 protected void OnSyntheticSpreadFilled(FillEventArgs fillEventArgs)
     if (this.SyntheticSpreadFilled != null)
         this.SyntheticSpreadFilled(this, fillEventArgs);
        // *************************************
        // ****        TryProcessFill       ****
        // *************************************
        /// <summary>
        /// Caller would like to process a confirmed fill from the exchange
        /// False only if the order isn't found.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fillEvent"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool TryProcessFill(FillEventArgs fillEvent)
            Order orderToModify;

            if (m_OrdersById.TryGetValue(fillEvent.OrderId, out orderToModify))
                orderToModify.ExecutedQty += fillEvent.Fill.Qty;
                if (fillEvent.isComplete)
                    orderToModify.ChangesPending = false;
                    m_ParentOrderBook.TryDelete(fillEvent.OrderId);         // this will set state.

                // Trigger fill event
                fillEvent.OrderBookID = m_ParentOrderBook.BookID;           // assign the correct id now that we know it.
                fillEvent.OrderReason = orderToModify.OrderReason;          // also pass along tag.
                m_ParentOrderBook.OnOrderFilled(fillEvent);                 // fire fill event for my subscribers

                // Trigger order state change
                OrderEventArgs orderEvent = new OrderEventArgs();
                orderEvent.Order       = orderToModify;
                orderEvent.Fill        = fillEvent.Fill;
                orderEvent.OrderBookID = m_ParentOrderBook.BookID;

        // *******************************************************
        // ****             OrderBook_OrderFilled()           ****
        // *******************************************************
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when an order in the hedge order book has been filled.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="eventArgs"></param>
        private void OrderBook_OrderFilled(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)
            FillEventArgs fillEventArgs = (FillEventArgs)eventArgs;
            Fill          fill          = fillEventArgs.Fill;
            int           internalLegId = m_Spreader.m_InstrumentToInternalId[fillEventArgs.InstrumentName];

            int stratSign = Math.Sign(fill.Qty * m_Spreader.m_LegRatios[internalLegId]);
            int stratSide = UV.Lib.Utilities.QTMath.MktSignToMktSide(stratSign);

            // Update my IsLegHung status
            bool prevHungState = m_IsLegHung[stratSide];        // Keep prev state so we know it has changed.

            m_IsLegHung[stratSide] = false;
            m_Spreader.AddHedgeFill(stratSide, internalLegId, fill);      // this needs to get updated prior to us trigger OnCompletelyFilled
            int legSide = UV.Lib.Utilities.QTMath.MktSignToMktSide(m_Spreader.m_LegRatios[m_InternalLegId] * stratSign);

            if (m_OrderBook.Count(legSide) != 0)
                m_IsLegHung[stratSide] = true;                  // we have no outstanding hedge orders
 /// <summary>
 /// After any order status updated and after we have already updated our quoting orders,
 /// this event is fired first before all others.
 /// </summary>
 public void OnOrderFilled(FillEventArgs fillEventArgs)
     if (this.OrderFilled != null)
         this.OrderFilled(this, fillEventArgs);
        public void OrderFilledEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs args)
            FillEventArgs filledOrders = (FillEventArgs)args;

            Logger.WriteLog("Order filled");

            var filledOrder = filledOrders.filledOrder;

            //reset the order retry count
            OrderRetriedCount  = 0;
            OrderStartingPrice = 0;

            //Logger.WriteLog(string.Format("Order id: {0} has been filled", filledOrder.OrderId));

            NotifyOrderUpdateListener(new OrderUpdateEventArgs
                side          = filledOrder.Side,
                filledAtPrice = filledOrder.Price,
                Message       = string.Format("Order id: {0} has been filled", filledOrder.OrderId),
                OrderId       = filledOrder.OrderId,
                fillFee       = filledOrder.Fee,
                fillSize      = filledOrder.Size,
                ProductName   = filledOrder.ProductId
        #endregion//Private Methods

