 private static void Validate <TEntity>(FilterQuery filterQuery)
     if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filterQuery.OrderBy))
         ValidateOrderBy <TEntity>(filterQuery.OrderBy);
        public Task Filter()
            if (!FilterQuery.IsNullOrEmpty())
                    if (FilterQuery != _lastFilterQuery)
                        if (_lastFilterQuery.IsNullOrEmpty())
                            _cachedEvents = Events;
                        _lastFilterQuery = FilterQuery;
                        char[] toTrim = { ' ', '"', '\'' };
                        var    query  = FilterQuery.Trim(toTrim);
                        Events = _dbs.GetEvents(query).ToObservableCollection();
                catch (Newtonsoft.Json.JsonException)
                    throw new FormatException("Incorrect oauth token file format. Restore or delete it and try again");
                catch (DataException)
                    throw new DataException("Failed to modify database. Verify the connection and try again");
            else if (_cachedEvents != null)
                Events = _cachedEvents;

        private IQueryable <Project> GetFilteredProjects(FilterQuery query)
            var projectsDtos = _unitOfWork.Repository <Project>()

        public static FilterQuery MeshResult(MeshResultSmoothingType smoothing,
                                             MeshResultLayer layer,
                                             double layerPosition,
                                             MeshResultType resultType,
                                             Cartesian coordinateSystem     = null,
                                             IEnumerable <object> cases     = null,
                                             IEnumerable <object> objectIds = null)
            FilterQuery query = new FilterQuery();

            query.Type = typeof(MeshResults);

            query.Equalities["Smoothing"]        = smoothing;
            query.Equalities["Layer"]            = layer;
            query.Equalities["LayerPosition"]    = layerPosition;
            query.Equalities["ResultType"]       = resultType;
            query.Equalities["CoordinateSystem"] = coordinateSystem;
            if (cases != null)
                query.Equalities["Cases"] = cases.ToList();
            if (objectIds != null)
                query.Equalities["ObjectIds"] = objectIds.ToList();

        public static QueryWrapper <T> Filter <T, TField>(this QueryWrapper <T> wrapper,
                                                          FilterQuery <TField> query,
                                                          Expression <Func <T, object> > path) where T : class
        => wrapper.QueryInternal(
            descriptor =>
            var container = null as QueryContainer;

            foreach (var value in query.Values)
                var c = descriptor.Term(t => t.Field(path).Value(value));

                if (container == null)
                    container = c;
                    switch (query.Mode)
                        container &= c;

                    case QueryMatchMode.Any:
                        container |= c;

        /// <summary>
        /// It will rotate between all the available filters of project and return the next one.
        /// If the limit is reached it will started from the beginning
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <FilterQuery> GetFilterProject(bool switchFilter = false)
            FilterQuery filter = null;

            if (ProjectFilters != null)
                if (switchFilter)
                    if (currentProjectFilter >= this.ProjectFilters.Length)
                        currentProjectFilter = 0;

                filter = ProjectFilters[currentProjectFilter];

                if (filter != null && filter.Result == null &&
                    await this.LoadReferenceData <msdyn_project>(filter.QueryExpression))
                    filter.Result = this.GetReferenceKeys <msdyn_project>();
 public RequestFilter(string fieldName, string value)
     Filtering = new FilterQuery[]
         new FilterQuery(fieldName, FilterClauseEnum.And, FilterConditionEnum.Eq, value)
        private string ComposeSingleFilter(FilterQuery query)
            var result = "&filter";

            result += QueryConstants.OPEN_BRACKET + query.Attribute + QueryConstants.CLOSE_BRACKET + query.Operation + query.Value;
        private FilterQueryContext GetQueryContexts(FilterQuery query, string parameterName)
            var queryContext = new FilterQueryContext(query);
            var customQuery  = _requestResourceDefinition?.GetCustomQueryFilter(query.Target);

            if (customQuery != null)
                queryContext.IsCustom    = true;
                queryContext.CustomQuery = customQuery;

            queryContext.Relationship = GetRelationship(parameterName, query.Relationship);
            var attribute = GetAttribute(parameterName, query.Attribute, queryContext.Relationship);

            if (queryContext.Relationship is HasManyAttribute)
                throw new InvalidQueryStringParameterException(parameterName,
                                                               "Filtering on one-to-many and many-to-many relationships is currently not supported.",
                                                               $"Filtering on the relationship '{queryContext.Relationship.PublicRelationshipName}.{attribute.PublicAttributeName}' is currently not supported.");

            if (!attribute.Capabilities.HasFlag(AttrCapabilities.AllowFilter))
                throw new InvalidQueryStringParameterException(parameterName, "Filtering on the requested attribute is not allowed.",
                                                               $"Filtering on attribute '{attribute.PublicAttributeName}' is not allowed.");

            queryContext.Attribute = attribute;

