        private void this_DataContextChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            // Reset the column organization.
            // This should be useless under the current scenario.
            foreach (var dc in dataGrid.Columns.Except(StandardColumns.Select(sc => sc.Column)).ToList())
            foreach (var dc in dataGrid.Columns)
                dc.SetValue(ColumnInUseProperty, false);

            // Our DataContext should always be an ITable, but null should be allowed (though we don't need.)
            var table = e.NewValue as ITableController;

            if (table == null)

            // Show / hide standard columns.
            // Unused standard columns are kept in the list, but users can't view them.
            // We use a false value of ColumnInUse atatched property to tell the case.
            foreach (var colInfo in StandardColumns)
                var in_use = table.AllRows.Any(colInfo.InUse);
                colInfo.Column.Visibility = in_use ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed;
                colInfo.Column.SetValue(ColumnInUseProperty, in_use);

            // A special handling of Asset column visibility.
            // There are many cases that a file contains only one Asset,
            // and Asset column is just redundant in the cases, so hide it in the cases.
            // (but users can still view it if they want.)
            if (Asset.Visibility == Visibility.Visible &&
                Asset2.Visibility != Visibility.Visible &&
                !table.AllRows.Select(r => r.Asset).Distinct().Skip(1).Any())
                Asset.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

            // Yet another special handling of TagList column visibility.
            // It is always hidden initially.
            TagList.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

            // Create columns for additional properties.
            // Their initial shown/hidden states are specified by the DOC module via AdditionalProps.
            // ColumnInUse attached property is always set to true so that users can view any column.
            // We don't check whether an additonal property is actually used;
            // If such a checking is essential for a particular additional property,
            // the responsible AssetReader can do it when constructing the Properties.
            // See TableController.cs for the interaction between the AssetReader and TableController.AdditionalProps.
            foreach (var props in table.AdditionalProps)
                var column = new DataGridTextColumn()
                    Header       = props.Key.Replace("_", " "), // XXX: No, we should not do this!
                    Binding      = new Binding("[" + props.Index + "]"),
                    Visibility   = props.Visible ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed,
                    ElementStyle = FindResource("AdditionalColumnElementStyle") as Style,
                column.SetValue(ColumnInUseProperty, true);

            // Set FilterOptions attached property to all in-use columns.
            foreach (var column in dataGrid.Columns.Where(GetColumnInUse))
                var grabber = CreateGrabber(column.SortMemberPath);
                var list    = table.AllRows.Select(grabber).Distinct().OrderBy(s => string.IsNullOrEmpty(s) ? 0 : 1).ThenBy(s => s).Select(s => FilterOption.Get(s));
                column.SetValue(FilterOptionsProperty, list);
        private void UpdateColumns()
            var table = DataContext as ITableController;

            if (table == null)

            // Use/unuse standard columns.
            // Unused standard columns are kept in the list, but users can't view them.
            // We use a false value of ColumnInUse atatched property to tell the case.
            // Unused (ColumnInUse == false) columns can be used (ColumnInUse == true) in future reloading.
            // Once used, however, a column will never get back to Unused status.
            foreach (var colInfo in StandardColumns)
                if (!GetColumnInUse(colInfo.Column) && table.AllRows.Any(colInfo.InUse))
                    SetColumnInUse(colInfo.Column, true);

            // Create columns for additional properties.
            // Their initial shown/hidden states are specified by the DOC module via AdditionalProps.
            // ColumnInUse attached property is always set to true so that users can view any column.
            // We don't check whether an additonal property is actually used;
            // If such a checking is essential for a particular additional property,
            // the responsible AssetReader can do it when constructing the Properties.
            // See TableController.cs for the interaction between the AssetReader and TableController.AdditionalProps.
            foreach (var props in table.AdditionalProps)
                var path = "[" + props.Index + "]";

                // Don't add a duplicate column.
                if (dataGrid.Columns.Any(col => ((col as DataGridTextColumn)?.Binding as Binding)?.Path?.Path == path))

                var column = new DataGridTextColumn()
                    Header       = props.Key.Replace("_", " "), // XXX: No, we should not do this!
                    Binding      = new Binding(path),
                    Visibility   = props.Visible ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed,
                    ElementStyle = FindResource("AdditionalColumnElementStyle") as Style,
                column.SetValue(ColumnInUseProperty, true);

                // a sort of a hack to avoid a few columns (containing some very long text) to occupy the entire space.
                // The following code includes several magic numbers that were determined without grounds.  FIXME.
                if (table.AllRows.Take(100)
                    .Select(row => row[props.Index])
                    .Any(text => text?.Length > 50 || text?.IndexOf('\n') >= 0))
                    column.Width = DataGridLengthStar;


            // Set FilterOptions attached property to all in-use columns.
            foreach (var column in dataGrid.Columns.Where(GetColumnInUse))
                var grabber = CreateGrabber(column.SortMemberPath);
                var list    = table.AllRows.Select(grabber).Distinct().OrderBy(s => string.IsNullOrEmpty(s) ? 0 : 1).ThenBy(s => s).Select(s => FilterOption.Get(s));
                column.SetValue(FilterOptionsProperty, list);