        #region Event Handlers
        // *****************************************************************
        // ****                     Event Handlers                     ****
        // *****************************************************************
        // *******************************************************
        // ****         Hedger_OrdersCompletelyFilled()       ****
        // *******************************************************
        private void Hedger_CompletelyFilled(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)
            FillEventArgs fillEventArgs = (FillEventArgs)eventArgs;
            // Get information about who was filled.
            int legId;

            if (!m_InstrumentToId.TryGetValue(fillEventArgs.InstrumentName, out legId))
            Fill fill      = fillEventArgs.Fill;
            int  stratSign = Math.Sign(fill.Qty * m_Quoter.m_LegRatios[legId]);
            int  stratSide = UV.Lib.Utilities.QTMath.MktSignToMktSide(stratSign);

            // Update my IsHung status
            bool prevHungState = m_IsSratHung[stratSide];

            m_IsSratHung[stratSide] = false;
            for (int leg = 0; leg < m_Hedgers.Count; ++leg)
                if (m_Hedgers[leg].m_IsLegHung[stratSide])          // hang flags for each instrument are divided by side of the strategy not the instrumetn.
                    m_IsSratHung[stratSide] = true;
            if (prevHungState != m_IsSratHung[stratSide])           // if we have changed states
                m_Quoter.OnQuoterStateChange();                     //  we need to update the quoter.
                OnHangStateChanged();                               // and call our subscribers.
        }                                                                       // default constructor for IStringifiable

        public RejectedFillEventArgs(InstrumentName name, FillEventArgs rejectedFill, RejectionReason reason, string rejectionMessage)
            this.m_Name  = name;
            this.Reason  = reason;
            this.Message = rejectionMessage;
            this.OriginalFillEventArg = rejectedFill;

        #endregion//private Methods

        #region IOrderEngine Implementation
        // *************************************************************
        // ****                      Filled()                       ****
        // *************************************************************
        /// <summary>
        /// Called by the StrategyHub when it received a fillEventArg from an OrderBook
        /// that this engine subscribed to.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fillEventArgs"></param>
        /// <returns>null is no fill is generated.</returns>
        public Fill Filled(FillEventArgs fillEventArgs)
            int fillSide = QTMath.MktSignToMktSide(fillEventArgs.Fill.Qty);

            m_StrategyPosition[fillSide] += fillEventArgs.Fill.Qty;
            m_RiskManager.Filled(fillEventArgs);                                    // make sure our risk manager knows
            return(fillEventArgs.Fill);                                             // pass fill through to other engines.

        #endregion//private Methods

        #region IOrderEngine Implementation
        // *************************************************************
        // ****                      Filled()                       ****
        // *************************************************************
        /// <summary>
        /// Called by the StrategyHub when it received a fillEventArg from an OrderBook
        /// that this engine subscribed to.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fillEventArgs"></param>
        /// <returns>null is no fill is generated.</returns>
        public Fill Filled(FillEventArgs fillEventArgs)
            int fillSide = QTMath.MktSignToMktSide(fillEventArgs.Fill.Qty);

            m_StrategyPosition[fillSide] += fillEventArgs.Fill.Qty;
            fillEventArgs.Fill.Price      = fillEventArgs.Fill.Price * m_PriceLeg.PriceMultiplier;
            return(fillEventArgs.Fill);                                              // pass fill through to other engines.
        public void AddSubElement(IStringifiable subElement)
            Type type = subElement.GetType();

            if (type == typeof(FillEventArgs))
                this.OriginalFillEventArg = (FillEventArgs)subElement;
        // *****************************************************************
        // ****                     Event Handlers                      ****
        // *****************************************************************
        // ***********************************************************
        // ****               OrderBook_OrderFilled()             ****
        // ***********************************************************
        public virtual void OrderBook_OrderFilled(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)
            FillEventArgs fillEventArgs = (FillEventArgs)eventArgs;
            UVFill        fill          = fillEventArgs.Fill;

