 void MoveNext()
         if (!enumerator.MoveNext())
             enumerator = null;
     } while (!filterExpr.Evaluate(enumerator.Current.Value));
        public override Task <IList <TElement> > ExecuteQueryAtomicAsync <TElement>(
            TableQuery <TElement> query, TableRequestOptions requestOptions = null, OperationContext operationContext = null)
            FilterExpression filterExpr = ChainTableUtils.ParseFilterString(query.FilterString);

            ChainTableUtils.GetSingleTargetedPartitionKey(filterExpr);  // validation, ignore result
            if (query.SelectColumns != null)
                throw new NotImplementedException("select");
            if (query.TakeCount != null)
                throw new NotImplementedException("top");
                       (IList <TElement>)(from kvp in table where filterExpr.Evaluate(kvp.Value)
                                          select ChainTableUtils.CopyEntity <TElement>(kvp.Value)).ToList()));
 // XXX: This could loop a long time.  Do we want to make it cancelable?
 public async Task <TElement> ReadRowAsync()
     using (await LockAsyncBuggable())
         for (;;)
             // Figure out which side has the next primary key to return (or
             // both) and pull the row(s) with that key from one or both sides.
             int?cmp = DetermineNextSide();
             if (cmp == null)
             MTableEntity nextInOld = null, nextInNew = null;
             if (cmp <= 0)
                 nextInOld    = oldTableNext;
                 oldTableNext = await oldTableStream.ReadRowAsync();
             if (cmp >= 0)
                 nextInNew    = newTableNext;
                 newTableNext = await newTableStream.ReadRowAsync();
             MTableEntity ent = (nextInNew != null) ? nextInNew : nextInOld;
             // Compare to end of ExecuteQueryAtomicAsync.
             if (!RowKeyIsInternal(ent.RowKey) &&
                 origFilterExpr.Evaluate(ent) && !ent.deleted)
                 return(ent.Export <TElement>());
             // Otherwise keep going.
        public override async Task <IList <TElement> > ExecuteQueryAtomicAsync <TElement>(TableQuery <TElement> query, TableRequestOptions requestOptions = null, OperationContext operationContext = null)
            if (query.SelectColumns != null)
                throw new NotImplementedException("select");
            if (query.TakeCount != null)
                throw new NotImplementedException("top");
            FilterExpression          origFilterExpr = ChainTableUtils.ParseFilterString(query.FilterString);
            string                    partitionKey   = ChainTableUtils.GetSingleTargetedPartitionKey(origFilterExpr);
            TableQuery <MTableEntity> mtableQuery    = ChainTableUtils.CopyQuery <TElement, MTableEntity>(query);

            MTableConfiguration config;

            using (configService.Subscribe(FixedSubscriber <MTableConfiguration> .Instance, out config))
                IEnumerable <MTableEntity> results;
                if (config.state <= TableClientState.USE_OLD_HIDE_METADATA)
                    results = await oldTable.ExecuteQueryAtomicAsync(mtableQuery, requestOptions, operationContext);

                    await monitor.AnnotateLastBackendCallAsync(wasLinearizationPoint : true);
                else if (config.state >= TableClientState.USE_NEW_WITH_TOMBSTONES)
                    results = await newTable.ExecuteQueryAtomicAsync(mtableQuery, requestOptions, operationContext);

                    await monitor.AnnotateLastBackendCallAsync(wasLinearizationPoint : true);
                    // Modify the filter to make sure it matches the meta row.
                    if (origFilterExpr is ComparisonExpression)
                        // filterExpr must be "PartitionKey eq A", which already matches the meta row; nothing to do.
                        // filterExpr must be "(PartitionKey eq A) and (B)".
                        // Rewrite to "(PartitionKey eq A) and ((RowKey eq ROW_KEY_PARTITION_META) or (B))".
                        var boe = (BooleanOperatorExpression)origFilterExpr;
                        mtableQuery.FilterString =
                            TableQuery.CombineFilters(boe.Left.ToFilterString(), TableOperators.And,
                                                          TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition(TableConstants.RowKey, QueryComparisons.Equal, ROW_KEY_PARTITION_META),
                                                          TableOperators.Or, boe.Right.ToFilterString()));
                    IList <MTableEntity> oldRows = await oldTable.ExecuteQueryAtomicAsync(mtableQuery, requestOptions, operationContext);

                    MTablePartitionState?state =
                        (from r in oldRows where r.RowKey == ROW_KEY_PARTITION_META select r.partitionState).SingleOrDefault();
                    IList <MTableEntity> newRows;
                    if (state == MTablePartitionState.SWITCHED)
                        await monitor.AnnotateLastBackendCallAsync();

                        // If the filter string includes conditions on user-defined properties,
                        // a row in the old table can be shadowed by a row in the new table
                        // that doesn't satisfy those conditions.  To make sure we retrieve all
                        // potential shadowing rows, retrieve the entire partition.
                        // XXX: At a minimum, we should try to keep conditions on the
                        // primary key, but how clever do we want to get with query rewriting?
                        if (!IsBugEnabled(MTableOptionalBug.QueryAtomicFilterShadowing))
                            mtableQuery.FilterString = TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition(
                                TableConstants.PartitionKey, QueryComparisons.Equal, partitionKey);

                        newRows = await newTable.ExecuteQueryAtomicAsync(mtableQuery, requestOptions, operationContext);

                        await monitor.AnnotateLastBackendCallAsync(wasLinearizationPoint : true);
                        await monitor.AnnotateLastBackendCallAsync(wasLinearizationPoint : true);

                        newRows = new List <MTableEntity>();
                    // Merge lists.  Hopefully this is pretty clear.  Walking the lists
                    // in lockstep might be faster but is a lot more code.
                    var merged = new SortedDictionary <string, MTableEntity>(StringComparer.Ordinal);
                    foreach (MTableEntity ent in oldRows)
                        merged[ent.RowKey] = ent;
                    foreach (MTableEntity ent in newRows)
                        merged[ent.RowKey] = ent;
                    results = merged.Values;
                return((from ent in results where !RowKeyIsInternal(ent.RowKey) &&
                        origFilterExpr.Evaluate(ent) && !ent.deleted
                        select ent.Export <TElement>()).ToList());
        internal List <DynamicTableEntity> GetValidStreamReadRows(int startRevision, FilterExpression filterExpr, PrimaryKey continuationKey)
            IEnumerable <IEnumerable <DynamicTableEntity> > filteredDumps =
                from dump in dumps.Skip(startRevision)
                select dump.Values.Where(row =>
                                         (row.GetPrimaryKey().CompareTo(continuationKey) >= 0) && filterExpr.Evaluate(row));

            PrimaryKey nextMandatoryKey        = (from dump in filteredDumps select dump.Select(row => row.GetPrimaryKey())).IntersectAll().FirstOrDefault();
            List <DynamicTableEntity> possible = filteredDumps.SelectMany(dump => dump.Where(row =>
                                                                                             (nextMandatoryKey == null || row.GetPrimaryKey().CompareTo(nextMandatoryKey) <= 0)))
                                                 .Distinct((IEqualityComparer <DynamicTableEntity>)BetterComparer.Instance).ToList();

            if (nextMandatoryKey == null)
                possible.Add(null);  // i.e., "end of stream" is a valid read