        //private static void TestPushElements(ETABSAdapter app)
        //    Console.WriteLine("Testing Push Bars ...");

        //    Point p1 = new Point { X = 0, Y = 0, Z = 0 };
        //    Point p2 = new Point { X = 1, Y = 0, Z = 0 };
        //    Point p3 = new Point { X = 1, Y = 1, Z = 0 };
        //    Point p4 = new Point { X = 0, Y = 1, Z = 0 };
        //    Point p5 = new Point { X = 0, Y = 0, Z = 1 };
        //    Point p6 = new Point { X = 1, Y = 0, Z = 1 };
        //    Point p7 = new Point { X = 1, Y = 1, Z = 1 };
        //    Point p8 = new Point { X = 0, Y = 1, Z = 1 };

        //    Point p5b = new Point { X = 0, Y = 0, Z = 2 };
        //    Point p6b = new Point { X = 1, Y = 0, Z = 2 };
        //    Point p7b = new Point { X = 1, Y = 1, Z = 2 };
        //    Point p8b = new Point { X = 0, Y = 1, Z = 2 };

        //    Constraint6DOF pin = BH.Engine.Structure.Create.PinConstraint6DOF();
        //    Constraint6DOF fix = BH.Engine.Structure.Create.FixConstraint6DOF();
        //    Constraint6DOF full = BH.Engine.Structure.Create.FullReleaseConstraint6DOF();

        //    List<Node> nodesA = new List<Node>();

        //    Node n1a = BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Node(p5 , "1");
        //    Node n2a = BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Node( p6 , "2" );
        //    Node n3a = BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Node( p7 , "3" );
        //    Node n4a = BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Node( p8 , "4" );

        //    n1a.Constraint = pin;
        //    n2a.Constraint = pin;
        //    n3a.Constraint = fix;
        //    n4a.Constraint = fix;

        //    nodesA.Add(n1a);
        //    nodesA.Add(n2a);
        //    nodesA.Add(n3a);
        //    nodesA.Add(n4a);

        //    List<Node> nodesB = new List<Node>();

        //    Node n1b = BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Node( p5b, "1" );
        //    Node n2b = BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Node( p6b,  "2" );
        //    Node n3b = BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Node( p7b,  "3" );
        //    Node n4b = BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Node( p8b,  "4" );

        //    n1b.Constraint = pin;
        //    n2b.Constraint = pin;
        //    n3b.Constraint = full;
        //    n4b.Constraint = fix;

        //    nodesB.Add(n1b);
        //    nodesB.Add(n2b);
        //    nodesB.Add(n3b);
        //    nodesB.Add(n4b);

        //    Bar bar1 = BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Bar(BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Node( p1), BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Node( p2));
        //    Bar bar2 = BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Bar(BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Node( p2), BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Node( p3));
        //    Bar bar3 = BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Bar(BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Node( p3), BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Node( p4));
        //    Bar bar4 = BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Bar(BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Node( p4), BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Node( p1));

        //    Bar bar5 = BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Bar(BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Node( p5), BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Node( p6));
        //    Bar bar6 = BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Bar(BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Node( p6), BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Node( p7));
        //    Bar bar7 = BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Bar(BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Node( p7), BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Node( p8));
        //    Bar bar8 = BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Bar(BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Node( p8), BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Node( p5));

        //    Bar bar9 = BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Bar(BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Node( p1), BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Node( p5));
        //    Bar bar10 = BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Bar(BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Node( p2), BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Node( p6));
        //    Bar bar11 = BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Bar(BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Node( p3), BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Node( p7));
        //    Bar bar12 = BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Bar(BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Node( p4), BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Node( p8));

        //    Bar bar5b = BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Bar(BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Node( p5b), BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Node( p6b));
        //    Bar bar6b = BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Bar(BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Node( p6b), BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Node( p7b));
        //    Bar bar7b = BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Bar(BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Node( p7b), BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Node( p8b));
        //    Bar bar8b = BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Bar(BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Node( p8b), BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Node( p5b));

        //    Bar bar9b = BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Bar(BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Node( p1), BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Node( p5b));
        //    Bar bar10b = BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Bar(BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Node( p2), BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Node( p6b));
        //    Bar bar11b = BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Bar(BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Node( p3), BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Node( p7b));
        //    Bar bar12b = BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Bar(BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Node( p4), BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Node( p8b));