            if (UpdateAndCheckTotalFillCounts(fill) | PnLCheck())
            { // Take the fill and update our counts and PnL, checking both.
        // *****************************************************************
        // ****                     Event Handlers                      ****
        // *****************************************************************
        // ***********************************************************
        // ****               OrderBook_OrderFilled()             ****
        // ***********************************************************
        public override void OrderBook_OrderFilled(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)
            FillEventArgs fillEventArgs = (FillEventArgs)eventArgs;
            Fill          fill          = fillEventArgs.Fill;

            if (UpdateAndCheckTotalFillCounts(fill) | UpdateAndCheckSpreaderPnL() | CheckLegPositions())
            { // Take the fill and update our counts and PnL, checking both.
        public virtual SyntheticFill GenerateSyntheticFill(int stratSide)
            SyntheticFill newSyntheticFill = new SyntheticFill();

            newSyntheticFill.InstrumentName = m_SyntheticInstrumentName;
            newSyntheticFill.Qty            = (int)(m_pendingFillQtys[m_SmallestLegIndex] / m_SmallestLegRatio); // just a starting point
            // First lets try and find the fill qty. Since we have our array of pendingFills we should be
            // able to divide all legs by the smallest leg, and find the smallest whole number from that
            // which will be our fillqty.
            for (int i = 0; i < m_pendingFillQtys.Length; ++i)
                int possibleSyntheticQty = (int)(m_pendingFillQtys[i] / (long)m_LegRatios[i]);
                // we are looking to make sure we are going to take the largest number of COMPLETE fills
                if (Math.Abs(possibleSyntheticQty) < Math.Abs(newSyntheticFill.Qty))
                    newSyntheticFill.Qty = possibleSyntheticQty;
            // we should theoretically now have them correct fill qty.
            // we now need to work on price, while we do this we can remove fills from our list to ensure they
            // aren't used more than once.
            for (int leg = 0; leg < m_LegRatios.Length; ++leg)
                // Find which side
                int legSide = UV.Lib.Utilities.QTMath.MktSignToMktSide(UV.Lib.Utilities.QTMath.MktSideToMktSign(stratSide) * m_LegRatios[leg]);
                // find the qty we need to remove from the fill
                int qtyToRemove = (int)(m_LegRatios[leg] * newSyntheticFill.Qty);
                // find the average pricing for those fills we are removing
                double legAvgPrice = m_FillBooks[leg].m_FillPages[legSide].GetAveragePricing(qtyToRemove);
                // remove them and if false we probably have an issue so lets not report the fill.
                if (!m_FillBooks[leg].m_FillPages[legSide].DequeueQty(qtyToRemove, ref newSyntheticFill.LegFills))
                // we need to multiply the average price times the leg multiplier
                legAvgPrice = m_LegPriceMultipliers[leg] * legAvgPrice;
                // assign this legs price to our spread price we will report.
                newSyntheticFill.Price += legAvgPrice;
            // okay we have a synthetic fill with everything but a timestamp, lets take the current timestamp
            newSyntheticFill.LocalTime = newSyntheticFill.ExchangeTime = DateTime.Now;

            // trigger the event of synthetic fills.
            FillEventArgs e = new FillEventArgs();

            e.Fill = newSyntheticFill;

        }// PriceListener_ProcessMarketEvents

        private void FillListener_Filled(object sender, EventArgs eventArg)
            if (eventArg is FillEventArgs)
                DateTime       now = Log.GetTime();
                FillEventArgs  e   = (FillEventArgs)eventArg;
                InstrumentName instrumentName;
                if (m_Key2Name.TryGetValue(e.TTInstrumentKey, out instrumentName))
                    string s = string.Format("{0},{1},Fill,{2}", now.ToString(Strings.FormatDateTimeZone), instrumentName, e.Fill.ToString());
        // *************************************
        // ****         TryProcessFill()    ****
        // *************************************
        /// <summary>
        /// Called by the execution listener when an order is filled.
        /// This method will update state, and send out events.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fillEventArgs"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool TryProcessFill(FillEventArgs fillEventArgs)
            int bookId;

            if (m_OrderIDToBookMap.TryGetValue(fillEventArgs.OrderId, out bookId))
                OrderBook orderBook;
                if (m_OrderBooks.TryGetValue(bookId, out orderBook))
                { // we have this order book
                    if (orderBook.IsReady)
        #endregion //IOrderEngine Implementation

