            var login = AccountService.GetLoginByEmail(user);
            //var newProp = PropertyOwnerService.AddOnboardProperty(login, model);

            ////*********** AddRepayments

            var newRepayment = new PropertyRepayment();

            newRepayment = PropertyOwnerService.AddOnboardRepayment(login, model.Repayments, model.PropId);
            decimal _totalRepayment = 0;

            int _nosWeeks      = 0;
            int _nosFortnights = 0;
            int _nosMonthly    = 0;

            if (newRepayment != null)
                foreach (Service.Models.RepaymentViewModel repayment in model.Repayments)
                    switch (repayment.FrequencyType)
                    case 1:     // Weekly
                                // find the nos of weeks in datediff(StartDate, EndDate)
                        _nosWeeks = ((newRepayment.EndDate - newRepayment.StartDate) ?? TimeSpan.Zero).Days / 7;
                        // _totalAmount = nos weeks * amount
                        _totalRepayment = _nosWeeks * newRepayment.Amount;

                    case 2:       // Fortnightly
                                  // find the nos of Fortnights in datediff(StartDate, EndDate)
                        _nosFortnights = ((newRepayment.EndDate - newRepayment.StartDate) ?? TimeSpan.Zero).Days / 14;
                        // _totalAmount = nos weeks * amount
                        _totalRepayment = _nosFortnights * newRepayment.Amount;

                    case 3:     //Monthly
                                // find the nos of Monthls in datediff(StartDate, EndDate)
                        _nosMonthly     = ((newRepayment.EndDate - newRepayment.StartDate) ?? TimeSpan.Zero).Days / 30;
                        _totalRepayment = _nosMonthly * newRepayment.Amount;
                        // _totalAmount = nos Monthls * amount

                    actualTotalRepayment += _totalRepayment;

                var newExpense = new PropertyExpense();
                newExpense = PropertyOwnerService.AddOnboardExpense(login, model.Expenses, model.PropId);
                var newFinancial = new PropertyFinance();
                newFinancial = PropertyOwnerService.AddPropertyFinance(login, model, model.PropId, actualTotalRepayment);

                var newRentalPayment = new PropertyRentalPayment();
                //      newRentalPayment = PropertyOwnerService.AddOnboardRentalPayment(login, model.RentalPayments, model.PropId);

            return(Json(new { success = status, message = message }));
 public IActionResult Put(string uid, [FromBody] FinancialModel model)
     model.Uid = uid;