        //    List<Bar> bars1 = new List<Bar>();
        //    List<Bar> bars2a = new List<Bar>();
        //    List<Bar> bars2b = new List<Bar>();

        //    bars1.Add(bar1);
        //    bars1.Add(bar2);
        //    bars1.Add(bar3);
        //    bars1.Add(bar4);

        //    bars2a.Add(bar5);
        //    bars2a.Add(bar6);
        //    bars2a.Add(bar7);
        //    bars2a.Add(bar8);
        //    bars2a.Add(bar9);
        //    bars2a.Add(bar10);
        //    bars2a.Add(bar11);
        //    bars2a.Add(bar12);

        //    bars2b.Add(bar5b);
        //    bars2b.Add(bar6b);
        //    bars2b.Add(bar7b);
        //    bars2b.Add(bar8b);
        //    bars2b.Add(bar9b);
        //    bars2b.Add(bar10b);
        //    bars2b.Add(bar11b);
        //    bars2b.Add(bar12b);

        //    //Material steel = BH.Engine.Common.Create.Material("Steel", MaterialType.Steel, 210000, 0.3, 0.00012, 78500);

        //    ISectionProperty sec1 = BH.Engine.Structure.Create.SteelISection(110, 10, 80, 20);
        //    //sec1.Material = steel;// BH.Engine.Common.Create.Material("Steel", MaterialType.Steel, 210000, 0.3, 0.00012, 78500); //BH.Engine.Common.Create.Material("blue steel");//<-- this creates material of type aluminium
        //    sec1.Name = "Section 1";

        //    ISectionProperty sec2a = BH.Engine.Structure.Create.ConcreteRectangleSection(200, 120);
        //    //sec2a.Material = BH.Engine.Common.Create.Material("myConcrete", MaterialType.Concrete, 10, 10, 10, 10);
        //    sec2a.Name = "Section 2a";

        //    ISectionProperty sec2b = new ExplicitSection();
        //    //sec2b.Material = BH.Engine.Common.Create.Material("otherSteel", MaterialType.Steel, 210000, 0.3, 0.00012, 78500);
        //    sec2b.Name = "Section 2b";

        //    foreach (Bar b in bars1)
        //        b.SectionProperty = sec1;

        //    foreach (Bar b in bars2a)
        //        b.SectionProperty = sec2a;

        //    foreach (Bar b in bars2b)
        //        b.SectionProperty = sec2b;

        //    List<Panel> panels = new List<Panel>();
        //    Polyline outline = new Polyline();
        //    outline.ControlPoints = new List<Point>() { p1, p2, p3, p4, p1 };
        //    // Material steel = sec1.Material;// BH.Engine.Common.Create.Material("panelSteel");
        //    ISurfaceProperty panelProp = BH.Engine.Structure.Create.ConstantThickness(100, steel);
        //    panelProp.Name = "panelProperty";
        //    List<ICurve> nothing = null;
        //    Panel panelA = BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Panel(outline, nothing);
        //    panelA.Property = panelProp;
        //    panels.Add(panelA);

        //    outline.ControlPoints = new List<Point>() { p5, p6, p7, p8, p5 };
        //    Point op5 = new Point { X = 0.2, Y = 0.2, Z = 1 };
        //    Point op6 = new Point { X = 0.8, Y = 0.2, Z = 1 };
        //    Point op7 = new Point { X = 0.8, Y = 0.8, Z = 1 };
        //    Point op8 = new Point { X = 0.2, Y = 0.8, Z = 1 };
        //    Polyline hole = new Polyline() { ControlPoints = new List<Point>() { op5, op6, op7, op8 } };
        //    Opening opening = new Opening() { Edges = new List<Edge>() { new Edge() { Curve = hole } } };
        //    Panel panelB = BH.Engine.Structure.Create.Panel(outline, new List<Opening>() { opening });
        //    panelB.Property = panelProp;
        //    panels.Add(panelB);

        //    app.Push(nodesA, "Nodes");
        //    app.Push(nodesB, "Nodes");
        //    app.Push(bars1, "Bars1");
        //    app.Push(bars2a, "Bars2");
        //    app.Push(bars2b, "Bars2");

        //    app.Push(panels, "panels");

        //    Console.WriteLine("All elements Pushed !");
        //    Console.ReadLine();

        private static void TestPullBars(ETABSAdapter app)
            Console.WriteLine("Test Pull Bars");
            FilterQuery nodeQuery = new FilterQuery {
                Type = typeof(Node)
            FilterQuery barQuery = new FilterQuery {
                Type = typeof(Bar)