        #region Event Handlers
        // *****************************************************************
        // ****                     Event Handlers                     ****
        // *****************************************************************
        // *****************************************************************
        // ****                 OrderBook_OrderFilled()                 ****
        // *****************************************************************
        private void OrderBook_OrderFilled(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)
            FillEventArgs fillEventArgs = (FillEventArgs)eventArgs;

            int fillSide = QTMath.MktSignToMktSide(fillEventArgs.Fill.Qty);

            m_StrategyPosition[fillSide] += fillEventArgs.Fill.Qty;
            fillEventArgs.Fill.Price      = fillEventArgs.Fill.Price * m_PriceLeg.PriceMultiplier;
            Quote();    // this will update our orders now that we got filled, and resubmit if we are dripping etc..
            // Create a synthetic fill to pass back to the strategy.
            if (m_OpenSyntheticOrders[fillSide] != null)
                SyntheticFill newSyntheticFill = SyntheticFill.CreateSyntheticFillFromFill(fillEventArgs.Fill);
        }// TryToStop()

        // *********************************************
        // ****             Filled()                ****
        // *********************************************
        public bool Filled(FillEventArgs eventArg)
            bool isRepricingRequired = false;

            if (m_OrderEngine != null)
                // Update Fills table with leg fill.
                Fill newFill = null; //m_OrderEngine.Filled(eventArg);  // this is being depercated, in the meantime i am simply commenting out.

                // Prepare to write to fill database.
                string   attributeString = string.Empty;
                DateTime localTime       = StrategyHub.GetLocalTime();
                UV.Lib.DatabaseReaderWriters.Queries.FillsQuery query = new Lib.DatabaseReaderWriters.Queries.FillsQuery();

                // Pass the synthetic fill to the pricing engine.
                if (newFill != null)
                    // Take snapshot prior to filling strategy.
                    attributeString = m_PricingEngine.GetFillAttributeString();                                                    // get internal state of the pricing engine if it wants to send info with this fill.
                    query.AddItemToWrite(this.SqlId, -1, localTime, m_Services.User, attributeString, newFill.Qty, newFill.Price); // here -1 means "strategy fill"

                    // Inform the pricing engine for strategy fill.
                    m_PricingEngine.Filled(newFill);                                // pass the fill to the pricing engine.
                    m_PricingEngine.IsUpdateRequired = true;                        // mark as needing an update
                    isRepricingRequired = true;                                     // remember to call the strategy update method

                    // Take snapshot of the state after filling strategy.
                    attributeString = m_PricingEngine.GetFillAttributeString();                                                    // get internal state of the pricing engine if it wants to send info with this fill.
                    query.AddItemToWrite(this.SqlId, -1, localTime, m_Services.User, attributeString, newFill.Qty, newFill.Price); // here -1 means "strategy fill"
                    attributeString = string.Empty;                                                                                // if we have written the attribute, lets not write it again.
                // Write leg fill to database.
                int instrumentSqlId = 0;        // TODO: From eventArg.InstrumentName somehow determine the SQLID for this instrument.
                query.AddItemToWrite(SqlId, instrumentSqlId, localTime, m_Services.User, attributeString, eventArg.Fill.Qty, eventArg.Fill.Price);
            // Exit
        }// Filled()
 private static void InputOnFilled(object sender, FillEventArgs e)
     _output?.Write(e.Buffer, e.Offset, e.Count);
 private void InputOnFilled(object?sender, FillEventArgs e)
     Output?.Write(e.Buffer, e.Offset, e.Count);
 // *************************************************
 // ****            TryProcessFill()             ****
 // *************************************************
 public bool TryProcessFill(FillEventArgs fillEventArgs)
 private static void InputOnFilled(object sender, FillEventArgs e)
        // *****************************************************************
        // ****                     Properties                          ****
        // *****************************************************************

