protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!Page.IsPostBack)

        if (Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(ScriptManager)).FullName.IndexOf("3.5") != -1)
            this.GridBudgetAccounts.MasterTableView.FilterExpression = @"it[""ParentFinancialAccountId""] = 0";
            this.GridBudgetAccounts.MasterTableView.FilterExpression = "ParentFinancialAccountId=0";

        FinancialAccounts testAccounts = FinancialAccounts.FromBankTransactionTag("BG 472-5107");

        if (testAccounts.Count != 1)
            this.LabelTest.Text = testAccounts.Count.ToString() + " accounts returned";

        this.LabelTest.Text = testAccounts[0].Name + " (" + testAccounts[0].AssignedGeography.Name + ")";
    protected void ProcessImportedData(ImportResult import)
        FinancialAccount assetAccount       = FinancialAccount.FromIdentity(Int32.Parse(this.DropAssetAccount.SelectedValue));
        FinancialAccount autoDepositAccount =
        FinancialAccount autoWithdrawalAccount =
        int          autoDepositLimit    = Int32.Parse(this.TextDepositLimit.Text);
        int          autoWithdrawalLimit = Int32.Parse(this.TextWithdrawalLimit.Text);
        int          organizationId      = Int32.Parse(this.DropOrganizations.SelectedValue);
        Organization organization        = Organization.FromIdentity(organizationId);

        int importedTransactionCount = 0;

        foreach (ImportedRow row in import.Rows)
            // Each row is at least a stub, probably more.

            // If too old, ignore.

            if (row.DateTime < new DateTime(2008, 12, 4))

            string importKey = row.SuppliedTransactionId;

            // If importKey is empty, construct a hash from the data fields.

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(importKey))
                string hashKey = row.HashBase + row.Comment + (row.AmountCentsNet / 100.0).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + row.CurrentBalance.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) +

                importKey = SHA1.Hash(hashKey).Replace(" ", "");

            if (importKey.Length > 30)
                importKey = importKey.Substring(0, 30);

            Int64 amountCents = row.AmountCentsNet;

            if (amountCents == 0)
                amountCents = row.AmountCentsGross;

            FinancialTransaction transaction = FinancialTransaction.ImportWithStub(organizationId, row.DateTime,
                                                                                   assetAccount.Identity, amountCents,
                                                                                   row.Comment, importKey,

            if (transaction != null)
                // The transaction was created. Examine if the autobook criteria are true.


                FinancialAccounts accounts = FinancialAccounts.FromBankTransactionTag(row.Comment);

                if (accounts.Count == 1)
                    // This is a labelled local donation.

                    Geography        geography    = accounts[0].AssignedGeography;
                    FinancialAccount localAccount = accounts[0];

                    transaction.AddRow(organization.FinancialAccounts.IncomeDonations, -amountCents, _currentUser);
                                       amountCents, _currentUser);
                    transaction.AddRow(localAccount, -amountCents, _currentUser);

                    Activizr.Logic.Support.PWEvents.CreateEvent(EventSource.PirateWeb, EventType.LocalDonationReceived,
                                                                _currentUser.Identity, organizationId,
                                                                geography.Identity, 0,
                                                                transaction.Identity, localAccount.Identity.ToString());
                else if (row.Comment.ToLowerInvariant().StartsWith("bg 451-0061 "))   // TODO: Organization.Parameters.FinancialTrackedTransactionPrefix
                    // Check for previously imported payment group

                    PaymentGroup group = PaymentGroup.FromTag(organization,
                                                              "SEBGM" + DateTime.Today.Year.ToString() +   // TODO: Get tagging from org

                    if (group != null)
                        // There was a previously imported and not yet closed payment group matching this transaction
                        // Close the payment group and match the transaction against accounts receivable

                        transaction.Dependency = group;
                        group.Open             = false;
                        transaction.AddRow(organization.FinancialAccounts.AssetsOutboundInvoices, -amountCents, _currentUser);
                else if (amountCents < 0)
                    if ((-amountCents) < autoWithdrawalLimit * 100)
                        // Book against autoWithdrawal account.
                        transaction.AddRow(autoWithdrawalAccount, -amountCents, _currentUser);
                else if (amountCents > 0)
                    if (row.Fee < 0)
                        // This is always an autodeposit, if there is a fee (which is never > 0.0)

                        transaction.AddRow(organization.FinancialAccounts.CostsBankFees, -row.Fee, _currentUser);
                        transaction.AddRow(autoDepositAccount, -row.AmountCentsGross, _currentUser);
                    else if (amountCents < autoDepositLimit * 100)
                        // Book against autoDeposit account.

                        transaction.AddRow(autoDepositAccount, -amountCents, _currentUser);

        // Import complete. Examine if we expect more transactions -- if the imported balance differs from
        // the database balance:

        double databaseAccountBalance = assetAccount.BalanceTotal;

        bool mismatch = false;

        if (databaseAccountBalance != import.CurrentBalance)
            mismatch = true;

        string message = importedTransactionCount.ToString() + " transactions were imported.";

        if (importedTransactionCount == 0)
            message = "No transactions were imported. ";
        else if (importedTransactionCount == 1)
            message = "One transaction was imported. ";

        if (import.CurrentBalance > 0)
            if (mismatch)
                message += " Transactions are missing from the database. Import more transactions.";
                message += " The account balance is up to date. No further import is necessary.";

                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, Page.GetType(), "alldone",
                                                    "alert ('The account balance is up to date. No further import is necessary.');",

                // Auto-match open payouts against new transactions


        this.LabelImportResultText.Text = message;