            IEnumerable <object> barObjects = app.Pull(barQuery);

            int count = 0;

            foreach (object bObject in barObjects)
                Bar    bar         = bObject as Bar;
                string barId       = bar.CustomData[ETABSAdapter.ID].ToString();
                string startNodeId = bar.StartNode.CustomData[ETABSAdapter.ID].ToString();
                string endNodeId   = bar.EndNode.CustomData[ETABSAdapter.ID].ToString();
                string startPoint  = bar.StartNode.Position().X.ToString() + "," + bar.StartNode.Position().Y.ToString() + "," + bar.StartNode.Position().Z.ToString();
                string endPoint    = bar.EndNode.Position().X.ToString() + "," + bar.EndNode.Position().Y.ToString() + "," + bar.EndNode.Position().Z.ToString();
                string section     = bar.SectionProperty.Name;
                string material    = bar.SectionProperty.Material.Name;

                string barInfo = "Bar with ID: " + barId + " -Connecting Nodes " + startNodeId + " at " + startPoint + " and " + endNodeId + " at " + endPoint + " Section: " + section + " Material: " + material + "/n";
                string barTags = string.Join("_/_", bar.Tags.ToArray());
                Console.WriteLine(barInfo + barTags);

            Console.WriteLine("Pulled all bars");
            Console.WriteLine("... press enter to exit");
 protected IQueryable <TEntity> ApplyFindCriteria <TEntity>(
     IQueryable <TEntity> query,
     FilterQuery filterQuery)
     where TEntity : class, IDataEntity
        private List <Patients> DateFilter(FilterQuery filterQuery, List <Patients> patients)
            DateTime searchDate = new DateTime();

            DateTime.TryParse(filterQuery.Value, out searchDate);

            switch ((PatientSearch)Enum.Parse(typeof(PatientSearch), filterQuery.Operation.ToUpper()))
            case PatientSearch.FROMDATE:
                patients = _jsonApiContext.GetDbContextResolver().GetDbSet <Patients>().Where(o => o.CreatedDate >= searchDate && o.IsDeleted == false && o.IsActive == true).ToList();

            case PatientSearch.TODATE:
                patients = _jsonApiContext.GetDbContextResolver().GetDbSet <Patients>().Where(o => o.CreatedDate <= searchDate && o.IsDeleted == false && o.IsActive == true).ToList();

            case PatientSearch.FROMDOB:
                patients = _jsonApiContext.GetDbContextResolver().GetDbSet <Patients>().Where(o => o.DOB >= searchDate && o.IsDeleted == false && o.IsActive == true).ToList();

            case PatientSearch.TODOB:
                patients = _jsonApiContext.GetDbContextResolver().GetDbSet <Patients>().Where(o => o.DOB <= searchDate && o.IsDeleted == false && o.IsActive == true).ToList();

        public void TestFilterDouble()
            var domainList = new List <ExoticTestDomain>();
            var filter     = new ExoticFilterDTO();
            IQueryable <ExoticTestDomain> query = domainList.AsQueryable();

            domainList.Add(new ExoticTestDomain {
                DOUBLE_PROP = 1.1
            domainList.Add(new ExoticTestDomain {
                DOUBLE_PROP = 2.2
            domainList.Add(new ExoticTestDomain {
                DOUBLE_PROP = 3.3

            filter.DOUBLE_PROP = 1.1;

            query = FilterQuery.SetFilters <ExoticTestDomain, ExoticFilterDTO>(query, filter);
            var rez = query.ToList();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, rez.Count);
        private FilterQueryContext GetQueryContexts(FilterQuery query, string parameterName)
            var queryContext = new FilterQueryContext(query);
            var customQuery  = _requestResourceDefinition?.GetCustomQueryFilter(query.Target);

            if (customQuery != null)
                queryContext.IsCustom    = true;
                queryContext.CustomQuery = customQuery;

            queryContext.Relationship = GetRelationship(parameterName, query.Relationship);
            var attribute = GetAttribute(parameterName, query.Attribute, queryContext.Relationship);

            if (!attribute.IsFilterable)
                throw new InvalidQueryStringParameterException(parameterName, "Filtering on the requested attribute is not allowed.",
                                                               $"Filtering on attribute '{attribute.PublicAttributeName}' is not allowed.");

            queryContext.Attribute = attribute;

        public void TestFilterUshortNullable()
            var domainList = new List <ExoticTestDomain>();
            var filter     = new ExoticFilterDTO();
            IQueryable <ExoticTestDomain> query = domainList.AsQueryable();