        #region Public Methods
        // *****************************************************************
        // ****                     Public Methods                      ****
        // *****************************************************************
        /// <summary>
        /// This function reads all lines in the audit trail file, generating fill event args and store them.
        /// In addition to that, it also collect the last most recent fill information and update the position for the next step.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startDateTime"></param>
        /// <param name="endDateTime"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool TryReadAuditTrailFills(DateTime startDateTime, DateTime endDateTime, AuditTrailFillHub auditTrailFillHub)
            // This method will load the audit trail fills from TT given start and end date time automatically.
            // The results will be added to the audit trail fills dictionary.
            // It will also construct the fill hub name by user dictionary.

            // Get the target audit trail files to read. The file name format is AuditLog_yyyy-mm-dd_N.
            DateTime startDate;
            DateTime endDate;

            startDate = startDateTime.Subtract(startDateTime.TimeOfDay);
            while (startDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday || startDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday)
                startDate = startDate.AddDays(-1);
            endDate = endDateTime.Subtract(endDateTime.TimeOfDay).AddDays(1);
            while (endDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday || endDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday)
                endDate = endDate.AddDays(1);
            if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(m_AuditTrailPath))
            string          pattern         = "AuditLog*.mdb";
            List <string>   fileList        = new List <string>();
            List <string>   targetFileList  = new List <string>();
            List <string>   targetTableList = new List <string>();
            List <DateTime> targetDateList  = new List <DateTime>();

            fileList.AddRange(System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(m_AuditTrailPath, pattern));
            int      dateDelimiterStart;
            int      dateDelimiterEnd;
            DateTime fileDate = DateTime.MinValue;
            string   fileDateString;

            // Loop through the file collection and choose the desired files.
            foreach (string fileName in fileList)
                dateDelimiterEnd   = fileName.LastIndexOf("_");
                dateDelimiterStart = fileName.LastIndexOf("_", dateDelimiterEnd - 1);

                if (dateDelimiterStart < fileName.Length && dateDelimiterEnd < fileName.Length)
                    fileDateString = fileName.Substring(dateDelimiterStart + 1, dateDelimiterEnd - dateDelimiterStart - 1);
                    if (DateTime.TryParseExact(fileDateString, "yyyy-MM-dd", null, System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.None, out fileDate))
                        if (startDate <= fileDate && fileDate <= endDate)
                            Log.NewEntry(LogLevel.Minor, "Include the file name:{0}.", fileName);
                            Log.NewEntry(LogLevel.Major, "Exclude the file name:{0}.", fileName);
                        Log.NewEntry(LogLevel.Major, "There is problem in parsing file date string:{0}.", fileDateString);
                    Log.NewEntry(LogLevel.Major, "There is problem in parsing file name:{0}.", fileName);

            // Build the connections and load data from the file collection.
            bool isBadRow;
            List <InstrumentKey> instrumentKeyList = new List <InstrumentKey>();
            bool readAllFillAccounts = false;

            if (auditTrailFillHub.HubName == string.Empty)
                readAllFillAccounts = true;
            for (int fileIndex = 0; fileIndex < targetFileList.Count; ++fileIndex)
                // Read from the audit file.
                List <List <object> > dataCollections = new List <List <object> >();
                if (AccessReader.TryReadAccessFile(targetFileList[fileIndex], targetTableList[fileIndex], out dataCollections))
                    // Get the information from the output. All the values are in object type.
                    int rowNumber = dataCollections.Count;
                    for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < rowNumber; ++rowIndex)
                        isBadRow = false;

