public void FiltersGalleryTemplatesUsingComplexQuery() { string filterString = "Publisher eq 'Microsoft' and CategoryIds/any(c: c eq 'awesome')"; ItemListParameters actual = new ItemListParameters(); galleryClientMock.Setup(f => f.Items.ListAsync(It.IsAny <ItemListParameters>(), new CancellationToken())) .Returns(Task.Factory.StartNew(() => new ItemListResult { Items = new List <GalleryItem>() { new GalleryItem() { Name = "Template1", Publisher = "Microsoft" }, new GalleryItem() { Name = "Template2", Publisher = "Microsoft" } } })) .Callback((ItemListParameters p, CancellationToken c) => actual = p); FilterGalleryTemplatesOptions options = new FilterGalleryTemplatesOptions() { Publisher = "Microsoft", Category = "awesome" }; List <PSGalleryItem> result = galleryTemplatesClient.FilterGalleryTemplates(options); Assert.Equal(2, result.Count); Assert.Equal(filterString, actual.Filter); }
public void FiltersGalleryTemplates() { string filterString = FilterString.Generate <ItemListFilter>(f => f.Publisher == "Microsoft"); ItemListParameters actual = new ItemListParameters(); galleryClientMock.Setup(f => f.Items.ListAsync(It.IsAny <ItemListParameters>(), new CancellationToken())) .Returns(Task.Factory.StartNew(() => new ItemListResult { Items = new List <GalleryItem>() { new GalleryItem() { Name = "Template1", Publisher = "Microsoft" }, new GalleryItem() { Name = "Template2", Publisher = "Microsoft" } } })) .Callback((ItemListParameters p, CancellationToken c) => actual = p); FilterGalleryTemplatesOptions options = new FilterGalleryTemplatesOptions() { Publisher = "Microsoft" }; List <PSGalleryItem> result = galleryTemplatesClient.FilterGalleryTemplates(options); Assert.Equal(2, result.Count); Assert.True(result.All(g => g.Publisher == "Microsoft")); Assert.Equal(filterString, actual.Filter); }
public override void ExecuteCmdlet() { FilterGalleryTemplatesOptions options = new FilterGalleryTemplatesOptions() { Category = Category, Identity = Identity, Publisher = Publisher }; List <PSGalleryItem> galleryItems = GalleryTemplatesClient.FilterGalleryTemplates(options); if (galleryItems != null) { if (galleryItems.Count == 1 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Identity)) { WriteObject(galleryItems[0]); } else { List <PSObject> output = new List <PSObject>(); galleryItems.Where(gi => !gi.Identity.EndsWith("-placeholder")) .OrderBy(gi => gi.Identity) .ToList() .ForEach(gi => output.Add(base.ConstructPSObject( null, "Publisher", gi.Publisher, "Identity", gi.Identity))); WriteObject(output, true); } } }
public void FiltersGalleryTemplatesLatestVersion() { string filterString = FilterString.Generate <ItemListFilter>(f => f.Publisher == "Microsoft"); ItemListParameters actual = new ItemListParameters(); galleryClientMock.Setup(f => f.Items.ListAsync(It.IsAny <ItemListParameters>(), new CancellationToken())) .Returns(Task.Factory.StartNew(() => new ItemListResult { Items = new List <GalleryItem>() { new GalleryItem() { Name = "Template0", Publisher = "Microsoft", Version = "" }, new GalleryItem() { Name = "Template0", Publisher = "Microsoft", Version = "" }, new GalleryItem() { Name = "Template0", Publisher = "Microsoft", Version = "" } } })) .Callback((ItemListParameters p, CancellationToken c) => actual = p); FilterGalleryTemplatesOptions options = new FilterGalleryTemplatesOptions() { ApplicationName = "Template0" }; List <PSGalleryItem> result = galleryTemplatesClient.FilterGalleryTemplates(options); Assert.Equal(1, result.Count); Assert.Equal("Template0", result[0].Name); Assert.Equal("", result[0].Version); }
public override void ExecuteCmdlet() { WriteWarning("This cmdlet is being deprecated and will be removed in a future release."); FilterGalleryTemplatesOptions options = new FilterGalleryTemplatesOptions() { Category = Category, Identity = Identity, Publisher = Publisher, ApplicationName = ApplicationName, AllVersions = AllVersions }; if (Category == null && Identity == null && Publisher == null && ApplicationName == null) { // if there are no filter parameters, return everything options.AllVersions = true; } List <PSGalleryItem> galleryItems = GalleryTemplatesClient.FilterGalleryTemplates(options); if (galleryItems != null) { if (galleryItems.Count == 1 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Identity)) { WriteObject(galleryItems[0]); } else { List <PSObject> output = new List <PSObject>(); galleryItems.Where(gi => !gi.Identity.EndsWith("-placeholder")) .OrderBy(gi => gi.Identity) .ToList() .ForEach(gi => output.Add(base.ConstructPSObject( null, "Publisher", gi.Publisher, "Identity", gi.Identity))); WriteObject(output, true); } } }
public void GetsGalleryTemplates() { FilterGalleryTemplatesOptions options = new FilterGalleryTemplatesOptions() { Category = "category", Identity = "hobba", Publisher = "Microsoft" }; FilterGalleryTemplatesOptions actual = new FilterGalleryTemplatesOptions(); List <PSGalleryItem> result = new List <PSGalleryItem>() { new PSGalleryItem() { Publisher = "Microsoft", Identity = "T1" }, new PSGalleryItem() { Publisher = "Microsoft", Identity = "T2" }, }; galleryTemplatesClientMock.Setup(f => f.FilterGalleryTemplates(It.IsAny <FilterGalleryTemplatesOptions>())) .Returns(result) .Callback((FilterGalleryTemplatesOptions o) => actual = o); cmdlet.Category = options.Category; cmdlet.Identity = options.Identity; cmdlet.Publisher = options.Publisher; cmdlet.ExecuteCmdlet(); Assert.Equal(2, result.Count); Assert.True(result.All(g => g.Publisher == "Microsoft")); commandRuntimeMock.Verify(f => f.WriteObject(It.IsAny <List <PSObject> >(), true), Times.Once()); }