            domainList.Add(new ExoticTestDomain {
                USHORT_PROP_NULLABLE = 1
            domainList.Add(new ExoticTestDomain {
                USHORT_PROP_NULLABLE = 2
            domainList.Add(new ExoticTestDomain {
                USHORT_PROP_NULLABLE = 3

            filter.USHORT_PROP_NULLABLE = 1;

            query = FilterQuery.SetFilters <ExoticTestDomain, ExoticFilterDTO>(query, filter);
            var rez = query.ToList();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, rez.Count);
        public void TestFilterFloatNullable()
            var domainList = new List <ExoticTestDomain>();
            var filter     = new ExoticFilterDTO();
            IQueryable <ExoticTestDomain> query = domainList.AsQueryable();

            domainList.Add(new ExoticTestDomain {
                FLOAT_PROP_NULLABLE = 1.1F
            domainList.Add(new ExoticTestDomain {
                FLOAT_PROP_NULLABLE = 2.2f
            domainList.Add(new ExoticTestDomain {
                FLOAT_PROP_NULLABLE = 3.3F

            filter.FLOAT_PROP_NULLABLE = 1.1f;

            query = FilterQuery.SetFilters <ExoticTestDomain, ExoticFilterDTO>(query, filter);
            var rez = query.ToList();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, rez.Count);
        public async Task <IActionResult> Get([FromQuery] FilterQuery query)
            _logger.LogInformation("Call search products....");
            var response = await _productService.FilterProducts(query);

        public async Task <IActionResult> Get(FilterQuery filter)
                string pageString          = HttpContext.Request.Headers["X-Pagination-Page"];
                string resultPerPageString = HttpContext.Request.Headers["X-Pagination-ResultPerPage"];

                Int32.TryParse(pageString, out int page);
                Int32.TryParse(resultPerPageString, out int resultsPerPage);
                PagedQueryBase query = new PagedQueryBase()
                    Page           = page,
                    ResultsPerPage = resultsPerPage,
                    Filter         = filter

                var ads = await _adService.BrowseAsync(query);

            catch (Exception ex)
        public virtual IActionResult Find([FromQuery] FilterQuery filterQuery)
            var query  = new FindQuery <TModel>(filterQuery);
            var result = QueryDispatcher.Dispatch(query);

        public FilterRequest RoleFilter(FilterQuery queryString)
            var searchQuery = "";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(queryString.filter))
                var _filter = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <RoleFilter>(queryString.filter);
                searchQuery += "(";
                var searchCount = 0;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_filter.role_name))
                    searchQuery += " role_name LIKE ('%" + _filter.role_name + "%') ";
                searchQuery += ")";
                searchQuery += " role_name LIKE ('%" + queryString.search + "%') ";

            return(new FilterRequest()
                SearchType = 0,
                Skip = queryString.offset,
                Take = queryString.limit,
                SortDir = queryString.order ?? "desc",
                SortCol = queryString.sort ?? "created_on",
                SearchCol = string.Empty,
                SearchText = searchQuery ?? ""
        private IQueryable <UserDetails> GetFilteredProjects(FilterQuery query)
            var userDtos = _unitOfWork.Repository <UserDetails>()

        public void TestFilterEqualsSingleNumberResultValidityEquals()
            var domainList = new List <TestDomain>();

            domainList.Add(new TestDomain {
                ID = 1
            domainList.Add(new TestDomain {
                ID = 2
            domainList.Add(new TestDomain {
                ID = 3
            domainList.Add(new TestDomain {
                ID = 4
            domainList.Add(new TestDomain {
                ID = 5

            var filter = new FilterDTO();

            filter.Id = 1;

            IQueryable <TestDomain> query = domainList.AsQueryable();

            query = FilterQuery.SetFilters <TestDomain, FilterDTO>(query, filter);
            var rez = query.ToList();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, rez.FirstOrDefault().ID);
        private FilterQueryContext GetQueryContexts(FilterQuery query)
            var queryContext = new FilterQueryContext(query);

            if (_requestResourceDefinition != null)
                var customQuery = _requestResourceDefinition.GetCustomQueryFilter(query.Target);
                if (customQuery != null)
                    queryContext.IsCustom    = true;
                    queryContext.CustomQuery = customQuery;

            queryContext.Relationship = GetRelationship(query.Relationship);
            var attribute = GetAttribute(query.Attribute, queryContext.Relationship);

            if (attribute.IsFilterable == false)
                throw new JsonApiException(400, $"Filter is not allowed for attribute '{attribute.PublicAttributeName}'.");
            queryContext.Attribute = attribute;