                        // The valid data types are explored in detail by test program.
                        string localTimeStamp = (string)dataCollections[rowIndex][ObjectListSchema.LocalTimeStamp];
                        string exchangeName   = (string)dataCollections[rowIndex][ObjectListSchema.ExchangeName];
                        string orderStatus    = (string)dataCollections[rowIndex][ObjectListSchema.OrderStatus];
                        string orderAction    = (string)dataCollections[rowIndex][ObjectListSchema.OrderAction];
                        string orderSide      = (string)dataCollections[rowIndex][ObjectListSchema.OrderSide];
                        int    orderQty       = (int)dataCollections[rowIndex][ObjectListSchema.OrderQty];
                        string product        = (string)dataCollections[rowIndex][ObjectListSchema.Product];
                        string contract       = (string)dataCollections[rowIndex][ObjectListSchema.Contract];
                        string orderPrice     = (string)dataCollections[rowIndex][ObjectListSchema.OrderPrice];
                        string accountName    = (string)dataCollections[rowIndex][ObjectListSchema.AccountName];
                        string userName       = (string)dataCollections[rowIndex][ObjectListSchema.UserName];
                        string exchangeTime   = (string)dataCollections[rowIndex][ObjectListSchema.ExchangeTime];
                        string exchangeDate   = (string)dataCollections[rowIndex][ObjectListSchema.ExchangeDate];
                        string tradeSource    = (string)dataCollections[rowIndex][ObjectListSchema.TradeSource];
                        string ttOrderKey     = (string)dataCollections[rowIndex][ObjectListSchema.TTOrderKey];
                        string ttSeriesKey    = (string)dataCollections[rowIndex][ObjectListSchema.TTSeriesKey];

                        // Check whether the account is desired.
                        if (!readAllFillAccounts && !accountName.Equals(m_FillHubName))

                        // Check whether the exchange name includes AlgoSE sub string.
                        if (exchangeName.Contains(m_ExchangeName_AlgoSE))

                        // Check whether it is a fill event.
                        if (!orderAction.Equals(m_Action_Fill) && !orderAction.Equals(m_Action_PartialFill))

                        // Check whether it is a OK status.
                        if (!orderStatus.Equals(m_OrderStatus_OK))

                        // Check whether the product type is future.
                        if (product.Equals(m_Product_AutoSpreader))

                        // Check whether the contract string contains Calendar string to avoid duplicate fills.
                        foreach (string specialString in m_Contract_Special)
                            if (contract.Contains(specialString))
                                isBadRow = true;
                                if (exchangeName.Contains("TOCOM") && specialString.Equals("/") && isBadRow)
                                    isBadRow = false;
                        if (isBadRow)

                        // Try parse some necessary variables.
                        DateTime localDateTimeValid = DateTime.MinValue;
                        DateTime exchangeTimeValid  = DateTime.MinValue;
                        DateTime exchangeDateValid  = DateTime.MinValue;
                        double   fillPrice          = double.NaN;
                        if (!DateTime.TryParseExact(localTimeStamp, "HH:mm:ss.fff", null, System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.None, out localDateTimeValid))
                            Log.NewEntry(LogLevel.Major, "Failed to parse the utc time of {0}.", localTimeStamp);
                        if (!DateTime.TryParseExact(exchangeTime, "HH:mm:ss.fff", null, System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.None, out exchangeTimeValid))
                            Log.NewEntry(LogLevel.Major, "Failed to parse the exchange time of {0}.", exchangeTime);
                        if (!DateTime.TryParseExact(exchangeDate, "ddMMMyy", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.None, out exchangeDateValid))
                            Log.NewEntry(LogLevel.Major, "Failed to parse the exchange time of {0}.", exchangeDate);
                        if (!double.TryParse(orderPrice, out fillPrice))
                            Log.NewEntry(LogLevel.Major, "Failed to parse the order price of {0}.", orderPrice);
                        localDateTimeValid = targetDateList[fileIndex].Add(localDateTimeValid.TimeOfDay);
                        exchangeTimeValid  = exchangeDateValid.Add(exchangeTimeValid.TimeOfDay);