        public IActionResult GetVehicles([FromQuery] FilterQuery filterQuery)
                var vehicles = _repo.GetVehicles(filterQuery);
                var metadata = new
                if (vehicles == null)
                var vehiclesToReturn = _mapper.Map <IEnumerable <VehicleForListDto> >(vehicles);
                Response.Headers.Add("X-Pagination", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(metadata));

            catch (Exception)
        private string ComposeSingleFilter(FilterQuery query)
            var result    = "&filter";
            var operation = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query.Operation) ? query.Operation : query.Operation + ":";

            result += QueryConstants.OPEN_BRACKET + query.Attribute + QueryConstants.CLOSE_BRACKET + "=" + operation + query.Value;
 public void Replace(FilterQuery input)
     RakNetPINVOKE.RakNetListFilterQuery_Replace__SWIG_1(swigCPtr, FilterQuery.getCPtr(input));
     if (RakNetPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
         throw RakNetPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
 public void Push(FilterQuery input, string file, uint line)
     RakNetPINVOKE.RakNetListFilterQuery_Push(swigCPtr, FilterQuery.getCPtr(input), file, line);
     if (RakNetPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
         throw RakNetPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
        protected void RemoveFilter_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            FilterQueryCollection existingQueries = new FilterQueryCollection(hidFilterQueries.Value);
            FilterQuery           fq = new FilterQuery(((LinkButton)sender).CommandArgument);

            Query(null, 0, hidLoggingId.Value, existingQueries);
 public IEnumerable <DataModelIssue> Filter(IEnumerable <DataModelIssue> issues)
     if (FilterQuery == null)
     return(issues.Where(i => ((i.Repo != this) || FilterQuery.Evaluate(i))));
        protected void AddFilter_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            FilterQueryCollection existingQueries = new FilterQueryCollection(hidFilterQueries.Value);
            FilterQuery           fq = new FilterQuery(((LinkButton)sender).CommandArgument);

 private FilterQuery(FilterQuery other) : base(other) {
     this.cond       = Clone(other.cond);
     this.noPosition = other.noPosition;
        private Query ProcessFilter(Filter root, Flags flags, out Props props) {
            bool first = ((flags & Flags.Filter) == 0);

            Props propsCond;
            Query cond = ProcessNode(root.Condition, Flags.None, out propsCond);

            if (
                CanBeNumber(cond) ||
                (propsCond & (Props.HasPosition | Props.HasLast)) != 0
            ) {
                propsCond |= Props.HasPosition;
                flags |= Flags.PosFilter;

            // We don't want DescendantOverDescendant pattern to be recognized here (in case descendent::foo[expr]/descendant::bar)
            // So we clean this flag here:
            flags &= ~Flags.SmartDesc;

            Query qyInput = ProcessNode(root.Input, flags | Flags.Filter, out props);

            if (root.Input.Type != AstNode.AstType.Filter) {
                // Props.PosFilter is for nested filters only. 
                // We clean it here to avoid cleaning it in all other ast nodes.
                props &= ~Props.PosFilter; 
            if ((propsCond & Props.HasPosition) != 0) {
                // this condition is positional rightmost filter should be avare of this.
                props |= Props.PosFilter;

            /*merging predicates*/ {
                FilterQuery qyFilter = qyInput as FilterQuery;
                if (qyFilter != null && (propsCond & Props.HasPosition) == 0 && qyFilter.Condition.StaticType != XPathResultType.Any) {
                    Query prevCond = qyFilter.Condition;
                    if (prevCond.StaticType == XPathResultType.Number) {
                        prevCond = new LogicalExpr(Operator.Op.EQ, new NodeFunctions(FT.FuncPosition, null), prevCond);
                    cond = new BooleanExpr(Operator.Op.AND, prevCond, cond);
                    qyInput = qyFilter.qyInput;

            if ((props & Props.PosFilter) != 0 && qyInput is DocumentOrderQuery) {
                qyInput = ((DocumentOrderQuery)qyInput).input;
            if (firstInput == null) {
                firstInput = qyInput as BaseAxisQuery;
            bool merge   = (qyInput.Properties & QueryProps.Merge  ) != 0;
            bool reverse = (qyInput.Properties & QueryProps.Reverse) != 0;
            if ((propsCond & Props.HasPosition) != 0) {
                if (reverse) {
                    qyInput = new ReversePositionQuery(qyInput);
                } else if ((propsCond & Props.HasLast) != 0) {
                    qyInput = new ForwardPositionQuery(qyInput); 

            if (first && firstInput != null) {
                if (merge && (props & Props.PosFilter) != 0) {
                    qyInput = new FilterQuery(qyInput, cond, /*noPosition:*/false);
                    Query parent = firstInput.qyInput;
                    if (! (parent is ContextQuery)) { // we don't need to wrap filter with MergeFilterQuery when cardinality is parent <: ?
                        firstInput.qyInput = new ContextQuery();
                        firstInput = null;
                        return new MergeFilterQuery(parent, qyInput);
                    firstInput = null;
                    return qyInput;
                firstInput = null;
            return new FilterQuery(qyInput, cond, /*noPosition:*/(propsCond & Props.HasPosition) == 0);
 private FilterQuery(FilterQuery other) : base(other)
     _cond = Clone(other._cond);
     _noPosition = other._noPosition;
 public string CreateFilterQuery()
     switch (_option)
         case SearchOption.Local:
         case SearchOption.CurrentTab:
             var pan = SplitPositiveNegativeQuery(_query);
             var query = pan.Item1.Select(s => "text contains " + s.EscapeForQuery().Quote())
                            .Concat(pan.Item2.Select(s => "!(text contains " + s.EscapeForQuery().Quote() + ")"))
             var ctab = TabManager.CurrentFocusTab;
             var ctf = ctab != null ? ctab.FilterQuery : null;
             if (this._option != SearchOption.CurrentTab || ctf == null)
                 return "where " + query;
             var cqf = QueryCompiler.CompileFilters(query);
             var filters = ctf.PredicateTreeRoot.Operator;
             var nfq = new FilterQuery
                 Sources = ctf.Sources.ToArray(),
                 PredicateTreeRoot = new FilterExpressionRoot
                     Operator = filters.And(cqf.Operator)
             return nfq.ToQuery();
         case SearchOption.Query:
             return this._filterQuery == null ? "!()" : this._query;
         case SearchOption.Web:
             return "from search:" + this._query.EscapeForQuery().Quote() + " where ()";
             throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
 private Func<TwitterStatus, bool> CreatePredicate(string query, SearchOption option)
     if (option == SearchOption.Query)
             return (_localQuery = QueryCompiler.Compile(query)).GetEvaluator();
             return _ => false;
     var splitted = query.Split(new[] { " ", "\t", " " },
     var positive = splitted.Where(s => !s.StartsWith("-")).ToArray();
     var negative = splitted.Where(s => s.StartsWith("-")).Select(s => s.Substring(1)).ToArray();
     return status =>
            positive.Any(s => status.Text.IndexOf(s, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0) &&
            !negative.Any(s => status.Text.IndexOf(s, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0);
        private Query ProcessFilter(Filter root, Flags flags, out Props props)
            bool first = ((flags & Flags.Filter) == 0);

            Props propsCond;
            Query cond = ProcessNode(root.Condition, Flags.None, out propsCond);

            if (
                CanBeNumber(cond) ||
                (propsCond & (Props.HasPosition | Props.HasLast)) != 0
                propsCond |= Props.HasPosition;
                flags |= Flags.PosFilter;

            // We don't want DescendantOverDescendant pattern to be recognized here (in case descendent::foo[expr]/descendant::bar)
            // So we clean this flag here:
            flags &= ~Flags.SmartDesc;
            // ToDo: Instead it would be nice to wrap descendent::foo[expr] into special query that will flatten it -- i.e.
            //       remove all nodes that are descendant of other nodes. This is very easy because for sorted nodesets all children 
            //       follow its parent. One step caching. This can be easily done by rightmost DescendantQuery itself.
            //       Interesting note! Can we guarantee that DescendantOverDescendant returns flat nodeset? This definitely true if it's input is flat.

            Query qyInput = ProcessNode(root.Input, flags | Flags.Filter, out props);

            if (root.Input.Type != AstNode.AstType.Filter)
                // Props.PosFilter is for nested filters only. 
                // We clean it here to avoid cleaning it in all other ast nodes.
                props &= ~Props.PosFilter;
            if ((propsCond & Props.HasPosition) != 0)
                // this condition is positional rightmost filter should be avare of this.
                props |= Props.PosFilter;