                        // Edit the market.
                        int validEndIndex = exchangeName.LastIndexOf("-");
                        if (validEndIndex >= 0)
                            exchangeName = exchangeName.Substring(0, validEndIndex);

                        // Create fill.
                        Fill fill = new Fill();
                        fill.ExchangeTime = exchangeTimeValid;
                        //TimeZoneInfo localTimeZone = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(m_LocalTimeZoneString);
                        //DateTime localDateTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(localDateTimeValid, localTimeZone);
                        fill.LocalTime = localDateTimeValid;
                        fill.Price     = fillPrice;
                        fill.Qty       = orderSide.Equals(m_OrderSide_Buy) ? orderQty : (orderSide.Equals(m_OrderSide_Sell) ? -orderQty : 0);

                        // Create fill event args.
                        InstrumentKey instrumentKey = new InstrumentKey(exchangeName, TradingTechnologies.TTAPI.ProductType.Future, product, ttSeriesKey);
                        FillEventArgs fillEventArgs = new FillEventArgs();
                        fillEventArgs.Fill      = fill;
                        fillEventArgs.AccountID = accountName;
                        //fillEventArgs.FillKey = ttOrderKey;
                        fillEventArgs.Type            = FillType.Historic;
                        fillEventArgs.TTInstrumentKey = instrumentKey;

                        // Add the instrument key to the list.
                        if (startDateTime.AddSeconds(-3) <= localDateTimeValid && localDateTimeValid <= endDateTime.AddSeconds(3))
                            if (!TTConvert.CheckExistenceOfInstrumentKey(instrumentKeyList, instrumentKey))

                            // Add the fill event args to the list.
                            string rowInfo = string.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6},{7},{8},{9},{10},{11},{12},{13},{14},{15}.", localTimeStamp, exchangeName, orderStatus, orderAction, orderSide, orderQty, product, contract, orderPrice, accountName, userName, exchangeTime, exchangeDate, tradeSource, ttOrderKey, ttSeriesKey);
                            Log.NewEntry(LogLevel.Minor, "Record:{0}", rowInfo);
                    Log.NewEntry(LogLevel.Major, "Failed to read access file with name:{0}.", targetFileList[fileIndex]);

                Log.NewEntry(LogLevel.Minor, "Complete reading access file with name:{0}.", targetFileList[fileIndex]);

            // Get the last local time of fill for each instrument in initial fill hub.
            //foreach (InstrumentKey ttKeyInWaitList in auditTrailFillHub.InitialWaitDictionary.Keys)
            //    // These fills that do not have books will be requested to create new books if possible. To ensure they have books, create them if necessary here.
            //    if (!auditTrailFillHub.TryCheckExistenceOfInstrumentKey(ttKeyInWaitList) && !TTConvert.CheckExistenceOfInstrumentKey(neededBookInstrumentList, ttKeyInWaitList))
            //    {
            //        neededBookInstrumentList.Add(ttKeyInWaitList);
            //    }

            // For the fills from the audit trail files, also get instruments that need books.
            foreach (InstrumentKey instrumentKeyInAuditTrail in instrumentKeyList)
                if (!auditTrailFillHub.TryCheckExistenceOfInstrumentKey(instrumentKeyInAuditTrail) && !TTConvert.CheckExistenceOfInstrumentKey(m_NeededBookInstrumentList, instrumentKeyInAuditTrail))

            // Clear all trades in the waiting list because they are all included in the audit trail files.

            // Create books if necessary.
            // The instrument that need book creation is those got from FillEventArgs from drop file and the new fills listened in the audit trail file.
            // It is crucial to get all the books ready before updating positions.
            foreach (InstrumentKey key in m_NeededBookInstrumentList)
                OrderHubRequest creatFillBookRequest = new OrderHubRequest(OrderHubRequest.RequestType.RequestCreateFillBook);
                creatFillBookRequest.Data    = new object[1];
                creatFillBookRequest.Data[0] = key;

            Log.NewEntry(LogLevel.Minor, "Complete loading audit trail fills.");