            /*merging predicates*/
                FilterQuery qyFilter = qyInput as FilterQuery;
                if (qyFilter != null && (propsCond & Props.HasPosition) == 0 && qyFilter.Condition.StaticType != XPathResultType.Any)
                    Query prevCond = qyFilter.Condition;
                    if (prevCond.StaticType == XPathResultType.Number)
                        prevCond = new LogicalExpr(Operator.Op.EQ, new NodeFunctions(FT.FuncPosition, null), prevCond);
                    cond = new BooleanExpr(Operator.Op.AND, prevCond, cond);
                    qyInput = qyFilter.qyInput;

            if ((props & Props.PosFilter) != 0 && qyInput is DocumentOrderQuery)
                qyInput = ((DocumentOrderQuery)qyInput).input;
            if (_firstInput == null)
                _firstInput = qyInput as BaseAxisQuery;

            bool merge = (qyInput.Properties & QueryProps.Merge) != 0;
            bool reverse = (qyInput.Properties & QueryProps.Reverse) != 0;
            if ((propsCond & Props.HasPosition) != 0)
                if (reverse)
                    qyInput = new ReversePositionQuery(qyInput);
                else if ((propsCond & Props.HasLast) != 0)
                    qyInput = new ForwardPositionQuery(qyInput);

            if (first && _firstInput != null)
                if (merge && (props & Props.PosFilter) != 0)
                    qyInput = new FilterQuery(qyInput, cond, /*noPosition:*/false);
                    Query parent = _firstInput.qyInput;
                    if (!(parent is ContextQuery))
                    { // we don't need to wrap filter with MergeFilterQuery when cardinality is parent <: ?
                        _firstInput.qyInput = new ContextQuery();
                        _firstInput = null;
                        return new MergeFilterQuery(parent, qyInput);
                    _firstInput = null;
                    return qyInput;
                _firstInput = null;
            return new FilterQuery(qyInput, cond, /*noPosition:*/(propsCond & Props.HasPosition) == 0);
 private async Task<bool> CheckCompile(string source)
         var newFilter = await Task.Run(() => QueryCompiler.Compile(source));
         newFilter.GetEvaluator(); // validate types
         _lastValidFilterQuery = newFilter;
         _lastValidFilterQueryString = source;
         FoundError = false;
         return true;
     catch (Exception ex)
         FoundError = true;
         ExceptionMessage = ex.Message;
         return false;
 private async void CheckCompile(string source)
         var newFilter = await Task.Run(() => QueryCompiler.Compile(source));
         newFilter.GetEvaluator(); // validate types
         _filterQuery = newFilter;
         FoundError = false;
     catch (Exception ex)
         FoundError = true;
         ExceptionMessage = ex.Message;
 private Query ProcessFilter(MS.Internal.Xml.XPath.Filter root, Flags flags, out Props props)
     Props props2;
     bool flag = (flags & Flags.Filter) == Flags.None;
     Query q = this.ProcessNode(root.Condition, Flags.None, out props2);
     if (this.CanBeNumber(q) || ((props2 & (Props.HasLast | Props.HasPosition)) != Props.None))
         props2 |= Props.HasPosition;
         flags |= Flags.PosFilter;
     flags &= ~Flags.SmartDesc;
     Query input = this.ProcessNode(root.Input, flags | Flags.Filter, out props);
     if (root.Input.Type != AstNode.AstType.Filter)
         props &= ~Props.PosFilter;
     if ((props2 & Props.HasPosition) != Props.None)
         props |= Props.PosFilter;
     FilterQuery query3 = input as FilterQuery;
     if (((query3 != null) && ((props2 & Props.HasPosition) == Props.None)) && (query3.Condition.StaticType != XPathResultType.Any))
         Query condition = query3.Condition;
         if (condition.StaticType == XPathResultType.Number)
             condition = new LogicalExpr(Operator.Op.EQ, new NodeFunctions(Function.FunctionType.FuncPosition, null), condition);
         q = new BooleanExpr(Operator.Op.AND, condition, q);
         input = query3.qyInput;
     if (((props & Props.PosFilter) != Props.None) && (input is DocumentOrderQuery))
         input = ((DocumentOrderQuery) input).input;
     if (this.firstInput == null)
         this.firstInput = input as BaseAxisQuery;
     bool flag2 = (input.Properties & QueryProps.Merge) != QueryProps.None;
     bool flag3 = (input.Properties & QueryProps.Reverse) != QueryProps.None;
     if ((props2 & Props.HasPosition) != Props.None)
         if (flag3)
             input = new ReversePositionQuery(input);
         else if ((props2 & Props.HasLast) != Props.None)
             input = new ForwardPositionQuery(input);
     if (flag && (this.firstInput != null))
         if (flag2 && ((props & Props.PosFilter) != Props.None))
             input = new FilterQuery(input, q, false);
             Query qyInput = this.firstInput.qyInput;
             if (!(qyInput is ContextQuery))
                 this.firstInput.qyInput = new ContextQuery();
                 this.firstInput = null;
                 return new MergeFilterQuery(qyInput, input);
             this.firstInput = null;
             return input;
         this.firstInput = null;
     return new FilterQuery(input, q, (props2 & Props.HasPosition) == Props.None);